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have AP/UB need FTP by Steal City, January 17

looking to move a lot of money. Only msg me if u want to move at least 1k and have decent PTRs on both accounts

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Noob questions by Arirang, January 17

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FTP > stars by gororokgororok, January 17

Looking to transfer 2k from FTP to stars. Anyone?

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mid jan report by vlseph, January 17

I think this is the most volume I've ever put in an entire month, let alone half a month. I'm really inspired to play right now, I think watching some coaching videos is a part of that, and I just don't wanna be a busto anymore. I'm adding a couple of NL200 tables to my sessions now, I'm gonna see how that goes. I also regained my Black Card Status, so I'm looking to chase after the next two tiers. If I earn about 3k points a day for a month, I can get the highest tier easily. Good luck at the tables everyone.

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Cancer & Keynes by palak, January 17

On the cancer thread which is getting out of control...should I even bother continuing to argue in that thread?
Poll: Should I continue posting in the cancer thread?
(Vote): Yes, d_smart and group have good points about medicine.
(Vote): Yes, the posts make good reading material if i need to bore myself half to death & r educational.
(Vote): No, even if you have NOTHING else to do but watch paint dry that is better then continuing arguing.

Also this has been bothering me but I don't want to bump the ron paul money bomb thread b/c I currently don't feel like arguing economics. Dustyswededude said to correct him if someone found something wrong w/ what he said.

  On December 21 2010 23:31 DustySwedeDude wrote:

Also, and please keep in mind that in no way try to accuse anyone of being a Nazi or anything like that, I feel that the an example of keynesianism that actually worked fairly good was the third Reich. I'm fairly certain that that economy would've crashed in a couple of years anyway since it's a classic example of increased Governmental spending to get the economy going by increasing the aggregated demand. And don't worry, I do have a point with this that I feel this is a good example of. Keynes himself was asked by some student (I think? at least someone) something like; "But what of the long run?" and apparently answered; "In the long run we're all dead". The way to make keynesaism make you look good is to die before the bust. Of course, Hitler fucked that up by being a complete psycho killer responsible for millions of deaths, but that's besides the point.

This is not the context at all for the long run quote.
here is the context and what he meant by it.

In the first place, Keynes was complaining about the “classical” economics, that is, the ideas of the economists before him who believed that the market, if unhampered after a recession, could reduce or eliminate the unemployment associated with the business cycle. ...Some basic methodology is in order. When economists talk about “the long run” they do not mean calendar time. Yes, that’s right. They do not mean long in the sense of many years or perhaps even many decades....The long run happens when all of the variable elements in a model are fully adjusted.

The long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead. Economists set themselves too easy, too useless a task if in tempestuous seasons they can only tell us that when the storm is past the ocean is flat again.
A Tract on Monetary Reform (1923) Ch. 3; many have thought this meant Keynes supported short terms gains against long term economic performance, but he was actually criticizing the belief that inflation would acceptably control itself without government intervention.

‘The long run is a misleading guide to current affairs - in the long run we are all dead ‘ JM Keynes

I thought this was very interesting as it puts forward the idea that we shouldn’t bother to think beyond our own lifetime, our own generation. Which I think is a terrible mistake.

This quote came from Keynes' General Theory of Money. During the Great Depression, the prevailing economic orthodoxy was the Classical view. This stated that markets would adjust to disequilibrium without government intervention. Therefore, when the Great Depression occurred in 1930, the classical response was to do nothing - because in the long run the markets would solve the problem (real wages would fall, people would return to work and the economy would return to full employment)

However, Keynes said this was madness - In the depth of a recession, why not try to do something about it, rather than leave to 'market forces'. Yes in the long run, the recession may end, but, here the long run could be 10 years. Keynes wanted to try and solve the depression now rather than wait for 10 15 years or however, long the 'longrun' was.

In particular Keynes criticised the idea that falling real wages would solve unemployment. He argued falling real wages would just leave people with less money and therefore aggregate demand would fall more. Keynes argued for public works schemes, financed by government borrowing to inject money into the economy and get people back to work and spending. This was too radical for the UK Treasury, and generally the UK didn't follow Keynesian policies in the Great Depression. If we had injected government spending, the recession may have been less serious and ended sooner.

Finally this is another link for info on it.

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Mid January by [GiTM]-Ace, January 17

Its been a pretty swingy month so far. I was failing hard at mtts before today and 180s have been so up and down.

Entered a 180 competition for the last 2 weeks of the month so most of my volume will probably be there. A lot of grinders though so I'm sure its gonna be whoever has the run goods lol.

some stats/graph

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fuckloads of cash by fenner, January 17

Im 20 y/o with no education.

I have lots of sparetime.

I wanted to start photography as a business to make money, but I realize now that if your goal is to make a fuckton of money then photography is the wrong business and should just be done as a hobby.

If I wanna make a fuckload of money, not caring about entertainment value of the job. What business do i want to enter or work towards?

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i am a luckbox by nightstarts, January 17

Needed to stay awake for awhile yesterday, so I played my longest (10hrs, 8k hands) and most profitable session ever. Ran insanely good (graphs below!). It's pretty difficult for me to tell what I'm doing wrong to be playing so badly though.... thought I had things all figured out around hand 50k.... Well, maybe I like to call too much:

Submitted by : nightstarts

***** Hand History for Game 1111111111 ***** Poker Stars
$10.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, January 16, 05:02:42 ET 2011
Table Hispania VII Real Money
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Player1 $13.01 USD - VPIP: 29, PFR: 14, 3B: 0, AF: 0.6, Hands: 136
Seat 2: Hero $21.32 USD - VPIP: 27, PFR: 23, 3B: 5, AF: 3.6, Hands: 174194
Seat 3: Player3 $16.92 USD - VPIP: 18, PFR: 16, 3B: 10, AF: 3.9, Hands: 206
Seat 4: Player4 $1.91 USD - VPIP: 35, PFR: 14, 3B: 8, AF: 1.7, Hands: 250
Seat 5: Player5 $12.73 USD - VPIP: 25, PFR: 19, 3B: 5, AF: 4.2, Hands: 524
Seat 6: Player6 $15.82 USD - VPIP: 16, PFR: 13, 3B: 11, AF: 6.0, Hands: 326
Hero posts small blind [$0.05 USD].
Player3 posts big blind [$0.10 USD].

Dealt to Hero [9dTs ]
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero raises [$0.25 USD]
Player3 calls [$0.20 USD]

Flop (Pot : $0.55)

Hero bets [$0.40 USD]
Player3 raises [$1.20 USD]
Hero raises [$2.60 USD]
Player3 raises [$15.42 USD]
Hero calls [$13.62 USD]

Turn (Pot : $32.19)


River (Pot : $32.19)

Hero shows 9dTs
Player3 shows Ks2s
Hero wins $32.15 USD from main pot

Submitted by : nightstarts

***** Hand History for Game 1111111111 ***** Poker Stars
$10.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, January 15, 09:43:06 ET 2011
Table Kenos XI Real Money
Seat 5 is the button
Seat 1: Player1 $10.00 USD - VPIP: 13, PFR: 12, 3B: 2, AF: 3.0, Hands: 126
Seat 2: Player2 $10.25 USD - VPIP: 21, PFR: 17, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 58
Seat 3: Hero $12.28 USD - VPIP: 27, PFR: 23, 3B: 5, AF: 3.6, Hands: 174194
Seat 4: Player4 $4.15 USD - VPIP: 14, PFR: 12, 3B: 7, AF: 7.0, Hands: 155
Seat 5: Player5 $22.10 USD - VPIP: 53, PFR: 27, 3B: 13, AF: 4.0, Hands: 179
Seat 6: Player6 $11.20 USD - VPIP: 22, PFR: 18, 3B: 13, AF: 1.8, Hands: 357
Player6 posts small blind [$0.05 USD].
Player1 posts big blind [$0.10 USD].

Dealt to Hero [TcTd ]
Player2 folds
Hero raises [$0.40 USD]
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises [$1.15 USD]
Player1 folds
Hero calls [$0.80 USD]

Flop (Pot : $2.45)

Player6 bets [$1.50 USD]
Hero calls [$1.50 USD]

Turn (Pot : $5.45)

Player6 bets [$3.00 USD]
Hero calls [$3.00 USD]

River (Pot : $11.45)

Player6 bets [$5.50 USD]
Hero calls [$5.50 USD]
Player6 shows JsJh
Hero shows TcTd
Player6 wins $21.41 USD from main pot

Submitted by : nightstarts

***** Hand History for Game 1111111111 ***** Poker Stars
$10.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, January 15, 09:06:32 ET 2011
Table Kalevala VIII Real Money
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 1: Player1 $10.35 USD - VPIP: 20, PFR: 12, 3B: 2, AF: 2.1, Hands: 243
Seat 2: Player2 $11.07 USD - VPIP: 24, PFR: 16, 3B: 8, AF: 1.9, Hands: 202
Seat 3: Player3 $10.00 USD - VPIP: 13, PFR: 8, 3B: 3, AF: 1.7, Hands: 1897
Seat 4: Player4 $21.67 USD - VPIP: 41, PFR: 27, 3B: 19, AF: 3.8, Hands: 246
Seat 5: Player5 $9.90 USD - VPIP: 17, PFR: 17, 3B: 0, AF: Infinity, Hands: 6
Seat 6: Hero $25.97 USD - VPIP: 27, PFR: 23, 3B: 5, AF: 3.6, Hands: 174194
Player5 posts small blind [$0.05 USD].
Hero posts big blind [$0.10 USD].

Dealt to Hero [AdKh ]
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 raises [$0.25 USD]
Player5 folds
Hero raises [$0.70 USD]
Player4 calls [$0.55 USD]

Flop (Pot : $1.55)

Hero bets [$1.20 USD]
Player4 raises [$3.00 USD]
Hero calls [$1.80 USD]

Turn (Pot : $7.55)

Hero checks
Player4 bets [$4.10 USD]
Hero calls [$4.10 USD]

River (Pot : $15.75)

Hero checks
Player4 bets [$13.77 USD]
Hero calls [$13.77 USD]
Player4 shows ThAs
Hero shows AdKh
Player4 wins $41.39 USD from main pot

Last two were against super aggro opponents. The last guy was a sick aggro fish with flop c/r percentage of 67 over a large sample. C/c'ing to induce really didn't work so well there =/.

Yesterday's session:

All hands at NL 10:

Am very disturbed about EV at the moment...

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3.1k hands IN ONE DAY!1/1?1 by Night2o1, January 16

Yeah I know its impressive.

Its 7 hours of play though:

+ deep run in tourney scored like $180 off my 15k FTP ticket (SICK!!)

Going to try to get more volume in, and I'm still working on making the most epic nl100 6m graph of all time
+ Show Spoiler +

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Damn it live players.... by Carthac, January 16

Submitted by : Carthac

Live Game #55443637447: Hold'em No Limit ($1/2 USD) - 2011/01/05 23:40:20 PT [2011/01/06 2:40:20 ET]
Table 'LOL We CALL' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: SleepAwayVV
Seat 2: AndréF.BR
Seat 3: Pe1rucho
Seat 4: ThatsTheTnyG
Seat 5: Austin3535
Seat 6: jeremaroto
Pe1rucho: posts small blind $1
Me: posts big blind $2

Dealt to MeQd4d
WhyWouldIFold: calls $2
HERPDERP: calls $2
ThisIsJustLikeSlotsRight?: calls $2
WheresMyOxygen: calls $2
FatherTime: folds
OnlinePokersRigged: folds
IBragAboutGoingToTheWSOP: $2
IThinkIShitMyself: folds
Me: checks
*** FLOP ***4cQh5s
Gigantic Rake takes $4
Me: bets $11
WhyWouldIFold: calls $11
HERPDERP: calls $11
ThisIsJustLikeSlotsRight?: folds
WheresMyOxygen: folds
IBragAboutGoingToTheWSOP: folds

Turn (Pot : 0.00)

Me: bets $25
WhyWouldIFold: calls $25

River (Pot : 0.00)

Me: checks
WhyWouldIFold: bets $15
Me: calls $15
*** SHOW DOWN ***
WhyWouldIFold: showsKs7c
Me: mucks hand

Damn you live players, Damn you!

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16th Jan by Pokerpoopy, January 16

Yo yo! Missed 2 days or a day of blogging cuz of that damn fever, went to 103.3 and I was done. I am back today ready to grind- updated my blog at my blizzity blog

love you,

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Medium stakes SNG player by Wreckognize, January 16

Dumb question:

I've been playing a lot of $50-$100 SNG's in the past week and having been bringing in a steady profit. I was wondering if there are people who consistently beat these for a good profit or if there is just too much variance?

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Sunday session by Babs, January 16

Nice way to spend a sunny Sydney day; not at the beach, not at the cricket, not even watching the cricket, but chasing SNE

30k VPP

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we believe by NeillyJQ, January 16

they say luck comes from hard work and preperation.

may the luck go upon all those who play when they can, and be the best students they can be in there life

lets see that rail heaven all over the sunday majors today boys =)

Positivity breeds positive

Good Luck.

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500 on cake for FTP OR UB/AP by aznricebeast, January 16

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have FT need PS by hoylemj, January 16

I'm looking to move $200 from FT to PS. Let me know if you can help. I've done many trades, can give references etc, thx.

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Looking to trade Merge $ for PS or FTP by MARSHALL28, January 15

I know I don't keep a regular blog here anymore since becoming a CR pro (my regular blog is over there now) like over a year ago, but I know a lot of people still frequent this site, and I'm trying to post this basically everywhere.

I have up to 40k on Merge network I'm looking to trade, I'm willing to negotiate %'s for vig, please PM me if you have any interest in trading at minimum 5k.


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Goals 2011 by BJLTNYK, January 15

Two weeks into the year but I've finally got my goals for 2011 down on paper so here goes:

Goal one goes without saying...but...STOP FUCKING SUCKING AT THIS GAME.

• 200k VPPs
• 15 live MTTs
• Play WSOP Main Event
• Host a live game
• Play live more often
• Play only when I can be 100% focused
• Be profitable at various forms of poker
• Tweet/blog more
• Be more accountable for when I’m playing poorly

• Have positive year gambling in other games (mainly my roulette degenning)
• Continue not sports betting
• Play more fantasy sports

• Get a new job that I ENJOY, is normal hours, and pays comparatively with health insurance…a plus if they allow for me to continue coaching high school basketball

• Lose fat, gain muscle…ideally weigh ~180 pounds
• Increase running stamina…run in 5 NYRRC races
• Become a better basketball player and play in some adult leagues
• Eat healthier but don’t let dieting consume my eating habits
• Cheat less but when I do…don’t be with fast food

• Put money into savings and DON’T touch it
• Take shots when appropriate in poker and in normal life
• Get approved for a credit card

• Get permit and drivers license
• Be less stressed overall
• Be a cleaner person for my girlfriend
• Become a better chef
• Explore home business/other investment opportunities
• Get a puppy

See you guys here all year long!


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David Bowie by DustySwedeDude, January 15

I can't sleep. Stupid alcohol messing with my sleep. I want coffee. In fact I'll go make some. Soon. Before I've written more then a few lines more. I love music. I can't play or sing but I love listening to it. I love good lyrics. I want to write some things about music. Why? I dunno, probably because it amuses me. And sometimes someone say; "Hey, if you like that you'd probably love this!" and I find something really, really cool. Or I'm just an egomaniac who loves the fact that you guys comment on stuff I write and gives me attention? Who the fuck knows? Anyway, I've got my coffee so here it goes. My first little text about a musician I love; David Bowie.

I was 15. Or something. I was a geek, I am still but back that I wasn't the lovable rather reasonably-looking and cheerful geek that you've all grown to like and cherish. I was an ugly mofo. I was overweight. I had great grades, but other then that I was not successful with anything really. I wasn't even a fair starcraft player yet. I don't think I was really happy, but that would change a few months later. It was a summer evening. It was raining. I sat in front of the TV in my parents house and they showed a documentary called "The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars". From that day forward my online handles were always something like "dusty" or "stardust". Quite possibly the single gayest fact about me known to man.

I don't care that he was dressed in a, ehh, dress? On that day in London 1973 the guy was a god. Or an alien. "Keep your 'lectric eye on me babe!" After watching that crap I had long hair for the next 4 or 5 years. This is 3 years later;

Time flies, right? Which reminds me, Bowie sang about that too!

Time - He flexes like a whore
Falls wanking to the floor
His trick is you and me, boy

Anyway, I started listening a lot to him and he's actually more then a really fucking gay look, a messiah complex and a fairly cool voice. They guy is an artist in every sense of the word and has both some of the coolest lyrics ever written and some really cool rock songs. His first big Album was "Space Oddity" from 1969. The Album has two really cool songs, the titular "Space Oddity" and the amazingly awesomely named "Unwashed and somewhat slightly dazed". The first one has a really cheesy video. Notice how young Bowie looked a bit like a young Stu Ungar and then ignore the video and hit the song up on spotify instead. The video version sucks ass.

The other songs on the Album are of less stellar quality. I like some of them but I wouldn't recommend them to anyone but a Bowie fan. A year later, 1970, he released "The Man who Sold the World". This album, like the first one, has two really good songs ("The Man who Sold the World" and The Width of a Circle") and a bunch I don't care much for. Nirvana made a great live cover of the first one, but other then that no one I know really gives two shits about this album. Yet another year later he put out "Honky Dory" with a bunch of cool songs including classics "Changes", "Life on Mars?" and one of my personal favourites; "Oh! You Pretty Things". It's a really nice feel-good song.

Wake up you sleepy head Put on some clothes,
shake up your bed
Put another log on the fire for me
I've made some breakfast and coffee
Look out my window and what do I see
A crack in the sky and a hand reaching down to me

The guy looks seriously retarded though, I can see why he started using make up.

Then he finally got around to make The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars, quite possibly on of the greatest concept albums of all time. To quote wikipedia; "The character of Ziggy was initially inspired by British rock 'n' roll singer Vince Taylor who Bowie met after he had had a breakdown and believed he was a cross between a god and an alien". Yea, he's that weird.

The time is five years to go before the end of the earth. It has been announced that the world will end because of lack of natural resources. Ziggy is in a position where all the kids have access to things that they thought they wanted. The older people have lost all touch with reality and the kids are left on their own to plunder anything. Ziggy was in a rock-and-roll band and the kids no longer want rock-and-roll. There's no electricity to play it. Ziggy's adviser tells him to collect news and sing it, 'cause there is no news. So Ziggy does this and there is terrible news. 'All the young dudes' is a song about this news. It's no hymn to the youth as people thought. It is completely the opposite. [...]

The end comes when the infinites arrive. They really are a black hole, but I've made them people because it would be very hard to explain a black hole on stage. [...]

Ziggy is advised in a dream by the infinites to write the coming of a Starman, so he writes 'Starman', which is the first news of hope that the people have heard. So they latch onto it immediately...The starmen that he is talking about are called the infinites, and they are black-hole jumpers. Ziggy has been talking about this amazing spaceman who will be coming down to save the earth. They arrive somewhere in Greenwich Village. They don't have a care in the world and are of no possible use to us. They just happened to stumble into our universe by black hole jumping. Their whole life is travelling from universe to universe. In the stage show, one of them resembles Brando, another one is a Black New Yorker. I even have one called Queenie, the Infinite Fox...Now Ziggy starts to believe in all this himself and thinks himself a prophet of the future starmen. He takes himself up to the incredible spiritual heights and is kept alive by his disciples. When the infinites arrive, they take bits of Ziggy to make them real because in their original state they are anti-matter and cannot exist in our world. And they tear him to pieces on stage during the song 'Rock 'n' roll suicide'. As soon as Ziggy dies on stage the infinites take his elements and make themselves visible.

And then they try to tell you that drugs never did any good... If you truly believe that I recommend you to burn all your CD's and remove spotify from your computer. Half the guys you're listening to were high as kites when they made that music, hell, the Beatles were so stoned that they even let Ringo sing a few songs! (bonus points if you figure out who I stole that joke from)

Anyway, at this point I'd strongly recommend you to put this trackon on spotify. That's the introduction to his last live show as Ziggy Stardust before he retired that persona. If you can find that concert DVD it's great, or you can just open the album up on spotify. It's really, really good. Everything from his own super hit "Ziggy Stardust" to his cover of the Rolling Stones "Let's spend the night together" and Jacques Brel's "My Death" is cool as fuck. The single greatest thing might be how coherent that concert was. It starts out with Beethoven's ninth symphony from A Clockwork Orange, then the band starts playing the rock song "Hang On To Yourself" which sets the tone for the first part which is mostly up beat songs before the turning point in the middle with "Space Oddity" and "My Death" which builds up towards a much darker part of the performance. The second part is about death, getting old, philosophy and sex rather then romantic emotions. It ends with the superb "Rock and Roll Suicide".

While writing this I get the general feeling that Bowie speaks much more to the younger version of Dusty. The version I'd probably despise a fair bit and tell to get his damn act together if he wants to get something done or get laid. I'd probably tell his sorry ass that he can't expect to just find some game and make ridiculous amounts of money and then by some twist of fate start with martial arts to get in shape. Or at least I hope I would. Anyway. I don't care if I'm more grown up and happy as a fish in water, this last song feels comforting.

Oh no love! you're not alone
No matter what or who you've been
No matter when or where you've seen

After the Ziggy Stardust era he made a few more good albums and a bunch of songs I really like. "Rebel Rebel" and "Absolute beginners" (one of the best love songs of all time, or at least top ~50 imo) comes to mind.

I've nothing much to offer
There's nothing much to take
I'm an absolute beginner
And I'm absolutely sane
As long as we're together
The rest can go to hell
I absolutely love you
But we're absolute beginners
With eyes completely open
But nervous all the same

Unfortunately most of his later stuff is really weird and it doesn't really speak to me. At all. Don't get me wrong, he does a bunch of cool stuff, but I just don't get it. He has great ideas but everything just turns into some kind of experimental glue of mediocrity much like The Rolling Stones' "Their Satanic Majesties Request". Unfortunately he did not follow it up with a Beggars Banquet (on of the greatest albums of all time) but rather more of the same crap.

Other random songs I think you should check out is the wonderfully ironic "God Knows I'm Good" about an old lady who is shoplifting, the really gay song "Lady Stardust" (with really cool lyrics), the über cool "Moonage Daydream" and the fairly cute "Let me Sleep Beside You".

If you don't know a lot about Bowie but want to check him out I made a little playlist with some of my favourite songs of him. Both a lot of his hits but also some slightly less known songs;

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Drinking by GoTuNk, January 15

I was just wondering how much/often do u guys drink. I'm asking mainly cause whenever I go out and drink more than average I find myself arriving home late and having hangover which impedes me to play poker (the only productive thing I can do while on holidays). I'm also certain i'll be ridicously fit if I didn't drink much.

On the other hand, buzz is ridicously fun :D
So just wanted to know about another poker players. Also post ur age, as I think some people here are twenty something and over the "get drunk with friends" phase or w/e u call it when u drink a lot in early 20's.

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