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Sunday Million by Xervean, March 05

I would really like to play in the sunday million 5 year anniversary tomorrow. If anyone is interested in staking me let me know.

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adderall+poker by Seobombisgay, March 05

anyone try? how was it

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q by Rhaegar99, March 05

Anyone know if online poker is legal in Taiwan? Im gonna be heading there for some time and google dosnt really give me a definite answer.

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Unreal 4 by NewbSaibot, March 04

Holy shit on a stick, check out the newest engine tech from the makers of the Unreal games. This is all real-time, built for next generation hardware.

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back to the grind by Seobombisgay, March 04

yesterday was the first day in about a month. Forgot how fun poker was.

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My PS your FTP by sChOuA, March 04

looking to trade like 2k. please pm if interested

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Shot at 50NL. by ChrisKim47, March 04

Overall games are still pretty soft. Had my first individual coaching session with my DC coach. He sweat me for a bit, and I think it went really well. Will definitely have another one with maybe a different format. So he just sweated me 9 tabling 50NL, which I think will be my standard for awhile. Played 2.5 hours, over 2400 hands I'm up lil over 4 buyins. Pretty over rolled and plan to keep it that way!

So scared :S wish me luck friends ><

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Propbet to bring me back? by edzwoo, March 04

So my other roommate, Teng (Acckerman) quit poker a while ago as well. He's just been focused on school, but of course poker is one of those things that pulls you back into it. As I mentioned before, I was kinda getting in the mood myself to just grind some micros out of boredom. Probably has to do with a bunch of other guys talking about poker, as well as watching my other friend (koreanfather) randomly donk around at NL2 or SNGs/MTTs.

I had FPPs sitting in my Stars account which I intended to hold on to for other reasons, but I decided to forget it and just play some Sunday Million satellites. Binked two so now I have $500 sitting my account. Teng decided he'd deposit $500 into his FTP account to match my roll.

So now we're having a silly little propbet. My $150 to his $100, whoever has HEM to say +$1500 first. No real rules besides grinding the "right way" (no flipping to go up, no random degen shots). It's mostly just pride on the line and to have a little fun.

See you guys at the NL25 6max tables! I'll blog my progress and maybe make some videos or something (unless I suck now).

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Uni blog by LemOn[5thF], March 04

Wow so I just started writing my dissertation/Undergrad work and I found out that I was supposed to be writing a blog from the start (In October) and its worth 10% of the mark :O
So here I am, less then 1 month from deadline and 9k words to write, and research to conduct and analyse (although I know the results already pretty much ;o). You can follow it here:

The topic is Standard economic model and Behavioral economics and secondary/primary research will be on Endowment effect: and loss aversion

You know, when a fish values money in his stack more than money on the table. Or when the pain of losing money from your BR is higher than gain from money that you win, no matter how big your bankroll is (your utility curve moves with you as you 'own' the money, its not just diminishing marginal utility - you assign more value to what you own than to what you don't.

Or when people that bought something expensive say its awesome even when its total bullshit -Jason Ho students that didn't complain ?)

I won't play much poker for now, as I want to power through to a decent degree, and to finish everything on time and finally have only poker on my mind and uni wrapped up successfully (well and some volunteering to fill the gap on CV and to feel better about myself ;o))

I will appreciate if you could post any comments to the blog even if you don't read the whole thing, to show that I take it seriously and share the blog with people <3

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Poker Clutter by Mariuslol, March 04

A few weeks ago I made some posts about "in my mind" where I was removing the clutter around my PC. I then threw them since I don't need them anymore. I was going to do the same with my "yellow note pads poker notes" but never got around to, forgot about it etc.

So here are some poker tips, concepts, notes, not sure what to call it. Enjoy =]

Ah, not sure where to put this either, found this document. The Poker Blueprint, i'll put it in spoilers. My summary of the book

+ Show Spoiler +


Note 1

The Process

* Can I Value bet
* Can I bluff
* Can I Capatalize on dead money?

Note 2

- When you think you're ahead. Bet/raise more.
- When you think you're behind (no equity). Fold more.
- Focus on plugging leaks.
- Why are you doing that? (A phrase not worth using much outside of poker).

(Try find vods on note-taking).

Note 3

"What category is my hand in?"

- Categorize your hand, every hand, on every street, on every action, and you'll find that Poker can be quite simple.

Note 4

Process when facing a bet or a raise

1) Passive or aggressive?
2) Value betting or bluffing?
3) Value hands worse vs value hands better. Count up the bluff hands.

Note 5

- 2 / 6 tables
- Process
- Breathe
- Anticipate
- 5-6 second decision
- Target Fish
- Table Select
- Assume passive until proven otherwise
- Think several steps/streets ahead

Note 6

- How to concentrate, find out more about it, learn about it
- Record sessions. (Find out how, what benefits for improving it involves etc).
- What is this rrs and how does it work lol
- How to prepare
- Make myself a network and try to surround myself with good poker players.

Note 7

Phil Galfond Quote.

- 3 skills to put an opponent on a hand

1. Psychology
2. Deductive
3. Math / Logic

Note 8

- Mantra
- Rarely bluff
- Value, Value, Value, make them bigger than you think
- Read the board
- Position

Note 9

Complacency threatens.

- Get notes on everyone at the table
- Don't just win your money, earn it
- Phil Galfond spent around 70 hours every week when trying to get good

Note 10

- Call light when things doesn't make sense from bad players.
- We want to do whatever we can to keep the fish in the pot.
- Structure your bets, think ahead, so you'll get stacks in on the river.

Note 11

3b pots

- Being in pos means we can call.
- Essentially we can call with high cards and pairs.
- In general, ranges for 3b in ssgames are usually very tight. (Tighter than we want to belive).

Note 12

When should I check behind?

1) You're unlikely to get called by a worse hand. (Or make a better hanf fold).

2) You're unlikely to be outdrawn.

Note 13

- Poker is a game of seeing how much you can get away with. Then doing it over and over again.
- Good balanced ranges to 3b with: Suited connectors, top hands, and low/medium pairs.
- Check raise more vs people who c bet too much
- Don't play too many hands too quick at the start of a session to build up image.
- Develop history slowly.

Note 14

- If someone calls a lot of 3b, more linear; AJ, KQ, KTs etc.
- If he calls tight, a range that does well against that; TT+ AK + SCs and Axs (Polarized).

(Also SCs when villain can often check fold on flop).

Note 15

Aggression is KEY!

Pot Equity + Fold equity = Aggression

Value betting is the way to beat poker

Note 16

Riddle: How many 9's are there between 1 - 100?

- Ignore your own table image
- Not picking and writing down dynamics/significant events
- Playing too many tables
- Lack of note taking and ability to explain villain's likely thought process. Summarizing observed down trends.

Note 17

* Fcous on learning
* Getting better
* Learn from mistakes
* Not winning money

Note 18

- People don't like to bet/fold
- When losing a big pot
* What does the hand teach me of my oponents play
* Could I have played the hand better?

Note 19

Process when deciding whether or not to bet or raise.

1) Am I value betting or bluffing?
2) If value betting, which worse hands call or raise?
3) If bluffing, do I have pot equity / Fold equity? (Is the player passive or aggro?)

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Visiting South Korea, Ideas? by hhse, March 04

Whats something I must visit / shouldn't miss while I'm down there? I'm flying out to HK first and will be in South Korea from 12th March to 23 March.

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Programming assignment - sudoku solver by Almebeast, March 04

There seems to be quite a few programmers around here, so I am writing this blog to get a few tips and comments on the ideas I have concerning this assignment. I am supposed to create a sudoku solver. If you dont know what sudoku puzzles are just google it. The only constraints are that I have to program in C and use a parallel algorithm with pthreads. I'll be happy if I can create something that works, but I obviously want to make the solver as fast and efficient as possible. I think this is an interesting enough assignment. I don't know if this is seems ridiculously easy to an experienced programmer but I've only been programming in C for about a month so it seems like a nice challenge for me.

So the first idea that comes to mind is some kind of brute force algorithm where you start by trying to put a 1 in the first empty cell. If 1 cant be in that cell because there already is a 1 in the same row/column/subsquare you try 2 and so on until you find the lowest number that fits in that cell. You then move to the next cell and repeat the procedure. Whenever you encounter a cell where no number fits (this means some of the numbers you already put in are wrong) you backtrack and try to put a larger number in the previous cell.

To parallelize this algorithm I am thinking I could start a new thread whenever I put a number in a cell, for example if 1,3,5,8 all fit in the first cell I would create 4 new threads, one for each possible number. If I could do that for every cell then I would never have to backtrack since every possibility is being taken care of. But this will probably create a very large number of threads.

Question: Is there a limit to the number of threads you can create?

Even if you can create a lot of threads this might not be an efficient approach since every thread will have to keep its own copy of the board since every thread tries different numbers. If the number of threads escalates then so does the memory usage

Im considering initially sorting the cells after how many "clues" there are for each cell, i.e how many given numbers there are in the same row/column/subsquare. Instead of attacking the cells from top left to bottom right you could then attack them in order of clues, starting with the one with the most clues. That way you wont have to create as many threads, since a lot of numbers aren't possible for the first cells.

So as you probably noticed I am in a very early stage of this project. I have until March 28. Please post comments/tips/questions. In the unlikely event that people seem interested in this project I will post updates as I move along.

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feb fails by [GiTM]-Ace, March 04

Feb was pretty fail. I couldn't really find motivation to play for some reason and ended up being ridiculously lazy. Only good thing was I did manage to run like god at 10nl lol.Anyways heres the graphs.. mtts/180s/cash

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Ok today things will start to change by whamm!, March 04

I will only be back when things are better. And a brag post will be my welcome back Bp. Whatever I'm doing is definitely not working out so something's gotta change, may it be poker or whatever. Good luck to me and everyone! Good karma only please

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Ting Wings by NewbSaibot, March 03

Ah, so relaxing, especially after a hell-raising poker session.

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need 1500 stars for 1500 ftp by NeillyJQ, March 03

taken care of thanks Bore :-)

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My best rape by PplusAD, March 03

Pokerwise i have never taken so many BI of a single person.
12 1/5 BI net win from a single villian within 3,5h of HU poker.

Well after such a long and complete fail poker carrer there is still some time for a new personal record
I have taken more money from single person (when i was a NL100 Hu reg 1 year ago) , but never more BI
Yesterday i had my non epic Neilly attempt which ended breakeven.
Started with 420$ got down to 250$ at one point , came back up to 710 and ended 410 $ >-<
After that i decided i need a break from stars and cashed into Cake.
After all i had 20BI for micro stakes HU left.

First day is good so far

Well this guy had the worst HU game i ever played in my life i guess. ( Not that i am a good HU player ... since i cant even beat Stars 10$ sngs ...) But he was such a scared nit.... He basically did bet rivers 100% for value and bluff flop check/fold turn/river all his other hands. it was ridiculous
Only 2big hands he won were 33 vs his 99 flop 392 .... and his flush riverd vs my riverd straight.
After he was down like 3 BI he went total tilt nutz and started shoving flops with random draws and also did A high shoves over my turn 3 bets >-<
he kept reloading though which was very nice of him

Did lose ~ 70$ vs other guys in HU matches overall and ended
+174 $ for the day in 4h of pokerz

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Uni project: Looking for poker player to interview by djzapz, March 03


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funny porn by gororokgororok, March 03

i was just searching for porn when i came across this

pretty funny imo

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Week. . . ? by Advant1, March 03

Okay, whatever lol - I know I told myself and on my first blog post that I would update weekly. Well obviously that isn't happening so rather it is an update every OTHER week. It's fine.


To each his own! There are many methods of learning and I tend to learn a lot better visually rather then reading about the certain strategy/poker math, etc.
Although the reason I don't completely understand it just off reading is because I'm still learning the ropes and have a lot of "what..?" and "why?" questions in mind. I'm starting to understand a lot more though - not that it's enough but like I always say, "Once a student, always a student."

Really starting to learn the importance of position and betting strategies. MOST importantly, discipline and patience. Thinking smart basically. I've also been listening to a lot of 2+2 podcasts just trying to intake all the information I can.
Interesting thing that I've picked up from one of the podcast though. New generation people having the whole A.D.D, impatience, fast play, etc.
I'll admit, I'm probably sure I'm borderline on that category within the world of poker (though I'm def not outside the world of poker). So I am trying to apply my patience and discipline to Poker plays.

Still learning the math, and everything - not to get overconfident when ahead.
I realize this blog post is totally unorganized and a lot of jibber, but it's 5 in the morning and.. yeah

Will keep posted.

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