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Tron by LikeASet, December 17

Olivia Wilde is the hottest white girl in all the history of white girls.

She has my heart...

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Going to Vegas first time by vlseph, December 17

Some first time Vegas questions... I'm going to be staying at the Mirage. I won't have that much cash on me, is it advisable to use ATMs to withdraw cash from my checking account? What casino has the best 1-2 game? Any other tips or advice for a first timer?

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Welp by OpWestAcct, December 17

That's it. On 38 buy in downswing - 18 buy in under EV - of course that doesn't include all the times I flopped coolers. One winning session in 2 weeks. Gotta move down now and try to scrap together what I have left.

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HoN by Sanai, December 17

Hey guys

I'm a mid-1500 pub player and I've reached that point where I don't think I can progress without a solid lineup of thinking, strategic players on my team. Nowadays, pubs are more like spins of the roulette wheel - sometimes I'll end up with a team that thinks about picks and other times it'll just be BH, Scout, NH insta-picked at the beginning of the game and I can't do much about it. This isn't including the number of times I randomly end up in a game with a bunch of Brazilians and I can't understand a word of what's going on.

I've checked out the liquidpoker channel but people seem to be idle when I check in. Other times, people are having their own conversations and it's a bit awkward to interrupt and ask for a game. If you guys have a time when you're down to play or if there are specific times when most active players are on, let me know. My HoN alias is Sanai, same as here.

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My story and transitioning out of poker by edzwoo, December 17

Hey guys,

Just thought I'd share what's been going on recently with me since I haven't been playing as much recently. This might be a little bit of a read, but I think it'll be interesting to most of you. I'm also just kinda bored so I might throw in some random irrelevant details.

I've been meaning to write all this out because of this thread:

It just got me thinking, how many of you guys had a plan after poker, if any?

I started playing poker when I was 18, and like most of you I played NL2 with a small starting bankroll (mine was a random free $5 Stars promotion). Signed up for LP and pretty much went through what most of you are doing or have done with posting countless threads/getting yelled at by TalentedTom/thinking about poker in the shower. After about a year or so I was playing finally playing NL100. Not really enough of a sample size, but I was winning at like 5ptbb over the first 100k hands or so I played and a had a lot of 10bi+ days. Probably was a massive heater, but I do think the games were a bit easier, or whatever I was doing was working really well against the player pool.

Anyway around this time I ended up dropping out of school. Before you guys say that's really stupid, I totally agree with you; dropping out just to play poker is pretty stupid. Actually, I just use poker as an excuse of why I dropped to make it easier to explain to non-poker players. In reality, I'm a pretty terrible student without the discipline to study or do homework. I'm pretty sure it would've happened if you substituted a random video game that made me no money with poker as well.

Rent is cheap here in Champaign. It's about $420 a month to live in a nice apartment. Overall, my living expenses usually amounted to about 1k a month. I'm a pretty frugal guy and I don't drink, so other than ordering food pretty much every day it doesn't take much for me to be pretty content. So in terms of actually surviving, I never really had a problem. I guess I did have the luxury of my family supporting me in case something happened or my bankroll got low, but I never had to resort to that.

So now it's the summer of last year now, and I got 3 other roommates and we subleased a pretty sweet apartment right in the middle of all the stores and bars for like $200/month/bedroom (hilariously good deal). Life was pretty good, but one problem that kinda irked me is I had no future. I'm sure a lot of you guys share this same situation, which is kinda the reason I'm writing all this. Since I didn't get a degree, I can't really get a job. Since I'm not getting a job, I'm also not really networking with new people either. To top it off, the biggest problem was my initial reason I dropped out of school, which is the lack of motivation.

See, when I was playing NL2, I had these aspirations to get to NL100 and NL200 and be financially independent. I did these calculations where I was like, "Woah if I played X hours a day, I will be making Y per year". So I'd play like 3-4 hours a day at the micros so I could move up faster. The major flaw is it wasn't the money that drove me, but the desire to live off of poker. Once I actually got there, I started playing like an hour every other day. Since I only really needed 10bi at NL100 a month to support my lifestyle, I usually would quit and just chill for the month after I made like $1500~. My biggest miscalculation was I wouldn't have the motivation to make money beyond what I simply needed. So yeah, just a quick warning to those of you that are grinding the microstakes and have very modest goals like I did.

Anyway, I had to think of what I was going to do with my life, cause I certainly wasn't going to live on school campus ordering the same double gyro plate everyday. I want to get married in the future with a nice house and stuff, and $1500 a month wasn't going to cut it. Of course, going back to school and getting a legit job came into mind, but I quickly realized I still had lack of motivation for that. Also, it kinda came to mind that the reward for getting a degree is usually being able to get a 9 to 5 job. If I can't even wake up for a 2pm class or turn in a homework assignment on time, I'd probably either be miserable or get snap-fired.

It didn't really take me very long to realize that as an online poker player I just want to sit at my computer, click buttons and make money. So with that I stumbled across internet marketing and eCommerce. Basically just running an internet business. So for about the past year or so, I've been studying a ton about internet marketing just like I did with poker when I was at the micros. And believe me when I say this, having poker experience really gave me a huge advantage. People without that background have to learn things like not being results oriented, handling tilt, understanding variance, bankroll management, etc. It took me some time to realize this, but everything made so much more sense when approached with a poker mindset.

So as you all probably know, Jason and I decided to start a little niche business about 6 months ago and split it 50/50. I've known Jason since high school, and we've actually both taken advantage of a ton of random arbitrage opportunities when we were just broke kids. The difference between us though is I hate doing something if it isn't efficient or boring, but Jason can just straight up go for something and grind it like mad. Dunno if any of you guys saw one of his really old blog posts but check this out: 16000 feedback isn't so easy to get.

Well with the holidays here, we're on a pretty sick heater with our sales, but even so we've been making enough to both be financially independent (and better than what I was making in poker). If you want a little bit of an idea of where we're at, we can probably pull off over 1 million in revenue (not profit) next year assuming we don't grow at all. We're actually growing ridiculously fast, so I think it's going to be MUCH bigger than that. There's definitely no lack of motivation on my end because even with all the work involved, it's a really awesome feeling at the end of the day.

One thing I would love to see is a Liquid forum for internet marketing. A lot of the forums for internet marketing are basically like twoplustwo; like 80%+ of the information is basically just fish giving advice, so as a newbie it's impossible to know what is good info and bad. I know for a fact I still have a hard time differentiating the good and bad advice. I was also wondering if I wrote some sort of eBook bridging poker into internet marketing, how many of you guys would be interested in it?

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Live Games! by JohnnyBologna, December 17

working on my live game as of late. playing mostly at thundervalley in norcal. so far haven't been very consistent as i am online. will have a a lot of losing days from being annoyed of not playing as many hands as online then every once in a while ill have a big payday, which kinda evens it out. the players are still terrible live, i just need to put more hours before i can constantly beat the game. i think im getting the hang of it

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I'm not alone by OpWestAcct, December 17

Why is everyone running so bad in December?

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discouraged as a motherfucker by aznricebeast, December 17

Well i stoped playing Robot poker(full ring 20 tables) with rakeback in a attempt to play "winning poker"(heads up)

-17.33 bis under EV so much for winning poker lol

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Wits End by killThemDonks, December 17

whine poker is rigged

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Goldstar by PplusAD, December 16

2 days ago i did make a post that i am not sure if i can achhieve Goldstar status this month.
2 days and 11K hands laterz i am 99% sure its easily doable for me .P

Got back into cashgame and i am really eager to get back into this stuff and only playing sngs casually on the side.
those 11K hands made for 1200VPP and time did fly by no problem

today i managed to profit +100$ within 4h and 4100 hands of NL25 cashgame on pokerstars ( 10tabling mostly)
So after yesterdays Nl10 deep desaster where i lost 18bi ( 10$) and run 90$ below Allin-EV
today i got into some profitable spots and all in ev was just 10$ below net winnings ( hurray)

I have 10 days left where i can play pokerz and need a total of 1400VPP is needed
-> doable in 5 days without problems i guess

I am now +141$ atfer 8 days total in the green this month and aim for like 400-600$ profits

Besides that i am really looking forward to 2011
Trying to become semi professional in MMA ( hope to get a nice contract) and do at lesat 4 cagefights
I also will graduate from university after 5 years of studing sports science
+ I am single male athlete which means 2011 cant be as bad as 2010 concerning girls where i was in a relationship with the most extreme girl i ever met in my life

Here one of my favourite songs

Love their music
Insane good song if u are into heavy deep atmospheric music

watch 8 minute mark
its insane

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I am sorry Bluefire--Inception by Highcard, December 16

So I just made a fucking blog laughing at bluefire noobs not renewing their Domain name, Guess what?

I am playing the PLO HU miniftops. I hit fucking 2bet POT on flop to get it allin but I had 60 chips behind. Villain goes allin. I move mouse over to click Call and my fucking hand SPAZZES the fuck out and I click fold. OMG WTF. GG tourny for me now. Seriously?

Ok you may say "Yeah bad beat but that is life? stop bitching". Let me give you my last 12 hours of existence.

At 3am today I am trying to log into Bluefire and my brain is going crazy, I can't remember my login name, my password, the email I used. It takes me 30min to figure out wtf my bluefire account isn't the same as my deucescracked. Once I figure that shit out I feel like I am in a retard dream, one where you can't seem to remember anything and you feel powerless (reverse of flying dreams). I watch a vid then go to bed at 4am. Laying there I can't sleep, this is weird, I feel maybe I have to poop. But why would I want to poop now? such a weird time. Anyways, I do my shit and then back to bed and fall asleep.

at 12:58pm I wake up. I didn't really feel like doing much but said with the USA in 2 months maybe leaving the market I should play all mid-high tournaments just because. I join the HU PLO for 1pm. It start and the 1st guy is AFK from spain, 9 minutes of continuous clicking Raise and him folding he is finally dead. Good start to the day I thought.

While I sit there waiting for everyone else to finish, 1 hour goes by, then 2 hours go by and I see that there is 1 table left. Both were AFK and they just fucking trade blinds back and forth. WTF FTP, do something about stupid shit like this? So I just waited over 2 hours to watch 2 AFK retard? While I sit there mildly raging on how much time was just wasted I Get this RIDICULOUS feeling. I literally went from nothing to, WTF MY ASS IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE. My office is 10 feet from the bathroom and literally as I run to it I am thinking I hope to GOD I make it? Like jesus, what would I have done if I literally was anywhere else at this moment. Just I sit down I feel the gushing waves of Niagra falls coming out my ass hole. As fast as the storm came it was gone. I felt completely normal, as if I hadn't even shit. You know after a big poop you feel like you ass just got lighter, maybe you shed 2 pounds? Could Dunk now? Not me, but I can tell you my toilet was bitching. I don't care about that right now though, I just instantly wiped/flushed/closed the seat and will assess the damage later.

Now you are saying, that is messed up and it is. That is why now after all this weird stuff, the likelyhood of Bluefire poker not renewing their domain is so improbable but yet that happened today too. I found that when I got back from explosive diarrhea and the 2 AFK faggots still hadn't finished their match. After nearly shitting myself I thought it was funny to give Bluefire a hard time. As Fate has it, while I was making that post my new 1on1 match started and I lost the 5th hand allin Top set vs a 3bet pot in a 8 6 2. Crippling me. But I managed to bring it back to 1800-4200. That is when in a 3betpot I POT 2bet shove flop and misslick the last 60 chips. I had an over pair, Nut FD + Nut Gutshot.

But yet after everything that just happened today, I didn't even blink. No crushing of cans around me, nothing. Just went allin the next 2 hands and lost the 2nd one. You are expecting this is the end of this messed up day but it isn't.

I finished the tournament at 3:30pm and I was supposed to call a new specialist doctor before 4pm, their office called me yesterday. So I decide maybe that is why I was fucked over so hard today, I was supposed to call them and see wtf they wanted since their office is closed Fridays. Anyways I call them and they said they don't have a COMPUTER and CANNOT figure if/when/who i am and when my appointment is. This is Ottawa, not some fucking hick county shit hole. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU NOT HAVE A COMPUTER WITH PATIENT LISTS. Also have no ability to find out why they called me since they don't have a computer. Where the FUCK did your computer go? This makes no sense. I am literally being god damn TROLLED by a doctors office.

After all this insane shit, they ask me if I can tell them the details and what my doctors name is. Now I can't even remember my doctors name to top it off. It is some long obscure thing. So all in all, I am talking to a women who doesn't have a computer, no files, no ability to know why she called me, no way to tell me information and nothing I can do about it.

How many levels am I deep? Because this is one fucked up day(dream).

So the guy who was handed my chips on a platter, after beating me in the HU tourny,went AFK and blinded out in his next Match just now at 5pm. WTF

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BlueFire Expires lol by Highcard, December 16

So depends on browser and some things but Bluefire forgot to renew their domain

This is what they hope you see:

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NEED XFER Stars for Tilt by a_money55, December 16

Need 100 tilt for my stars will send first to known members....Thx PM me

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CHICKS... by FROGDOG, December 16

Another thing I want to mention, is the big FAIL I hear alot when it comes to FEMALES from fellow LPERS...first off bitches love confidence and a man that gains respect....NOT COCKINESS....but confidence...You play poker and own souls at times why can't you look at the bitches this way...OWN THEY SOULS!!!
Chicks have never been my issue, maybe too many, maybe too much money wasted on them BUT ALOT OF PUSSY!!!

if there is a chick you always wanted to say something too, any you always see her and she notices you. Most of the time you have just given a free card to someone else when THE ENTIRE POT COULD HAVE BEEN YOURS...we can't be PUSSY's after won't work MAN UP YALL.

Pussy comes and goes...just like weed and the

Seriously, though if you are a baller forget the HOES....get a WOMAN....HOES are like FISH ....they SUCK YOU OUT ..literally and figutively. At least a WOMAN is like a know she will always be there and you will get yours.

Also MOST CHICKS ARE INSECURE NO MATTER HOW GOOD THEY LOOK....YOU HAVE TO 3BET and 4BET them.....let them know you like, but also YOU DON'T NEED TO CHASE, listen to me!!!!!!!!

I hope I am making sense, I think I need to post more about some LIFE FAILS I hear about on here.....

Oh yeah PM me anytime...believe I know I can help, just like you have helped me.


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I have been hear lurking and listening for years, gotta say although some can be pure hateful and racist in their opinions. This site is full of POKER STALLIONS, realize this and come together MAKE LIQUID POKER A DYNASTY. Why do have to be so self-indulgent is it the money ??? We are playing a game and some are very good and lucrative at it. On a small scale the knowledge on this site should be shared and coveted by LPers. Hey, I tip my hat too many on this site with their ups and downs, triumphs and defeats!! I KNOW I WILL BE A POKER STALLION, I respect the game and love it's challenge and variances no matter how vicious they may be at times.

I will lurk and listen and learn from the rest of you POKER STALLIONS!!!
I know none of you personally but here are my thoughts:

MAYNARD - I enjoy your post and simple kindness even to the low limit players
NOLAN - Seems cool and confident I would too if I could crush cash games.
Evil Sky - Thanks for the hand histories over the years
Neilly(Ryan) - Also I want to thank for tournament histories and overall perseverance in the game, really it helps others.
Steal city - For the one time he went over some shat on skype with me
Robinson47 - for soding the same and making me get mikogo even my timing was always wrong when I logged on, you seem like a good dude CHAP.

Shat there are low limit Stallions I have learned from in some way on lp also from like Night2o1
and there are many others !!!!

Gotta say I can hate, cause I will be where I want to be someday soon and that's A POKER STALLION

Aurelius aka frogdog

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Scary Stuff by k2o4, December 16

  Every major music festival in the country could be shut down by law enforcement whose motive is not to make Americans safer through the protection of their rights, but the profit that police can make by taking property from citizens.

The seizure of the 352-acre Camp Zoe property in Southeast Missouri has so far garnered substantial attention both in America and internationally. That’s because this is no ordinary seizure; without (so far) being charged with a crime, the property owner, musician Jimmy Tebeau, is having his land taken from him in a process that strips him of his rights under both the US and Missouri constitutions.

The DEA has filed a claim for seizure and forfeiture of the property on the grounds that for years, concert-goers have engaged in consumption and transaction of illegal drugs. Under this theory, every major music festival in the country could be shut down by law enforcement whose motive is not to make Americans safer through the protection of their rights, but the profit that police can make by taking property from citizens.

Rest is in the spoiler, but for better formatting follow the link above
+ Show Spoiler +

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Ftops? by DustySwedeDude, December 15


I won't play more poker before 2011 but I've got some money on FTP and I heard there was a FTOPS going on I might stakes someone or buy action or whatever. Don't want any hassle though so don't bother asking unless I know you or if someone I know well can tell me you're a good guy. Other then that I'm open for suggestions so PM away if you feel that you have some offer I might be interested in.

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Vegas / MTT Coaching by NeillyJQ, December 15

Hey everyone, got back to vegas on Friday, went out n monstered the hell out of the city the first night out. Afterwards, been grinding some lucrative online mtts and playing downstairs at night (when some moneys on the tables) *14th 55c last mtt session*

gonna find an apartment here soon, but staying at ballys on the strip is so damn cheap and relaxing, gonna take it ez here til after my sundays (2 free sunday mtts for my top 100 tlb, 1 is 100 ppl top 4 go pca, other is 150 and idk how many packages for that one), most likely run the warm up, mil and 2nd chance (been getting v deep in mil and 2nch chance often lately)


Hey guys, offering MTT coaching to the players of LP, $100 an hour for me to view you and talk you through each stage of tournaments, ranges etc

(my 1 hour sessions tend to turn into 90 min to 3 hour sessions, many can vouch for me, i get carried away talking and having fun sometime =))

$50/hr to watch me via mikogo

$75/hr to watch me via mikogo w/ audio

Recent Graph;

PM Me and I'll give you my skype/msn

Also have about 20 videos, added audio to 4-5 so far, these will be disposable to anyone who has 3 or more sessions;

I don't want to take anything away from Player999, he is an _amazing player_ who has taught me a ton about hu sng's, recently i gave him 1 MTT session and he went on to make 3 FT's within the next few days (although, i don't know if my help had anything to do with it, he would have to confirm it if need be, hes an amazing player and will win some real big mtts imo)

Gonna focus on my MTTs and play some live afterwards downstairs @ Ballys to anyone whos in the city that wants to stop in;

Elky and Raszi on biggame is wut ive been waiting for, forever.

Yes. =)

Ryan Neilly

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Stake Me in miniFTOPS #22 tonight by Gadget, December 15

I got 19th in the miniFTOPS last night and I'm ready to do it again. I know its kind of last minute but I would like to get staked for 50-75% of my action in this event. Its a $30 rebuy. I'm not 100% sure how you operate a stake for a rebuy but I'm just going to go off of a base of $153. That would be 4 buyins and an add on.

6 max tournies are my specialty and you can look up my opr @ TheRelapse on FTP. I have a win in the $109 6-max on full tilt a while back and about 5 wins in the 6-max 5r on FTP. 10% mark-up so here's the breakdown.

5% = $8.42
10% = $16.83
25% = $42.08

75% is the cap, anything over 50% and I will play it. Thanks everyone.

Also, I have a bunch of previous stakes that show my trustworthiness.

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Pretty sure I played good by Night2o1, December 15

Doesn't matter to RNG though. In a massive downswing now buyin-wise, just going to keep trying to take it easy and maybe one of these days I can lock up a winning session. I'll hold off on posting a graph lol

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