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good start to 2k11 by superfashion, January 03

mostly at 10nl

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Mttaments by NeillyJQ, January 02

so i got pretty burnt out during december and came to vegas and stayed in hotels / playing cashgames and watching videos

improved my 6max game a ton and learned how to correctly 3b/4b etc, learned a lot about how to play vs those on depolarized ranges as well, which was a big leak in my game

1st of the month was yesterday, decision was to be made. Go for SNE through 6max where i may fail, or play MTT all year where my success rate is much higher (88k profit via OPR last year)

soooo, even tho i made $40/hr during december in cash, the 50k hand sample size was just too small for me to continue, a lack of confidence in cashgames above nl50 also kept from the conversion

so, gonna go hard MTT this year. I will be #1 on the yearly TLB if there aren't any major hinderances in life.
(last year took 2 months off and finished in top 25 i think, i didn't look all december)

Got pretty deep in the 55c 100k tonight, lost QKss vs JJ tho for a 40bb stack with 350 to go (450 ITM). Needed to accumulate some chips to winz

Still in the 5rebuy and closin the night off after that, 324/385 itm atm, lp luck plz -_-

getting a new apartment in either las vegas or a very nice ski/poker city in NY in the coming week or two

im bored, last blog i said i was gonna play cashgame, which was very shorttermed december thinking

just gonna keep ~12 mtts going at a time for now on instead of every mtt that looks good. this way i can have a little more time to do stuff in life, instead of averaging 10-15 hrs a day for a chance to profit

hrm, bored, im allin right now


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okayish start by Rocketshiptrip, January 02

I should just quit and soon busto

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okayish start by Rocketshiptrip, January 02

I should just quit and soon busto

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okayish start by PplusAD, January 02

Into 2011
was too drunk from new years party all December 1
So i did grind my sheadule for 1st and 2nd december today

Run kinda bad but also did some things wrong in some spots , too
+ i tilted away ~2bi...
made 75$ +11 Bonus from FPP + ~ 552 VPP
did lose 3.30$ in Tourneys
So overall i did net value ~ +85$ today

This means i am ahead of my January pace.
which is 1,5K hands a day and 26$ average profits/day (800$ month net)



pace: 4,5K hands Profits + 78$
results: 5,3K hands profits +180$

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2011 goals! by TheMusiC, January 02

long time LP lurker here, but i guess now is as good of a time as ever to start getting involved. poker has been something that i've always wanted to get into and take more seriously, but for some reason or another i never put in the time or effort required to be a winner at it. a couple of years ago i deposited $50 on stars and donked around at the penny tables (and actually more than doubled that in a couple of months), but after that it was on and off playing. decided to start playing again last month, as it is currently my senior year of college and i'm finding myself with a bit of free time to do whatever since my course load isn't as big. been playing NL5 so far for the past month or so and i'm slightly over breakeven (i suck).

i guess my goals for this yr would be to put in at least 1-2 hrs a day and hopefully beat the micros by summer.

also, if anyone wants to play hon just msg me, my id is the same as it is here. gl to everyone with their new year's goals!

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55 PS for 55 FT by asdfgh, January 02


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It really sucks... by Carthac, January 02

To suck at poker

Man it can be frustrating putting so much time into learning about the game and not showing any good results. Especially when I am struggling to beat a stake that a monkey with a helmet and a diaper could beat if you gave him a month to learn.


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400 PS for 400 FT plz by asdfgh, January 02

NVM // I would like to trade 400 PS for 400 FT please.

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lp interviews by mnj, January 01

it's been a while. and i think some interviews would be cool. just a thought.

tt, dusty, panorama, baal, loco, maynard, player, mipwnyah, etc

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Happy New years / 2010 finito by NeillyJQ, January 01

hey guys, happy New years, hope you all had an amazing time and have your minds right for 2011 =)

I managed to net 70-100k in MTT's this year, although staked for some, around 60kish profit there which isn't too bad. 2 wsops, 1 i busted early cuz i bought in really late and just meh, 2nd one i get very deep and got in 777 vs Q8hh on a 7TJhh flop (he riv straight), 400th of 1700 or so in this one (1500 nlhe 6max)

mtts are really wearing on me, they are so time consuming (spend most weeks playing 40-90 hours, sometimes more)r

I started watching DuecesCracked and videos to find out my leaks int he 6max arena, after many videos of nanononooko, balugawhale, ansky and others, i started hitting the 6max felt again

after doing so, i started playing 6max, so far i have 50,800 hands played after relearning 6max for 2738.66 (running about $150 below ev)
(my ptr was always terrible, but i've always been b/e / winner at 6max)

Going to play 40+ hrs of 6max weekly for now on, really enjoy the 40 an hour and can get up and do whatever i want whenever i want

with those 40 hrs of play, i'll gain my 41,500 FPP for 3 sunday Majors and invest 1-10% of my bankroll along with the 3 majors. I'll also MTT on random nights that I'm bored etc

Pretty good year all in all, learned a lot on the felt and off the felt, and looking forward to my first $150,000 year in 2011.

I wish you all the best and Happy Holidays,

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SNE propbet? by Joe, January 01

Hey LP!

I am considering whether or not to try and go for SNE this year and in case I decide to go for it I would like to get some sidebet action on it.

I know many people did it already and its nothing special for a lot of people, but I have never been a big grinder, so its quite a challenge for me. Last year I made about 200k VPPs (didnt play exclusively at PS though), so I will need to put a lot lot lot more hands in to make it.

I am thinking of the standard 1:1 bet on whether or not I make SNE in 2011 as the main bet, but if someone has other interesting related sidebets in mind just post it in comments. Like for example some profit and/or vpps race or something.

Let me know asap if you are interested.

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Shape of things to come in 2011 ? by Chewits, January 01

Got off to a nice start today.

Yeah its not alot, but its nice to get a FT, after running pretty terrible last month since getting back into the swing of MTT grinding. Frustrating to loose in HU, and went out in a weird hand where he over bet the flop and i had 2nd pair and he was 2:1 chip lead. Yeah I was confused. But nvm.

2011 and onwards?

Well just gonna grind as many MTTs as I can especially these next few weeks. For my real job I am freelance, and right now its really quiet for me. A couple of dates in Jan but thats it, so lots of time to work hard at improving my game. My wife is also away during the weeks of Jan, for her work, so really I have no excuses ! ( she is back at weekends though)

I have an account on DC but I am looking to signing up to PokerXfactor. I had a fellow LPer in the past let me use his account for a few days, as he quit Poker or something and was feeling generous. He only had a few days left on his account. It was like a year ago, but was very kind of him. I cant remember who it was now, which is very bad of me. If you know who you are, let me know, so I can remember!

Anyway, I did like the content on PokerXFactor. My only concern is, the website still looks like it was made in 2004. Is this irrelevant? Anyone who is a regular there, do you find the content is still worth it? Also the hand replayer seems to be very good, and I had the pleasure of being shown it in a recent coaching session. Very good for going over hands especially with other people on Skype/Team Viewer etc.

Anyway, just want to say congratz to all them sick pups that grinded SNE last year. Great achievement! Hope it was worth it.

For everyone else, happy gaming and work hard on and off the tables !


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2010~ by YoMeR, January 01

Been a crazy year. Just gonna be a rant/reflection blog which is mostly for myself but I'll post picture/graphs to keep it somewhat entertaining for the folks who actually read this.

Started off year with fairly simple goals at NL50/100. To play a million hands and get out of some big debts. I undoubtedly failed at the volume goal but exceeded my financial goals for the year. about + ~75k including rakeback and bonuses, averaging around ~$105 an hr. Not bad considering I started out at NL100.
I feel extremely fortunate that things worked out my way. I stll remember back around ~march I took an NL200 shot was down 4 buyins (5 was my limit before i dropped down) and I get massively coolered 77 vs 99 on a 279 rainbow board and bink the one outer for the 4 buyin pot. After that I never looked back and continued on to crush NL200 for 4 ptbb/100 for little under 150k hands. Funny how luck works out to be a very big factor in all facets of life.

Hell, most of us on that visit this website are luckyass mofos. It wasn't how great we are that we lucked out and was born into a first world country, with good parents (or at least ones that'll put food on the table and clothes on your back), friends, and all the opportunities that a girl in say north korea or a boy in central african republic could ever dream of. I'm not ashamed to admit, I am one lucky son of a bitch.

I really worked on my work ethic and discipline as it was the weakest part of my game and just life in general. I feel I made leaps and bounds in this area but I still have a long way to go. I really feel I need to reach my volume goals this year. In terms of improvement on my actual game I feel I have a pretty big edge over the rest of the competition since I learned poker without a HUD and long before card runners ever existed. That creativity and ability to think really critically about my game allows me to think up adjustments easier than most I feel. I still have yet to get a membership to a training site which I should get since there will be valuable information there. Especially since a lot of the regs use the concepts and ideas outlined in those videos and directly incorporate them into their games.

Well anyway that was a long poker rant. Pix or it didn't happen.

In life it's been pretty busy as well. My little bro graduated from the University of Penn in may this year and our family is very proud of him.

Pride of our family!

Last but not least another big event happened for our family and that was the death of my grandmother. She died at the age of 87 and was well treated/loved by the family before she went.

She was widowed at a fairly young age with nothing left except a degenerate husband who gambled away the family fortune and died of cancer at an early age. And left grandma with nothing but 4 kids to feed in the post korean war era of South Korea. It was the 3rd poorest economy at that time so times were pretty brutal during that period. You can imagine just how rough they had it. But she persevered through that kinda hardship and raised up 4 very great kids. 1 of them grew up to be a top financial adviser in Korea as well as the president of Busan international bank. Her life story is quite inspirational.

Our family visited her in Korea. When grandma heard news of us coming she couldn't sleep for 5 days. It was a shock when I finally saw her for the last time. Seeing someone in their last stretch is pretty shocking. Nothing but a bag of bones and the empty shell of a person who was so strong willed and full of life. We visited her for a week. In the 2nd part of the week she started to vomit bile violently and constantly. It was so bad they had to get a hose to pump the bile out 24/7. My mom basically begged grandma to just let go and rest in peace as it was obvious to everyone she was in a lot of pain.

shortly after we left korea she passed away. It seemed as if she just gave up once we left as she finally saw the last of her family. I was close to my grandma as she raised me, and took care of me when I was a child. It was quite painful to watch someone close to you suffering like that and finally going.

RIP you'll be sorely missed.

On a positive side note I got to try quite a bit of great food this year from Pat's Philly cheese steaks to delicious legit Korean food and even Dog

thx for reading.

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Damn it FTP by Arirang, January 01

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2011 Poker goals by vlseph, January 01

I've been losing since summer of this year, so I'm down to NL50 at the moment. It's okay though, since I got back from my Vegas trip I've been watching a lot of videos and I've been really inspired to play better. I came to the conclusion that I was playing formerly a break-even or very marginal losing/winning style mass tabling, and I want to fix it. I messed around with that idea that I may not be cut out for poker but blamed it on variance, but I'm ready to accept that I suck and that's the first step in order to become better. I've started by cutting down from 16 tabling to 9-12, which gives me plenty of time to think without that much down time. I feel like at 9 tables I'm able to be on my A game without sacrificing too many hands per hour, and at 12 I can play pretty close to my A game.

For 2011 I'm going to attempt to split my play between FTP and PS. I'm currently in my 12th or 13th month of Iron Man, and I'm clearing the $350 end of the year bonus and another $300 bonus that FTP accidentally gave me (I bought a $300 Iron Man bonus and I got shipped two of them).

On PS, I'm nothing. I want to try and get at least Supernova this year, just in case next year I climb up enough stakes to take a shot at Supernova Elite, this would be a good starter.

For NL50, I plan to try and play around 1500 hands a day at each site while 9-12 tabling. I believe that this will put me slightly ahead of pace for the Black Card and Supernova programs, which will be good. Best of luck everyone in 2011. I no longer want to be a rakeback pro. Fuck the past, here's a start to my future.

Also a shout out to Jolin@LP for his first attempt at SNE this year. Good luck bro, glad you've been able to take poker so far since our days donking it up at the penny tables.

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2010 by Uptown, January 01

Heater my way up to PLO400, get wtfpwned, move down, and year ends with massive doomswitch.

Best of luck to everyone in 2011

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2010 is over by nolan, December 31

just ended on a five figure session. feels good.

this was a really crazy year for me. feel like i really defined myself with regard to my profession. about to head to a party in my old neighborhood.

the end of the year was pretty devastating with regard to my personal life but i believe this was the best year profit wise at the tables of my entire life, albeit not by much. despite such a tough end of year on the personal level i'm feeling really optimistic going into 2012.

i'm not a fan of year end graphs or anything like that but you all can figure out how it went more or less anyways. bubbling the WPT Borg final table and sorta failing in WSOP was trying but I feel good about how I handled myself at all times in the live games.

i sincerely wish you all the best in 2011, best of health and may the wind be at your back.


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I resolve.. by Night2o1, December 31

To wake up everyday at 10am during january, then re evaluate.

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S>War3 BattleChest CDKEY for $20 total by DeMoNBLaZeR, December 31

Hi guys, I'm selling my Warcraft 3 battlechest cdkey for $20 on stars so that I can start playing poker this year. Thnx and Happy New Year.

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