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some dungeon crawler flash games by Night2o1, August 17

so far I played enchanted cave and it was fun, took about 4 hours made it through on my 2nd try.. not too difficult tho

played a crapload of monster's den too

used ctrl + to make the screen bigger... u can't use the conjurer class unless you play on kongregate

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Skype Group Convo 6M-MTT by NeillyJQ, August 17

Hey guys, I'm starting a group conversation on Skype where we can hopefully always have 10-50 people online. (6max and MTT grinders plz)

We can talk about hands and have multiple perspectives etc, teach each other and grow as players.

We can also shadow each other and help each other in other ways. (blowjobs, junglemaning, u get the jist, etc)

I recently started taking 6max seriously again, am loving it, and realize I have a long, long way to go, this is just another step that hopefully does pan out well;

so ya, if ur grinding merge in the states like so many of us, and want to talk about hands n stuff, send me a PM and i'll get you in our skype convo.

Stars players are all welcome too, and MTT'ers are welcome as well.

I tend to share screens and teach ppl mtting free often, and love to go over hand histories of mtts as well. so def get in there if your an mtter too.

Link to my video online - removed from my website - [vimeo][/vimeo]

Hope everyones well, GL LP,

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New Mac help by NighTLesS15, August 17

If question is stupid sorry just wondering if i could save the 80$

I have previously bought Microsoft office word 2007 for some school stuff when it was mandated, so I bought the student deal for the big 4 for like 50$ or w/e have the disc's and product keys etc.... Can i load that onto the new Macbook Pro or am i gonna have to go buy the Iworks for the 80$ or w/e it is??

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Ron Paul by palak, August 16

Funny daily show video on him.

edit: i need to figure out how to actually make them playable here w/o it just being a link :/

edit2: Some funny fb statuses from a friend of mine.

Just got off the phone with my mate. He says its been raining non-stop in his area for 3 days and his wife has done nothing but stare at the window the whole time. He says if it keeps raining for much longer he'll have to let her back in the house.

If the zombie apocalypse ever happens, im just going to surround my house with outward facing treadmills. I should be fine.

Please put this on your status if you know someone (or are related to someone) who has been eaten by dragons. Dragons are nearly unstoppable and, in case you didn't know, they can breathe fire. 93% of people won't copy and paste this, because they have been eaten by dragons.

edit3: need opinions. where should I put the 2nd tv?

side + Show Spoiler +

vert + Show Spoiler +
Poll: where does the tv go?
(Vote): Verticle
(Vote): Side

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how did i start to suck so much? :O by MadeInPolanD, August 16

after 1st april till now, mostly 6 tables, someties 4, sometimes 8:

i had 45% on BTN; in this month ( 40k hands in the graph above ) i changed it 35%:
and i play now 4 tables only trying to make as many notes as possible

i must srlsy butcher many big pots to loose like this over large sample or do you see some major flaws in my PF play from stats?
and i choose tables with at least two fish, so maybe i just donk know how to play fish lol

blinds for 76k hands on NL50:

looked through my hands again, some big pots:

1) + Show Spoiler +

VPIP/PFR/Agg Freq 3bet
37/24/35 10 fold2 3bet: 10 500 hands,
the guy is a maniac, thought there are so many draws i can shove here

2) + Show Spoiler +

43/29/47 4 60 hands,
thought he can play his draws like this too and will bet them cause the guy behind is 66/35 for 100 hands, so since i checked turn he'd like to take the pot

3) + Show Spoiler +

64/42/28 9 100 hands
i guess turn is a fold here

4) + Show Spoiler +

24/19/32 8 1.1k
cold 4bet cause he 3bets a lot, its BTNvsCO - regvsreg, maybe i should think that we are deeper and he will be not folding so easily, not sure if i should even bet turn

5) + Show Spoiler +

26/19/36 7 200 hands, fold flop? is stackoff ok here?

6) + Show Spoiler +

37/34/52 32 260 hands, not sure if i should fold turn?

7) + Show Spoiler +

60/20/38 10 80 hands
maybe i can check behind turn? i mean if he cbet/ call flop he prolly isnt going anywhere

8) + Show Spoiler +

45/10/54 6 80 hands
this river is a fold to min-r but i just couldnt do it and also i should bet more to make it look like a busted draw, and bet more on turn since there are so many draws and he is in possition so he will call a lot prolly

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Finally started to play poker again :D by theoneandonly, August 16

I am so happy right now, I was finally able to start playing again on the cake network. depositing money to day felt sweet!

I am going to try to take poker somewhat more serious this time instead of just a hobby and mtt playing.

I deposited $50 today and planned to do the following:

Play nl0, if I lose 2 BIs move down to nl4 until i reach $50 again. Move up to NL25 whenever I reach $200.

I also will get some hours of coaching and will be buying either PT3 or Holdem Manager... whats better for the micro limits?

..Anyways, I played about 1 hour 4 tabling NL10 I was so happy!...up 1BI. People are still monkeys at this level.

I hope to stick to my plan, I have matured a lot in the last couple of years, and really worked on my discipline in my whole life. ( for example i took serious my diet and exercise and lost over 50LBs, still working out ), got real wiht my italian classes, etc. So I really think Im finally ready to start grinding!

best of luck at everyone at the tables

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Post Black Friday by Xervean, August 16

I am starting to think black friday was a good thing for me. I had to better myself by getting a higher paying job, and keeping the one I had as a part time gig on the weekends. With the large income boost I created a second bank account and began saving money for a live poker bankroll. I began playing about two weeks ago and have only had one losing day (which was actually my first session). The games are so good that it is actually pretty hard for me to lose. Mainly because the donks don't know how to value bet their hands. Also I play late at night and almost everyone at the table besides me is intoxicated lol!

It has been killer though because I am working 60 hours a week and then when I get off I go play poker every night for 6-8 hours which leads to 4 hours of sleep at best. Down the road a little bit I will certainly leave my part time job. For now though I will suck it up because I am banking pretty hard.

The quote unquote "regs" in these live 1/2 games couldn't break even in a 5nl game online if their life depended on it rofl! I have only seen 2 people in the games that I felt had a clue what they were doing. And just from talking with them at the table they are former online players.

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Vancouver Canada ^^ by YoMeR, August 16

Just getting settled in here in this gorgeous city that is Vancouver. The view from the high rise flat is quite nice.

Anyone else living in this area?

I'll post pics once I get around to it. Moving in with Mez and doomer.

Doomer already got here and mez will get here on the 18th I believe.

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Any1 here played poker for Bitcoins yet? by ManofFire, August 15

was j/wing. I might hop along the btc train if any client gets a slightly reputable notion :|

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FOR THE LULS by tutz_x, August 15

liltle charlie was sitting in his chair watching the math class when mary throws a little papper ball in his head. chalie looks back at mary and she says: "headshot"

charlie dicided to get back at her so he took a book and threw it in her face shouting: "facebook"


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Posted a poem LOLOL (short) by Night2o1, August 15

I was inspired after seeing this video about rhyming

So I wrote two things today, this one is shorter so I posted it first..

Seem politics are on my mind because both poem things I wrote are related
vid is only 1 minute long

Don't poetry hate niggas

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Spotify Invites by iop, August 15

So, I started a music blog (revolutionary eh?), with different themes every month, starting off with some electro indie stuff.

I've sent tons of music in the past to lpers, mostly house / electro stuff.

Anyways, there are some decent tracks here, don't forget to "follow"

pm your email address for a spotify invite.

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i figured it out... by spets1, August 15

+ Show Spoiler +

met an awesome russian chick on a plane back. she isnt that hot but we had maddest time. 2 hrs to kill in korean airport.we even had time to try to get married(jokingly), had a fight, and had mad convos. smart girl. hmmmmmmmmm
got her email.

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streaming HON if you're bored by Into Infinity, August 15

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BIGGEST BLOG POST EVER!! by Mariuslol, August 14

Hey liquiders, I've not written blog in awhile, and for that I feel I need to be punished.... Severly.(I'm thinking maybe forced hours and hours without end, grueling sweath sessions with longple, or something equally gruesome).

And I also need to make a blogpost to make up for it <3

A few mates of mine requested I make their life easier by giving them all the posts that "were good", so they didn't have to sift through all the crappy ones. So I got the idea of starting with a compilation of all the posts i've made that's gotten very positive feedback and lots of pm's of encouragement over the last 2 years.

The Best Of Mariuslol <3

+ Show Spoiler +

I was thinking about adding more stuff here since I got tons of ideas for new posts, but this compilation took a lot longer than what I expected, and I'm a little scared I'll lose it all if I don't post right away.

Ty for reading, and I hope you like it.

Ps, in the future I'll post some boring crap about my holliday, add some pictures, some ideas and cool stuff from some interesting books I read, like the "Best of Litemind", some motivational stuff and some more compilations of notes laying about, literally got hundreds.


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Downswinging by Luciferrr, August 13

The title refers to more than poker. I'm actually not doing too bad in my weekly live game; top casher for the "season" out of 25 with about 12 regulars. Online I'm about even right now, down from my peak a few weeks ago but who really cares when you're playing micros.

My mood is very swingy and it's tough to deal with. On "good" days I'm still not where I want to be and on bad days... well, let's just say I'm glad to have the support system that I do. I've been getting in touch more with old friends and it has been very positive. It's still not the same as what I used to have but I guess I just need to deal with the fact that certain people will never be in my life again in the same way. Hard to lose so many of the most important people in your life within a short period of time. I'm not sure if anything will ever make up for that. Either way, I'm still a very lucky person to have what I do and I'm aware of this.

I still get the theoretical wind knocked out of me every once in a while and when that happens I try to talk to my friends about it. This isn't the easiest thing to admit but I used to be on antidepressants. They evened out my mood which is probably one of main reasons I was able to get through the winter, but I decided to stop taking them a few months ago. I've been considering taking them again lately though. I really don't want to but it's pretty exhausting trying to be strong all the time. I think the problem is that sometimes it just feels like there's not much to look forward to in my future. My job is never going to get better and the salary sucks but I like the easygoing lifestyle it allows me. I would get a different job but I haven't been with this company for very long and it looks bad on the CV if I can't stay in one place for a significant period of time without reason. I have a hard time saving up any money since living expenses are pretty high and as soon as I do save a little, something goes wrong and I have to repair my car or some shit. I plan little trips every once in a while that hopefully don't cost me a ton but still give me something to look forward to. I just try not to think about it too much... One day at a time.

I'm using poker as a distraction and trying to get better. I also have a very short attention span and am often playing games on my iPhone while I grind cash or SNGs. I really need to stop doing this and just focus on one thing at a time. I know I'll never be able to make a living playing poker but hopefully I can make enough to provide enough to have fun with and to take the heat off my bank account.


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Perisie stuck abroad! Transfer request by Perisie, August 13

I'm in a Forn Land and suddenly ran out of money on my Natwest debit account*. I have ~£15 and need to get transport back to my friend's house in a distant city.

I can't transfer from my other (Santander) account unless I wait 5 days as it'd be a first-time transfer (I don't have a Santander ATM card).

I have $100 on PS I can send to you in exchange for a $90 (around 60 euro, £55, if i read it right) transfer into my Natwest account (british). You would have to use your bank's online banking service. I would then hopefully be able to use my debit card at an ATM to withdraw!

Please give me a PM so I can give you my Natwest account number, name and sort code!!!!


tldr; receive my $100 from PS and send me $90 to my natwest bank account

*i checked my balance recently but none of the different ATMs here tell you whether the amount is + or - so i thought i was in the green :/

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CANADA!!! Back Online! Apt Pics/Vegas TR by Joeingram1, August 12

One of the best days of my life occurred a few days ago....Pokerstars accepted my stuff and let me back online!!

It sure has been an interesting past couple of months of traveling, live poker grind, meeting women on the live poker grind, living in Vegas, moving out of San Diego, getting across the border to Canada and then getting set up.

Lets start with April 15th 2011. I'm not a big day drinker, probably haven't even drank during the day the past few years. In honor of the glorious day, I went down to the bars on the beach in San Diego with another online guy and we decided to drink the sadness away starting at noon. I was passed out in bed (not alone) by 7 that night. Probably should have been doing things like this a little more often while I lived there I thought. The next day I decided I probably needed a plan to survive and still have money. Played some live poker at Oceans 11 and Palomar and decided that meh this sucks but I'll give it a shot.

Me and Ballcup decided to go down to Miami for the WPT event and play some cash games. We stayed in South Beach for the time we were out there and was an interesting place. Didn't really hear much english being spoke while down there but did happen to run into 6 random older black girls while walking the main strip in south beach.

Lets give a mini trip report! That picture was from the start of the night, after that they asked us if we wanted to go to King of Diamonds which is an all black strip club in Miami, one of the biggest. For some reason we decided this would be a good idea and we walked to there car and all got in. I was in the 2nd back seat in between 2 of the girls, there asses were fucking huge and this was not a very comfy ride. After a detour to the hospital to visit there friend who left dinner with some sickness lol we were off to the strip club. During the drive the girls were passing weed around and all pretty drunk at this point. We get to the strip club and walk up to the door, the security guys start laughing and ask me why the fuck I am wearing orange swim trunks and a blank tank top, everyone else was dressed in dresses/dress shirts there. The girls explain that we are from out of town and they kidnapped us to go there with them. Security walks me and Brad over to talk to 3 guys outside talking by some cars, I get to know them a bit better and find out one is the owner of the place and he gives me the go ahead and tells me to enjoy myself. We get in and realize the only 2 white people there is us 2 and were in swimsuits lol. We decide to get a table there and a few bottles and proceed to drink alot and get lap dances from some of the thickest black girls I have ever seen. At one point I went up to the stage and made it rain while the DJ stopped the music and made some DJ like comments you would expect him to make seeing something like this. Then I had a dance off in the parking lot with about 10 black girls (there is video of this but not sure if should post lol). After this we drove home, everyone drunker this time and somehow they dropped us off at our hotel at about 7 AM and we were alive!

After this night we decided to nit it up a bit life wise and stick to grinding some live poker at the Hard Rock. Games were good and I was still learning the adjustment to the beautiful game that is live poker. I went back to San Diego for a few days and decided the action in Florida was way better and booked another trip out there with my friend Tom and this time I ended up staying at the Hard Rock there for about a month. During the time I went to a few Heat playoff games, played a ton of live poker and met a girl/woman while playing 2/5. We ended up hanging out/playing a bunch of poker together while I was there. I think I was in love for a solid 3 days with her actually, like an OMG my dream girl type of love. She turned out to be a loose cannon though for a few reasons and by the time I left I felt a little different. I got back from Florida in early June and then it was time to go out to Vegas for WSOP!

I ended up getting a house out there with some stars full ring guys. Me, Ballcup, rivrmeadream, tomrh3 and an ftp guy DukeMuscle. The house was pretty shitty but it did have a pool at least. Was located about 2 miles west of the stratosphere off Sahara, didn't hear great things about the neighborhood but it wasn't bad while we were there and I never noticed anything or felt unsafe being there. While on the drive out there I noticed the Air Condition in my M3 wasn't working and then soon after something flew off a car and I ran over it damaging my driver side front end a bit, a good start to Vegas. I got there the night before my birthday and we ended up going to Cut (my fave place to eat in Vegas) and then for some reason we went out to Lavo after. Wasn't terrible but probably would never go there again if I had the choice. This is me at Cut for my bday dinner, wasn't in that good of a mood and was sportin the facial hair/long hair live poker combo

Really Vegas wasn't that fun or exciting this year as compared to last. Most of the time I spent thinking about getting out of the USA to play online poker again and complaining to friends about how terrible it was to grind live poker everyday. There really wasn't much else for me to do while I was out there so I pretty much ended up playing a ton of live everyday at either Aria, Venetian or Rio. I was going pretty busto while I was out there too so my mood wasn't that good and didn't really want to ever go out. I did hang out with a girl/woman I met playing 2/5 a bunch and it was fun, actually ended up hanging out with her alot back home in San Diego before I moved too, sadly I have never met any women 24 tabling online so I guess that is one advantage live poker has. I would give some sort of rant about the pros and cons of live poker but I am pretty sure everyone has had a take/opinion on this since black friday and everything has pretty much been said about the subject. Some like it, some love it, most online guys hate it.

I got back to San Diego in the middle of July and decided to get really serious about finding a place in Vancouver. Most of the places downtown here that were 2 bedrooms didnt have a ton of space so we decided we would have to up our price range a bit to get someplace that was super nice, furnished, good location, and had enough room for 2 grind areas. I found a nice place on craigslist and instead of doing the email process I had tried for a few places before, I would actually make a phone call and use the gift of speaking which I possess to see if I could have better results. By the end of the phone call the places was ours We sent in our first months rent for the place and then I proceeded to sell most of my stuff and pack up my car to embark on the journey up to Canada. I stopped in San Fran to meet BallCup and we were underway. We kept reading all these things on 2p2 about issues crossing the border and what to say and all that stuff but in reality it was alot of worrying for nothing. We crossed at about 3am and were the only 2 people in the border office. They asked questions about poker, how long we were there, and pretty standard questions. Made us sweat for about 30 mins and then we were in and driving up to our place. We stopped over at my friend Hodge05's place here while we waited for morning and to meet our landlord. While we were waiting outside of our new place for the landlord to show up I actually met a girl/woman (i say girl/woman because there a little older and not really a girl). I was awake for over 24 hrs at this point and delirious, I said something about is she the babysitter or the mother of the 2 kids she was walking and a week later we have hung out everyday pretty much.

We live in a sick location downtown as far as getting something to eat/going out goes. There is every type of food place 5-10 min walk away and if your like me and love the fast food, there is a mcds, burger king, and subway open 24 hours within a 7 min walk. The women here are pretty good looking too after being here for a few days, at first I wasn't too into them but it turns out downtown here is pretty much like a downtown in any big city as far as the feel/people go. We went to a 2p2 dinner meetup last weekend that was pretty cool. I knew 2 of the guys, Ricky and The Main previously and met up with some other guys that are living out here now/have lived here. I got some very nice expediated service from Pokerstars and was back up in about 1 business day after I sent in all my documents. Opening a bank account here was super easy as well and took about 10-15 mins.

Here are the pics of our place we are living in, its on the 32nd floor. Brad got the master bedroom which has the attached nicer bathroom and more closet space while I got the 2nd bedroom with the views/office attatched but separate bathroom. I would say both rooms have the good things about them

Living room

Grind Area

My bedroom view

Brads grind area

Thanks for reading the blog, I am back on the SNE pursuit here!

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another final table by Seobombisgay, August 11

lost the heads up with 3:1 chiplead.... i fail

2nd for 20k~

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Looking for PLO coach by gawdawaful, August 11

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