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Osama Bin Laden is dead by AznFisherman, May 01

Holy shit. 10 yrs later...

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Storytelling by Night2o1, May 01

Hey guys I was just watching "Talking Funny" with Jerry Seinfeld, Chris Rock, Ricky Gervais, and Louis C.K. got me thinking about comedy and how storytelling works; especially because jokes are often dressed up storytelling. Things got crazy from there and so what I'm about to write isn't focused around jokes or comedy, just storytelling and is probably most applicable to stories told via the written word.

Stories are most frequently told through a narrative. The audience is told what is happening, what is this character thinking, about the broken shard of the realm a heroic young elf just picked up. Where has a story been told without a narrative of events?

Many stories in all forms of media have played with the sequence of events, Kill Bill which use a nonlinear narrative being an example. This type of storytelling, from my perspective, causes the viewer to be more engaged in the film and plot because, knowing the film is nonlinear, they are likely to be actively thinking about how to put the plot together in a linear way. Our natural way of thinking about events and timelines drives us to do this.

Granting that audience engagement or involvement is a good thing, where has the audience been challenged by a narrative that focuses on describing things outside of the actual narrative. If the subject of a book were, instead of a handful of people in a city being destroyed by a sci-fi monster (Cloverfield), the feelings and the varying sentiments of the population of New York as this disaster unfolded. And it was told by describing the various "strains" (characters?) of sentiments and thoughts that went through this group -- of individuals -- as the reality of what was occurring passed by.

I don't know anything further about this subject and was hoping I could get some tips on where things like this have already been done (novels, poems, etc). The only things that ring a bell when I think of this is the name "ee cummings" and that one author who wrote "stream of conscious" novels (Joyce? idk).

I didn't proof read at all sry rofl GG I'M FUCKIN BLAZED SON

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Another Obama fail. by k2o4, May 01


Here's one area where I feel that Obama has failed. I know those of you who don't use cannabis probably scoff and say "big deal, focus on a real issue". But considering the patients who have been harassed and persecuted because of Obama's policies, I think it's a legit issue.

Obama's inability to keep his word on such an easy to fulfill promise makes me doubt his other initiatives. The common excuse for why Obama doesn't follow through on a promise is the roadblocks put up by the Republicans and the gridlocked political system in the USA. But here we have a situation where Obama has the power to direct his people to follow certain guidelines, and punish them if they don't. He did the first part and directed the Justice Department to leave medical marijuana alone, but they have not followed that order and Obama does nothing about it. To me that looks like he's trying to have it both ways - look good to the public by taking the right stand, but still persecute medical marijuana patients and look good to the drug warriors.

As you all know I worked my ass off to get him elected. I still think I did the right thing, as he's overall better than McCain would have been. But at this point he's lost my vote and support. Sadly I will probably have no choice but to hold my nose and vote for him in 2012 because the only other choice will be the absolutely insane options that the GOP offers. Such is life in the great old USA.

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Obama Trump dinner by palak, May 01

pretty damn funny.

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lol ^_^ by hernandez, May 01

guy gets raped by 4 meatheads from the gym?

stumbled across this on yahoo answers and thought it was funny lol

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3 month break even stretch by Into Infinity, April 30

like seriously, just run so fucking bad everytime

i was up a bit, then recently just had a fat downswing because of leavers or other stupid shit (people not getting couriers or wards ETC, in fucking high 1700 games? srsly?)

just so fucking tilting

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nice week by Seobombisgay, April 30

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April Results by egood, April 30

Online cash: +$1350.62
Live cash: +$1900

Overall: +$3250.62

So decent month, hopefully will get my money from FTP soon. Didn't play much live this month as I had a fair amount of work, plus trying to hit the gym more frequently. Also doing the hour drive to and from the casino is starting to be a bit annoying. I have some money on merge but I think I'm just gonna stick to live for a bit, and focus more on getting healthy and stuff.

Might be taking an internship in seattle with some friends for the summer as well. Also was looking into getting a dog, a greyhound, but may have to wait until the fall or august for that.

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Wife now in labour at hospital by HeroPoker-CEO, April 30

A few days ago the contractions stopped but now we are admitted to the hospital and the contractions are like 10 mins apart. Am still working between contractions will keep you updated later

553 am update

Lol the contractions are like going away but when they come they are uber strong. I think this is going to be a long labour. The contractions are now 20 mins apart now. Looks like I'm working on the iPhone for the rest of the day now.

Update 623 am.
Doc says since it is second baby definitly coming out in 2 to 4 hours.
May 1st baby hehe.

Update 747 am
doc says looks like just one more hour till our second child. Wife is doing well.

Baby boy born 9:30 am! All good and thanks to all the well wishers. No name yet but I want Gunhee as our first son is Gunoo but my wife will decide this time. ^^

cheers all!

11:44 PM

Convinced my wife to accept the name Gunhee! Whoot, its a big deal. But looking for an English name, our first born's English name is Ethan, but we are going to change it to Alexander, it was a toss up between the two originally, but my wife wants it now to be Alexander, so I guess.. Tom is a good name? ^^

Any suggestions for a intelligent and powerful name?

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From Busto to...less busto by Mikae, April 30

After my last blog post about how I am a busto but ready to rebuild, I started grinding a bit harder but as always, life gets in the way of things. Work made me travel, family things came up, downloaded Vampire the Masquerade, HOMM4, Battle for Wesnoth - games which took roughly 3-4 weeks worth of weekends. I did however to put in some hours at the casino which is always +ev but didn't make too much progress in terms of online poker. Black Friday came and passed, I snap panic withdrew my entire roll of 2k (which floated at this amount for a year or so due to low volume and just not improving). And hey, if the money's already in my bank, i might as well spend it to fix my pool pump and a shower leakage.

I just redeposited 500 bucks and i'm regrinding that shit. For reals. Again. Because i'm poor. I look back at the goals i set earlier this year, 10k by end of the year is still achievable but it'll need hard work. Nothing good comes *that* easy. My goal was to grind 10bi at 25nl, 10bi at 50nl and then crush 100nl.

That was last week. I've made my 10bi at 25nl, and made a few at 50nl.

GL all.

Guess I'll try to update my blog montly / bi-monthly as a means to motivate myself (though i'm pretty pumped atm)

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April 2011 - swingsss :( by salutary, April 30

was so close to getting out of the hole towards end of month ><

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caught a chip dumper by Seobombisgay, April 30

this guy kingkohli on ap was chipdumping to vinnykohl111 and i was watching this as it was the only high stakes sng game running at the time. Then he finally sits at a 550$ and i instasit against him. He plays completely scared money and this is what happened.

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LPers in Chicago? by iop, April 29

Just arrived here.

My company needs support in the states, thus me being in the US.

Anyone in Chicago?

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yeah well, april sucked by longple, April 29

started off really good, was up almost 25 000$ at midmonth and decided to take a retaded 10/20 HU shot against an aggro spewreg who ran like god, twice

crushed for ~15bb/100 on ~2/4 and 3/6 over 35k hands and started off good on 5/10, it ended bad and 10/20 shot failed hardcore so ye, go at it again next month i guess

+ 3000$ on EU sites, so still made about 1500$ or something overall so no biggie, just tired of failing them shots always in a brutal way, and im so retarded like that, next time im gonna grind more lower so that i cant lose half my roll in 30 minutes like u will see midmonth on my graph..

6SEK=1$, so the 120k drop is about 20k$, playing 2 tables 10/20 200bb deep, lost alot of 500bb coolers, brutal stuff really

just sad winning 1500$ total while if i stayed away from 10/20 i woulda won about 40k$

oh well

gonna stomp face in may

gl guys

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Life Lately by Night2o1, April 29

Well, my last great attempt at poker was when I got picked up on a stake in March. I put everything I could muster into it and it.. didn't work out at all. I had taken the week before black friday to clear my mind and was actually going to resume playing on that day. But it wasn't to be.

My personal strengths and skillset don't lend well to being a high-level poker player. There are much better opportunities for me in this world.
Poker is behind me as something I will seriously pursue, but I will still play when the opportunity arises and try to maintain a bankroll.

Even though poker hadn't been going well, black friday along with the events with my schizophrenic uncle, repeatedly injuring myself in the gym and all around life pressure, I've been really depressed and all of my personal habits went to shit. I started smoking like 5x more than I did for the past year and a half and that hasn't helped either. So I'm making some changes and am going to get back into that productive groove. I really hope the changes I make in my workout stop me from hurting (my right shoulderblade area was getting injured after my back day, I think it was the French Press so its gone from the workout now.)

As part of these changes I've picked up a new hobby: Dance. Moving to music has always been a love of mine, there's nothing like feeling that beat and returning some art from the soul. I've pretty much never practiced but whenever I'm out on the town I just lose my shit and go crazy on the dancefloor. Surprisingly, people compliment me. I always receive them bashfully because the praise feels unearned. It will feel good to earn it with a bit of practice and improvement. Maybe I'll post some videos of myself down the line if some.. entertainment value comes up.

gg all

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american spirits by Into Infinity, April 29

why would anyone buy these? worst cig ever.

also made a deposit on hero, skin takes a little bit getting used too but it's not bad. kind of reminds me of rednines to be honest

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April by djforever, April 29

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Why not go for it? Taking Hero to the next level by HeroPoker-CEO, April 29

So it's been a crazy couple of weeks. The network that Hero is on, Merge, has now become the top 10 site in the world for player liquidity and probably within 2 months will be in the top 5. poker scout, industry site.

I had this plan, to take things step-by-step and not jump the gun and in my mind the end game was always to compete with the big boys. I don't fear them, I know what goes on inside their companies, and given enough time, I didn't have any doubt in my mind that I could at least compete.

But given what has happened over the past 2 weeks, it was my natural reaction to simply wait before I did anything rash and to continue with my strategy. I'm a conservative business guy, 9/10 times, its the conservative business guy that makes the money; the reality in business is there is no such thing as high risk high return. Business is more like tournament poker, you stack size matters, your position matter more, and it ain't that simple to reload/rebuy; you blow your stack, you're bye bye. But you also need that break, to double up on someone and get some momentum and play off your table image and control the table, otherwise you're going to be reliant on just your cards, and poker and business isn't that one-dimensional.

I had coffee today with a close family friend. I wont' get much into who is he, but we meet about a couple times of month, purely social. But we spoke and basically he asks me, 'putting aside the general environmental risk that all the existing players have to deal with, how is your company in relation to who is left?' I never actually thought about it, my mind has always been so focused on getting to 'one day' where I could compete against PS/FTP/Party that I've never thought about seriously being a competitor here and now. In many ways I look at what the other network sites are doing and think, 'damn couldn't they have least tried to pick a better name?' and I mean who cares about being the #1 network site when there is such a big gap in absolute terms to the market.
So I say...

'never really thought about it, but obviously on a purely operational/business level, I think its a pretty even playing field, but potential wise I think they are limited...other than lots of affiliates, that's pretty much the only difference'

'then why don't you go for it now?'

I never asked myself this, I've never been a short term oriented person. Plus, with what happened, it wasn't like I was personally divorced from it all, I was also in shock and through more about what players were going through. That being said,the network continues to take US players and I've restructured with that in mind to secure our player's bankrolls, so why not go for it? Because if players make their own choice to play, then why not give them Hero Poker as an option as well, especially if I think I can be the best of what is out there for the players. Sure PT/FTP is clearly a better choice overall, but Hero verse what is out there?

It's not my place to say to players, 'no worries, come and play', but rather, if you make a decision to play, at least I can say, playing on Hero would be your better option. Give me a month to ramp up to this, and I can show the competition and players what's up.


-was focused on just building out a brand to be able to compete with the big boys
-market has changed considerably
-still following network policies and restructured company accordingly
-but right here and now, among my network site peers, I know Hero can provide better service/value
-give me a month to see if that is true..

LP35% RB site link

LP 35% direct dl link here

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Hero poker anyone??? by JSquids, April 29

im a 50nl and 100nl player and im from the US.... i just checked out 888 poker and the rake is insaaaaane.... so i downloaded hero poker. i dont know anything about it but im willing to give it a shot.. anyone play there?? how is it? fast? laggy????

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MK9 by LikeASet, April 29

Giving Mortal Kombat a shot even though I'm a hardcore Capcom fighter fan. But lately Capcom has been dissapoint. Marvel 3 is fun but sloppy and some stuff making it stupid (pheonix reincarnate, lol x factor guessing game comback for the win, unstable launcher into air combos, etc.). Streetfighter 4 series is good/ok, just hate character hard counters. Tekken Streetfighter looks like shit so far imo .

Juggle system is pretty fun although I don't have the hang of it yet. Starting combos with jump in punches seems almost impossible and pointless to attempt. Story mode is entertaining.

Looks like the game will be throw heavy, zoning with cutting off and whiffing the preset combo strings, and abusing special moves.

Hopefully in the end, the semi complex fighting system consisting of juggles, hi/low/medium hits, unblockables, and a tag system makes me overlook the clunky movement style that the mortal kombat series always has.

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