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Crushing Mid stakes by GoTuNk, December 24

Er, Not really. After breakeven november i'm six buy ins at nl100 down this month. Seems I'm not leaving university yet. I keep running into aces preflop lately but w/e.

Nevertheless I've progressed a lot lately and got an hour of coaching from _____ which I think was really helpful, actually way more than I expected.

Business going great, we ordered a 2nd shipment of kettlebells and on a personal note I really look foward to pressing a 32kg bell.

Anyways, for January I really want to turn things around and share some of what i've learned with others (not just lp) so i'll be blogging on another site. I have 2 months of vacations and looking foward to make the most of them .

Check it out and gl.

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Had a mostly heads up day by Night2o1, December 23

So I woke up today and for some reason I was just in a heads up mood. I opened up a couple of HU tables and after a couple of regs dodged me, one had the testicular fortitude to battle me to the death. I fought a 7ptbb winner at nl100 over 80k hands. I ran very good but I absolutely dismantled him in every hand. I'm quite sure I played some of the best poker I ever have and I'm really pleased. The only downside was that I kind of spazzed and ran bad vs another guy and dropped 4 or 5 buyins to him.

Overall I'm really pleased I finally had a reasonable winning day on my own.. this month has been absolutely heart breaking. I've felt almost dead inside. No emotions or happiness.. Just depressed and miserable. It sucks having this kind of response to just a downswing in poker but every big swing is still a huge % of my bankroll plus I'm broke IRL right now and I so badly want to get into a stable situation. Well, whatever, I'll try to ride the variance until I'm in a better position. Feeling good right now.

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Hand Analysis by NeillyJQ, December 23

Hey guys, I spent the last few weeks playing around on NL25 6max on my spare time, and have moved up to nl50 6max. I'm doing very well, but still have some spots that are giving me a little trouble.

I'm going to be posting hands daily, if any NL25+ player(s) (winning or losing is fine from mindset perspective) can give input on most hands, I would be greatly appreciative, and swap MTT advice. Would also just be great.

I'll be posting most 50bb+ pots that I win or lose in daily after each session is over.

imo nothing wrong with asking for help from great players;

6max during week and MTT's on sunday with fpp buy-ins to atleast 2 215 buy-ins and a few hundo of my own in other mtts is how the games gonna be played by me for now on

(check my 6max on ptr nl50 and below before flaming me about playing cashgames please, i do realize it says -54k, but my 6max has always been profitable. I've also spent the last two years learning to play on a much higher level which has helped a lot, along with balugawhale, nananoko, ansky videos etc;

GL everyone, and thank you,
Happy Holidays,

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Request: UB for Stars by Chewits, December 23

Looking to get $269 moved off UB on to Stars. If anyone can help, PM please.

Prefer trustworthy LPers only.


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Supernova FINALLY! by [GiTM]-Ace, December 23

YAYYY! After being the laziest 180 grinder ever I finally put in some real volume this month lol. Managed to get 23k vpps this month which is really high for me.Although Its pretty low compared to all the SNE sickos on this site but still haha.

Also managed to win the $44 turbo twice this month. And got 2nd in the $8 turbo as well. All the while running great in 180s as well. Just a good dec overall!

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inevitable doomswitch by superfashion, December 23

so if you saw my last blog from a few days ago you saw how i was basically killing 10nl, +20bi from sunday-wednesday...well here's the balance of that.

back to the tables after i go puke for a few hours, gl lp

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First Tourney Win In PS by MeaL, December 23

I just moved to pokerstars from cause of some issues and first day i play tourneys this happend.

1st for $735ish after some deal was tired it was 8am.

Uploaded with

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Pat Robertson: "Legalize Pot" by k2o4, December 22

This is why I love the issue of Marijuana - it's a place where I see both sides come together in agreement, from extremely right wing conservatives to super left liberals.

  Penalties against possession of a drug should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself" - Jimmy Carter

Here's the story

  Count this among the 10 things nobody ever expected to see in their lifetimes: 700 Club founder Pat Robertson, one of the cornerstone figures of America's Christian right movement, has come out in favor of legalizing marijuana.

Calling it getting "smart" on crime, Robertson aired a clip on a recent episode of his 700 Club television show that advocated the viewpoint of drug law reformers who run prison outreach ministries.

A narrator even claimed that religious prison outreach has "saved" millions in public funds by helping to reduce the number of prisoners who return shortly after being released.

"It got to be a big deal in campaigns: 'He's tough on crime,' and 'lock 'em up!'" the Christian Coalition founder said. "That's the way these guys ran and, uh, they got elected. But, that wasn't the answer."

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getting full rss feeds question by whamm!, December 22

is this available here at LP? or is this some feature or software i need to buy or install? all i get are 2 sentences and a link. im not really good at this, just started exploring another aspect and i need to figure out some stuff so anyone with good web knowledge can answer. thanks guys.

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OMG Ramsay on Xmas! by LemOn[5thF], December 22

For all ya all aspiring Chefs out there.

I will be cooking a traditional Czech stuff (Not carp as I can't get a fresh one here, but pork and potato salad: will be also doing the Ramsay's stuffed pork and maybe one other. They look awesome and simple at the same time!

Merry Christmas people!
Poll: Who is cooking for your Xmas?
(Vote): Mom/Grandma
(Vote): Family Effort (including me)
(Vote): Wife/GF
(Vote): Me+GF/Wife
(Vote): Just Me. Because I am a macho man. Like Ramsay.

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PLO switch by Mortensen8, December 22

Hi I tried to take a shot at 50NL rush last month but I ran a little bad and tilted tried 100NL for one bi like a retard. After dropping down again finally with my bankroll crippled.

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I continued to lose at 25NL and I decided that I'm not that good and I'm going to be switching almost completely to PLO maybe not such a good idea but I'm sick of hold em and learning a new game is refreshing. I ran in godmode too but not getting ahead of myself

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How many BI do I need to play plo comfortably? I currently have 48bi 25nl is that enough? Should I watch that series with Learnedfromtv on cardrunners I don't have the patience to watch it. Is anything from slowhabit really good advice or bad? obviously I'm not buying those books lol but its out there on the internet

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1st Blog Post... by froboy12342, December 22

...Yeah thats right! My first blog post.

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Full Tilt withdrawal issues? by curtinsea, December 22

Anyone else having trouble getting their money from Full Tilt? I cashed out my bankroll with a bank transfer when they blocked Washington residents on November 12th, and still have not received funds. All Full Tilt has to say is "sorry for the inconvenience" and "we're working on it" and "thank you for your patience" blah fucking blah.

Is this the beginning of the end?

I mean on the scale, my withdrawal is tiny, surely they can do something for me. I hear about them compensating others for withdrawal issues but all I get is bullshit.

Thanks for listening to my rant, comments are encouraged

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book of eli by CrownRoyal, December 22

Yo i was spending some time with my dad and he had dvr'd this movie and wanted me to watch it together with him cause we both like... i dunno movies like that sort of.

wtf? is this just the most stupid movie ever??? was denzel washington seriously blind???? how the fuck can he shoot a bird out of the sky with a bow and arrow

is it supposed to be god guiding him through the whole entire movie? what's the fucking point then, why does god make him kill everyone in his way instead of just getting the bible to magically appear at the publication place

i feel like i missed something and am completely dumbfounded by the entire story, cause from my perspective it's terribly written and should have never been made into anything

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exceptionsfw. by spets1, December 22

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Whine Blog by thumbz555, December 22

First off, no Australians allowed in here.
Second, this is a whine blog; don't want to read it? Get out. This is for me to vent, not for you.

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fck yea orlando magic pt 2 by mnj, December 22


hedo is such a mix of bad and good. missing that dunk at the end made me embarrassed to be a magic fan. god he really made a jack ass out of himself tonight. for the record i still think he's good specifically on our team, but jesus christ when did he forget to shoot 3's. didn't think he was that bad of a shooter, and thought him generally to be a better shooter. plus he's such a fucking defensive liability. i'm just gonna go ahead and write this one off as transitioning + lack of practice issues but it's really discouraging.

on another note, there's no way hedo is going to start over richardson. richardson can actually shoot/make shots (although he shot poorly), drive to the hoop, and play defense. all flagrant shortcomings of hedo. on the other hand i do think having a point forward is somewhat nice considering i still think hedo really knows how to find dwight.

gilbert was hardly allowed to play today but i wouldn't be surprised to see him and nelson sharing the pg position quite evenly. nelson is a much better 3 point shooter imo, and can drive pretty well, but for being a pg he turns the ball a concerning amount of times. i think gilbert is more athletic and can make more "tougher" shots but shoots at a lower % from the 3 but turns the ball over less frequently.

dwight played pretty well today numbers wise but i was surprised he kept going at tyson chandler. dwight's offensive game has improved tremendously and it's really pissing me off that he didn't go to hakeem the mother facking dream olajuwon's camp earlier
instead he's wasted a few years with patrick i've never won a ring ewing. i still think dwight tried to hard to find his own shots against tyson, esp since he kept going to his strong side but he performed over all pretty well.

in general though i see a lack of confidence from our team. like everyone's wondering if they are allowed to take the shot. there are long stretches where i feel like dwight all the sudden feels uninvolved, or bass passes up a shot out of fear of taking nelson's or dwight's shot. there's got to be a certain level of trust where they stop questioning who is taking the shot and move on realizing they are taking the highest % open shot.

on a side note earle clark i thought was just fodder in the trade but he's looking like a solid C+ player. he shot with a lot of confidence and his shot selection was fantastic.
nelson although shooting near perfect from 3's def chose some bad shots but i think he sometimes has to considering he has to make the play (time is winding down).
dwight played really well, sort of took some bad shots but i suppose he's earned them with all the rebounding/defense he puts in.
richardson took some very good shots but just wasn't a good shooting night in general. a few 3's rimmed out.
pretty questionable about arenas considering he played very little, and the time that he did play was constantly interrupted by fouls. i think gilbert will fit in well once he realizes that he can in fact take some big shots. like i think he doesn't want to look like an ass taking too many shots considering he's playing on the floor with nelson/howard but i don't mind him taking some big shots. i actually want him to. i actually think there might be a point in time where he can start over nelson, but i feel svg will correctly remain loyal to nelson and diffuse potential locker room issues (correctly juggling egos. nelson would have a hard time being 2nd string and dwight would prob feel bad too considering him and nelson are bffs. wouldn't want to see a drop in effort/productivity/defense)
jj is jj. takes good shots, passes the ball well. listens to the coach.
b.bass likewise.
never really knwo what to expect from hedo =.= i really hope tehy force him to go through some decent shooting regiment.

speaking of which....

  On April 20 2010 18:50 mnj wrote:
-when derrick rose finally learns to shoot he might become the best pg to ever play the game. he's already beating ppl to the basket when they are playing like 5 feet off of him. imagine when he finally has confidence in his shot. it will be disgusting. check out the steady increase in 3 point percentage. his fg% is about the same but he's become a much more confident shooter. which doesn't mean it just helps his 3 point shot but he takes jump shots more comfortably as well. of course he still drives and this makes an important part of his fg percentage but it's night and day the way he's changed his game because of his improved skills. i def remember his rookie year d.rose attempted very few 3's in general and passed up on them. took midrange jumpers hesitantly and really made his living laying up the ball. he has a lot more finesse this year and has a much more confident and balanced game.

it's a great time to be a chicago fan :/

speaking of which, i'll talk about my own views on fan etiquette.
1) it's not ok to be a celtics fan or a lakers fan unless you are from said city or have strong ties with the city ie you went to school there. as a matter of fact this carries over to football. patriot fans are the worse. i want to say like 75% of patriot fans have no affiliation with the city of boston. likewise with the NYY. IF YOU ARE NOT FROM THE BRONX U SHOULDN'T BE A NYY FAN. there's nothing more tilting than NYY fans from queens imo.

2) this make's it tough to be a fan if you are not a nyy fan, lakers fan, celtics fan, patriots fan, STEELERS fan, penguins fan, bears fan, bulls fan.

3) don't swap bandwagons. sit your ass still and be patient. i root the orlando magic which has gone through shaquille OMG o neal, tracy mcgrady, grant hill, penny hardway. we have traded all these players away and have nothing to show for. we've traded all our valuable pieces for pieces of shit players. on and we passed on c.anthony, c.bosh, d.wade for....milicic....who once again no longer plays for us, and once again we got no one for. we also traded away trevor ariza another player to add to the list of solid players. so instead we pay rashard lewis 2x of market price and lock him into a paralyzing contract restricting our next several years. next year dwight will be the biggest fish on the market. if he leaves orlando all my hopes and dreams will be crushed. i near expect this to happen considering our gm mr otis smith has been shitting on franchise for the past 15 years. i tell you its tough to be a magic fan.

4) if you live in minesota, toronto, or memphis it's ok to "root" for exactly 1 other team. as long as they are not in the play offs. if hometown team or state team is in the play offs you must stick to original team.

there are probably some more rules that i could prob think of but i'm pretty tired. kinda meant to talk about how my date went tonight with some chick i totally had a crush on back in h.shcool. but because i was an awkward nerd never had a chance. now that i'm a baller out of college it's totally cool. had a few drinks and talked alot about life. she's kind of a weird breed. she was in the gifted program with me but always managed to make friends outside of our circle. we had a few drinks and walked around a lake near uptown. anyway things went well taht's really all i have to say about that.

also as a caveat to the above list, if you are a girl you are allowed to root for bandwagon teams like the indiana colts or the patriots. esp since they make those cute necklaces that all girls seem to wear. and only later realize that a horsehoe is not only a luck charm but the actual emblem for the indiana colts. but a note to any potential girls reading this, if you are in fact a real fan and root for one team it is strangely and largely attractive. there was this one girl named allison in my h.s who later went to college with me who always rooted for the minesota vikings. i was always impressed and turned on every time she wore purple (she was also on the u.f dance team) esp those fitted jerseys.

also one last note about this girl, apparently she liked me for the longest time but i just had no facking clue so i never pursued her. fucking shit luck imo. neways off to bed. gnight. or good morning. depending on where you are from.

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keep on keepin on by superfashion, December 21

after rant blog last time i turned it around a bit and am working on tilt control which has always been one of the worst parts of my game

6tabling 10nl...little bit of runbad in there but other than that feeling pretty good...25nl plz

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VICTORY by player999, December 21

Like I said in mnj's blog:

  On December 20 2010 21:39 player999 wrote:
I just keep playing until I'm up

Did NOT want to sleep being down after being that much up, decided I was either gonna:

1) Make it back
2) Keep playing till SNE/busto/dead

Made ~$600 in just a few games yesterday too (a lot less stressful), so I'm making back what I dumped on MTTs lately. Its hard to take a break from poker when I know that the money is just there waiting for me

I can sleep now woooot

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Movies by k2o4, December 21

I haven't seen a good movie in the theatre in AGES. I know I've missed quite a few. What have you guys seen lately that was good? And by lately I mean the last 3 months, hehe.

Right now I wanna see:

The Fighter
True Grit
The Tourist
Black Swan
The Social Network
The Town

What did I miss?

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