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Jersey Shore by YouGoTGoT, December 03

Im browsing through the guide on TV and I see they are re-running JS on VH1. I look at the info to see which episode it is cuz I would def watch any season 1 episodes (better season IMO). This is what the description says:

"Mike has women at the house; Snooki has a fight; Sammi may leave Ronnie"

Thanks for clearin that up Verizon.

SIDE NOTE: Looking for PS money PM me if you have PS for FTP

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A song to share by K40Cheddar, December 03

Don't know how many of you guys are into rock music. Thought I'd share one of my favorite songs. Enjoy!

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Made it to Thailand by SemPeR, December 03

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PTR Peak! Chosen for Victory Poker Contest!! More! by Joeingram1, December 03

This blog is going to be everywhere and probably my longest I have written

I haven't blogged for over a month now because I was kind of embarrased I wasn't able to hit 300k VPP In October like I had bet on. I think I still set the world record for most PLO hands in a month though at about 245k (not exactly sure on #) but it ended up being my most profitable month ever. I made about 22k at the tables and another 20k in bonuses so ended up being a 40k month. Not bad for failing a prop bet !!!

I ended October at around 780k VPPs and on a great pace to get SNE in an easy manner. Naturally I wanted to give myself more of a challenge so I decided to essentially take November off . I did manage 12k vpps though! My lease ended in November so instead of poker I decided to focus more on finding a new place to live, maybe a new car, maybe new roomate and it was stressing the fuck out of me. I went to Vegas for a few days and looked at City Center and Panorama places. I liked them but the area is just too ghetto for my tastes after living out here in San Diego. Plus the weather is shitty and I just wasn't that excited about it. I got back home around the 20th and was on tilt at my computer lagging a bit. So i decided to go out and purchase a whole new setup. I bought some orange Acer computer because it "looked cool" but it did have pretty good specs on it too. I didn't want to wait and get 30' monitors so I decided to try some 32' lcd tvs at first and they were just too fucking massive. So I opted to return them and go for 2 27' LG with the intention of adding on a 3rd if I liked how the setup looked.

Current setup in my room until I decide to move it out of here

I got a little happier after I got the new comp/moniotrs/speaker system/mouse but was still kinda stressed out so I decided to go shopping on Black Friday to my new fave store True Religion and 2nd fave Gucci and spend a bunch of money there. This actually made me quite happy again and I decided to come home and start grinding again. My bankroll was doing pretty well and I really didnt want to grind PLO until Decemember so I decided to play some 5/10 6m with a medium table selection. Meaning if I wasn't on tilt then I would leave bad tables with but if I was on tilt then all that shit goes out the window. Luckily I ran like a fucking god there and in the few PLO session I played. Here are all my hands/sessions so far on my new computer

My career peak on PTR has been like 28k for about a year now and I never thought I would be able to get over that hump again. Well I was finally able to and was more excited about that then actually having the money. Naturally with all this winning going on and knowing I would reach SNE this month and get 10k Cash + 10k WSOP cash instantly, win 7.5k in my prop bet and another 12kish in Bonuses along the way I decided to look at some nicer places closer to the ocean. This naturally gave me even more stress because I have looked at so many places at this point and cannot decide. Here is the view of the last place I looked at

I mean the view is fucking amazing but the inside wasn't really renovated at all and I felt like if I was going to pay 4.5k+ for rent, that I really wanted to love everything about the place. This may seem absurd to pay but that is the pretty standard price in La Jolla which is the Beverly Hills of San Diego they say. I've decided to keep looking for places around here and hopefully will be able to find one soon. My roomate ended up moving out the other day so I have now been alone for a day or two. When I say alone, I actually mean Rachael has been here as well doing her Rachael things. I really wish I could write about my feelings on our relationship in this amazing blog post but its probably better that I do not

One of the reasons I was looking for bigger place was because I brought up an amazing idea to my old roomate Kris. He essentially lived out here for 6 months but just wasn't working hard enough to make enough money and ended up going busto due to bills he has (cc,school,etc) and couldn't make enough to pay those/rent out here. He has since moved back to live with his parents in the middle of Indiana and taken a $9.50 job. He has started playing PLO recently on the side when he is not working and has been grasping the game pretty well. I proposed this to him, he could come out here starting January 1st and move in with me for free. I would take care of his bills for the first month that he has and in return he would have to be ready to work/grind for SNE playing 50-100PLO. I would take all his action if he wanted to so basically he would just have to put in the hands and work on his game. He would have ended up making around 5k in rakeback the first month instead of the 1100ish at his current job. Not only would he make more money, he would be able to have a million more options in the dating pool as the women out here are infintly better then the docks of Indiana. He thought about the idea for a few days but has ultimatly decided not to come back out here because he didn't think he could put in the hard work and deal with it all again I was really surprised by this and am kinda sad about it because I was looking forward to him actually pushing himself and achieving something at poker!

So now I am basically back to square 1 on house/apartment/condo hunting and not really sure what I want to do. But I can't really focus much on it because I need to worry about getting SNE!! I am currently at 806k VPP and have a fun grind ahead of me

Oh Yea, who remembers that video I made for the Victory Poker contest back in May??? Well turns out I got accepted to compete in that lol, I actually found out a week after I got chosen when I was tagged in the message on there Facebook page.

The 25th spot has been awarded but there are 4 more contestants being flown out along with 2 freeroll winners, 2 sponsor exemptions & Todd Wages from the Tattoo video.

The filming is scheduled for February in Las Vegas and the competition will last 14 days. Each day there will be a lifestyle competition and a Poker Battle to test each person's all-around skills. The group will be staying in a mansion and players will be eliminated daily based on performance, attitude, overall skills, bonus challenges, etc. by a panel of judges until we reach a final winner who's life will change... ----- $100,000 in tournament buy-ins, 1 year condo at Panorama Towers, car, watch, clothes, travel, a whole new world...


On the one hand I am excited about this because who knows what it could potentially lead to and I may even win it. On the other hand, I really had my mind set on 3mill+ VPP next year and maybe take a run at most VPP ever in a year. The FPP value in that alone is around 390k+ and that really gets me excited thinking about it. I'm going to wait to find out some more details on everything but there is a good chance I will be there and settle for 2-2.5mill vpps

I made a pact with myself that I wouldn't cut my hair until I have achieved SNE, this is by far the longest it has been in about 6 years and i just don't know how I feel about it. Here is a picture I have of me at the gym getting my fucking swoll on preparing to take down SNE!! lol

Thanks for reading the blog, I will be webcamming my last month of my prop bet because it is a stipulation in my SNE bet if you are ever randomly bored and want to chat or potentially catch me playing in the nude

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ZOMG PS BIG GAME by LikeASet, December 03

HE FOLDS AA AND KK PREFLOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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FUUUUUU!! by OpWestAcct, December 03

I should have quit hours ago. I am raged with tilt right now. I had one of those sessions where you start off losing and you continue to lose. I swung down $600 then I was down only $200 then I swung down $800 then I got back to fucking even and I hate not making a profit every fucking session so I continue to play. I never EVER fucking got $1 in the green. As soon as I get close to even I just get fucked and fucked and fucked. I was put in so many stupid fucking spots today and everybody had a hand every time. Finish the session down $612. Fucking waste of ten hours. I can't even count how many times there was one or two cards I didn't wanna see hit and they hit every time. Coolered over and over again. I can't remember one time I 3 bet AK - hit the flop - and got paid at all. And I'm sure I 3 bet it about 25-35 times this session.

Also I am too lazy to find the hand but here is how the session went. I raise AJo get a call from button. Flop KQ6 I barrel. Turn 9 - I barrel. River 8. KQ698r Pot~$48 I bet $39 and get called by 64o.

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to The River by craimeariver, December 03

i hate you , River. you are the worst street of them all! you are the only street where fish bet big against me. WHY? cause the efing river always brings the worst card in the deck!
8TQ flop with my AQ - the river brings the 9 - villains overbets pot
334T 2 hearts with my KK - the river brings the A of hearts - the passive idiot checkshoves
wooohooo i made quads today - guess what? i made them on the river! the thing is the 4th J was maybe the worst card in the deck for me cause the donk with a 6 in his hand on the j66 board thought he had it!


PS: in retrospect maybe im getting outplayed by the thinking players that know the value of those bad river cards..or maybe maybe its that doomswitch disguised as a promotion called rushweek!!!!!

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Need $30 on Paypal by SugoGosu, December 02

Hey everyone, so I need $30 on paypal to purchase access to a VPN. If anyone is willing to help I'd be happy!

I can ship on fulltilt.

I've done many transfers with people from here including: Fox, TommeRD, K4ir0s, 2Vi3T_B0Y4, chris, Steal City, voodoouser, lachlan, collegesucks, and srojitas.

Then I have a few transfers from 2+2. pm me if you can help!

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Unibet Open London by DustySwedeDude, December 02

Who's going, who wants to have a beer? Anyone want to tag along and check out Brixton or some soccer?

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The horror by NewbSaibot, December 02

Today our company switched cell phone carriers and we all got new phones. Some time back while on Tmobile I purchased this little diddy to satiate my iphone cravings and move into the world of luxury mobile OS and touchscreen tekmology.

This phone was the neezies, beautiful 4.3" screen, android froyo OS, functionally useful and free apps, big enough screen to legitimately surf the internet, 4G speed, mobile hotspot, tethering so I can screw around at work, awesome for watching movies, and best of all a fucking badass touchscreen keyboard which I could type like a demon on, with fully threaded chat messaging.

Well our dipshit CEO got annoyed that he couldnt get reception with Tmobile in the boonies when he's shooting deer on the weekends, so he decided to switch us all to fucking verizon, just so he could call his hillbilly friends and tell them to bring the moonshine.

Welcome to the new hotness

Yeah baby, check out that 1.5" screen. No touchscreen device here, fuck that shit we use TRACKBALLS. Want to read an email? View that shit in 2 colors nigga, black and white. HTML graphics are for pussies. So is texting, which is why you'll be doing it with tictac sized keys, so your fragile little fingers better man up and get used to pushing buttons instead of a touchscreen.

Man I really cant even go on any further, this shit is so depressing. Total fucking gimp cellphone incapable of shit. Damnit I miss my phone.

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Goals for December by chogeu, December 02


I'm a long time scbw and poker fan, I've been lurking here for a while. Started playing poker in late October after reading all the ballin shit rekrul has written, also I've got plenty of free time so what the heck.

-practice tilt control (and get some stop loss limits)
-less spewing
-not play 6max (lost like 20$ in 2k hands roflwtf)
-play more regularly and atleast 25k hands this month. I only play on 4-6 tables.

November graph.


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Finally free of the "online poker effect" by whamm!, December 02

After quitting for 2 months now. It was hard to detox myself out of the rut poker imbedded in me. My mistake for not living a more balanced life for more than 4 years now, first time ever ive done this and it feels great. Im not even thinking about poker anymore, except for the fact that LP is still one the only few sites I NEED to check daily lol. No money less problems I guess, but the break is definitely worth it. I plan to get back to the grind next year but I'll have something on the side to do which keeps me from just
playing all day. I hope poker is kinder next year but I'm not too worried since I'm a lot less miserable and lonely now that I got some other stuff totally non-poker related to do everyday. Poker money is still easy and quick but I can't see myself doing this for another 2 years, so at least next year is a start!!!
good luck guys

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Nov/BCPC results by djforever, December 02

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Transfer bump by Rocks2BeGood, December 02

This is setteled.

Thanks in advance,

Ron van den Enden

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I'm down to a dollar. Yay! by Gnarly, December 02

When I first got into online poker, I could only do free money. After a while, I rocked. I was able to get a BI at multiple limits per hour at limit hold em. So I put down ten bucks, started doing .02/.04 six-handed limit. At first, I was making the same rate, a buy in per hour. Then, I switched over to NL. Worst idea I have ever made.

Now, after about six or so charges later, I'm back down to one dollar. Either I'm playing the wrong limits, or I'm just a horrible fish that thinks he's actually really good. I wanted to really get into the ante tables, because I know those people are much better players. I did try a few times, one time I lost a charge in one hand. AA v KK preflop. Now, I'm desperate not to resort to the free rolls until I get some more change going. I'm going back to limit.

I never really set a goal for poker, it was just to play an hour or two at a time. Nothing changed when I switched to NL. Still no goal. Now, my goal is to actually follow good bankroll management, even though I'm starting with a dollar. With one dollar BIs, I'm going up to forty bucks until I go to two buck BIs, the next limit. Going with twenty BIs per limit, my final goal is to get up to 250 bucks. That way I can play the twenty-five dollar BI for those ante tables.

Haha, one dollar.

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Cold December by exalted, December 01

Ok let's start anew:

Some interesting hands:

Submitted by : exalted

Full Tilt Poker Game #26039222883: Table Electro - $2/$4 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:10:51 ET - 2010/12/01
Seat 1: Hero ($661.50)
Seat 2: Marc Karam ($1,605.80)
Seat 3: Holla Bolla ($496.25)
Seat 4: poker3466 ($209.40)
Seat 5: famouslastwords ($847.40)
Seat 6: csfalcon18 ($457.90)
Seat 7: INVASION1 ($400)
Seat 8: mw2orpoker ($318)
Seat 9: plghh ($108.40)
famouslastwords posts the small blind of $2
csfalcon18 posts the big blind of $4
The button is in seat #4

Dealt to HeroAsJs
INVASION1 has 8 seconds left to act
mw2orpoker has 8 seconds left to act
mw2orpoker raises to $12
plghh folds
Hero calls $12
Marc Karam folds
Holla Bolla folds
poker3466 folds
famouslastwords folds
csfalcon18 folds

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $30.00)

mw2orpoker has 15 seconds left to act
mw2orpoker checks
Hero has 15 seconds left to act
Hero bets $21
mw2orpoker has 15 seconds left to act
mw2orpoker raises to $74
Hero has 15 seconds left to act
Hero has requested TIME
Hero calls $53

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $178.00)

mw2orpoker has 15 seconds left to act
mw2orpoker bets $232, and is all in
Hero calls $232
mw2orpoker shows6c4c
Hero showsAsJs

River (Pot : $642.00)

mw2orpoker shows a pair of Aces
Hero shows three of a kind, Aces
Hero wins the pot ($639) with three of a kind, Aces

Total pot $642 | Rake $3
Seat 1: Hero showedAsJs and won ($639) with three of a kind, Aces
Seat 2: Marc Karam didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Holla Bolla didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: poker3466 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: famouslastwords (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: csfalcon18 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 7: INVASION1 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: mw2orpoker showed6c4c and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 9: plghh didn't bet (folded)

Submitted by : exalted

Full Tilt Poker Game #26038388881: Table Electro - $2/$4 - No Limit Hold'em - 20:35:30 ET - 2010/12/01
Seat 1: famouslastwords ($965.40)
Seat 2: speedas ($415.90)
Seat 3: Vitor Xavier ($347)
Seat 4: farran ($623.75)
Seat 5: Semifaded ($244)
Seat 6: denerim ($1,133.10)
Seat 7: Hero ($591.80)
Seat 8: XpokerliciousX ($208)
Seat 9: stabilitron ($473.40)
stabilitron posts the small blind of $2
famouslastwords posts the big blind of $4
The button is in seat #8

Dealt to Hero3h3d
speedas has 8 seconds left to act
speedas folds
Vitor Xavier folds
farran has 8 seconds left to act
farran folds
Semifaded folds
denerim folds
Hero has 8 seconds left to act
Hero raises to $11
XpokerliciousX calls $11
stabilitron folds
famouslastwords folds

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $28.00)

Hero checks
XpokerliciousX checks

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $28.00)

Hero checks
XpokerliciousX checks

River (Pot : $28.00)

Hero checks
XpokerliciousX bets $12
Hero has 15 seconds left to act
Hero raises to $580.80, and is all in
XpokerliciousX calls $185, and is all in
Uncalled bet of $383.80 returned to Hero

Hero shows3h3d two pair, Fours and Threes
XpokerliciousX showsQdAc two pair, Queens and Fours
XpokerliciousX wins the pot ($419) with two pair, Queens and Fours

Total pot $422 | Rake $3
Seat 1: famouslastwords (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: speedas didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Vitor Xavier didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: farran didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: Semifaded didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: denerim didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: Hero showed3h3d and lost with two pair, Fours and Threes
Seat 8: XpokerliciousX (button) showedQdAc and won ($419) with two pair, Queens and Fours
Seat 9: stabilitron (small blind) folded before the Flop

Submitted by : exalted

Full Tilt Poker Game #26035987303: Table Electro - $2/$4 - No Limit Hold'em - 19:00:22 ET - 2010/12/01
Seat 1: Coox ($400)
Seat 2: KoelnOutlaw ($512.20)
Seat 3: Luxitive ($423)
Seat 4: artmstu ($400)
Seat 5: steel61 ($443.50)
Seat 6: The Jeltz ($531.50)
Seat 7: Rick-All-Inn ($203.50)
Seat 8: Hero ($421.60)
Seat 9: dre_b ($400)
dre_b posts the small blind of $2
Coox posts the big blind of $4
The button is in seat #8

Dealt to HeroTcKc
KoelnOutlaw folds
Luxitive folds
artmstu has 8 seconds left to act
artmstu raises to $12
steel61 folds
The Jeltz folds
Rick-All-Inn calls $12
Hero raises to $36
dre_b folds
Coox folds
artmstu folds
Rick-All-Inn calls $24

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $90.00)

Rick-All-Inn checks
Hero bets $26
Rick-All-Inn calls $26

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $142.00)

Rick-All-Inn bets $141.50, and is all in
Hero calls $141.50
Rick-All-Inn shows2d4d
Hero showsTcKc

River (Pot : $425.00)

Rick-All-Inn shows a straight, Five high
Hero shows Ace King high
Rick-All-Inn wins the pot ($422) with a straight, Five high

Total pot $425 | Rake $3
Seat 1: Coox (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: KoelnOutlaw didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Luxitive didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: artmstu folded before the Flop
Seat 5: steel61 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: The Jeltz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: Rick-All-Inn showed2d4d and won ($422) with a straight, Five high
Seat 8: Hero (button) showedTcKc and lost with Ace King high
Seat 9: dre_b (small blind) folded before the Flop

Submitted by : exalted

Full Tilt Poker Game #26027620495: Table Electro - $2/$4 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:09:23 ET - 2010/12/01
Seat 1: KoelnOutlaw ($508.60)
Seat 2: teemofei ($203.20)
Seat 3: picantisimo ($428)
Seat 4: Hero ($647.30)
Seat 5: mike hawk63 ($234.10)
Seat 6: button1512 ($414)
Seat 7: Somyung Sim ($1,042.90)
Seat 8: thefinest2010 ($400)
Seat 9: L4dyLove ($412)
KoelnOutlaw posts the small blind of $2
teemofei posts the big blind of $4
The button is in seat #9

Dealt to Hero3s3c
picantisimo folds
Hero raises to $12
mike hawk63 folds
button1512 folds
Somyung Sim folds
thefinest2010 folds
L4dyLove folds
KoelnOutlaw folds
teemofei calls $8

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $26.00)

teemofei checks
Hero bets $20
teemofei calls $20

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $66.00)

teemofei checks
Hero has 15 seconds left to act
Hero checks

River (Pot : $66.00)

teemofei bets $36
Hero has 15 seconds left to act
Hero has requested TIME
Hero raises to $615.30, and is all in
teemofei calls $135.20, and is all in
Uncalled bet of $444.10 returned to Hero

Hero shows3s3c three of a kind, Threes
teemofei mucks
Hero wins the pot ($405.40) with three of a kind, Threes

Total pot $408.40 | Rake $3
Seat 1: KoelnOutlaw (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: teemofei (big blind) muckedQsAc - Ace Queen high
Seat 3: picantisimo didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Hero showed3s3c and won ($405.40) with three of a kind, Threes
Seat 5: mike hawk63 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: button1512 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: Somyung Sim didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: thefinest2010 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: L4dyLove (button) didn't bet (folded)

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after giving up rush by K40Cheddar, December 01

small sample so far but everything has gone very well.

I have been practicing some serious table selection now that I am playing standard full ring tables. Poker is a lot easier when you find sick fish and make sure they sit on your right.

Still don't really like the slow rate of hands being played but my thought process has felt almost perfect since I slowed down. I just need to put in more hours and continue to isolate the weaker players.

Gl to everyone in December.

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November by player999, December 01

+ Show Spoiler +

+4.4k online grind
+3.4k rakeback
+5.5k live 1/2

= +13.3k month

Nice results considering I didn't play at all this month. Went prob 4 times to the live game tho and man, that shit is crazyy. Won a 3.3k pot set x TP+FD x FD, on this day I was sitting with 3000bb, almost all the chips in play, game broke cuz of me for the third time (only 1000bb profit there tho)

Last few days online:
+ Show Spoiler +

After 85 days I already hit my 200k VPP goal, sick grind is done for this year I guess, gonna play still a bit this month but then just gonna go travel the world a bit, buy a car, ballouttacontrol, enjoy life in general, and get back to this on february to *maybe* go for SNE! We'll see. (fwiw to make SNE I will have to play around 300 games/day for 10 months. Most HUsngs regs consider impossible for anyone to play 100/day for a couple months in a row. Gonna be fun to try to go for it.) Results for last 85 days:

+17k from online pokerz
+9.5k from online rakeback
+24.5k from live pokerz
= +51k for ~3 months

+ Show Spoiler +

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November by Luckb0xx, December 01

At least the last 10 days, I only played SNGs before and kinda gave up on it focused on teaching 2 mates a bit




all after nov 16th since I had to reformat my laptop!

Hope to continue like this in Dec, maybe take a mtt down finally.. had several deep runs but busted them all way before FT..

took down one 170 player 27$ KO tourney busting like half of the field.. well felt like that, just ran ridicolously well^^

Wont have to work in december so Ill have way more time to play!

Update to come mid of december, lets hope its a good one


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TSA by tloapc, December 01


just saw this rofl

it's so ignorant - even Japan is making fun of the US lol

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