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WSOP Main Event and road trip by RaSZi, August 05

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SC2 games. by The M Show, August 05

Who here plays? Im guessing probably a lot of you do. If anyone wants to play add me on BNET. Im only a gold level Terran though sorry guys. But if anyone is around that level lets play a few games.

Character code: 121


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1, 2, 3, 4 by Carreira, August 05

1. Whiny graph post just to tilt you guys a little /troll.

2. The poker mindset is a reaaaally good book, first time i am capable of not tilting at all about anything poker related, that makes me have a better mood irl too which makes my Gf happy.

3. Finished Portal 2 in less than 24 hours, shit was epic.. i will play co-op mode with my gf in a few days (she just beat portal 1 and shes starting 2 right now).

4. I have no idea why i saw this trailer yesterday and jizzed hardcore. Brb playing this single player until i win it.

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FUCKING ACNE by tutz_x, August 04

my skin is almost always perfect, but it has been a week that a huge internal pimple grew in my fucking left cheek, making the left side of my face look all swollen.

I already had to refuse a job last friday because of this, and today I had to refuse another one *!(*&@¨#*&!#*&!@#)!

this fucking shit already cost me almost 2K WTF
I went to the doctor and he said the only thing I can do is to keep a hot compress on my face to help is speed the cure process, but this shit wont come out


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lol sweden? by nolan, August 04

wtf dude.

also, strato is a scholar and a gentleman, i hope he wins LAPT Uruguay.

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Height of Ridiculous by k2o4, August 04

29,000 Somali Children Under 5 Dead In Famine: U.S. Official

Why do we, as human beings, allow this to happen? We have the technology to tap the resources and provide food for this entire planet - we just don't do it because it's not a profitable venture. What kind of stupid reason is that to give in response to why all those kids had to die?

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London, where to play? by ManofFire, August 04

I live and London would like some help with casino recommendations as I've only played in home games + at the empire. Now the issue I have with the empire is that the service is so fucking terrible (waited 40 minutes for a fucking soda like srsly wtf), the dealers r beyond horrible, and the tournaments r self dealt and slow as snails (like 7 hands per hour slow) that it just feels like a chore to play there. The only reason I kept going to the empire is because my bankroll wasn't big enough to play at other casinos, and because we r all broke uni students my friends kept dragging me into it since they have this really cheap and shitty tournament every day or w/e, and since I'm retarded and don't know anything about any other casinos in london I just kept going along with them.

Anyways the point is I feel as if I've built a sizable enough roll to start playing in decent casinos, and because of that I really don't want to experience playing at a casino like Empire ever again, because even though there is definitely a boatload of free money, I would rather play in a room where I don't have to worry about the dealer awarding the wrong player a pot, and not having to wait almost an hour for a fucking beverage.

Any advice on where to go would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks! ^-^

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4 years later, Im back from nl1000 to nl50... by Defrag, August 04

...which is actually a good thing for me

First of all, thanks a lot to everyone who voted for me in the kitesurfing contest.

back to poker, it all started in the last year of my high school, and it all goes back to my knee injury that made me unable to walk for almost 2 months straight. Since that was right before my final maturity exams that were to decided if Im going to get to good college, I had more then enough time to waste beside studying. Low on cash, never worked, I decided to drop my professional wc3 career as a pro player ( I was privately sponsored by german brach of Razer, so it was decent money for me at that age ) when I found out about newly launched and poker itself.

Having a solid gaming background as mentioned, I got my first 50$ from no deposit promo at partypoker from tlpoker and started playing. Two weeks passed and my hard grinder bankroll from 50$ was up to 80$, when I lost all my profit wihin 2h and decided to shortstack nl100 for half a buy-in. There, 15 minutes have passed and it was first time I busto'ed.

I knew there was a lot of money in poker at that point, so I went throu every educational material I could find at that time, then registered for second $50 no deposit on my brothers data and it went all easy from there.

My first month ever playing poker ( that was at PokerStars, stayed there up to nl100 ) went really decent, I still have the graph:

I was moving fast, from the $50 I got I was shooting nl50 with 30 buy-ins 1,5 month later. I was putting insane volume for me, as being in my A form from playing a ton of video games + still training table tennis 4-5 times a week I was in a good physical condition. It was all adding up and improving my play.

At this point I was jumping around rooms ( FTP, PS, Party ), until I decided to settle back on PartyPoker, grinded and here came my first problem, when moving on up to nl400 less then a year after I started. I found it was the biggest jump in the skill level out of all the stakes I've passed so far, and within some bad luck I was shooting at nl400 around 5 times, even trying once at PokerStars ( thank God I played before pokertableratings era ), but it finally went throu.
At this point I was already working as a newsposter for and making spare money to pay for my college tuition, so I didint have to cash out anything and was pretty free of being results oriented.

Then I stayed at nl400 for the majority of my poker career, playing a ton ( I reduced to 4-6 tables from 14 I was playing normally ) and winning for almost 4BB/100 lifetime at the stakes. I moved to nl600, but stayed there really short, and then shooted nl1000 at different poker room ( 1,5 year after I got my initial $50 ) which went really well:

I was pretty happy, since when I started my plan was to get to nl1,000 so I felt the mission was completed, I started playing less since I lost some motivation and kept on mixing nl400-nl600-nl1000 tables with decent results.

Of course I also had worse months, weeks and days ( my worst day being at - $12,000 , best at around +$8,500 ), but who likes to mention those ;D As I said, the most problematic was moving up to nl400, as I had ton of problems with it.

At this point I was getting really tired ( I was playing a ton in the week, drinking a lot in the weekends and still being single ), and here came the perfect timing to get a break from poker after all this time: I had to undergo a knee surgery ( ACL reconstruction + menicus removal ) and I met my girlfriend ( which Im still with after all this time ).
Old photo, from new year even 2009 I think

At this point I stopped playing around December 2009, and pretty much never got back into poker seriously.

That was due to few problems, first of all I had more then enough cash to supply myself and all my needs at this point ( so I felt no need to play poker ), I was enjoying life a ton without the stress of bad beats, minus the fact that for the 2-3 months after the surgery I had problems with leg to the point I was taking insanely heavy painkillers after the blood flooding to my leg. I went throu lot of pain and it was all fine, up until June where I damaged my menicus again ,leaving me for another surgery. Zero poker for almost 8 months (besides coaching some people), I didint even play a single hand .

After the break in July I also started a small poker challenge ( trying to get back into poker + put some value into to get visitors ) called $100->$10,000 in 4 months ( it was from July to end of the year ), following Bankroll management.
This is how it started:

In the meantime I also luckboxed a live tournament entry ( $330 entry, I won it in a $8 satellite ), then came second ( live players are really terrible, I was destroying the final table as I pleased ) for ~$4,000 + another $1,500 entry to super EPT satellite, however I came ~20th out of 75 players with 12 seats to EPT.

Anyway, I failed the challenge by a short margin ( I managed to get up to ~$8,400 ), since I had to stop playing in December ( another knee surgery 6.12.2009 ) due to being on heavy painkillers and not being in mood to play at all. At this point I was already working as a general manager for, taking over the previous guy and advancing first from local newposter, then to general newsposter for network and to running tlpoker. All was going awesome, what can I say, if not counting my health problems.

Mid February this year I got promoted by Meat and Nazgul to pretty much taking care of network, but I already mentioned that in the entry where I wrote report from LiquidPoker Admin meet-up earlier this year ( link here: Liquid Snow 2011 ) ).

This gets to last month, where everything in my life was going better then I could have expected - I was doing a lot of training so I wont have any problems with my leg again ( ~800km on bike in June ), I was in a good financial condition, passed all my exams for the year going to the last year in the uni as well, finally had the opportunity to ski and try kitesurfing ( which I love as much as skiing ).

I also started playing back poker, since without having to worry about cash at all I could take the sport up again, as I think the games are not that much harder , you just have to exploit your opponents in another way. Everyone got hand histories now, everyone has HUD, if you know how to exploit their thinking looking at your own stats, then its not that much harder then it was 3-4 years ago.

Yeah, the learning curve is much faster for new players now, but its same for us, old players - games are dynamic enough so that even constant winners for last 5 years have to adapt every year. Also, I love the fact that there is a ton of mindless grinding players that do exactly what Krantz or anyone else told them to do while watching their poker videos, but they dont understand WHY.

Games are way more aggressive as well, so even if you play awesome now, it just takes slower to climb up, since variances dumbs down the edge of good players a lot in my opinion.

Anyway, I decided that playing 6 max again isn't that much fun, plus I would like to have more time freedom then bumhunting tables and staying for longer sessions, since my own play depends HEAVILY on game flow dynamics. Hence, I decided to start over and learn heads-up

Why? Cash and competition mostly, as mentioned I'm REALLY ok with my $ atm, but getting my own house or flat at some point would be nice and I wont lie, I pretty much wasted all the money I made from playing 2 years ago.

So far I've played around 10k hands in last 2 weeks with decent results, minus one session where I gave away almost entire profit from the rest of my game :D I decided to start really low, at nl50 with just 2 tables, since the game is really different, however as Im already grasping first concepts I think Im going to deposit and just start at nl100 and go easily from there. Im sitting down against weak regs, rather then bumhunting, which makes me learn faster, while still making profit.

And there it comes, last week I had a small accident again, and Im still waiting for results of my knees MRI. I already know I didint tore off my ACL implants ( that would be horrific and devastating for me ), neither my menicus is destroyed, so even if it ends up being a surgery, it will only be a minor one.
All cool but the god damn knee brace which I need for water sports and skiing costs ~$1,500 ( custom made, I can get cheaper one for 1,1k$ but I think there is no point saving $ here if it's for few years, especially considering level of my problems ), which is pretty much what I had prepared for my kiteboard + kite :D I will manage anyway, but I dont like bad surprises like that.

What now? Well, I will play again, so expect to see me at tables, Im also putting a ton of time to this site, and I hope you guys can see already some small improvements from the start of the year.

Originally I thought it's quite bad I stopped playing and now I dropped so low, but after looking at everything, how it turned out and how its looking for the future - Im happy. I only wish I wasnt so dumb and spent so much money on stupid crap :D but bah, you only live once.

See you around

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Poker and two others by nFo, August 04

Baduk :

Also called go (japanese/english term), weiqi(chinese term) or baduk (korean term), is probably the most complex/deep/amazing board game. (Chess and others are up there, but in my opinion and this only my opinion, baduk is better. )

Many of you have probably heard of it, but if you haven't, this is a good place to get started : and this is the wiki page :

For the past year go has been my main hobby. (outside of school, social life etc.) My study of it has been erratic, putting in lots of hours at some points and not playing for a week or more at others. For the past two weeks I've been focusing more on poker but I can't see how someone who enjoys poker (and starcraft) could not enjoy this game so I highly encourage you to check it out.

My handle on KGS (english go server) is nFo and I am currently 4 kyu.

Anyways I'd love to play with anyone who already knows the game or teach someone who wants to learn it (maybe even trade some poker insight vs go insight who knows?)

Lee Sedol (top korean player) vs Gu Li (top chinese player)

Poker :

So after running hot on sit n gos, tripling my bankroll and thinking I'm the boss, I learned that I wasn't.

#1 Mistake : Following only the moving up part of BR management, although I stopped throwing my money away before it was too late, and I'm not the kind of guy to make the same mistake twice so lesson learned.

#2 Mistake : Playing tired or tilted, I don't tilt really bad and it hasn't really happened for the last week (the first cut is the deepest you know), still working on the tired part, I don't like going to sleep for some reason. I love sleeping and I don't want to get up but going to sleep just seems like a waste of time when I could be awake and doing something.

So anyways I'm switching back to grinding 2NL, and taking things slowly, I enjoy poker and I want to get better so at least I know I haven't lost my motivation after 2 weeks (which happened with pretty much everything except go until now)

Seems like the best way to improve except for playing is to post hands you have trouble with, so I'll try doing that. The spots where I lose most money right now is when I have top pair or Overpair and get trapped, hard to figure it out since at this level everyone jsut keeps on calling even though they have midpair and end up paying you off. When I am the one with a set or better I often end up trapping people who overvalue top pair just like me.

Lastly I've been reading Phil Gordon's little green book, (only applying the very basic stuff, since almost none of my opponents (and myself) think that much so it's pretty much value betting or folding with some occasional steals for now.) Was wondering if this book is good/average/great? WHat would be other interesting/better reads?

Music :

So recently I've been listening to a lot of Bonobo, he's a british musician who does some kind of music I don't know how to classify. (Hmm wiki calls it Downtempo, Trip Hop and Chillout) . But anyways I've been listening to it while playing poker/go and I find it's very good music to keep focused.

Here's a good song to check out :

And a grooveshark playlist with hundreds of Bonobo songs :

So far I've been pretty much only lurking this forum, just like I do on teamliquid, but figured I might as well start posting a little.
Great website and seems like a great community.

Have a good day.

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Poker and two others by nFo, August 04

Dunno what happened

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Poker and two others by nFo, August 04

Dunno what happened could a mod deleted two bottom updates?

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Introduction/Conclusion by patti, August 04


I am 25 years old and work in HR for a well known financial institute in Jacksonville and enjoy my job. I played poker for fun online for about a year but only made it to .25/.5 on FTP (FML).

I've been playing live poker for the past 4 months and have made 4k at the 200 table, and have matched that 4k at the 500 table.

It's a fun hobby, and it pays and although I have somewhat toyed with the idea of considering myself "semi-professional" I would never want to "just play poker." I have a lot of pride in my job as I do believe it provides a good service to millions of people nationwide and do consider myself a small part of it. I enjoy helping other human beings and am glad that my job truly does help people.

Anyway, long time lurker here, and just kinda want to warn/apologize in advance for the most likely large influx of nl500 live hands in the medium stakes poker section. I do appreciate all posts, and hope to become a better/complete player, although I find this really difficult without the luxury of putting in volume through internet poker.

My goal for this game is to reach a certain level of mastery where I feel like I understand 90% of poker. I feel as though I am at the 60% level, but I do see a ceiling/limit to how good a player can be. For example I think jungleman/sauce/isuldur all prob know close to 98% of all knowledge/theory/metagame about poker and think edges are literally day to day based on how they feel. Anyway I do wish to reach about the 90% lvl, and upon reaching that goal hope to walk away with a new skill, and a new lvl of enlightenment and pursue a different goal.

All the best

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house mixes (not poker related, sorry :o) by rockman255, August 03

umm. pokerwise, I am like +7k this year or something, but I haven't played since the school year. I now have all relevant licensing to deal securities and life insurance where I live, but I won't be doing so - instead I am returning to "college" for a second degree in Actuarial Sciences to be an actuary. I figure that to be the best plan moving forward.

I just find poker really stressful I guess - I was playing Magic The Gathering online recently, and even just playing the game, and listening to opponents go on tilt, stressed me right the heck out, so I guess I know why I am not sticking with poker for the long haul. I have a pretty volatile personality and I need something more steady, and something where I can really get on a roll, focusing on the good, in a routine sort of thing.


annnyyway, the main reason I am saying hi, is for the .. like.. 1 person who might be interested,

i recorded a pair of "live" practice mixes using software, it can be a bit choppy during the cross overs because i guess my laptop just cant quite handle it

i would think the only real "benefit" from listening to these is if you just want to know more names of more tracks, its going to be something like 70 unique tracks in total if you just skim the mix really quick for anything that sounds like you like

im still really trying stuff out, and a couple times i made really obvious misclicks, but overall im really happy just doing it i guess, the process is really involving and i get to shut out everything else for 3 hours straight and just focus on track selection and placement and stuff. (i decided on tracks on the fly both times, which was fun !)

I tried to include plenty of different subgenres, I am getting more into "techno" (which defined by beatport is usually a bit of a swing rhythm, with a very steady drumbeat), put in some of my always-present trance, and some electro - I seem to be less interested in the totally smooth progressive sound of the last few years.

July 31 3hour mix

+ Show Spoiler +

August 1 3hour mix

+ Show Spoiler +

an interesting side note is that with live mixing I realized pretty quickly that I would want to create edited versions of tracks to make them blend the way I want them to - when you work with the studio software you do that while creating a mix, but this way I have to have them pre-arranged, so I did that with a few tracks already.

Stay frosty LP,


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The mind of a Republican by Night2o1, August 03

A while back I think I mentioned my schizo uncle attacked my grandma and hurt her shoulder and stuff. Appropriately, she went to the emergency room and got the proper diagnostics (x ray, mri).

Today, she got the report from medicare or whatever (who covered the costs) on how much it cost for her 2 hour visit to the hospital: $1850. She comes to show me it and proceeds to blame Obama.

Its like he's an infinite boogie man. I hate people.

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Net Neutrality by WhoAmI, August 02

A good overview into what the debate is about

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CAP games by SoC, August 02

So after a very bad session on Nl5 and a failed NL10 shot my friend who's a cap regular at 1/2-5/10 suggested I tried CAP.

As I was in a tilted mood and quite happy to flip like a standard degen off I went to learn CAP.

Read guides+watched videos+ analyzed opening hand charts vs certain stats vs stack sizes.

I was severely underolled for CAP, the variance is insane and sick swings are common.

Anyway whats everyones views on CAP? The rake is insane, 8bb/100. And the swings are even more insane. But apart from that I think it's beatable, people flipping with any two including 27 because "I knew you was bluffing when you shoved" My J high still beats your 27 (until the board comes JJ222 :D)

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Debt Ceiling Fail by k2o4, August 02

I could rant about this all day (and have been to friends and family) but I'd rather just let Keith lay it out. For those who don't want to watch him get all blow hardy (while speaking truth) here's my favorite line which really summarizes what has happened:

  “We have superceded Congress to facilitate 750 billion dollars in domestic cuts including Medicare in order to end an artificially-induced political hostage crisis over debt, originating from the bills run up by a Republican president who funneled billions of taxpayer dollars to the military-industrial complex by unfunded, unnecessary, and unproductive wars, enabled in doing so by the very same Republican leaders who now cry for balanced budgets - and we have called it compromise. And those who defend it have called it a credit to a pragmatic president who wins some sort of political "points" because, having stood for almost nothing here, he gave away almost nothing for which he stood.”

Obama needs to grow a pair of balls.

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Request x2 by gawdawaful, August 02

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Preflop PLO by Thall, August 02

hey there,
since I lost most of my roll due to bad bad play and the FTP shutdown I decided this summer is time for a new challenge. Just play for fun, and dont really worry about the results (obv. trying to play very good, but dont feel bad when i take a bad beat and stuff). So i decided to learn PLO. I picked up Jeff Hwangs Books (nice beach lecture for when I went to vacation)and watched the deucescracked series 2x6 and started watching Hellomaha.
I know that PLO is a post flop game, but somehow i already have problems PF. I tried to stick to the concepts i learned about not playing danglers, play cards that makes the nuts, thighten up pretty hard oop (esp. sb in multiway pots) and not playing crappy big pairs like dry TT/JJ/QQ. But my problem is in 2x6 vanessa selbst said one should end up playing around 25/20 (just a very rough estimated value) but even when I decide to go crazy and play "crappy" hands on the button in HU pots or when it's still unopened to me, I always end up playing 15/7 and I just dont know why... I can do whatever I want and feel like I am gambling like a maniac but i still end up 18/8 or something
I dont know exactly what I hope to achieve with this blogpost but maybe someone of you can give me a hint what kind of marginal/crappy hands I should add to my PF starting hands, because I just feel I play much too tight even though I think I stick very well to Vanessa Selbst's and Jeff Hwang's requirement for preflop hands...

cheers and enjoy the summer !

P.S. To give you a general idea about what hands i play:
-Any AA
-Most KK
- QQ/JJ with good side cards
- 4 rundowns, with eigher 1 gap at the bottom or 1 middle and 1 bottom gap (if in EP only at least single stuited)
- Axs with a pair to go with (for example A2s99)
- 3 rundowns suited to an A or with a pair (77+) (for example: 9987, 8776, A8s76)

Obiously playing the highercards UTG and loosening up depending on position

I play mostly 4-6 tables

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O8 halp? by Fujikura, August 02

Can someone please direct me to some O8 guides, or tell me a good place to learn this gypsy game? I would use the search function, but I really feel like there would be someone here who might have better information who actually plays the game or something?? Thanks LP

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