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I WILL DESTROY YOU NL100 REGS by Night2o1, November 15


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WSOP events AC by Gsr_01_integ, November 15

This will be in Dec startin around the 4th-22nd. I will be travelin up for most of these events. Just findin out if anyone else will be there for these events maybe meet up and hang out and party FTW...

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OMG phpbb3 modscripts are u for real? by whamm!, November 15

ejesus christs this shit is soooo fucking hard to understand with little to no clear support anywhere, they only give u cryptic instructions only fucking nerds like them understand - this is just worse than linux openbsd kernel recompile which was a motherfucker even then but isntalling these little shits seem to be impossbile like me beating 400nl 6max. i seriously want to kill something right now been 9 hours straight no progress and my message board died twice and now its missing some shit already and the sonofabich guy who set this up doesnt answer my texts allday.

i shouldve just gotten a microstakes LPER or TL to do this and pay him pstars money , i prob wouldve gotten top notch quality work and all the bells and whistles plus some msn/skype sweat sessions how to maintain and fix simple shit like this

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Let's begin! by sequent, November 15

Hello all!

As a first important thing I have to do is apologize for my english skills

I am 19 years old guy , student of IT major. I started my adventure with poker about 3-4 weeks ago but really fall in love with this game and that's why I want to improve my game and prove that if I try really hard I can become really great player.

I created this blog to be able to look after year how it was at the opening. I will be doing entries after getting enough BR(with graph of cours) to shoot next level.

I'm starting with 50$ and NL2 until get 30BI for next level.

In the end I want say THANK YOU to Fayth for everything You wrote to me , words which motivaded me so much to hard work , once more thanks!


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2nd Sesshhh by OpWestAcct, November 15

Just finished my 2nd session at NL 100. It was 10 hours and 9k hands long and the most ridiculous thing I think I have ever played in my poker career. My first session was yesterday and I finished up $40 after 1k hands so I didn't really get a taste of the difference in NL 50 and NL 100. The aggression is 5 fold. People don't just check down boards when they don't hit. They double barrel - constantly. I never knew I could flat flop and turn with air and then barrel a blank river card and get a fold - That just doesn't happen at NL 50. The 3 betting was ridiculous and even with all my experience I was about to crack. I literally had to 4 bet and call a shove with A9o vs one guy who shipped 88. Made some spews... Had a few guys hero call my bluffs and got coolered in some big pots that I really needed. If anyone can help I'd appreciate it. I don't know how to battle the constant 3 bets. It seems like every time I raise a pocket pair or a suited connector I get 3 bet and don't know how to react since the situation comes up a million times a session. Ended up finished down $350 which I am fine with considering I made about $135 in rakeback this session alone and I was down $900 at one point.

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HELP ME GOSU POKER PRO by Wreckognize, November 15

So I used to make a lot of money playing poker and thought I was a poker genius, I am a college graduate...I recently got laid off from Pepsi Co. and went back to my 5/10 bread and butter and it really feels that I have many huge leaks I didn't have and everyone has gotten better and have thus far after a week lost 6 buyins, which happens but I feel I am getting outplayed. If there is anyone out there that would help and mentor me I would greatly appreciate it...unfortunately at the moment I can only afford $50/hour and that is if you can prove you are great at this game. I know this post sounds ridiculous but I would really enjoy an online friend that can give me lucrative advice. PM me if you qualify.

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near worthless blog post by mnj, November 15

played for about 3 hours, flopped 0 sets....

but turned 13 sets over 662 hands...

this is the "sickest" and by "sickest" i mean strangest thing to have ever happened to me for online poker

blog saver

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egood's fitness log by egood, November 14

Decided to make a fitness log after seeing the other one. Could have done it at 2p2, but not really well known over there so would probably just get trolled.

I havent weighed myself in a while for some reason, lol but I'd have to guess I'm somewhere between 160-180 lbs, will edit this when I do. I just keep forgetting.

all weights are in lbs, 1 kg = 2.2lbs, so just divide in half to get a rough estimate of kgs.



T-Bar Rows (barbell, free weights)
lower back started to bother me a little (still a touch sore from deadlifting), so decided to stop.

dumbbell rows
drop set, 55x10, 40x10

lat pulldowns (overhand grip)
2 Sets 150x6
Drop 110x8, 90x8 (pretty tired here barely made the 8).

reverse lat pulldowns (supinated grip)
drop 110x10

straight arm lat pulldown (cable machine)
drop 37.5x8, 27.5x10

One armed rows (rowing machine)
4 sets 30x10

dumbbell curls

Hammer curls

EZ-bar preacher curls
20x5 (lols)

I was worn out at this point so stopped.

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Poker is not dying by LemOn[5thF], November 14

Below is my adaptation of an article I have found recently that seemed very helpful to me. Here is my personalised version/notes:

When you scroll through LP and online forums you will see the miserable impression that online poker profitability is plummeting into horrible depths. Many people talk about throwing in the towel and getting into a regular job just for that reason.
Fuck them, you are smarter than that. Here is a refresher of reasons for playing this this game:

''More DIfficult'' does not mean ''Not Worthwhile''
You all hear the stories from old schoolers about the Party days. Waiting for aces and stacking off with TPTK and make bazillions with no effort. The games these days are much more difficult than back then. They are becoming increasingly more competitive and challenging, and it’s not as easy as it once was to earn $500k/year. I know, you are thinking what I am right now “So the hell what?”

You can still make extremely high hourly rates and income; all you have to do is work hard. That's it, there is no golden pill, no hidden passageways to poker oracle, no secret societies not even the Free Mason’s are involved.
Poker success, like most things in life, is based on your willingness to put in the ability and effort. You can still get dramatically more dough than with most other jobs, assuming you are disciplined and aggressive with your poker efforts. But poker is not just about dough for bitches and ho's. You also get the additional benefits of:

-Mental and physical freedom
-Creative Outlet
-Competitive Challenges
-Exponential potential with virtually no or a very thin ceiling

Success: Process vs Product
Take this Guy, John Wooden. He is the only person ever to be inducted into the basketball hall of fame both as a player and a coach.
To him, success was not the output, but the process. If you work hard and strive to be your best then regardless of the outcome you have succeeded. This outlook is brilliant and not only because of its simplicity.

At first it might seem that the idea behind this is that success shouldn't be measured by the tangible and material. What is the real point and what is the most important however is that this approach draws attention to the level of discipline and enjoyment in work that is at the core of your excellence. By focusing on the process rather than outcome, you will see preparation as an end in itself. Our output, and in poker it is cash for bitches and ho's, is then a by product of our energy given to the process, and not the main goal and focal point of our energy and attraction.

If you look at poker in this light, your motivation can be geared towards to simply become a better poker player, and not just towards making the most money. We of course all look towards our bottom line, that’s why many of us play poker and want to succeed, as ho's are getting real expensive if you don't just move to Thailand like many LP perverts. Upon reflection however, you should see your learning and improvement as the measure of our success. This not only increases your potential to succeed but will also drastically alter your perception of and sensitivity to the definition of happiness you employ and derive from your work.

If my goal every day is to get better, to improve as a poker player, to review hands and concepts and get comments, play around with theory and discuss poker with friends, my profit/loss for the day has no effect on my perception of my own success for that day. I don't give a shit that I lost 20 buy ins in a day when I analysed 20 tough hands learned two new concepts and found a way to be a better poker player like Here.By approaching poker this way my feelings of accomplishment and happiness are protected.

As poker players and gamblers of any kind, we all know that the actual monetary output each day is irrelevant. What matters is the long run. The day to day, week to week, sometimes month to month (perhaps year to year for live and MTT donkeys) fluctuations are not of primary importance, and may or may not mean much. We train ourselves to ignore it. Unfortunately though, we are still human and it’s difficult not to in some way feel the influence of our results for that day.


A large part of the reason why we let our rational mind falter and be smashed by the rocket of the BFG called negative emotion is that our rationale already has holes in it. It’s not strong enough to withstand the impact of our rushing hormones as they rise from the sub-cortical depths and try to rein havoc on our reasoning capabilities. Part of the deficiency in our thinking is the fact that as poker players, we focus way too much attention on the bottom line, and not the work it takes to get there.

By putting the spotlight on discipline and improvement, we not only feel more gratified, but we become much better poker players. In one swoop, we are both improving our level of happiness and satisfaction, while simultaneously increasing our output (and getting those ho's). Success is achieved before the war begins. Preparation and discipline then become the primary contributors to victory.

Start with the process
Okay so now you are considering the notion that maybe the games aren’t the problem, it’s your focus and drive. To that you add acceptance of a definition of success that centers on discipline and motivation, and not on the score at the end of the game. Now what are you going to do about it? Where do we begin to expend this flurry of positive and hopeful energy, that will actually allow you enjoy this game and not be one of them miserable people?

Start with the process. Spend more time of your day studying, reviewing, reading and watching, instead of actually playing poker. Think of your poker sessions as the secondary initiative, the primary one is simply to learn and try to get better. I don’t mean to say that you should necessarily play a lot less poker then you do. I mean that you should probably be putting more effort into improving. Become curious again.

Why do we take the lines that we do?
Why do we bet as much or as little as we do?
Why do we fold the third nuts with 100 hands on villain?
Why does opponent x always perform action y in situation z as you notice while reviewing your hands against him/her? What can be done to exploit that next time you happen to find yourself on the same table?

Reviewing your own sessions is one of the most important contributors to your success. Not only are you establishing reads on opponents you will almost surely play again, but also your knowledge of ranges stays very sharp. Essentially poker is about narrowing ranges to identify our opponents’ cards. When you’re not reviewing, take some time off every day and simply watch some of the other regulars play. Whether it’s players at your stakes or much better ones at higher stakes, watching others perform will help tremendously with the two objectives mentioned above and with countless others as well.

As poker players in 2010, we have a wealth of information to satisfy our poker curiosity. Books, forums, videos, articles, public reviews or a free session from AndrewSong that you get after awesome blog post are all there because people are interested in getting better. Yet not many poker players actually view their improvement as the primary objective. This mentality alone can be a great contributor to you separating yourself and rising above the pack. Utilized properly and effectively, it can make you soar to new heights. Take advantage of all that our modern technological information age provides and start trying to be better poker players.

Motivation: The key to unlocking process for progress
Many poker players and humans in general for that matter, suffer from a lack of motivation. It really does get hard to go to school when you don't give a shit, or to be reviewing your hands when its much easier to just fire up 9 tables, mindlessly grind and post a whine blog. Now of course some less eager people will tell you they’re fine that way, and in their eyes they’re not suffering at all but actually quite content with their energy level and how much they care.
That’s fine, but for those among us who strive to move forward and always grow, lacking motivation can be quite the ailment. This is in fact so common, important and complex, that it requires its own hours of videos, miles of articles, textbooks and courses at universities. Oh wait, it does have all that and more. You can just go out and get them. To mention a few:

Physical Activity
Our brains and bodies were not evolved to sit around all day in front of a screen. Sitting on our ass all day without much physical movement will hinder our brain’s natural propensity to release hormones which make us feel energized and happy. Whether it’s going to the gym, playing sports, shagging ho's in Thailand running or dancing, staying active is integral to our success.


Another potential obstacle is isolation, and is a consideration that would requires its own article. Online poker can also be a very isolating job. We don’t travel to offices in a flurry of traffic and get bombarded by bosses or employees with demands, deadlines and other nuances of the traditional working environment. Although a welcome departure from the conventional aggravations, the subsequent loneliness of the online poker player at work can threaten our productivity. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Our physical and mental freedom demands we take all areas of our lives into our own hands and to push forward independently. This is true not only of our work ethic but also of the substance in our social lives. After all, unlike other professions we can decide, at all times, who we talk to, for what reasons and for how long. We have control over where we work, at which times, which days and on which continent.In that light, the nature of the poker profession allows for a level and flavour of social interaction more dynamic and fulfilling then that which a normal job could generally provide. When you get stuck in a busy office all you will ever know are your close colleagues. People hardly get together with others as you see on How I met your mother. Your social interaction will be limited mostly to your peers and family, as there simply isn't time and energy for other interaction when you work 60 hours per week.

Of course, we have to actually work at our social life and are not simply flung into a social atmosphere and forced to interact as people thrown into a job are. If you are not sociable person it can be tough to make non-poker friends, and you will have to put hard work into overcoming that. Well, you still will be in a way better position that some IT guys who work 60 hours per week and are not flung into the interaction with actual humans.

Fortunately for us, we are now focusing on the process and simple improvement is our success. The result is more time out of our normal grinding environment. This could mean spending more time reviewing in nearby coffee shops, broadening our poker circle for more diverse viewpoints, or taking more time out of our lives to simply socialize with friends and meet new ones. Our goal is to augment our satisfaction and happiness by altering our definition and feelings toward success, while diversifying our methods.

Of course, by changing our definition of success to process rather than output, we create a greater variety of success inputs. Spending more time on studying now renders us more successful. Exercising and socializing more to increase our energy and happiness is a success in itself. The days of looking at our stats software to get an idea of how to feel are over. If it helps, erase your win-rate and profit from your stats software and take a look at it once every so often to get an idea of how you’re doing. Ultimately though, as long as you’re striving and working, those numbers will not matter; you are succeeding.

Going Forward
The Party Poker days are over and you can't just overlook these things. More work is required, more focus and dedication, more discipline and training and more health and happiness. You know what? This is actually a welcome challenge. If attacked properly and with vigor, the challenge of making it and excelling in the online poker environment of today will be a massive boost to your personal energy, mental strength, health levels and it will enthral you with diverse and exciting experiences. This is why poker is so damn attractive to me. Unlike the office, where a weak day/hour, sloppy off the job time management, or eating crap will not make your work performance and output/wage significantly lower, in poker these days you always need to challenge yourself and lead a balanced life or or your performance will be immediately affected and you will lose your edge.

Our objective now is to make the best decision on every action in every hand, and continuously strive, both on and off the tables, to ensure we accomplish that task to the best of our ability. By altering our definition of success and consistently improving, increasing and diversifying our efforts, we can reach new heights.

The games aren’t “dying”, the challenge is just beginning.

Based on:
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Terrible @ Live by SaturdayZerg, November 14

I am terrible at live poker. Played about 500 hands over 6 months and down $700 at 1-2NL


Second orbit at table. Saw villain min-raise once with a draw. Has monster stack for 1-2
I just doubled up the previous hand AIPF AA vs QQ

Hero UTG+3 $400
Villain UTG+2 $1400

Dealt AdQs

UTG+2 limps $2
Hero raise to $20.
Hijack calls
UTG+2 calls

Flop ($63)

Qc 2h 3d

UTG+2 check
Bet $50
Hijack folds
UTG+2 calls

Turn ($163)

UTG+2 check blind


Bet $100
UTG+2 calls

River ($363)


UTG+2 shoves $230

Hero ???

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Poker update by the cleaner, November 14

My graphs always seem to be pretty ridiculous. running on fire this month, guess i´m getting compensated for october.



last 250k hands or about 2.5 months

Dogs (Waters, Gilmour) 17:06

You gotta be crazy, you gotta have a real need.
You gotta sleep on your toes, and when you're on the street,
You gotta be able to pick out the easy meat with your eyes closed.
And then moving in silently, down wind and out of sight,
You gotta strike when the moment is right without thinking.

And after a while, you can work on points for style.
Like the club tie, and the firm handshake,
A certain look in the eye and an easy smile.
You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to,
So that when they turn their backs on you,
You'll get the chance to put the knife in.

You gotta keep one eye looking over your shoulder.
You know it's going to get harder, and harder, and harder as you
get older.
And in the end you'll pack up and fly down south,
Hide your head in the sand,
Just another sad old man,
All alone and dying of cancer.

And when you loose control, you'll reap the harvest you have sown.
And as the fear grows, the bad blood slows and turns to stone.
And it's too late to lose the weight you used to need to throw
So have a good drown, as you go down, all alone,
Dragged down by the stone.

I gotta admit that I'm a little bit confused.
Sometimes it seems to me as if I'm just being used.
Gotta stay awake, gotta try and shake off this creeping malaise.
If I don't stand my own ground, how can I find my way out of this

Deaf, dumb, and blind, you just keep on pretending
That everyone's expendable and no-one has a real friend.
And it seems to you the thing to do would be to isolate the winner
And everything's done under the sun,
And you believe at heart, everyone's a killer.

Who was born in a house full of pain.
Who was trained not to spit in the fan.
Who was told what to do by the man.
Who was broken by trained personnel.
Who was fitted with collar and chain.
Who was given a pat on the back.
Who was breaking away from the pack.
Who was only a stranger at home.
Who was ground down in the end.
Who was found dead on the phone.
Who was dragged down by the stone.

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new comp ideas by Gsr_01_integ, November 14

So im going to get a new comp and since i really dont know what to get or what to buy i need some people to send some links of good decently priced

what i need
Something to run mass tables and all pokersoftware goodies, skype, teamviewer, AIM, MSN, and if it happens to come in a package with a monitor for close to the same price and i can also run my other 22" with it would be a plus as well

Thanks all

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Need FTP cash by SakiSaki, November 14

ok sorted

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Site change by moneypoker, November 14

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My training log by teej1985, November 14

Going back to start of Oct
All weights are in kg
plus is used when the bar is dropped due to grip failure


Pull ups 50 (10,8,8,8,6,7,3)
neutral grip pull ups 25 (8,5,6,6)

db curls 15kgx11
25 minutes cross trainer


slight incline db press 40kgx13,9,6
machine press 1 set of 9 reps cant remember weight
2 sets flyes 22kg

dumbell shoulder press 30x8
2 sets with 27.5

2 sets rope extentions
wide pulls ups 10,9,6
underarm rows 100kg 4 reps (forearms too sore ), 80x13,10
3 sets neutral grip chins: 10,8,5
smith machine shrugs 80+bar 10,10


db press 45kgx10,7, 40x9 negatives too quick on last set
incline cables 30x10 explosive with rest pause, 25x12 similar form,25x10, 20x10
24 dips
dumbell shoulder press 30x10, 27.5x6
lateral raises 10kgx10
close grip bench 60x10,6

weight 78.5kg


crossovers from bottom 30x9,8plus 1,30x6,25x5
bench 75kgx17,11, 6 narrow and 2 normal
peck deck 35x9
7 mins abs


wide pull ups 7 tiny rest 3, tiny rest 3 tiny rest 2 tiny rest 1
medium grip 7 reps
neutal grip 9,7
good slow negatives^
underarm pulldows 75x8,70x8
2 sets cable bent over rows, fail..didnt work well on this machine
smith machine shrugs 90x9 plus 3, 8
static hold


bench 100x10,90x11,90x7
2 sets flyes incline 20x15 shortr rom as set progressed
2 or 3 sets incline cables 60x20
2 sets Asa crunches 30,22
3 seets leg kicks 25 25 50 10 secs rest between
few sets of Asa obliques
2 sets ham curls 35x15
hour of badminton
weight 78.8

bench 105x7+1 forced, 95x7 and 1 forced rep. 90x7
incline flyes 20x14 plus 2 presses. 10,8
incline presses 32.5x7,7 30 seconds rest then 2 more resp
ham curls 40x15x2
leg extentions 40x1x2


upright rows 55x9,50x9
cleans 50x10
clean and press 50x10,10,10
shrugs 95kg on thin bar 10 readjust grip and 5 more
105x6 plus 4,9 plus 2
skullcrushers 35x14,8
overhead extention 32.5x8
1 arm extention 12.5x5,6 (right, left)
chins with 15kgx6 then 4 more with own weight
set with bodyweight
curls with 30kg

leg press 50 80, 110x10
leg extention 25, 45x15x2
ham curls 45x15x2

GREEN MAG added here weight 80kg

underarm rows 100x11 rest on thighs then 3 more
pull ups 9 plus 3 negatives
6 plus 3 negatives
lat pulldowns 70x7 pause then 2 more
vbar rows 80x7 plus 1
80x5 plus 70x3 plus 60 plus 3
small rest then 3-4 more with 60


bench 110x5,80x11 (explosive up, very slow negatives)
cables crossovers high, wide 40x9,35x10 rest and 3 more
cables from bottom 25x7 and couple partials
incline press 70x10,7

medicine ball sit ups
swiss ball sit ups
reverse crunches x10
10mins eliptical

1/11/10weight 80.5
50 lengths in swimming pool

smith machine shrugs 90plus barx20
120 plus bar x 4 plus 2, 15seconds then 9x90. 100x5 plus 2, 6 more with 90
then 90x5 plus 4

shoulder press on smith machine,2 warm ups then 70plus bar x5, 60plus barx5
clean and press 55x10x2
skullcrushers 40x10plus 10 close press
skullcrushers 40x6
press downs 170x8 plus 2


leg press 40,80, 120x10
leg extentions 50x15x2
ham curls warm ups then 50x15x2
ez bar curls wide 30x9 close grip 5 reps
hammer curls 17.5x9


incline db press 45x11,8,40x8
regular cable crossovers narrow 70x12 shorter than normal rests between sets 12,8
flat press db 30x8 superset with cables from bottom narrow, 40x5

seated dumbell shoulder press
side raises 12.5x10,10 rest pause
upright rows 45x10,10 rest pause
tricep press down on v type bar 1 warm up then

pull ups wide plus 5kg, 12,6 then 2 with freeweight
set with freeweight: 6plus 2
underarm rows 100x12,7 rest on thighs and 1 more.
90x9 rest on legs 2 more
underarm pulldowns, 80x10 plus 2, 6.5

2 light sets on leg press
1 warm up leg extention then 2 x55x15
ham curls, warm ups then 55x15,11

smith machine shrugs bar plus
125x6,120x6,115x6,110x6 short break then 90x10
straight bar curls 40x11 slow negatives
v short rest then 4 reps wide grip, narrow close grip 4 reps

good mornings 40x10,10

crunches x30
plank 1 minute
reverse crunches x 20
oblique crunches x 30
10mins eliptical


incline db press 50x6,45x9,42.5x7
flat db press 42.5x4 slow negatives
cable crossovers narrow from top, 80x10,7
peck deck 40x10,5 pause 3


underarm rows 115x11.9.7 short rest 95x7
pull ups 10, 5 plus 2 narrow grip reps
pull downs 75x6 plus 3
v bar pul downs 80x8 plus 2
long rest 80x11, 5 plus 2

current weight 81.7kg first thing in morning


shoulder dumbell press

lateral raises 12.5x10 rest pause
flat bar press downs
reverse grip 100x15

90mins badminton mix of doubles and singles

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My training log by teej1985, November 14

Going back to start of Oct

2/10/10 Pull ups 50 (10,8,8,8,6,7,3)
neutral grip pull ups 25 (8,5,6,6)

db curls 15kgx11
25 minutes cross trainer

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Hr free coaching and life update by AndrewSong, November 14

Poker can be gift to some people and also a curse. Addiction to gambling ruins many peoples lives. Ironically, this addiction made me very rich. Despite my financial gain, i am in worse in other aspects of life. Money might have solved my life pressing problems, but it didn't give me direction. It also gave me too much free time. When I realized the limits in my ceiling of success in poker, my addiction became long gone. Now when I wake up, I don't have the urge to grind. This year could have been my biggest year to date but now I am behind pace due to lack of play past few month. I no longer receive endless texts/calls inviting me to play in a private game. If this was a year ago, that wouldn't have been a problem since I had the drive and motivation to chase those games on my own.

Past 2 month I've been away from poker and I realized too much has changed. Looking back to 6years ago, I used to think if I had alot of money and free time, my life would be perfect. Oh man I was wrong. Poker lifestyle can be so solitary whether you're retired or not. Sure, it's pretty rough when you're on the grind, lose $20,000 in one night, and have no1 that could afford to get a drink or two because they're all asleep getting ready for school or work. It hits you even harder when you have too much free time and only people that you can hit up mid week are you're baller friends from fantasy world called poker.

Life of a successful poker player can be a huge joke. You have too much time. Too lazy. Too much money but never enough to set ur self up for rest of ur life. I'll be using my remainder of the year to find fun things to do in my free time. Hopefully hire a PA to hire a personal assistant I'm also looking forward to sweat some of you in my free time. 60minute sweat on teamviewer/skype no strings attached. I also want to note that I have no desire to be your long-term coach.

If interested, leave your stakes/game/poker background and I'll pick whoever that interests me.

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Hey, lets win a donkament by NewbSaibot, November 14

haha, tilt reg'd after blowing my roll at NL50 HU, and binked my first one. This is actually the first rush tourney i've ever even played, and the first MTT i've played in like, months or even years maybe. I kinda liked it.

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Gratuitous Space Battles by SemPeR, November 14

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Whoops by NewbSaibot, November 14

Got bored with the grind so started playing NL50 HU. What was I thinking, every time I move up or switch games I always get doomswitched. Nothing like getting outkicked with trips in 3bet pots, drawing dead with 2nd nut flush draw, and jamming river for value with straights vs droolers who catch runner runner flush. $250 roll down to $30.

Obviously not really interested in playing at this point. Took me 30k hands and 30 hrs of play to get there. Probably gonna tilt it off at rush in a second. Oh well hopefully next tax return will give me enough so I can sit at some NL200 tables and focus.

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