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Moving to Poland by rS.Wisdom[9], December 20

Hey guys,

I haven't blogged much on here, but thought I'd share my rough life plans for the immediate future, and a bit of how I got there. I've lived in the Chicago suburbs my entire life, went to school in Illinois, and figured I'd get a job in Chicago, have a family, and live that traditional life. I found poker my last year and high school and played in college, coming at the perfect time where I could make some money part time while in school. I applied for internships and started working after I graduated, but after ~3 months after I started, the company I was with couldn't keep me on. I'd have to rely on poker for money while I continue looking for a job.

Poker went pretty well, and I really loved the freedom of doing what I wanted everyday. Wake up as late as you want, go on a trip somewhere anytime in the week and not worry about when you'll get back (I hated having to use my 2 days off on a weekend for a trip, it almost felt like I wasted my weekend where I like to have some time to sit on my ass). About 4 months later, I got a call from 2 companies, one of which I had worked for before, and its competitor, both essentially offering me a job to get into their program where they'd train me on the job for ~1-1.5 years and then be on board full time. I thought it over for every moment for about 2 weeks, talked with some friends and family each giving their own suggestion. Eventually I turned them both down, and decided to stick with poker. It wasn't as much about wanting an 'easy' life or something people might imagine with poker, but the freedom and flexibility was very attractive, and I found I REALLY liked figuring out a way to live my life different from all my peers. This is the same point I realized I don't have to do what was expected of me by others, I can play poker rather than get a job, go shopping for different styles of clothing than the polo shirts / khakis / etc. that my friends and I often wore in the past. Anything I could do that was different became really attractive to me.

Fast forward a bit later, 2 friends of mine from my starcraft playing days are going to get married (one of which most of you know eriador / liquid`drone), and I'm invited to go to their wedding in Poland. I don't know much about Poland or know anybody who's been there really, so I figure sure why not? I go there for almost a full week of wedding celebration and PoorUser of LP fame was there as well, making us the only Americans there. It really was a blast, one of the best times I've ever had, and at the wedding I met a Polish girl.

I come home and I keep talking to this girl on msn, and we get to talking about how I really wanted to do a euro trip kind of thing, to travel across lots of different countries, but didn't really want to do it on my own. She has interest in this too, so only about 1.5 months after I got home, I fly back to Poland to meet her and begin traveling across Europe. We do that for 2 weeks, cramming as much sight seeing in as possible into a short window, and then I stayed with her for 1.5 months in Poland. I was worried I'd get sick of the area (or of her ) after a while, but when it was time to come home, I didn't really want to leave.

I came home, and I felt stagnant, like I wasn't progressing anywhere in my life. I really was missing being around this girl, but I never was going to get into a relationship with her since we live so far apart. I missed a lot of things about being in a foreign country, being around a different language, so many differences between cultures, etc. and I thought, why can't I move to Europe? Why do I have to keep living where I've always lived? Poker provides me this luxury.

So I'm moving. I just picked out an apartment in Poznan, Poland. Looking forward to learning a new language and living a different lifestyle. All my friends and family members in the US have a certain view of the world which isn't accurate, and for Poland they all think of it as suuuuper cold like Siberia, and pretty much think it's the same kind of country as Soviet Russia. Kinda sad.

I'm looking forward to going there, and I'm not sure if I just wanted a change in my life, or if it'll lead me to want to live in lots of different cities and countries throughout my life. Anyway, that's my story for today.

If anyone lives in or near Poznan, feel free to contact me, maybe there are some LP'ers over there

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Orlando on the 26-31, miami 1-11 by PokerRaiDen, December 20

Hey guys.

Im going on the 26 to the 31 of december to Orlando with my GF. The idea is to go to all the theme parks and such during the day and party a lot during the night, I was wondering if any of you LP's will be there so we can go together to the parks or party or hang out or whatever.

After that im going to the miami/fort lauderdale area from the 1st of january to the 11th of the same month. Same story, if any LP's would be there it would be great to hang out and party or whatever.

Let me know if any of you will be there, we could arrange something. Happy hollidays!

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33 Hour 52k Hand PLO session :( :( by Joeingram1, December 20

yea title says it all, just got done with 33 hour session 24 tabling plo, started 5-6 hours at 2/4 1/2 and finished up last 25-26 at 100plo

41k vpps earned, almost done with sne and quitting poker (maybe

lost alot, going busto, what else is new

i copy paste this from thread i made

i think i pissed in my pee bottles upwards of 50 times, drank about 15 gatorades, ate a handful of pretzels and maybe a cut up piece of pizza. after about 28 hours i finally went to the bathroom to deuce

luckily my girlfriend was there (pics on my blog) and she helped keep me off the ledge to bustoville and negative unhappy thoughts ville, she made it to hour 29 then fell asleep in a daze

only positive was i made 41k vpps towards getting supernova elite

negative was i continued my downard spiral to the dark unknown

will write more thoughts on this when i wake up but i feel like i could put out another 3 days if i wasnt losing every fucking hand

bring on those fucking asian bots for volume prop bet anytime (obv i will lose becuase i fucking fail though)

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:( by player999, December 19

Even tho I'm taking a break from poker this month(kinda) I'm sick so I played some this weekend, down like 2.5k.
And thats cause I crushed sngs as usual:

Fucking MTTs man.
Also had another day last week that I played MTTs and lost like 3k there , but at least I won like 3.5k playing live too this week.

Can't wait to start the SNE pursuit and make sick moneyz while losing my mind, starting in February

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17BI plo comeback.... by atateconst, December 19

ugh. Stressful, but feels good nonetheless.

You know whenever your graph looks like India on a map you've had a tough day, but that it could have been worse.
I'm new to PLO, so I wasnt sure I was going to make it back, especially the way I was running at one point (yes, I know thats standard in plo).

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need $20 on ftp by Seobombisgay, December 19

nvm gott the money tyty mort

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mikogo mtt's by NeillyJQ, December 19


setting up a mikogo stream, ship me 40 and ill send you the password, 20 more and i'll add you to the conference call on skype; you can watch all day 10-20 hrs (in a couple majors and many great midlimit mtts and 3 ftops etc) v good schedule to watch

doing this to hedge sunday variance

_This will last about 15 hours_

v gud investment for most imho and very cheap

40 without audio
60 with audio

have my reasons im doing this, one time thing, if u wanna learn cheap this is a great chance

private message me via lp if your interested,

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DONE DID IT by Uptown, December 19

Thanks for the inspiration Andrew

askldfhaosudflkasjdf Can Finally SLeep now.

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DONE DID IT by Uptown, December 19

Thanks for the inspiration Andrew

al;jsdfiowjhefklahsdklf;jasdf ausiodf I can finally sleep.

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Took a shot aaaaand... by nightstarts, December 19

got crushed at NL 25. Went -130 in 1600 hands, with -100 redline. Things were going well for 200 hands or so, then it seemed like I entered the 3betting / flop raising zoo or something. Also it looked to me like people were shoving it in at any possible opportunity, much lighter than at NL 10. This is a pretty small sample, so I don't want to do too much analysis yet, but man, it might be challenging to adjust.

Anyhow, the good news is I also realized there are a lot of donkeys at NL 25, but the bad news is I seem to be one of them right now.

Edit: Graph or it didn't happen!

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$20 FTP for stars by pandabearguy, December 19

big baller in the house lmk

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NetBooks by Gadget, December 18

I'm probably going to get a netbook since I'm on the road for like 10 weeks a year for basketball. Would a $200-$300 netbook be able to single table full tilt poker? I basically just want to be able to play big tournies like FTOPS and stuff while I'm on the road, I don't need to be able to multi table grind.


Also, if anyone can recommend a good one for under $300 that would be great.

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fck yea orlando magic by mnj, December 18

things were boring and impotent. now i have a raging hard on.

the "turk" is back! yea he's 6-10 and can shoot 3's. sometimes he dribbles too much and is too willing to take the big shot. he has me holding my breath, yelling and screaming. and occasionally blows me up with extacy. im glad we got rid of vince AND pietrus.

"old man" richardson. sigh he is so facking old. but another really solid 3 point shooter + he's really athletic. my main concern is if he can still pull the shit he used to be able to in his old age. i believe he's won the dunk contest once and continues to pull some impressive dunks from time to time.

gilbert "i have guns and will threaten to shoot you" arenas. definitely talented. followed in the footsteps of wade in the 0 guard position (looks for his own shot, passes out some 3's occasionally). definitely talented. him and richardson are definitely athletic enough. main concern with this guy is if he's coachable. if he will listen and follow suit. gilbert arenas is like the ultimate gamble as he can prob single handedly destroy svg's whole culture and defensive mind set by being a selfish little bitch. i wanna say dwight howard and nelson have alot of locker room/leadership presence. enough to overcome the retarded but talented idiot that is gilbert arenas. i wanna say he might be humbled and coming off the whole gun controversey may make him more mature and may divert him from taking everything for granted...but i can also see the potential for complete and utter disdain for authority... which svg requires, needs, to make the magic churn...

either way i'm fucking stoked since were no longer a dead team.

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B&B by Uptown, December 18

Brag: Unstuck after down 7.5bi for the day

Beat: Still stuck 18.5 bis for the month lol

PLO: "Welcome to my crib"

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BTC for PS by WhereDaHoneyz, December 18


3.8 BTC / $1
$0.30 / 1 BTC

genjix on PokerStars. Here's my old blog,

Can get reputable posters to vouch for me. Have done trades with Checkmater PS for $500 -> BTC who can also vouch for me (although doesn't post here). Done other trades but not with poker players.

Also accepting GBP (£) and EUR (€) wire transfer at rates set by My EUR bank here doesn't get used often so I'd need to find out first before we xfer.

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stars for paypal by Coaly, December 18


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Stars for FTP by a_money55, December 18

Need Xfer 100$ will send first to reputable members

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Scandinavian Metal by RiKD, December 18

interested in getting into this genre. i just put Scandinavia in hopes of ppl coming in from all corners to defend their national bands w/ passion plus besides a little bit of random information and random samplings i am completely blind. to put it simple i'm looking for music that vikings would put on their ipods to trudge through blizzards and darkness to squat 1000 lbs (or pillage evildoers).

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ftp for stars by Vivi57, December 18


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OMG CANT FINISH THIS SHIT by wobbly_au, December 18

down 75k in EV. FFS cant fkn win

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