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People suck by DustySwedeDude, January 24

And yea, I know that sounds harsh and it's probably not true but I really got annoyed with people a few days ago. I have this "buddy" whom I've known for a very long time and been somewhat close too. He's never been the kind of guy I've trusted with important emotional shit really, but still someone I'd hung out with more then almost anyone else for a lot of years. I was ranting to him about how I considered one of the girls he knows a piece of crap for apparently having cheated on some guy and stated that I found it appalling how his other friend always made jokes about cheating on people in a way I considered more then a little bit offensive. I've got nothing against sexual promiscuously at all (fuck, my favourite book is "Stranger in a Strange Land"), and I don't mind people joking about pretty much anything unless the situation calls for some class, but cheating on people just plain sucks.

Instead of the usual nod and "yea yea, that sucks man" I assumed I'd get as a reply he says something about how her bf apparently wasn't used to being in relationships and didn't really put up enough of an effort in some areas and then he goes quiet. I decided to shut up since I did recognize that it was probably in poor taste to question someone's friend's moral character without knowing all the facts.

At a party for my buddy a few days later some girls are joking about how they all slept with him and someone makes a "funny remark" about how he's so weird and why did they sleep with him. One of them says that "yea well, back in blablabla I used to love him a little bit". I'm slightly intoxicated but something feels weird. Then it dawns on me that he had a long time gf at the time, so I joke right back about that. I still don't really know if I believe it but three people, two girls he's slept with and his own brother, stated more or less that he did cheat on this girl. I never really got to know her, and as far as I can remember I thought fairly poorly about her, but it still just sucks.

I guess I should just leave it alone, because I don't care enough about him to actually feel that it's super important that he knows when I don't approve of shit, and in a month or 6 weeks I won't spend as much time with him any more for various reasons I can't do much about. I've done a lot of less then honourable things. I once slept with a fat chick and jumped out of her window while she was sleeping. At one point I kept sleeping with some girl just because "she'll leave the country soon, so I don't have to worry about it". I'm fairly sure I hurt one girl, even though I for the life of me can not figure out how (she was from another country and I think it was a cultural thing). But as far as relationships goes I've never hurt someone other then by mistake. And during the sorts spans when I've been in relationships, I've never cheated.

But on the other hand there's a lot of beautiful things in the world. I guess I should focus on that.

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random update by mnj, January 24

prob in general a super boring read. wrote it half drunk. you have been warned.
+ Show Spoiler +

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untilted now by tloapc, January 24

thanks Mike


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January so far by RAINISM, January 24

Haven't posted a blog in quite a long time... actually I haven't really commited to poker for a while now. The break was good though. Got to focus on school and whatnot. Anywho, all I played was NL25 FR and SH.

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And It Don't Stop by Gadget, January 23

Back to back winning days at the micro MTT's. I can't be sure about this, but I would say these multi entry MTT's on FTP cut down on variance big time. Made my third final table in the last 2 days with another 5th or 6th place finish(can't remember) to go with a 5th and a 6th from yesterday.

Double guarantee weeks starts tomorrow so that should be good. I heard every tourny will be multi entry, although that may have been a joke/rumor.

I was down to 60 chips in the 1000FTP black card Satty to 750k with K7 in the big blind and ended up winning a seat. That was pretty sick. These satties are so deceiving, I was in 11th out of 40 with the top 36 getting a seat, and thought I could easily fold my way to a seat. It ended up working but I was 35th out of 36 when the tourny ended. This may have just been due to the fact that some guy went all in every hand with like 200BB when everyone else had 2-6 BB.

$235.70 in Buy Ins
$381.47 in Cashes
$216 Ticket
$361.77 Profit

Not sure if they changed this or it only applies to the blackcard sattelites or something. I have to play in the 750k? I can't sell it for tourny dollars. Ive won a bunch of these and was never given a ticket, I was always automatically registered, and then I could unregister for T$.

Thanks for reading, let me know if this post was boring and what I could do to make it better.

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FTP Deposit Bonus = % rb? by exalted, January 23

I have a friend that is getting into poker. He already deposited without talking to me so he just has a deposit bonus and no rb. What effective rb % is he getting right now (with just the bonus)? Just curious as to how much he's potentially missing out on.

Does anybody know what % affiliates actually receive? I think it's somewhere around 33% but it could be a little/much higher. All I know is I'm only getting the flat 27% and feel unsatisfied about it (but am pretty much committed due to 12+ Iron Man months).

I heard that he can apply for cashback from FTP so I had him send an email asking, but any information about other options would be good too.

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It be the 23rd by Pokerpoopy, January 23

Ladies and gentlemen! Update: vpps are at 169K...pace is 220K...still 50K behind. Here is the current situation: To win prop bet, I have to get 14,555 vpps per day everyday from here till end of the month.

That will take 13-14 hours a day. Still possible, but it's gonna be very, very hard. Made ~1.6K yesterday, total profit at tables for the year is ridic and chilling at +$500.

That's it! Gotta run and get this started. Happy Sunday!

p.s. if you wanna see the real blog, visit

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Need a roommate in Atlanta by ChrisKim47, January 23

Was looking at a 2 br apt, at howell mill/collier intersection (exit 250). Going for 500 per person and trying to move in March-April. Just thought I'd see if a poker player was interested.


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Funny pictures! / My Cake Ur FTP/PS by Carthac, January 23

See how I did that? Bribing you with funny pictures only to see my shameless plug of trying to trade this monopoly money for real money?

Anyways, looking to transfer 40 dollars from cake to FTP or Pstars. Willing to pay a 10% fee for the help

Reputable members would be appreciated


As promised, here are the funny pics!

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Bad week by attik34, January 23

Didn't get much volume in. Combination of busy, ran bad so didn't feel motivated, and getting back into Black Ops all factored into that. Don't feel like I played bad really, I need to not ever play the On Demand Rush tourneys ever again, not nearly as profitable as the 90 mans and yeah, I just spew.

34 played
down 128
ABI was over 10 this time, which is nice to see that I'm able to play these without a terrible doomswitch.

Actually, I'm running at about 30 percent ROI in just 13 dollar 90 mans. Small sample but still, I'm not noticing a big increase in good play, just a few people that I see alot more often. So yeah, its w/e.

I've been working on some of the math for like 3betting ranges with my friends, feel like its really going to help my game out.

Meh, back on the grind I suppose, I hope to put in more volume tomorrow than I did all last week, sooooo run good me...

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Ok now I think I'm doing it wrong by whamm!, January 22

very sick coolers just as im starting to get comfortable playing again.
money's getting to me since my diminishing life roll is getting coolered left and right as well.
cant play on a stake since ive lost two stakes given to me last time.
cant risk any more uploads (refer to 2nd sentence)
ditched website plans for now, learned new stuff that can buy me a pair of shoes at best
wasted time taking a break just chilling, zero income for 4 months, past mediocre poker game is now below par and close to vinniepooh status
i got more kids, less money, no skill less time (im 38 atm)

I'm Catholic (non-practicing), but this is how it usually goes when I go on life tilt, I only return to believing God just to piss him off lol,

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[ ] withdraw cursed by Night2o1, January 22

Hold 1 time, eternal life heater plz
my redline is doing weird things it hasn't done for a while lol

Really going to try not to open any 1/2 tables until Feb 1. Getting too old to keep dumping all my income running bad and getting tilted and demotivated and shit.

Then I'll be back on mass 1/2 shooting.

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MTT Grind by Gadget, January 22

I've been playing 25nl rush poker for the last 6 days or and with rakeback I'm up like 2 BI. The good news is I have black card status now, the bad news is that I didn't make much money. I've decided to go back to MTT's once and for all. My plan was always to go back to MTT's after I grinded up my BR a bit with cash games, but I've decided its easier to make money at micro MTT's than it is at micro cash games.

I also installed the 30 day trial of table ninja and it is amazing. I went from playing 8 tables max to playing 12-16 tables routinely now. I've also played a bunch of multi entry tournaments today and they are a great addition by FTP. Heres my results for today. I'm going to post results daily if possible, weekly if I get lazy.

$126.7 in entries/rebuys/add ons
$915.44 in cashes/knockouts
788.75 profit

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big poker update by K40Cheddar, January 22

Hello everybody. It has been awhile since I put up a serious blog post, partially cause I've been embarrassed with my results. However, things are going in the right direction and I'm looking forward to future possibilities.

Full Tilt Progress

My primary focus this month was to put in a fairly large volume of full ring NL 10. My winrate is not a good as I would like it to be and I really felt like I tilted a lot of times and could have easily prevented some losses. Almost all of these hands are NL 10. However, I have recently started easing into NL 25 but playing most tables of NL 10 and adding a few NL 25 tables with it in order to be comfortable, prevent massive tilt, and try to play the same for both stakes. Haven't put up a huge NL 25 sample yet but I will consistently do this mixing until I feel comfortable enough to completely make the switch. Results so far this month.

discovering HU

Got some inspiration from edzwoo on trying out HU. I've never tried it cause I don't have a roll to full stack $50. Edzwoo gave some examples of how HU winrate can be higher because it's 1v1 between you and a huge fish vs the huge fish at one big full ring table. Had like $25 on stars for tourneys and stuff and decided to degen it up and give this stuff a shot. Here's what happened.

Obviously running like god. So now when I'm bored from mass tabling on full tilt I just go hit and run some retards on stars.

Still got plenty of time this month to keep doing great and am looking forward to future progress in all areas of poker. Looking forward to making the complete transition from NL 10 to NL 25 on full tilt and building up a big enough roll to buy in for more at stars HU.

Gl to everyone else!

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how to get reads? by mnj, January 22

with 0 info on a certain villain how do you get reads in 3 bet pots?

like lets say you play like 30 hands, and he 3 bets you.

how do you play TT+? ATs+? 78s+?

calling blindly to see how he reacts feels sorta crappy. as even if i flop a top pair hand i'm uncomfortable getting the money in.

i play nl100 atm and i can tell you for a fact, shipping QQ pre as a standard is a monster leak.

anyway got a big update in the works hope your january is a good month

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I ship AP/UB and or Cake for FTP or PS by Steal City, January 22

Hey, I'm trying to get FTP or PS and I got AP/UB and cake. Looking to do at least 10k. Willing to do small transfers as long as it's at least 1k

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When Satan gets old he turns to religion by DustySwedeDude, January 22

Alan Greenspan wants a Gold standard. lol.

I dunno if this is all just a old man repenting his sins or turning senile, but anyway; IN YOUR FACE KEYNES!

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XXII!!!!!!!!!! by Pokerpoopy, January 22

ok update yesterday we ended about +$2K...a nice lil turn around. 16 tabled only though bc my confidence was low after the first 2 days of prop bet and losing $7k. VPPs are at get to 300K by end of Jan. 31st, we need ~14K per day...which is still gonna be about 12-13 hours a day everyday...

This is possible! Happy Saturday everyone, gl at the tables today! We will be live all day at

Love Always,

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grind baby by BangYu, January 21

deposited 10 dollars on AP. Will be grinding nl10 6 max. See you guys at the nosebleeds

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1 BI grind baby by BangYu, January 21

deposited 10 dollars on AP. Will be grinding nl10 6 max. See you guys at the nosebleeds

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