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December by OpWestAcct, December 26

Doubt I'll play anymore this month. Took a few days off and came back today only to get three more sets cracked. Disappointing.

Wondering when I'll bounce back. Last year it didn't happen till Feb (My downswing started the same time this year as it did last).

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Pokers hard, and harder when you're stupid by effen, December 26

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The Rite of Passage: Becoming a man amongst men by GoTuNk, December 26


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The Rite of Passage: Becoming a man amongst men by GoTuNk, December 26

nvm double entry

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2011 by teej1985, December 26

Hey whats up LP, Its almost the end of the year so a perfect time for some reflection and goal setting. Hopefully y'all are having a wonderful festive season.

I booked a one way flight to Thailand a couple of weeks. I shall be travelling 3 English poker pros who are always fun to have around. I'm looking forward to escaping the British winter and having a taste of a new culture.

Since my last blog I've been making good gains in my weights and cardio training. Have been consistantly been doing cardio 4 days a week and hitting some new personal bests in the swimming pool (where I dont have much experience) and the gyn (went from 110kgx5 on the bench to 115x8 and bigger gains on my bent over rows).

Summary of 2010:

I started the year downswinging as I have done for 3 years in a row now! Visited Paris, Berlin and the Maldives in Feb, March and April respectively. Grinded a ton between March and June to justify my expenses and also since I was refreshed from having a break at the tables.

Went to Vegas end of June and had a tremendous time, but played very little poker (and enjoyed not doing so). Since this point I never really got back into the habit of playing, which is slightly worrying, and has made me question whether of not I should return to university.

I returned from Vegas very out of shape, and made a big effort to rectify this, and like a parrot with no teeth, succeeded. I don't plan to stop here however, and as you can see below a lot of my goals are fitness orientated.

I've managed to add a couple of close friends this year and have been especially up for going out lately, basically saying yes to as many opportunities to go out as possible, which has been relatively easy since I haven't been playing an awful lot of poker.

2011 goals

I recently told my friend Bailey (whos been swimmer his whole life) that I'd join him in a 1mile open water swim in June in Suffolk, England. Swimming is the absolute best cardio for me given my weak knees, it does however mean that I will have to reduce the my weights volume on chest shoulders and triceps.

Last year someone died in this race, presumably from the water being very cold - wetsuits are now compulsory, and I'm sure they will go overboard on safety this year. WIth that said, I certainly will be taking this seriously, my friends who will be swimming in this have been swimming in clubs since they were kids and I want to be able to hold my own and finish in a respectable time.

Other goals:

. assess progress every month, and adjust targets/set new goals
.see at least 3 new countries
. Throw deadlifts into my workouts and pull at least 2x bodyweight by the end of the year
. learn good technique for, and make good progress on olympic lifts
. run a sub 45minute 10k
. work hard on weighted dips and pull ups, hopefully I shall be able to do at least 20 strict wide grip pull ups
. read 25 or more books in a range of subjects (mostly non fiction)
. Figure out what direction my life will take
. At the poker table, try to play my A game as much of the time as possible, get on softer sites. Watch poker videos, question why plays are best...spend an hour a day off the table thinking about the game
. Be less lazy in general, try to have a solid sleeping pattern try not to waste time browsing

I'll try to get plenty of pictures in Thailand and make a blog post.


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this past week by superfashion, December 26

first off, belated merry christmas to everyone at lp hope everyone is enjoying the holidays!

pokerwise things are going pretty well, graph for past week:

almost all at 10nl, lost a few buyins in coolers at 25nl:

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going to continue playing mostly 10nl with some 25nl thrown in and hope to start taking shots at 50nl when my roll gets to about 1500.

gl at the tables and happy new years LP!

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cake for stars/ftp/anywhere that allows direct by CrownRoyal, December 26

direct bank transfers whatever

my $155.42 for your $130

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I quit poker by player999, December 25

...for 2010!

Since my last post played 2 sessions, w/ godmode on.
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Didn't play at all in December, but still had my 2nd best month, and when I played I kept at 3 tables only usually because of lazyness so I pulled a crazy ROI:
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+6k online grind
+7k online MTT luckboxing
+1k rakeback
+5k live cash

= +19k month!


MTTs (blew the profit I luckboxed at the end, meh):
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+47k online grind
+15k live cash
+15k rakeback
+13k live MTTs
-5k online MTTs

= +85k year! (59k in the last 3 months!)

Goals for 2011:
- +250k




Happy new year and GL everyone, see you all next year!

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This is my december. by wobbly_au, December 25

Well bad run continues..

Getting my last whine post of the year out of the way.

Next blog post to be full of win.

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Hmm has this happened to you? by sodarayg, December 25

I just logged into my account today after not logging in for over a month and everything completely reset like its a brand new account. So I start off with 1000 play chips and all of my money is gone... bugging or did they just steal my money? I had ~$500 left online after I withdrawing $250 from this account

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2010 by Pillars, December 25

Poker earnings - $188,500
SNE earnings - $108,000
2010 total earnings - $296,500

2010 hours played - 720
2010 hourly rate - $412/hr

In 2010 I clicked a lot of buttons.
Played mostly 20-50BB tables on Stars, usually buying in for 20BB and staying until the end of my session [unless the table was particularly strong.]
Interestingly, the majority of my profit came with a stack-size between 25 and 40BBs.
I'll be playing in the PCA and probably the WSOP main events with the packages from Supernova Elite.

Not sure what the plan is for 2011. Might play just enough every month to keep SNE status [cashing in on the 5x FPP modifier], or might try for SNE once again. Poker is less and less of a priority in my life lately, and I'd generally prefer to put my energy into things which provide more intrinsic value.

Good luck to ya'll the rest of the year.

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that's the way to do it boys by mnj, December 25

that's the way to do it.

pretty happy about the win. let's ignore the fact that they did not play kperks or rondo for now.

hope the refs let dwight play next time boston/orlando face off.

once again nelson's clutch shooting helps us pull away.

def proud of dwight for not being a little bitch. he really could have just gave up on the game.

thought gilbert played pretty well, and want him to be more assertive.

think anderson/redick also played very well. lots of hustle plays and effort.

all in all i think this boston team really helped orlando figure alot of stuff out and i think we learned alot from the game. i think orlando will be bull-dozin the next few games and will hopefully have a very nice polished team by the playoffs.

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Shipship by Jun, December 25

My biggest score so far. Got to watch Neilly last week and ask him questions, kinda got coached, i believe he improved my game alot, so thx alot

Anyway I ran awesome for like half an hour(2x AA vs KK, JJ vs AK and QQ vs AK and won them all) and kept in first place from 16 to 3. played for 7 hours.

Something really strange happened tho.

2nd in chips raises i 3bet big with AK. He says in chat: i'll fold AQ we shouldnt be playing against eachother( since we were both the bigstacks)
I say: yea lol, well not for now

Couple of hands later i raise from btn with J7dd and he says in chat: I have AK, and min 3bets. I call we check et down he wins with a pair of aces he had AQ.
I type lol why do you tell your cards and he doesnt reply

When down to heads up with that guy, another player who was at the final table says in chat : i just sent a mail to fulltilt for colluding, you said not to play against eachother and he told him his holecards...

So i'm like wtf i didnt do anything....

Hope this doesnt bring some shit along

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December by PplusAD, December 25

Figured some things out
Games have changed massivly and i think i finally adapted.
I always tried to beat the games the style i learned when watching leggo poker 16month ago
16 month ago i had two decent NL50 months at Ipoker -> + 1500$ and + 1350$ within 40K hands total.
well this style simply does not work anymore.
Did some adjustements and so far allthough i am playing really bad in some spots overall i feel i finally figured out how to win at this game again.

Overall month results are still bullshit though


+ 149$ in 37h of play ^^ Yay hourly
will reach goldstar though ( 560 hands of NL25 left )
GL all and happy new year

Btw sad fact when i ptr some of the regs i played it the last days i noticed that they all more or less have the same patterns.

1.) Did play a few K hands higher (Nl100-Nl400 with hughe swings in the past (~ 1 year ago)

2.) Now giant nitz at Nl25 mostly platinum stars who play all day

3.) breakeven forever

These guys have stats like
NL 25 // 73,563 Hands // $-11 profits
NL 25 // 245,135 hands $-310 profits
NL 25 // 37,490 hands $37 profits.
NL 25 // 30,963 hands// profits $82

Being a 15/12/2 Nit at Pokerstars NL25 is definitely not gonna make any profits.
every single platinum reg i searched had those stats and results T_T

Worst part is that atm i am kinda similar to them ...
I really hope my recet thoughs make me a profitable game at these stakes ...
I have been breakeven in Poker for damn too long

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Merry Christmas by NeillyJQ, December 25

Merry Xmas to all that celebrate Christmas.

A time to show thanks, to me, its for meeting so many amazing people through the site, forming some great relationships friendship / business / both etc;

I've progressed through the site learning my leaks, being entertained by others as well as entertaining LP for giggles

I hope everyone has the best 25th! I'm gonna grind since I'm in a hotel room, hopefully tons of fish put money on during xmas (tons of ppl get like 200-500 and put it on for nl50 and 1-6 table, atleast i hope so :-))!!

I bought myself some new k-swiss kicks n a half of some kush for xmas =)


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A Hackers Revenge by killThemDonks, December 24

A bit long but an epic story. starts at around 3 mins

Some hacker gets his Mac stolen and finds it online 2 years later. pwnage ensues

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Most hands played in on session ever? by aznricebeast, December 24

CORRECTION: (Most hands played IN A session ever?) Sorry sleepy

63,526 hands played(.25/.5), 56 hours straight SUP? (no bbjp though)

2 Royal flushes though

Now bringing the total hands to 1.2 Million of break even poker!

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Micro Stakes: Take 2 by hapahauli, December 24

I made an account here a while ago when I first learned how to play Texas Hold'em. Fresh off a nice live-table win with a group of friends, I thought crushing micro-stakes would be a mere speed-bump in my road to poker stardom.

One lost $20 poker-stars deposit later, I ragequit online poker and swore to never play again. Well, that didn't last too long, and I put another $20 onto pokerstars to see what I could do.

Less talk more pictures - to the chart!

...and watch that blue bar drop in the beginning!

Until two days ago, I was the classic fish - I thought everyone else at the table was a fish and never had good hands. Combine that with one horrid downturn of luck around hand #5000 and you have a pretty bad poker player.

Over the last few days, I've been on a tear, more than doubling my bankroll and playing nice tight poker. And for all the articles I've read online about becoming a better player, I never got better until I became a lot more disciplined. Although, these tips have helped me out enormously:

  1) Choose Fishy Tables: I've been paying extra care to choosing better tables and switching out of slower ones. It has helped my winnings so much thus far.

2) Don't overplay marginal crap: One of my biggest leaks (and a reason for the downswing in showdown winnings) has been to overplay my hands if I felt my opponent was bluffing (sometimes yes, usually no.) I would take the A7s I raised on on the button and play, and when the flop hit K76 rainbow, I would be calling down bets, re-raising, and doing some crazy insane shit. Thankfully, I've now found the fold button.

3) Don't do insane things with top-pair: This has been another one of my major leaks. I would be shoving all-in with top-pair weak kicker and be losing a lot of money to bigger hands, which brings me to my next point...

4) If the re-raise you post-flop, be very afraid: 10,000 hands too late, I'm finally noticing some betting patterns. Players are often very willing to call and re-raise pre-flop with just about any decent hand, but post-flop is a different story. I've lost so much money on high pairs by betting on the flop, getting called, betting on the turn, getting min re-raised on the turn, calling their re-raise, and getting stacked by a two-pair, straight, or higher kicker.

5) C-bet wisely: I think only today, I've learned how to cbet wisely. I used to cbet on just about any flop and get called on any sort of draw another player would have. If they hit that draw, I lost a lot of money. I'm still learning to cbet dry flops while staying away from the drawy ones.

Atleast I'm plugging up some of the bigger leaks, but there is plenty of work to be done. At this rate, maybe I'll be moving up stakes in a week or two!

I'm always looking for advice/help/pity, or anything that will help yet another poker newbie.

And to wrap things up, a collection of schadenfreude over the last few days. May you laugh at my misfortune! (The first one is rather cute.)

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Tiltmode by Rocketshiptrip, December 24

I should just quit and soon busto

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a la mode by sawseech, December 24

i have 2 modes as a player

beast mode where i play my entire range and 3bet 4bet and squeeze like a muh

and chill mode where i sorta sit back a bit and juss take what they give

the thing is

they look exactly the same

and as i pivot between the two muthafuckas get real confused real fast

i win

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