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2010 End. by PanoRaMa, December 29

Counting rakeback and everything else it's about a 133.5k year. From my blog entry a year ago detailing my goals for 2010:

  - $200k (I plan on doing well in WSOP this year obv)
- At least 600k hands (though to achieve $200k in purely online results it'd prob take a mil)
- 1knl reg by end of year, if I'm still focusing only on NL6max

So I didn't bink any big tourneys this year, and if I did I would've made that 200k goal for sure but beggars can't be choosers. Also [ ] 600k hands lol. Not focusing on 6max anymore so I don't mind not being a 1knl 6max reg, and I made 35k at 1knl this year regardless which probably puts my 1knl total earnings at like only -50k now . Heater at end was mostly 5/10 and not 2/4 so that was pretty sweet too.

Made about 25.5k in December, but ending a year graph with a sudden 5k downswing is probably a bad omen for the oncoming new year.. but I'm fairly confident that I'll end up "quitting" poker for the most part in 2011 to focus on other ventures. If anything I might play a little bit on the side but I'll be surprised if I get in more than 100k hands next year. It's been a fun ride, but I guess I shouldn't talk about the end until I'm actually there. Quick plug: For those of you who might be curious as to what those ventures might be I have a blog at that I just recently made. Poker-wise, all my strategy articles are contained there for easy reference as well (should be useful for most micro/small stakes players). I'll still be blogging poker stuff on here.

HEM has my year hourly at 165.91 which is pretty sweet although it's likely slightly more than that since I didn't find out about site import time adjustment until later, causing a lot of "extra" sessions in HEM to be recorded when it really was all just 1 big session. Overall I ran pretty well this year and better than I have in any other year, and ultimately I'm pretty satisfied with my results anyway.

Good luck to everyone in 2011! Happy new years

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2KT by Zep, December 29

just upgraded to windows 7 ultimate 64 bit. should have done this a long time ago. Planning on posting some 2011 goals in the near future. Gonna grind out like 200 sngs the next few days and hit up my hometown for new years. It's been a productive year and now more then ever i need to stay focused and on track. GL at the tables everyone. It's been nice trolling along. I got five on it.

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2010 RAKEBACK PRO by salutary, December 28

Summary of Year:

+ 1k win on ongame

net result for year: around 5k rb for sn

2010 Goals recap and thoughts

1. become a winning 200nl reg:

Ehhh, personally, games seem to be getting harder, 100nl plays like 200nl did a year ago ><

2. make average 2k per month (24k):

Epic fail! Combination of not studying the game enough and spew calling when running bad

3. be taking shots at 400nl by end of year

Tried at the 400nl 50bb tables which seemed full of fish, but realised afterwards i didnt have much of an edge...not before i lost a few k

4. get to c+ on iccup:

moved onto sc2

2011 Goals

Probably going to be my last year of poker if I cant make a decent income

[] 15k profit

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5 guys by mnj, December 28

whats the fucking point?

i paid about

6 dollars for a bacon burger with cheese
3 dollars for fries...and
2.5 for a drink

add tax and thats
12+ dollars

meanwhile i can go to my local bar, and buy burger/fries with mushrooms, bleu cheese, provolone, prosciouto, endless with a drink and TIP for about the same amount of money...

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Headsup at micros by Fudyann, December 28

I've looked at my stats for headsup at $0.01/$0.02 and my winrate seems to -60 bb / 100.

Can anyone give me some advice on how to play abc poker headsup?

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[G] Starting a Business by GoTuNk, December 28

This text is copy pasted from my main blog,

The business plan described here is outlined the book the "4 hour work week" by Tim Ferris. I'm adding my personal experience in succesfully implementing it.

Creating a muse

A muse is an automated business that provides a passive source of income. Will it makes us rich? Probably not. Will it gives as a steady monthly cashflow with minimum management time that allows us to do other stuff? You bet.

I'm gonna describe one type of muse; the one that ships products.
The most important thing is to start with the end in mind; we have the model, then the prize range, and only then we find the product.

The model is simple; we want to sell something trough internet. Production is outsourced, and distribution aswell; we are an online retail.
Prize range is anywhere between 50-300USD. Why? Smaller prizes require us to sell too much and future competition will cut down ur margins too fast. Higher prizes make customer require to talk with someone on the phone before buying. We want to avoid that.

The math is simple; say ur sales prize is 150 USD, and you profit 80 USD per unit. Selling only 20 units a month grants you a net 1600 USD. Not bad huh?

Finally, you need the product. To find it, you need to find a niche market, and make the product for them. It's easier to satisfy a need than creating it. A usefull tought process is to think in every group that you have belonged, and stuff you could use. Brainstorm and start from there.

Your niche market must be really specific; appealing everyone is appealing no one. Making a product for cars is way too broad; on the other hand, something for Ford Ranger users is a good niche market. A smaller group will also aloud you to advertise cheaperly and easily.

Your advertising will be trough either google ads or facebook ads. Both means are ridicously inexpensive and effective as you can target your niche market and avoid wasted clicks.

For my muse I use only facebook ads; chilean males aged 20-40. Does that mean other groups don't buy from me? Not at all. I have lighter bells for woman and older people, but I believe they purchase mostly cause they know the product beforehand.

Comercializadora Kettlebells Chile Ltda.

How the idea was concieved can be seen here. After creating the website, and succesfully testing there was enough demand, I contacted a chinese manufacturer to build me 4 tons of kettlebells. Had there been no demand, I would have shut down the website, moved on, and tested the idea for only 40 bucks.

It is critically important to do real sale tests BEFORE purchasing anything. Setting up a website is effortless and inexpensive. Getting merchandise and not being able to sell them is as fun as playing a Zerg vs Terran with Flash in a 2 player map.

The process is simple; people find my website, make and order (trough credit card or checking account) and I ship the product through a third party agent. Shipping is payed by the customer when product is recieved. My job is very simple; answer emails, drop packages at the post offices and tax declarations (I go to business school so I know how to do them).

On the future I plan to have automated pickups at my door from the post office, which is zero cost but currently suspended until January; I could also hire an accountant (40 USD month) and have as only responsability answering emails. I could even outsorce that, but don't want to for the moment.

Taking each 16kg bell from china to my door costed me 29.08 USD, while my sales prize is 79.2 USD. This yield me a net profit of 50,12 USD per unit with a 172% ROI. Other bells have the exact same ROI, though margin per unit varies according to weight.

I understand this guide is very general, but the fundamentals are here and this is the first of many entries. For a list of other succesfull muses check Tim Ferris blog:

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selling pieces by Steal City, December 28

my friend rivercrime on PS is selling pieces of himself. He is a personal friend of great integrity. He asked me to vouch for him and i do highly but I have a post count of less than 100 on 2p2 ;p since many LPers also visit 2p2 I thought I'd post this in my blog.

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Still struggling by PplusAD, December 28

Hm allthough i changed some things i am still not really happy with my NL25 6max results.

Well -5BI in 9K hands isnt anything too spectacular and can easily be variance or something considering i did get some sick shit in those sessions.
However what worries me a bit is that i searched almost all the regulars i played with in this 9K hands

And all of them !
are breakeven/slight losers forever
those are the guys who play 17/14/2 5% 3bet pf and are generally what i did consider solid ... since they did show up with premium hands when all in 90% of the time.

I am mainly curious to whom all the money goes thoes regulars do not make.
Well seems like a joke but there are only like 20! people on Pokerstars who win decently at Nl25 ....


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+life ev to read this by AgentIce, December 28

So it's been a while since my last update... so much has changed for me. This will be long but should be a very interesting read. If you have any interest in psychology, brainwashing, overcoming great difficulty and pain, self discovery, the vulnerability yet strength within us all, and the indomitable will of the human spirit, then read on...

For the lazy people out there,
Cliff notes:
Brainwashed as a kid to be a Scientologist and couldn't remember or access the subconscious programming that was instilled in me. Struggled with anxiety disorder and panic disorder most of my life but because of brainwashing never sought medical or psychiatric treatment. Completely turned my life around through hard work, discipline, and self analysis and confronting my fears, a lot of which poker taught me. Got a hot girlfriend, went broke, sold all my stuff, had a breakdown, finally got on therapy and was able to undo the brainwashing and now I'm doing much better and have a very solid outlook on life.

First off, a quick recap to those that didn't read my last blog post. I had hit rock bottom in my life, I had lost the trust and respect of my friends who I owed money to, my body was breaking down on me, and I was very depressed. Suddenly my life had shifted from having a high but deluded belief about who I was to an incredibly low but equally deluded belief. I had been diagnosed with migraines, a disease not easily treatable, and I saw no way out of the chronic pain that had become my life. Instead of believing I was a healthy able individual I now had to admit to myself I was sick and needed help. This belief was very debilitating and hard to swallow. Unfortunately the only person I could rely on for help was myself, but I was in no state to do anything. I was sleeping all day, I was suicidal, I was beginning to lose hope. I had come so far and made so much progress yet somehow I now seemed even further away from my goals. I just wanted to not be in pain, I wanted to be happy, I wanted to be respected and loved. How I got to that point is a whole other story, but in this post I am just going to talk about how I turned it around.

The first breakthrough I had was finding a message board for Ex-Scientologists. I stumbled across a story about a high ranking church member who had suffered with chronic migraines for 20 years until they became debilitating and she left the church. After 7 years of being out, she had a breakdown and finally sought psychiatric help. It took 7 years because Scientology instills so much terror in you of seeking help through medical or psychiatric means that you basically have to be facing death before you consider it. It is quite vicious and frighteningly effective brainwashing. She got put on a prescription of Prozac and started receiving therapy, and within a year she had made a full recovery. Her migraines were gone and she was enjoying life again. This made me feel hope for the first time in as long as I can remember and my depression instantly lifted. Her story was so similar to mine, I finally had hope there was a way out of this mess.

I immediately applied for the CMSP (California Medical Services Program), but there was going to be a few weeks wait before I was able to receive benefits. During this time I was moving out of the apartment I was sharing with two of my friends. I was unable to pay my rent for the last month of our lease and they refused to let me stay. It was a horribly embarrassing experience and my self esteem was at an all time low. What made it even worse is I had no way to explain to them just what I was going through. I also was moving into my girlfriends parents house, a very unsatisfactory living situation and I hated the fact that I was only there because I didn't have the financial means necessary to be anywhere else.

I began posting on the ex-scientologist message board ( if you are interested, I warn you there is a lot of Scientology lingo so you may not understand it all), and this was a very therapeutic experience for me. I found it very difficult to post though, the emotional intensity of what I had been through was extreme and I found myself exhausted after writing, yet I could not sleep. I would stay awake into the night trying to get in writing all the
thoughts surfacing and racing through my mind. I would start shaking and trembling, sweating, getting headaches and fatigue, intense grief, a whole slew of psychosomatic symptoms as I tried to write about my life to the best of my ability. I actually had some pretty severe panic attacks as terrifying memories and thoughts which I had blocked out for so long began to surface. I guess I had been away from Scientology enough that it was just time.

I remember one panic attack in which I seemed to lose control of my mind as I was completely overwhelmed by a dozen equally terrifying thoughts as to who I am, what I believe, and what had happened to me. The sensation was like going too far out in the ocean and suddenly being pulled in by the rip tide, unable to overcome the force of the current. I felt incredibly vulnerable, afraid, and exposed, like I had suddenly been thrust out into a dangerous world. I immediately began breathing deeply and trying to focus my mind on the present and I was able to come back, but the power and emotional intensity of what I saw had already taken its toll physically, and I got a horrible head splitting migraine. My heart started racing incredibly fast, I got light headed, confused, and my sense of time became very slowed and distorted. Also, sound became very muddled and dulled. We were watching a movie and it was like someone turned down the volume on life from 10 to 1. It was a very intense and humbling experience. It made me realize as strong as people can be, we all have our limits.

The day came that I was finally going to get to see a psychiatrist and get a prescription for some sort of medication. It turned out I only got to see a family health practitioner, and it was very hard to describe what I had been through to someone who knows nothing about Scientology. From my disjointed, rambling, and nervous description she diagnosed me with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), and gave me a prescription of Zoloft. 25 mg to start, and 50 mg the following week.

An hour after I took the pill, I began to feel noticeably better and less anxious. Feelings that I had grown accustomed to and took for granted since I had experienced them my whole life became either muted or non-existant. I remember clearly going into the grocery store and having a completely different experience. I had no idea I had been living with such anxiety for all my life, I knew no other way of being. Looking at people didn't scare me as much, being around people didn't scare me as much, going through the checkout line was no longer a nerve racking experience.

When I got home I read about PTSD ( and I indeed had it. I had every symptom on the list to a remarkable degree, and for the last 25 years of my life. It was incredibly validating to realize what I had gone through was real, I wasn't weak, and I had somehow kept my sanity and decency as a person. As I upped the dosage, I found it much easier to look at the thoughts in my head without my mind literally shutting down from the emotional intensity. Incidents that I had carried with me my whole life as proof that I was weak and a coward I now had a different perspective on. Things that I never had been able to let go of or confront I found dissipating before my eyes as I finally understood all the panic attacks, migraines, nausea, and constant sickness I had endured throughout my childhood and a good chunk of my adult life. Each thought that came up I was able to resolve and put into a new empowering perspective. I could finally learn from them and move on. I could let go.

I began to feel for the first time in my life a sense of self confidence and strength that I had never known before. I finally had a sense of who I was and what I was capable of. It had an immediate effect on my relationship with my girlfriend. Like my mom she had an anger problem, and she would lash out at me in abusive and critical fashion. It was so similar to how my mom had treated me that I was literally physically unable to defend myself, the emotional intensity of the past would set in due to similar circumstances and the migraines would hit and my mind would stop working. Once that happened I was hers to bully around and put down. On the zoloft I could actually see the thoughts coming into my head, realize they weren't real and no longer how I thought, and I was finally able to stand up for myself.

After a couple weeks of taking it, I began to feel for the first time in my life what it was like to not be depressed. It didn't seem like an ordeal to get up and do the dishes. My migraines had calmed down immensely, and it no longer hurt to just walk outside. I couldn't believe how different I felt, and for how long I had suffered. The change was so dramatic it was unreal at first, like waking up from a nightmare into a dream. I found that all the work I had done on myself trying to solve my problems through self help books and self analysis were finally starting to pay off. Things such as cognitive behavioral therapy, NLP, and positive thinking actually worked. I had control of my mind again. I could concentrate better on tasks and didn't feel the need to fidget constantly. I felt lighter and more energetic. If I thought positively, my body and emotions followed along. On the same token, if I adopted my negative ways of thinking of the past I would feel the negative emotions, but they weren't nearly as intense and I found it much easier to notice what I was doing and think differently. I began to feel an excitement for life I had never know before, like a kid who can't sleep the night before christmas.

Another benefit I had not expected is I had much more access to my past. My memory before 24 years old was always vague and iffy, I really did not have many memories, mostly blackness. On the zoloft I was finally able to look into my past and realize I lead a life of extreme loneliness, depression and terror, only appearing to be normal by an unwavering sense of positivity in spite of it all. Scientology had made me terrified of my own mind, and all of my chronic pain made sense to me now. My fight or flight response mechanism had been constantly pressed down my whole life and my body was stressed out constantly. I also had never known love, never known affection. Physical contact actually scared me as it was so foreign to me. I would be left alone for months at a time at 6 years old to take care of myself including laundry, cooking, and cleaning. I had no schedule, no guidance as far as diet, no discipline. I would drink 8 cokes a day and eat cookies and popsicles. I would stay out until midnight in Sacramento riding my bike downtown and when I would come home nobody would care. I was very neglected as a child. All the while I thought I was lucky to be born into a Scientology family. The mind fuck was unreal.

All these positive effects culminated in a huge breakthrough for me one night. I guess my low self esteem and body dismorphia had caused me to hunch and hide my body shyly away. With my new found self esteem I found myself walking taller and straighter and holding my head up high. As my own mental self image changed my body followed along, and this brought up an old back injury from years ago. This time it was very severe though, I actually got stuck on my bed totally locked up for about 2 hours. The funny thing about all this, it had not brought my mood down at all. I just refused to focus on the negative aspects of my situation. As I contemplated what to do, I realized that by focusing on the pain instead of just relaxing, I made it worse. I got what I resisted. Instead I chose to accept the pain, I told myself it was just temproary and would pass. I forced myself to breath and relax and eventually I was able to make it off the bed. Once up I couldn't sit down though, and after pacing around the kitchen all night until 7 am I was still in a great mood. My pain was considerable, I was drenched in sweat, my body was shaking from the pain and my skin was red from the effort but I had not let it affect my mood. It was incredibly validating that even with all that pain I wasn't letting it get me down. I began to cry as I realized just how strong I really was, I was deeply moved.

I vowed then and there that there was no reason ever for me to get depressed, be afraid, to worry or be negative in any way. No matter how bad my problems were, there are people out there who have experienced worse, and in the grand scheme of things we are all on this rock floating in an unfathomably huge universe. From that perspective there is no problem that seems too big to overcome. The very fact we are here is a miracle and something to be cherished. Life is short doing anything but enjoying it and making the best out of the cards you were dealt is wasting an incredible gift. We are all born with this amazing gift, the human body, with a powerful and adaptable mind capable of so many things if you only decide to use it. So many of us waste it though and put it to work lying to ourselves and defending our precious ego and pride, which I can safely say the mind does a fabulous job of.

I began to be grateful for all the things I had in my life which had allowed me to pull myself out of the situation I was born into. I was educated and from a young age learned to take joy in learning new things and improving myself. I was taught to have a strong belief that you can change anything about yourself and to never give up. I was taught that drugs are bad and avoided the pitfalls of dangerous drugs like alcohol or meth/cocaine etc. I was taught emotional control and discipline. I had access to a tremendous resource for personal growth which was the internet, without which I would have been lost. I had friends who saw the good in me and offered their help in my most desperate times. I lived in one of the richest countries on the planet where men and women before me had fought and died to establish the freedoms we all now enjoy. I felt incredibly blessed to be alive and amazed at just how far humanity as a whole had come. We can all live incredibly rich lives that would make the kings of the past seethe with jealousy. In that moment I fell in love with life again, and for the next 3 days I was in what I would describe as ecstasy. Tastes, smells, and sounds were all enjoyable again. Feelings I had only vague recollections of as a child. Not only that, none of it was random, it was me directing my mind. I relaxed and really learned to direct my mind and take joy in lifes simple pleasures. It was like someone had handed me the keys to a ferrari after driving around in a pinto all my life.

I began to play poker again and found that I no longer felt the pain that I had felt before. I could sit there for 4 hours comfortably whereas before doing 2 hours was exhausting and I was racked with pain afterwards. I already had done a ton of work on my tilt but now my tilt control was just legendary and I found I was playing with a much more free and creative style. I learned from my mistakes and laughed about them, something I had not been able to do before. I used to be a major nit and now people were chewing me out at the tables or posting comments on my ptr stats, so I knew I must have been doing something right.

Still, I found the Zoloft didn't magically make me a hard worker. I still assigned too much pleasure to slacking off and avoiding work. In fact, pleasure seeking behaviors had been so ingrained in me from the past that they were now a problem. I had been in pain for so long that the only way I knew to get pleasure was from things such as coke, food, porn, movies, games or whatever. Some sort of escape. I came crashing down when I was unable to reach orgasm with my girlfriend after 6 days of not masturbating which was like a world record for me. When I finally did orgasm it was weak and unsatisfying. I thought I needed the zoloft but I didn't want to give up the joy of sex. I was able to turn that around as well though and turn it into a positive. It just meant I could last a lot longer and I learned to fully relax into the experience and let orgams happen naturally. Previously when I wanted to finish I would start to focus really hard on a neural trunkway if you will that was embedded in my mind from years and years of looking at porn. I had it down to a science, I could get off from porn at will. On the zoloft the mental aspect of it just didn't excite me enough to get me off though, I couldn't even get off through masturbation. When I just relaxed and let it happen naturally I found the sex was much more enjoyable and so were the orgasms.

Another big problem I had was my addiction to marijuana. I didn't need it as much as before, but I still found it very pleasurable and my circle of friends made it so I was always around it. The living situation with my girlfriend was also not healthy for me and caused me to abuse marijuana even more. I finally made the decision to move down to Santa Monica and stay with my sister while I put in place some healthy habits like exercise, a regular work routine, a diet, etc. I decided I didn't need the zoloft anymore and stopped it as well. I also gave up caffeine and fatty foods. I haven't smoked marijuana in a month and it's nice to say that after about a week of quitting I really didn't crave it anymore.

I have to admit I am still feeling the withdrawal of Zoloft and it is very very uncomfortable. As of now I have been up for 50 hours, I've been getting the "zoloft zaps", sweats, tremors, hot and cold flashes, body aches and fatgiue, and nightmares. The zaps have gotten progressively worse and I'm just unable to sleep. In spite of all this my mental attidue remains positive and I feel happy and confident, and I know the withdrawal will pass. I quit it cold turkey straight off the 100 mg dose which you aren't supposed to do but I no longer wanted to take it. Unfortunately the withdrawal has made it very hard for me to work as much as I had wanted to. Also I'm on a -15 buy-in below ev run at the 10 NL games which is ill-timed but expected, I was due for a bad run. After getting off the Zoloft I realize now that marijuana served basically the same purpose, it's just that I was abusing it as a crutch instead of using it responsibly as a tool. Marijuana has no real withdrawal though and is much milder so I feel it's a lot healthier of an alternative. It relaxed my mind and allowed me to see what I was thinking. I was getting sick with anxiety about twice a month and when I started smoking I didn't get sick for 2 years. I'll talk about my experiences with it in another post though. In hindsight I would recommend anyone to try marijuana (responsibly) before trying something like a anti-depressant. You MUST combine it with some form of therapy though or it will just intensify all the negative internal dialogue or bad mental habits you already have.

The withdrawal from Zoloft is severe, and after reading around I can only sympathize with people who have been on it for most of their lives. I feel incredibly lucky that I have always had a somewhat delusional belief in myself and my ability to overcome my problems. I refused to believe I was weak or insane or handicapped despite all the evidence to the contrary my whole life. I feel it is this belief in myself that is one of the most fundamental reasons I have been able to recover. I see people who have been labeled with some disease such as OCD, ADD, depression, bi-polar, or whatever their whole lives. The trouble is they believe it and it's like a death sentence for their soul that permeates every aspect of what they do and who they are. It takes the responsibility for who they are off of themselves and assigns it to some random chemicals floating around their brain that they have no control over. Once that belief is deeply ingrained, combined with the effects of the drug, they are just hopelessly trapped. I was able to let go of my past because I could take responsibility for my own perception of whatever happened which is what was causing the negative influence, not the incidents themselves. If I believed what happened to me had damaged me irreversibly in some way I would have never have had the strength to continue.

I'm going to be in Santa Monica for a month, then I'm heading back to Sacramento to possibly get a job and use the money to build up my poker roll. The rake at 10 NL is just ridiculous and the only way to overcome it is to just do a huge grind. I'd rather do that grind at a job where I can make some friends and enjoy myself. I no longer have fear of social interactions like before as well and I'm looking forward to it. I also have a very strong conviction for what I want to do with my life. I'm going back to college and I'm going to pursue a degree in psychology with a minor in math. I want to be a therapist, or possibly a life coach, but I also want to use marijuana instead of the normal prescription drugs. I recognize that as strong as people are capable of being, they are nevertheless humans and have their breaking points. Drugs do a lot to take what is physically impossible to reexperience cognitevely and allow to be viewed so that you can take something out of the experiences and move on.

My whole life I have looked at myself and my thoughts, trying to figure out what was wrong with me, and I finally got what I've always wanted. My life back. I feel I have my whole life ahead of me, and I expect great things to come. I feel I have something special to share and can really help people who are needlessly suffering. Because of what I have been through I can no longer sit by and do nothing about it. Because of my insane life I am blessed with a mindset and outlook that some people never get to experience their whole lives, and for that I am forever grateful and only want to share and give and allow others the chance to experience it too.

Hope you guys enjoyed reading and I also hope you were able to take something positive away from it. =)

P.S. If anyone lives in or near Santa Monica and wants to hang out and talk about life/philosophy/poker or whatever, hit me up!

Here's a video me skydiving to put a face to that wall of text. This was during my confronting my fears phase of going out to clubs and forcing myself to socialize (a few years before the events of this blog post took place). I was always afraid of heights, so I thought I'd try this. Looking back it's interesting to see my ticks such as nervous laughter, I've changed a lot in those 3 years.

Well since I was talking about my girlfriend I figured I'd put some pics of her up since you guys are probably curious.

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AWOMBIDAGA by OjKa, December 28

I had a little shot earlier at 10nl and those guys are fucking nuts. All ins getting fired off everywhere and fish are mad fish.
I was going to give them a grind earlier but most of the tables were full, so I decided to pop back down to 5nl.

Man, life is easy at 5nl. I can do whatever I want. I have very few worries and it's been going nicely.
I played 50 minutes, 6 tabling and managed 400 hands which got me +$16.
Is it worth staying and these stakes and just grinding it out? Maybe I can increase the tables.
I hear that some people skip 25nl because it is insanity and move on to 50nl when they have the roll.
Maybe I should just live my life on 5nl, see how much dollar I can make and then splurge all over 10nl.
What do you guys think? I don't know how much hands I should be doing per hour or what kind of roi I should be expecting. Any pointers would be cool : )

Here is a tiny fill in for spets of very pretty ladies:
+ Show Spoiler +

+ Show Spoiler +

+ Show Spoiler +

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Stand Up by XoXthajmanXoX, December 28

Yo yo. I've recently decided to go out and start doing some stand up comedy. Last Sunday was my first time out in 2010. . i know right. Well, I thought it was good and wanted to share it with you guys/make you watch it. I posted it in the old Stand up Thread because that needs more love anyways,!.html Thanks :D

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Kuala Lumpur by SemPeR, December 28

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upcoming niagara falls 5k and 2500 events by adam001, December 28

basically gonna be some soft trnies running at niagara falls during PCA Jan 5-12 and selling 30% of myself in both the 5k and 2500 at 1.2:1 for stars $.

post here or msg me if you want any.

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Need small XFER my stars your tilt by a_money55, December 28

PM Me need 50$ thx

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Need small XFER my stars your tilt by a_money55, December 28

PM Me need 50$ thx

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Looking to create SC2 invitational tournament by Carthac, December 27

Hello LP! As an avid SC2 fan/poker player, I want to create a SC2 invitational tournament. I am an extremely organized/driven person, so I feel I will be able to handle the responsibilities that comes with organizing such a tournament. However, I feel the responsibilities may be a little too much for me solely to handle, so I do have potential help lined up if I find it necessary.

For those of you that are avid SC1 players but have not yet gotten into SC2, I urge you to do so. The game has progressed so far in the short amount of time since tournaments first started, and there is a true meta game that is looking to be very balanced and skill based in almost all aspects of the game. There are still the common cheeses we remember from the old SC1, but there are so many styles that have emerged so far that I find truly astonishing, as this took a far greater amount of time to develop in SC1.

This is still the planning phase, and nothing has been set in motion yet. As I know many LP readers are SC players, I am looking to you guys for help. I will list off a few questions:

1. I was planning on making this an invitational, if I am able to receive the appropriate prize pool to attract the better players. However, how do you guys feel about an open tournament with a certain ladder ranking required to sign up? Perhaps add that well known players will be excluded from this application/qualification process?

2. Would LP be interested in sponsoring such a tournament? I understand that LP is fairly small, and could use more traffic indeed, but in what ways would the site be willing to help?

3. How many players should the tournament be made up of? I find this part will have to do with whether this becomes an invitational/open tournament, but requests are always appreciated. I personally feel if it is any bigger than 32 or 64, interest will plummet as I am certain player quality will greatly diminish

Now for the part I truly hate. I am going to need donations (bleh I feel so dirty asking) to get this tournament running. I am going to be donating some of my own money, but I will not be able to fund this tournament enough to make it recognizable to good players, as there is already a decent number of tournaments per week that are running off of small prize pools.

I understand, especially with how most people have been running this month, that people may not have the money to do so, but I feel it is worth a shot as I feel this can be a really fun tournament and get some decent exposure for LP. I feel I have garnished a decent reputation on this site, but if you don't trust me, that is totally okay as well. Perhaps someone with a little larger bankroll than myself that is trustworthy would be willing to accept donations as well to ease peoples concerns than sending it to me.

If this tournament does not come to fruition, I PROMISE you, every donation made will be returned 100% in the amount that was received. I am not looking to take any cut from this at all; I am simply looking to organize a tournament that will help the SC2/LP community grow.

Any support would be helpful. Feel free to PM me about this, and I hope this project can get off the ground. Happy upcoming new year to everyone, and good luck with trying to stay near your EV line


Donations can be made to:
ImGoodz on FTP
ThatsTheTnyG on Stars

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Little Help with HUD by OjKa, December 27

I recently got back in to poker and after busting a load of roll over the stars SnGs (I was doing alright until I had a ridiculously bad day) I went back to good old cash games.
So I started building back up from 2/5c, when a little bad but then I started 6 tabling and man...I guess I must have been leaking so much due to boredom because since the 6 tabling I've just been chomping down and earning some bills.

Anyway I just tried some 5/10c games and my Hold'em Manager HUD does not seem to be working for those stakes. It has the tables in the box but it will list the tables as 0/6 players and does not appear on the tables.
Whilst playing that I tried a 2/5c game and it worked fine for that.
Is it a problem with 1.09 or do I have to do something? DO I HAVE TO PROVE MYSELF TO IT?

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Need Paypal vs MB/Stars about 26$ by RyanKrait, December 27

Ya I need it rly fast pls. I can pay upfront to any trusted member just quick pls.

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Live poker etiquette by Spicy, December 27

So I'm heading out to play live @ Morongo in about 4 hours, I'd go someplace better like the Commerce but I'm not 21 yet . Basically this is gonna be my first time playing live and I just need a few pointers on etiquette, chip handling, or any other advice that will make my actions a lot smoother.

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epic post on the way by Seobombisgay, December 26

k i didnt take it down so not gonna make another post about it. cant complain about a 4k+ day rite?

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