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SnG Grind by attik34, October 26

Played some more...still running really good in them...would like to get a good days volume in tomorrow...only got about 20 Ninety mans in today...but running at over 100% roi is fun...weeeeeee ride the heater i guess....gonna play some more...also...anyone around the STL area know any good casinos with low stakes (20-30 dollar BI) tournaments that run regularly...looking for some live action just to have some fun and screw with fish...
meh... fun fun

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Day 47 by player999, October 25

Didn't play much these days cause I was at the BSOP.

Busted the ME at the end of day 1A after being CL at some point, then was down $3.5k at cash so shit was going bad but then I got even after winning a 720bb pot -> 97cc x 43 on 2x56cc 8c (BINK nice flop slowplay -> turn overbet shove, bro).

And then played the Second Chance and took it down for ~$13.6k. Ship!

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Jag XJ Thoughts? by Highcard, October 25

Ok I was at the autoshow toronto this year but I didn't stay at the Jag section long because they were all snotty pricks and only had 3 cars to show. I finally looked over their cars tonight after seeing the new Saab 95 (which idk seems okish just depends I guess) and moved on to better things.

So here is the new XJ, I like the front and tbh I think they pulled off a pretty nice car. Their other XF front end is kind of gayish but that car is decent too. Pretty much the benz CLS was my fav 4door sedan, but I mean there are lots I like. So here are some pics of the XJ, thoughts?

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Trade 25$ FTP for Stars? by SONE, October 25

I'm in the process of just trying other sites out but I have 25$ on FTP that I would like to use on Stars. If anybody wants to trade I'll go first to reputable members. 25$ may not seem like much but I'm still learning so yeah ~_~

PM or post here thanks

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day 3 by John Galt, October 25
still running good after yesterday's momentary madness
consciously tried to tighten up, im folding AJ and KQ in EP, but I'm still running at 24/20
I cut my 3betting from 9% to 4% and doing my image some good
learning to give up more post flop and i find it really helps me fold when I tell myself im going to post the graph haha..helps me fight the curiosity

Big thing i want to work on is playing in the blinds. Im not losing alot, but I feel like improving in this area would really help.
Whats a standard calling range?
vs a 17/14 reg with 45% attempt to steal?
vs a 13/9 tag who's playing 17/14 OTB?
and on the flop, i pretty much have no clue what i should do with my entire range....TP/SP/backdoor draws...
any good literature on this topic would be very appreciated
good night and good luck,

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October Results by exalted, October 25

Going to vent a bit and post this:

Very very close and yet so far. My MTT game has really improved but there are some situations that I would love to discuss with solid players. I will post some hands but if anybody wants to talk theory/mindset in certain spots please feel free to PM me.

This month, thanks to scammy FTP black card marketing I played my most ever:

However, it really showed and I had one of my most successful months:

There is the "Macau Poker Cup" coming up in two weeks, and I am really on the fence about going. I'm sure the tournament is going to be very +ev, but I would be paying the buyin in full (2.3k) as well as hotel / flight / opportunity cost of grinding. I would also be playing other events of course so we're looking at risking 4-5k. Really have to put some thought into it.

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W00T Made the Millions hands!! by MeaL, October 25

W00t made the million hands on FTP i am sure i have play more than a million cause i have played in other sites and live etc so

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update/coaching recs by mnj, October 25

Hello, my name is Michael and I am 22 years old. I've recently graduated the University of Florida with a degree in Economics. After graduating I had a lot of down time just sending resumes and looking for jobs. After no real interest or response from the job market I started to play a lot more online poker. I dabbled in it for some very small pocket change at my time here at UF (I strongly recommend focusing on school) and decided to pick it back up. I was able to beat nl 10, nl 50, and nl 100 and am now about to move up to nl 200. This will probably be my hardest challenge yet as I believe there to be a somewhat steep learning curve at nl 200. Also I am now mainly a live poker player looking to move to Tampa (Hard Rock).

I don't really know why I am writing this but I just had a strong urge to do so. I don't really recommend poker as a lifestyle or a profession but as a stepping stone or corner stone for further development financially and humane-ly (progress as a human being). There is plenty to learn and although it is not the beautiful art form that Chess and Go are perceived to be it is still a valuable self test of discipline, analytical skills, determination and more.

This post is somewhat disorganized as half bio and half inquiry of potential coaches and rates.

I feel like my skill has grown where I feel VERY comfortable with playing a somewhat wide range of hands post flop in mainly SINGLE raised pots. I think I navigate very well and I think this is my MAIN source of profit/edge on other players.

I am dabbling into the world of 3 betting but quite frankly I find it largely unnecessary due to my solid post flop skills in single raised pots.

I do have a hard time playing in 3 bet pots mainly because I have such a hard time putting people on hand ranges. I used to try and trap with AA and KK pf, but I don't feel like they value-cut themselves frequent enough, and instead I would call 3 barrels when they had random 2 pairs like K9 or random sets/etc. As with everything in poker I'm sure it's situational but I suppose I'm looking for some clarity in 3 bet play.

I guess lastly I would like to know any recommendations of coaches and prices and if anyone is willing to do a shorter half price session just so I can see your style of coaching.

Anyway best of luck to everyone

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Monday Night Football by SeanBam, October 25

I put this topic in the general section but didn't get a response so I'm posting it here. I am willing to put $20 on the Giants getting + 3 1/2 points vs the Cowboys tonight. If anyone wants to take the Cowboys I will confirm it ASAP. I can transfer over FTP. Game starts in 15 mins.

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No Sound Required by OpWestAcct, October 25

I just looked at this video without sound (my sound card out) and laughed out loud for a good minute.

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Are you fucking serious.... by LikeASet, October 25

After my typical 18 hours of work from my saturday and sunday waiter shifts at the restaurant, I fall asleep around 1:00 a.m. this monday. Now I'm awake barely 3 and a half hours later for no fucking reason and my monday class scheduel is 12:00 p.m.-8:50 p.m. Plus I commute to school 2 days a week and the commute consists of 1hr driving to school and 1hr of driving back to home.

Gotta read about and write a paper on the Asian Currency Crisis before my 12:00 p.m. class today because I was too lazy to do it on Thurs/Friday.

Fuck, sooo not looking foward to today. Feel like shit now, and prolly going to feel like more shitty at the end of the day.

I leave my T.V. on sometimes when I feel asleep, and I happen to wake up to this stupid Penis Pump infomercial...

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Retired by F4Zi, October 25

"The End Game"
Don't think I have time for poker anymore (these Chinese kids in HK study too much and the bell shaped grading system is annoying). Time to throw all my time and energy into Trading/Investment Banking. Plus I have other opprutunities that I can maximise.
I have barely played in the last 12 months probably 150 hours.
It was always a means to an end.
Had so much fun though while I could enjoy it with some insane out of the world swings.
The best pocket money in the world.


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another 5* blog by Into Infinity, October 25

click here.
this might also be relevent.

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microwned by Gigabeef, October 25

Want to try and move up to 10nl when I've got the bankroll and this really doesn't help. Think it might be affecting me a little tbh.

+ Show Spoiler +

First 1.5k hands of this was my return after like 6 months, clicking buttons cos I'd forgotten what to do lol

So hard to learn and advance when getting consta-raped every time I go all-in though, I have lots of things to improve on but I guess just keep playing the way I am now, cos I'm just not sure what to change. Even if I was at EV, these results are still crap. Could be running bad in non calculable ways like coolers and stuff and also small sample size so whatever.

Also I've been encountering this thing where I tried to strive for "value" all of the time like I should, but keep hanging myself on better hands but against fish of all people. It's like when they limp call hit 2pair/disguised straight on the flop and I b/b/b with TPTK they call all streets and own me... not nice (because I know they also do this with midpair or 77 on Ahigh board)...

Oh well what can you do? Fortunately take 2 was these last 10 days so happily I get a free $25 from FTP which is cool.

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/recovered; ship it. by thumbz555, October 25

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and the swings continue by Bullshit, October 25

this def has been a sick month the week I made the last blog I had won 44k the 4 days before putting me up 30k for the month but lost 45k from week till last wednesday putting me down about 15k for the month then I went to play live on Thursday till today and won 35k so I'm up 20k now sorry no graphs! will split the rest of the month between online and live (monday - thursday online and weekend live)

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definitely running goot by John Galt, October 24

but today is not yesterday:

I tried to sit at some tighter tables to see if I could play against some players with reasonable stats. I can't.
I'm still playing really loose preflop, but I don't think thats my problem.
I am spewing really hard post flop and don't know how to react when people fight back. Since they usually just fold...I really shouldn't be giving them action when they fight back =(.

I'd love some more feedback on the hands i've posted.

But in a lot of ways you learn nothing when you run good. Glad this isn't my day job lol.
I have clinic at 8am tomorrow but will go through today's hands closely tomorrow if I have time.
If anyone uses msn and wants to talk micro full ring, do send me a pm

I shall leave you with some French food porn for sweet, sweet dreams tonight:

good night and good luck,

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decent promise tonight by attik34, October 24

Well, had some promise tonight...was 4/100ish in the 2 dollar rush like.....80th or something ... for like 30 ok return on investment....also was top 100 in a 5 dollar 6 max on that was like...15 bucks....

The 6 max ended crappily with someone hero calling me with 3rd pair on a k496A board that i 3bet pre, check check, he checks i bet he raises i call and shove river remaining like...15bb and get called by TT... w/e...i had q9 and put him on an underpair to the board...and an underpair to my nine....i was close...guy was weak...w/e

in the rush i just got 3bet to a shitty stack after i'd built up and then 3bet shoved KJs 20bb deep and get snapped with A6o...nothing u can do...

In other news, poker=profitable and i just need time to put in more volume

also...wtb more reply's and blog posts...GO

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New Linkin Park album by Kapol, October 24

Pretty sick stuff. Fresh sound on the market.

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My PS ur Bodog by YouGoTGoT, October 24

Need 50

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