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Swingy by locoo, August 11

First days of august were shitty, especially that day where i lost a bunch, i fucking tilted, i'm not supposed to tilt but I did. It was such a pathetic tilt too, basically that day I had my glasses fixed and I borrowed my dad's for a couple days while they fix mine, not great but I can see ok at least for driving, promised myself I wouldn't play poker until mine were fixed... yeah right.

At night even when my head hurt from using glasses that didn't belong I had the amazing idea of playing "for a bit", what's the worse that can happen. So i open 10/20 PLO (even more genius from me, play a game i barely know) and start playing like a crazy maniac and not even thinking about any spot, just shoving and shoving, whenever I tried to think my head hurt a bit, sometimes more, so I probably unconciously decided not to think. But I don't stop, because after 10 mins im already down like 10bis or whatever, tilt comes and my head hurts even more. Bah this is retarded I'm just gonna stop, fucking stop. I stopped... for a while. After 30~ minutes I come back, I'm thinking well I'm in the hole already, might as well go deep, so I open 25/50 PLO and try to actually play good, ofc I still have no idea wtf I'm doing but I get lucky, and I win like 10k right away... cool... Not, I start running badly and lose all my profit and then some more... Finally I see what's going on, im tilted and it's retarded to keep playing, i'll make it all back when i'm sober.

Took me a couple days to get back my mental state, I'm so ashamed because this can't happen, not anymore. My tilt wasn't primarily because I was losing money, of course that didn't help either, but because I didn't listen to myself when I perfectly stated that I wasn't gonna play before I get my glasses back. Fucking glasses, my sight is shit I should get surgery, prob will.

Oh, this helped me a lot to get back to my mental state, you guys have heard for sure about Penn & Teller, I watched their whole show Fool Us on youtube, highly entertaining if you like magic, maybe even if you don't but who the fuck doesn't like magic.

There are better and worse than that, but for some reason I really like that one. I also watched some Eps of their Bullshit show, but most weren't that good to be honest..., seemed kinda rushed. Most of their shit is pretty good tho.

Looking forward to see their show in Vegas if I ever make it there.

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Some of my fav TED talks by zaragyemo, August 10

Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology

Harald Haas: Wireless data from every light bulb

Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity

Kevin Slavin: How algorithms shape our world

David Gallo shows underwater astonishments

Hans Rosling shows the best stats you've ever seen

Michael Pawlyn: Using nature's genius in architecture

Philip Zimbardo shows how people become monsters ... or heroes

We and They - Rudyard Kipling

Father and Mother, and Me,
Sister and Auntie say
All the people like us are We,
And every one else is They.
And They live over the sea,
While We live over the way,
But-would you believe it? --They look upon We
As only a sort of They!

We eat pork and beef
With cow-horn-handled knives.
They who gobble Their rice off a leaf,
Are horrified out of Their lives;
While they who live up a tree,
And feast on grubs and clay,
(Isn't it scandalous? ) look upon We
As a simply disgusting They!

We shoot birds with a gun.
They stick lions with spears.
Their full-dress is un-.
We dress up to Our ears.
They like Their friends for tea.
We like Our friends to stay;
And, after all that, They look upon We
As an utterly ignorant They!

We eat kitcheny food.
We have doors that latch.
They drink milk or blood,
Under an open thatch.
We have Doctors to fee.
They have Wizards to pay.
And (impudent heathen!) They look upon We
As a quite impossible They!

All good people agree,
And all good people say,
All nice people, like Us, are We
And every one else is They:
But if you cross over the sea,
Instead of over the way,
You may end by (think of it!) looking on We
As only a sort of They!


TenBagger added these below:
Geoffrey West: The surprising math of cities and corporations

Paul Bloom: The origins of pleasure

David S. Rose on pitching to VCs

Ray Kurzweil on how technology will transform us

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Yo linux sucks balls by Night2o1, August 10

I've been using Ubuntu linux on my laptop for a couple of weeks now and I'm stuck using it until I want to dump $100+ on another windows license. Windows still blows it out of the water still for average end-user needs though.

Just felt like flaming Ubuntu linux because it keeps doing stupid shit and being very inconvenient to use at times. It is free after all though.

I'm also flaming ubuntu because I spent 8.5 hours laying in bed and got no more than 3 hours of sleep because my brain just thinks its fucking brilliant to start considering every aspect of the human condition once I've laid down to sleep.

Still, props to all of the work people have put into the various incarnations of linux throughout the years.

Also two people have tried to shit on my day already and that is annoying.


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MB + stuff by Arirang, August 10

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man crush by Into Infinity, August 09

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NL25aments by NeillyJQ, August 09

Hey everyone, had my 2nd day on NL25 today, after a really busy day.

Had a couple hands that gave me some trouble, QQ vs a 4.5% 3better, i folded to a 4bet with 6.5 in the pot, not sure if i should be stacking off here or not.

other than that, had some really solid hands and some AKs hold vs AQ etc

Vengeance graph - Day 2 - tried to play same amt of hands;

Should have a lot of time for MTTing tomorrow, gonna watch Team America n kick it for the rest of the night;

Oh, a great movie you guys should definitely check out. Hubble 3d. This is one of the most intersting movies I've ever seen and well, def 10/10.

Check it out if you like space at all, or like to learn. Heres a link;

Ok I'm off, plz gimme help on any hands that I ask if you have time guys;

Thanks and Good Luck,

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gg by player999, August 08

Now I think I also took the lead or at least I'm top 3 in a ranking that gives a 12k WSOP ME package

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WSOP and afterthoughts by djforever, August 08

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BSOP FT by player999, August 08

R$3.4k (~2.2k usd) Brazilian Series of Poker event, I'm CL w/ 7 left, play resumes in 4 hours, R$50.4k (~32.5k usd) for 1st, wish me luck guys!

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BSOP FT by player999, August 08

R$3.4k (~2.2k usd) Brazilian Series of Poker event, I'm CL w/ 7 left, play resumes in 4 hours, R$50.4k (~32.5k usd) for 1st, wish me luck guys!

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lol hand by DustySwedeDude, August 08

I had my reasons for making that play but they were not very good. Only good think is that I can't imagine how I'd ever get away post flop anyway so whatever.

I also started up a little pokerblog to have somewhere to dump some slightly more serious post then the drunk ramblings I post here from time to time. My roomie decided that he'd write a A4 every day about some topic that he finds amusing to be a better writer and I guess I'll do something like that, except less frequent. Here it is:

In other good news: My gf finally got her first draft done on her book about how feminisms is epic fail. That's pretty cool, at least I think so.

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Sinking red line by SoC, August 08

First 15k hands are NL2 and NL5.
then 5k out of the last 8k are NL10 (rest NL2 and 5)

What concerns me is the non-showdown winnings.

I can't seem to get through many cbets at all, 63% avg over the 3 with 48% avg. Suprisingly NL10 is my lowest success (43.5%)

My turn cbet is avg 48% with success 40%.

First of all is the non-showdown that bad?
(-26 at NL10 / -21 at NL5/ -14 at NL2) or is this standard?

Fish hate folding, so I've always expected it to be low and this reflects a higher win $ at showdown, as getting good value on TPNK.

Anyway in general, started taking NL10 shots (now at 20buyins) Running 6bb/100 over 5k hands, +$31. Not entirely happy with my play here, for some reason I've loosened up a bit once I moved up, need to stop opening that tiny bit wider just because the pots are worth stealing more. Spewed at least 20-30 dollars as well in stupid moves/5bet bluffs. Will be stuck at Nl10 for a while as I ideally need to withdraw again soon Unemployed sucks. But once i start smashing NL10 will be waiting for my first $1k month in september

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MTTs n Cash by NeillyJQ, August 08

Hey guys, been grinding a ton of mtt's on hero lately, ft'd the 3r and $11 5k gntd to build up a nice bankroll. Didn't finish either of them off, kind of a shame, but just getting back in the groove so its acceptable I guess...

Gonna keep MTT'ing there a ton and building this roll up, although the payjumps for the FT's are ridiculous. Def needs to be worked on but w/e, happy w/ whats there;

MTTs so far at merge, started with $100 and had to cashout a couple times, so not the biggest wins yet, hopefully some to come though :-)

So after tonight's MTT session, I was bored, felt like gambling, using what I've been learning, played a pretty epic session.

Started out losing a few AK vs AA and QQ vs AQ, then bounced back pretty good. When I was down 150, made a stop loss for 175, buckled down n fckin owned. I know its only nl25, but its a start and a big confidence builder, looking forward to more nl25 sessions in the future and playing nl50 sometime soon again.

(just told myself, inch back dolla by dolla) n did it ;-)

Been pretty busy in life, spending a lot of time with my family etc, planning on moving 9/1, so having lots of fun in my hometown til I go;

Made a home game, have 6 people in there, looking to add more people. Its actually a lot of fun, the 1/2 is 400 cap and well, nobody likes to lose, so we get some good games goin there. msg me if u wanna join us, we need more for 6max games etc (mostly usa players plz, and have skype)

So not a bad last couple days, hopefully I can keep improving and have a better week this week then the last few;

Good Luck everyone,

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one by casinocasino, August 07

Well I decided not to long ago that I was going to begin writing another blog. To reference my thoughts, ideas, and to give some perspective to other players. I had a lot of thoughts and stories bottled up since last time I wrote in a blog but I shall focus on new ideas and material.

(some history)

May, 2010.
This is around the time where I had broken up from a 1 year relationship, I was still living in my downtown apartment in LA, but I was planning on heading back to Toronto soon, as the LA/Vegas lifestyle really did not suit my interests any further.

In the last few months of my trip I met a Dave a friend of mine who I now consider my "poker mentor"
Dave was a 21 year old student studying at USC not to far from where we lived(he lived a few floors below me) he drive a Aston Martin and he used crush 5/10NL on stars 24 tabling (won the UGL a few times)

Before meeting Dave I kind of struggled at playing 8 tables having to think deeply into every spot, and was focused on always trying to make the "perfect" play. Interestingly, Dave was playing on a 14" laptop having a inch of space for overlapping but still able to maintain focus and doing well (one session I remember him being stuck 24 buy ins and finishing up 17, he rarely ever quits, and just sits through monster amounts of hands lasting 10+ hours)

Dave's explained to me that: Its basically (in general) more profitable to add tables and to sacrifice win rate for hourly. example:: if you play 12 tables at 3bb/100 but play 24 tables at 2bb/100 your hourly will be 50% higher.

So I started to play 24 tables of full ring (I almost never played full ring before, mostly just HU when I played online).
I had some trouble for the first 3-6 months but then I began to do a lot better and show much stronger results.

That is mainly the philosophy I learned from Dave, in addition to minor things like min-opening and light shoving ranges which are well applicable to a mass tabling game style.

I may elaborate more on the above ideas but the purpose of this blog was just to give some perspective of the history.

Anyways that's it for now folks here are some cool things that I've come across today, this is my new stars avatar, thoughts?

Also really enjoyed this share from a friend.

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Demonic plot of Cher Lloyd by LemOn[5thF], August 07

So while all my money is blocked due to:+ Show Spoiler +

I am helping my GF with her Marketing Postgraduate Thesis.

And while thinking about it I found a genius marketing ploy of Cher Lloyd (UK X Factor best contestant last year), who was a polarizing figure where a lot of people hated her.

Basically her first video was this thing

I was just asking myself why release this narcissistic bullshit with kiddie anthem first when she has songs like this, that are actually good:

Bitch is delusional

And then it hit me! The managers actually released this bullshit to get publicity and restart the polarized talk and attention from news, it got tens of thousands dislikes on youtube and 7mil views, and Lloyd was talked about on trash internet magazines as never before.

The song made #1 in the UK anyway today and it will be a commercial success, a cheap powerful marketing tool to summon haters and trolls just to stir attention before releasing the album and Superhero (they also 'accidentally' leaked Superhero on the internet a couple days after release of Swagger Jagger) - a song that outclasses that Swagger Jagger bullshit. Genius.

EDIT: Speaking of demonic plots. GIRAH the fucker that will hopefully go to jail is one ruthless mofo. I spent whole day following the thousands of posts on 2p2 in the scam thread as it was a huge let down as he was my role model and I read everything he wrote or said in various videos, forums and pokercasts, I really ate up everything he ever said...

Unlike for Cher Lloyd though, his decision will hopefully not give way for more successful things to come but teach him a lesson he will never forget.

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vegas trip advice by shaneomac, August 07

Hey guys,

I am looking to take a trip to vegas in middle to late october with some friends of mine, and i was wondering what the best and cheapest(theyre all somewhat on budgets but still willing to have fun) way to go is. Is tehre anywhere i can get a good deal? i have heard that it is somewhat easy to spend a few days there and not spend a ton of money, i just dont know how. Any advice is appreciated!

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Movin' on up! by edzwoo, August 07

To the east side,
To a deluxe apartment in the skyyyyyy

Well okay it's not on the east side and it's also not an apartment. But we moved into a new house about 3 miles east of campus/where we lived. I'm living with my roommates from last year, Jason and Teng (Jas0n and Acckerman).

Business updates: around May, eBay came out with a new policy that actually hurt us (sell thru rate must be 30% or higher or ban), so we went on a little downswing for a month. Since then though we've increased our inventory and totally maxed out our apartment, as well as filtered out a lot of our bad products. So now we're back to the same monthly sales as we had originally back in April.

Probably the most exciting thing though is we had a lot of capital just sitting in our bank account because we couldn't stock more things in our 3BR apartment. Now that we have this house we're going to buy a ton of products and try and make the business fly.

Anyway, I snagged a bunch of pics of our new place. You can see our house, a glimpse of our business, and my room.
Here's the house we're in!
Our backyard.
The den upon entering the house, leads into the living room.
Living room.
Yes, that is a Herman Miller Embody being used as a dining stool. Both chairs are Jason's but he's going to bring them up when his desk arrives.
This is the dining room. You're doing it wrong.
The garage- aka our processing facility.
This is actually the master bedroom, but it's so big that we're just using it as a living room since we have 3 equal sized bedrooms anyway. It's split into two parts.
Part two of master bedroom. We're planning on putting workout equipment here.
Jacuzzi in the master bathroom. Nice touch.
My setup! Not using my second monitor for now, though I might not set it up anytime soon since I mainly used it for poker.
Jason and I bought new mattresses. It's amazing how nicer it is than crappy campus furnished beds.

Anyway that's all for this blog. GL LP, hopefully poker comes back to the US soon so I can donk around with you guys again.

P.S. I cannot get this song out of my head

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A curious case of Egotism by zaragyemo, August 06

"It is a curious psychological fact that the man who seems to be 'egotistic' is not suffering from too much ego but from too little." - Sydney J Harris

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Obama Fail Explained by k2o4, August 06

By Colbert, lolz

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Well that was fun by NewbSaibot, August 05

Been clinging on to my hero bankroll for the last few months since I won a freeroll back in may or whenever it was. Splashed around a little, decided to purge my database and start over fresh with some HU lessons.

Started off pretty well bumhunting, but after waiting 2 hours to get any real action today I decided to sit with the regs instead. Dumped my entire roll to an amazing luckbox reg who kept 3betting shit hands vs me that I eventually raged and just started spewing in every spot, but he'd always get there no matter what.

Anyway it was free money while it lasted so I cant be too upset. I never really intended to do anything with it since it's microstakes and there's no way to cashout. Even if I could cashout I hear best case scenario is like 8-10 weeks waiting period, then another 3 weeks just for it to clear bank or some craziness.

At least the live scene is sick good in my city though. Played NL200 last week and mother fuckers were topping up to $1000 and shit lol. Lost with top set to a flush draw in my first 30 minutes and havent been back since, but being my only option now I certainly will. There's gotta be about 3k on average to be won at these games. Just have to hope for the best.

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