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Anyone in MIAMI/ORLANDO? by player999, January 13

If you wanna make an easy $100, I need help asap, anyone?

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wooord by Seobombisgay, January 13

i said in my previous post that i wanted to be on sharkscopes leaderboard for most profit on AP/UB. Well im 4th place so far but im sure ill be pushed down to 10th+ in a couple months. Im finally robusto enough to get my own place so ill be moving out to my own apt next month. gg 2011. hopefully this post didnt jynx it :X

Also, when I post AP/UB hands on lp, the format is all weird at the bottom. For example: .

Can any mod fix this as im planning to post a ton of hands this yr to patch leaks? plz?

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My Education Your Vote by Spitfiree, January 13

I moved to Germany to learn since ... well since i dont really know why. Their education is supposed to be much better but that is retarded bullshit. Only thing i get from being there is i get to learn to speak the language and i see their culture, probably get mentally stronger by being self-dependent in foreign country at the age of 19. My social contacts tho sink down from half the city to 5-6 Bulgarians and 2-3 germans/croatians. The living expenses are 2x more for 2x less things u get (meaning if i pay 350eu for an apartment in Germany i get 20 m3 and here i d get 100 m3 and could share it with a friend )as they would be back home. Now if i put my mind to something i go through it no matter how hard it is ( of course if that thing depends on me only excluding luckfacotrs and such ). From one side i feel like crap living there but from another that will only make me stronger in the future???

So basically :

Pros Germany
Learn german perfectly
Easier learn material
Get mentally stronger????

Pros Bulgaria
Social life
Less expenses
Better edu except it prolly wont be acknowledged as well in Europe
Feel Good

I cant get an non biased opinion by friends nor myself so i actually want your vote. That doesnt mean i will base my decision on the resulsts of the poll but i ll def take it into consideration
Poll: Germany or Bulgaria
(Vote): Germany
(Vote): Bulgaria

Cliff notes:
Read the whole thing mothafuckaaaa

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Blog 1 @ Liquid! by Pokerpoopy, January 13

Yo! What's up gents. I was told to come here from the thread I started so that it's easier to follow progress and such!

Gonna only leave quick posts here, but will link my official blog so you can more easily keep updated with how sh*t is going!

I actually prob won't right much here at all, was gonna do a summary of my day today, but I am gonna do that in my official so I'll just link you there.

Thanks for jumpin' on the ride guys!

Poopys 2011 World Record VPP Run + GF!

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back from by spets1, January 13


Man best country in the world. I tell ya. I wish none of you go there.

Thailand is like GOLF. Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden. Wait what?


So whos buying silver?

[spoiler]btw on the first day of thailand trip, i lost my credit card, so I had to cancel it. And my payments for website stopped so my site got suspended. I finally fixed it and my site is back up.[/spoiler[

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mid-month progress by K40Cheddar, January 13

Going very well so far

Goal is to get about 35-40k hands this month. I've decided to grind out some volume and over roll before I attempt NL 25 again. Everytime I've taken a shot I've gotten my soul crushed and massively tilted. I think I might try mixing NL 10 and NL 25 tables when taking the next shot to ease into it a little rather than jumping right into 8 tables of straight up NL 25. I think this would lower the tilt level.

As usual, good luck to everyone with the rest of their months. Have fun grinding!

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Horrible year by Venrae, January 13

This is the worst start to a year I can remember. It's pretty much all poker though because I'm too broke to go out and do shit.

Basically I started downswinging mid december and it hasn't stopped. I'm not motivated because every time I play I lose money. When I do play I play like shit because I hate it. Constantly running into the nuts is stupidly annoying =[.

So bad run and bad play with low volume is destroying my roll.

Then last weekend my mom calls and tells me she's going down to new hampshire for the weekend and needs me to watch the house. What ever, good with me. I pack up my computer head down and I'm ready to house sit and make some money for once. Turns out between shutting my computer off on friday, packing it up, setting it up and turning it on on saturday something broke. Either the wiring in her house fucked up my power supply or something else happened, but my computer will not turn on. So I'm stuck at home with no money and no computer. Luckily my roommate plays poker so I can use his laptop to put some hands it, but it's had to focus between the downswing, stress, and how different it feels not playing at my computer. My roommate has a case and power supply in storage that I can use, so once he gets that I can rebuild my computer in that and hopefully be back up and running.

I dunno, it's rambling but all the shit thats going on is just ridiculous and I hate it. I want something to go right I don't care what it is. No year has started out this bad that I can remember.

I don't want this to be a whine blog so no graphs, no hands, no numbers. Just need to vent somewhere and figured this was as good a place as any. I hope you guys have had a btter start to this year than me

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bad times :( by PplusAD, January 12

Hi guys
Kinda feel empty in my soul atm.

It all started when my ex gf ( The psycho one) did call me few days ago.
After we broke our relationship she moved to Austria and i did move back to my parents house till i would find a new room for myself.
So basicaly the last 2 month i have been living with my parents in a small city
First weeks werent too bad since my Sister did visit for holidays (she lives 300km away from my parents for studying in another city)
She is only 1 year younger than me (i am 25) and we havent seen each other more than like 2 times wihtin 2010. ( I was living with my GF in Nurnberg and she was living with her boyfriend few hours away)
So the first 2 weeks in my parents house living with my sister were kinda okayish since we did get drunk all day and "partied" like crazy
Also watching "how i met your mother" drunk at 3am in teh morning while eating pizza and stuff.
Well after my breakup with my GF i did drink a whole lot to be honest.
I basically got totally wasted 4 times a week
I Also played a lot of poker and had some decent success in terms of improving my game and making some monez.

First 3 days in December i made +280$ on Nl25 grinding like a champ ^^
I did party pretty good almost every evening and also had some fun with girls
New MMA season was about to start and overall i felt pretty amazing.

Things changed with a phone call...
My EX GF called me from Austria saying she still loves me and wants another chance and i should move to austria since its so much better than germany and we could become happy and stuff.
Well i dont know whats wrong with me ... but the minute i heared her voice i felt such a strong desire to be with her that all my rational alarming systems that this girl is a total psycho fell apart.

We talked a lot and i temprarily fell in love again.
I was daydreaming of being happy with her again. Holding her in my arms and feeling her warmth.
We agreed that i visit her in Austria and that she could visit me in Germany when i move to my new place
Everyting felt so good
Me is a big time idiot !
few days later she totally freaked out since she apparently found a picture of me having fun with another girl at google ???WTF
Then she started to rant who all this new girls in my facebook friendlist are and that i should delete some of them....
She totally went on rampage and started berating me and all got very ugly.
ALl my hopes vanished and my soul broke ...
I felt so down. I just wanted to walk to the edge of the universe and then fall of the abyss and fall for 1h till i burst in 1000 peaces and be dead ... Thats what i felt like.

Nothing did make any sense anymore and i felt like i have to hurt myself or i cant bear the preassure on my soul.
I opend up a few poker tables and randomly shoved pf till my 280$ profits were down to breakeven again. ( dindt take longer than half an hour^^)

did feel even more depressed after that and havent played more than 500 hands since then ....

Whatever it is , but this girl and me having ugly arguments destroys my soul !

Another thing is that since my sister is back where she lives i am alone with my parents in a big house in a small city where absolutely nothing ever happens...
my parents wake up at 6am and go to bed at 9.30pm german time. My father is at work most hours of the day and my mother is away being involved in all kind of christian activities during the day.

So its me in a big house being alone with no other soul of around my age reachable within the next 30 minutes (30 minutes by car)
facebook and liquidpoker are my only social contacts.
It really starts depressing me However i will move into my new room to nurnberg(where i lived before) on 20th of Janurary
I think things will become a lot better again when i am back to where my friends live.

Another thing is that my MMA training did start again which since i am still living with my parents now is 35-40 car minutes away
( single distance) instead of 10 minutes with bike when i lived in Nurnberg
Its kinda anoying when you are used to almost living next to the gymn.
Another thing is that since i started training again i completely stopped alcohol.
I think getting drunk every day and smoking shisha like a madman did make living "alone" in an isolated small city a lot easier

Besides that i am kinda unhappy with girl situation.
I still have such strong feelings for a girl that is very bad for me ...
I did make out a lot with girls from the small city the last weeks but tbh it kinda sucked....
There are only few girls and they are semi-ugly ..... Since there are only so few girls they however think they are beautiful....due to every guys in that city being used to this kinda ugly girls...
Its like i need to have some fun with girls (everyone needs some love) but i am not really enyoing it too much

All in all i feel bad atm.


better times to come

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30 inch dell monitor by veryGUd, January 12

Looking to sell my 30 inch dell monitor. I am a reputable member and haven't posted for a while, I've done many transfers with nolan and other members of this site. I'm selling a Dell UltraSharp 3007WFP-HC 30-inch WideScreen Flat Panel Monitor. I bought it 6 months ago so it's still under warranty. PM me your best offer cheers!

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Holiday Giveaway by Gadget, January 12

What is this holiday giveaway tournament ticket I have in my FTP cashier???

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OH NOES by edzwoo, January 12



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Use Firefox by NewbSaibot, January 12

Him: I got a message saying I needed flash updated, please update it
Me: Does the page load?
Him: Yes
Me: So whats the problem?
Him: Well I thought it probably needed it if it was telling me.
Me: Dont worry about it. Which browser are you using anyway?
Him: Internet Explorer
Me: Use Firefox, you wont get that message as often, if ever. Plus it is superior in a number of other ways. Why are you using Internet Explorer anyway?
Him: I dunno
Me: Ok, well use Firefox.

-My life

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PT3 Hud Question by Chewits, January 12

I am trying to find these stats;

Button Raise %
Call in BB to a raise %

I thought I found them, but the stats do not like right at all. Playing HU, it shows player is calling 20/40 hands in BB, yet there is 300 hand sample. I am newbie to PT3, so forgive me.


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Perfect day by DustySwedeDude, January 12

Yesterday was probably my best day overall in a long as time. Better then winning prima's Sunday donkament, much better then Christmas and better then any day I can actually remember except maybe for the first time I tried BJJ.

Just a perfect day
Problems all left alone Weekenders on our own
It's such fun
- Lou Reed

I started out slow and I decided to play some poker since apparently I'm currently doing very good in some rake race, which I did not know about. Might as well get some hands in, right? I started out down a little bit which made me feel a small amount of annoyance since I've had two losing months behind me and this month, despite being decent in terms of results, has been a little slow. I reminded myself that I should not let such things mess with my happiness levels too much;

Which man can save his brother soul
Oh man it's just self control
Don't gain the world and lose your soul
Wisdom is better than silver and gold
- Bob Marley

Then this hand happens

The guy had been shitting on me by owning, sucking out on and coolering me left and right and I finally get to stack him. Lacking anything reasonable to have sex with a Tuesday morning that might have been the most satisfying feeling I could reasonably expect. After that I won a bunch of buyins in mid stakes omaha and suddenly I was up 1.2k or something for the morning and decided to call it quits. When I started sucking out on people I sang along, badly, with Van Morrison in "Everyone". It's the best suck out song ever, quite possibly as good as have the "haters gonna hate"-fedor-gif on your screen.

With our heads so high smile at the passers by
Then we'll softly sigh ay, ay, ay, ay, ay
Everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone Everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone

Then I went to school to get my essay on game theory in negotiations back and talk about that and some other essays. It was very interesting and I got to explain the some law students and two professors why you have to balance you're "go to trial"-rate after you're making treats and how you can calculate the optimal rate of that knowing the risks involved, costs and the other sides expected risk-averseness. Got my grades and it turns out that for the first time in 7 semesters of law school I got the maximum grade. I tried to keep my pokerface but I felt a little bit like a little girl getting her first pony. My pokerface never was very good anyway . Hmm, that's not true actually, Myth wrote some really good stuff about that in the article section about live poker. I normally feel that he's a little bit overrated when it comes to online play but credit should be given where credit is due and he is a creative and tricky motherfucker. I might try to write my thesis on a similar subject to this essay so I'm really happy it was well received. I have this dream lingering in my head that some day I want to be an author, and I think it could be really interesting to write something less serious about how you can apply game theory and poker wisdom "in real life".

I got home a little late and felt a tiny bit stressed out because I had dinner plans and I was suppose to actually cook dinner before I got company. Fortunately I got a text stating that I wasn't the only one who was late, so I had time to actually make a very nice meal. We ate, watched "Watchmen" (underrated movie in my opinion, Rorschach is really bad ass) and drank about 3 bottles of 30$ wine. I've only recently figured out that wine actually can taste better or worse depending on price range, country and such. Also, red wine tends to turn you into a Philosoraptor.

For some reason I do not have a headache, so now I think I'll go stack some fools and see if I can't win that rake race I've been looking at for a while.

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lol by K40Cheddar, January 11

gg fish

Submitted by : K40Cheddar

***** Hand History for Game 27199227987 ***** (Full Tilt)
$10.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, January 12, 12:34:46 ET 2011
Table Mach 10 (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 1: Tex581 ( $7.50 USD )
Seat 2: nestle_me ( $21.08 USD )
Seat 3: DGraves1 ( $39.77 USD )
Seat 4: bobotojo ( $9.77 USD )
Seat 5: TowerRat13 ( $11.32 USD )
Seat 6: K40cheddar ( $23.51 USD )
Seat 7: tkintg ( $9.81 USD )
Seat 8: JC3_5708 ( $4.14 USD )
Seat 9: 321Showtime ( $8.83 USD )
TowerRat13 posts small blind $0.05 USD.
K40cheddar posts big blind $0.10 USD.

Dealt to K40cheddar 4h3s
tkintg folds
JC3_5708 calls $0.10 USD
321Showtime folds
Tex581 folds
nestle_me folds
DGraves1 calls $0.10 USD
bobotojo folds
TowerRat13 folds
K40cheddar checks

Flop (Pot : $0.35)

K40cheddar checks
JC3_5708 checks
DGraves1 checks

Turn (Pot : $0.35)

K40cheddar checks
JC3_5708 checks
DGraves1 checks

River (Pot : $0.35)

K40cheddar bets $23.41 USD
JC3_5708 folds
DGraves1 calls $23.41 USD
K40cheddar shows4h,3s
K40cheddar wins $45.17 USD from main pot
DGraves1 doesn't showTc,Ts

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Looking @ graphs by Night2o1, January 11

Wow, graphs are so much nicer when you change them to "in big blinds" instead of "$"

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Bleak Future by OpWestAcct, January 11

So I took another six day break, came back and lost another six buy ins. And I am lost for words. This is EXACTLY what happened last year. I lost all of December and all of January and eventually had to cash out the remainder of my roll to pay for bills. I have about $1400 left in my checking and about $1550 left online. I am quitting poker again and getting my job back once school settles this semester. And I must quit now because I can't afford to lose any more money in case there are complications with me working. Wish I would have made this decision before losing another $600 today. So fucking depressing to think about how I had over 8k about a 40 days ago. Ugh, and the sad thing is, is that I don't have the will to drop down limits and grind out of this horrid stage. I'm just going to take the little money I have left and maybe make another heroic comeback in the future. Once I have my job back I'll try to grind some live poker.

Off to my first semester of architecture.

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Tech N9Ne by attik34, January 11

So I'm a big fan of Tech, and I recently made a Pandora station with the theme of Tech N9ne...and it literally just plays his songs. I think this a actually really an accurate station, and there really isn't anyone like him. Not to say he's the best alive or anything, but I really can't come up with anyone who has a remotely similar sound.

Anyone else a fan/anyone know of anyone similar just out of curiosity?

Speaking of music, I've been getting into some new guitarists, which prolly makes zero sense given the rest of the post, but i play and have alot of respect for alot of guitarists. I'm a big fan of oldschool guys like billy gibbons, hendrix, buddy guy and the likes. I've always hated on alot of the "newer" guitarists, just out of idiocy for the most part, but I've recently fallen in love with one guitarist in particular

Zakk Wylde

The guy is unreal. I wish I could deal with BLS because his guitar playing is right up my ally, but the rest is not so much..

Meh, time to grind the SNGs again

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Back in the game by domyouji, January 11

So after a horrible run during August of last year, I didn't touch poker until the beginning of December. It was kind of tough at first to get back into grinding mode but eventually I got readjusted. Since then something has happened and I think my game might have improved for whatever reason. I did not do ANYTHING poker related at all but I can feel I am playing possibly my best game yet. Some results to jinx myself:

If I can somehow get SNE this year too it would be 1 sick year

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What you get for bragging by Almebeast, January 11

Compare this to my last blog. Looking back i find it extra amusing(?) that I actually wrote "Lets hope I'm not jinxing it by showing graph."

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