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didn't notice but Witcher 2 is out by Night2o1, June 24

pretty important to know imo

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iPad Giveaway by kimseongchan, June 23

Hey guys, my friend is the COO of a start-up and I'd appreciate anyone willing to partake in this event. All that's required is a few mouse clicks . FWIW it's 100% free and legit; I've received a prize from an earlier event (starbucks card) in my mail.

more info:

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1k my stars for 1k your moneybookers by scriber, June 23

1k my stars for 1k your moneybookers , pm me to set up the details.

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Update/Montreal/ADD by k4ir0s, June 23

thought i'd update the blog since I have nothing eles better to do while pulling an all nighter.

Haven't been playing alot of poker lately because I decided to treat myself with a two week trip to Montreal with some RB money

I went there mainly for an electronica/house music festival that lasted 4days, it was alot of fun.. Montreal's so alive comapared to where I live, such a nice city.

I only played like 30k hands last month, 30k this month so far.. gotta start focusing more on poker again. I also just recently started taking ADD medication for my ADD, I haven't taken any until now. Poker is the main reason I decided to start taking any, I don't feel a big difference in focus yet.. maybe a slight improvement in mental endurance when playing long sessions, but not much. The psychiatrist told me that the pills will help me do better in poker, I found that pretty funny

Also played abit of live poker while I was there, I played 2/4 and it was reallyy juicy... but I ended up lossing anyways because I suck at live poker and don't have the patience for it. It's boring playing against a table full of nits and retards!

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Rich get Richer 3 - LFVN 2 by Night2o1, June 23

I posted this short analysis of LFVN in May , They had issued over $5m of convertible debt that possessed terms exceedingly awful for their shareholders' (us). needless to say I was very bearish on the stock. I expected it to implode on itself at some point because of this bad debt, and likely soon while the stockprice was massively inflated on negative earnings(!).

On the important K-8 form they chose to submit to the stockholders as a *powerpoint* on June 13th ( )
On the 4th from the last slide, hidden at the bottom of a useless marketing slideshow, they mention how they chose to redeem $3m in convertible debt they had out. In response to this the creditors choose to exercise their warrants and options instead of receiving cash in repayment, resulting in their gain of the rights to 24m shares of common stock at an approx average share price of $.37(!), which traded on the market at $1.80 with 73.5m shares outstanding during this time.

To clarify the bit about the K-8, Wikipedia says the, "Form 8-K is a very broad form used to notify investors of any material event that is important to shareholders" Usually, this is a simple text-only form. They submitted a large marketing powerpoint with the only material event, the redemption of $3m in covertible debt, in a slide near the very end of the slideshow.

Since my post in May, where they were trading at $1.80/share with 73.5m shares outstanding, the stock price has been on a steady turn to $1.20 with 79.3m shares outstanding.


Turns out that for every $1m in debt creditors convert, they receive ~8,000,000 ("warrants" for 3,074,844 shares@ $.20/each, "options" for 4,919,815shares @ $.50/each) shares of common stock. So by the end of F11 they will have to finish selling $3m of debt's worth of options and warrants aka

3 x 8,000,000 = 24,000,000 shares.

So far the creditors have sold 6m of these shares, and the stock has tanked from $1.80 to $1.20. According to the slideshow document, "All conversions expected to be completed by year-end FY11". According to their annual report, the company's fiscal year 11 ends on June 30th, 2011. Wonder whats gonna happen in the next 7 days as 18m more shares are "expected to be sold" o_O?

Furthermore, I've never seen these creditors named in their documentation. They could easily be executives within the company for all I know.

bettered the clarity
critiques in my argument r thx

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Roommate annoyance by palak, June 22


My roommate has one super fucking annoying flaw which is whenever a disagreement or debate comes up about any issues they get super loud, super emotionally involved, and spout of things which are ideological crap and have no basis in reality or facts to back them up at all. This occurs over fucking everything, which movie is better, which band is better, etc. Obviously it also occurs more vehemently over other issues where we differ like healthcare, taxation, government, economics, iraq, religion. Seeing how I'm an atheist/left-centrist and she's a orthodox christian/libertarian.

One ultra depressing side not is that despite this her and i have managed to reach compromise agreements on everything which satisfies both of us, something congress never seems to do ever. Also granted I sometimes fuck up in statements and have to go back and correct myself. Perfect example was last night. I said I hated the statement "more people have died due to religion then any other cause" which is repeated over and over by atheists in soundbytes on interviews and is pretty much a straight up lie. But that got us to the typical line which follows afterwords "without religion good ppl would do good things and bad ppl would do bad things, but if you want a good person to do a bad thing, that takes religion" which I happen to agree with massively (note: i do agree other things cause good ppl to do bad things like economic troubles leading to theft for food etc but these are unimportant to the statement). Then I pointed out examples of this mainly the pope letting child molesters go free and misinformation about condoms helping the spread of aids.

Any how we go on arguing this for a while and eventually I get to the war on drugs being another example since the temperance movements and anti-drug movements get their upstart, and base justification from religious ideals which has led to a waste on resources, ppl, and extremely poor drug controls, even scientists in the 70s said pot should not be a schedule 1 drug. (e.g. Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) was the main driving force of prohibition and protestant ministers were the creators in large part.)To which her response was not the expected "well i'm christian and i don't think drugs should be illegal" (which obv response is, ur the exception not the rule as seen by ur also accepting evolution) but instead she responded with "some drugs need to be made illegal like meth, crack, heroin, and maybe things would be better off if alcohol was illegal". WTF complete fucking 180 degree turn from her libertarian ideals of "everything should be legalized the gov't has no right to tell me what i can and can not put in my body" solely just to be consistent in her blind refutation that religion causes and said the only reason I brought this up was "because I want pot to be legalized so badly". Which I don't even fucking want, decriminalization of possesion&personal growing along with medical legalization is completely different then flat out legalization.

Then we go on and eventually get to what makes ppl poor (at this point the whole religion thing is gone) where I argue that many americans are not paid an actual livable wage, combined with the cost of college tuition leads to a situation of lower standards of living then there should be for many americans and occasional rampent credit card debt. She says that it is solely based on poor dumb ppl misspending money and having runaway debt. Which is a fucking lie also, the whole "average american is in debt 7.5k" is a bullshit statistic because it's the mean debt of americans. The median and mode credit card debt for the average american is fucking 0. The median debt for a person who actually has credit card debt is only 3k. ( ) so yes there are some ppl misusing credit cards, but there are many more who just make shit money. The whole "save for college, get a degree and you'll get a good job" is bullshit since with the rising cost of college many ppl can't afford to go or won't get in. Plus college degrees don't guarantee jackshit ( )

The combination of always being emotionally angry, arrogant as fuck about her misled facts which never hold up to any actual scrutiny is fucking aggravating. This is on the whole an EXTREMELY SMALL problem since we rarely talk about anything that will lead to an argument (often by me just not really talking much )

One disclaimer is that I did say one thing which was factually wrong last night when I said that the majority of Africa is Christian (this was during the catholic aids debate) but apparently africa is 47% islam, 42% christian. But countries that are primarily islam have almost no aids, the countries that are primarily christian have the worst aids rates so the fact was wrong, but the idea behind it was correct.

I'm not gonna have some drawn out debate in any comments w/ someone about any of these views either, i just needed to vent this fucking annoyance

didn't want to make a new entry, but this is cool.

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plo coach wanted by looserSR, June 22

im looking for skilled plo coach, HU or 6 max or both.
im transitionning to plo from NL, playing PLO 100 and 200 now.
i wanted miPwnya, but unfortunately hes busy with his sick vpps plan for this year.
pls write me here or pm if interested, also recomendations would be cool if you know someone good.

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fLOOD LIFE by bigredhoss, June 22

my town is about to get annihilated =o don't remember us making national news before (only 35k people) but we're going to turn into a lake for a couple weeks (i'm just outside the city so i'm not going to be affected but i've been helping family evacuate their homes during the last couple days). my sister isn't even in one of the normal high-risk flood areas and she's supposed to get like 8 feet of water above her main floor o_O - some areas are going to be much worse

the local news guy was on the cbs early show too but i can't find video online. national guards posted everywhere, town is total chaos, feels like armageddon. mandatory evacuation for danger zones was originally supposed to be 10pm(cst) tonight, but mayor just went on TV and said there's problems with the levees and flood sirens are likely going off in less than 1 hr from now... anyway, wish us luck!

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:( by player999, June 22

Just came home from a -4.8k usd live session at ~3/6 feels bad man

And when I get home, 4am, great idea, lets chase the losses online!!11 CANT GO WRONG AMIRITE??

+ Show Spoiler +


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buying AoE Online beta key by lukeperry, June 21

anyone got an age of empires online beta key for sale?

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Coaching by Jamie217, June 20

After a long time off from coaching I have decided to start up again due to the fact that I wont be going to Vegas this summer so I will have a lot more free time to do some coaching. Ive been playing online successfully for 4 or 5 years now and have beaten up to 10/20 at one point.

My main games over the last few years have been 600 and 1knl with some dabbling into PLO (unsuccessfully ). I will be coaching anywhere from 50nl to 200nl because I feel like I can improve low stakes grinders games and push them into midstakes, an area I very familiar with, and help them
to succeed there.

My rate will be 100$ an hour, If you want to lock into a longer term package deal we can discuss that privately. I will not be doing any profit sharing though. If you are interested shoot me a PM or contact me on skype at jamie.breedon



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Playing Long Sessions Tips by The M Show, June 20

Ive been struggling a bit lately putting in a lot of volume. I know some of you here put in some serious sessions during your chase for SNE. I was just wondering you guys do to prepare for a long grind and also what you do while you are grinding to keep focused?

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D2 LOD cdkey? by edzwoo, June 20


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ship it by sChOuA, June 20

yeah !!

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Watching the movies this weekend? by whamm!, June 18

Hangover 2 - just watch the first one , coz its practically the same
Green Lantern - it was so much better before real people appeared in the movie
Super 8 - Speilberg must be laughing his ass off now

Don't. These are all shit. updates to follow

Most recent Flash game :D

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Hero for paypal by aCa_, June 18


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Finally by Arirang, June 18

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Need $120 on paypal, Got stars - Will pay fees by SoC, June 18

Need $120 to my paypal, will send on stars (will pay fees and a bit extra if required)

Will obviously send first to reputable people <3

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Which monitor should I buy? by blackjacki2, June 18

So I need a new computer monitor and I don't know very much about monitor specs/prices so if you want to help me out I would appreciate it.

I am debating between these 2 atm..

23.6" Asus - $169 with $10 mail in rebate for a total of $159


23" Acer - $139.99

I think I am going with the Asus. Is this a good deal and is there anything I am missing? Thanks

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Any Reload Bonus at PS? by exalted, June 18

Simple question - are there any reload promotions currently going on at PS? GF is looking to reload the account. Thanks!

In other news, anybody want to split a 4 pack of Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition? It is for PC delivered by Steam, information link here:

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