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Day 37 by player999, October 16

Lacking volume, poker is just so boring
Especially when I'm winning.

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The last hand of the day was nice, fag running his mouth for no reason got punished:
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"I have a Dream" by spets1, October 15

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my life is over by gawdawaful, October 15

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continued success by K40Cheddar, October 15

graph speaks for itself

3 BI till I'm rolled for .1/.25

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Helping two friends of mine ! by Thall, October 15

edit: sorry didnt know this was not ok

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and we're back by Bullshit, October 15

dropped 11k yesterday and I'm even on the month its been a pretty swingy 2 weeks and since I'm going to bcpc in a month I'm going to stick to 6max NL only till then which is about a month away and I'll post a graph then

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50k VPP, girlfriend issues, philosophy of gaming by vltava, October 15

Man, girlfriend + piano lessons + poker is hard. Add in the fact that I waste time doing stuff like playing random games on the side, and I don't know how I even manage to survive. Bought a new laptop a month ago, but then procrastinated about getting HEM up and running because it tends to be such a pain in the ass to set up, so I didn't play any poker for three weeks or so. However, about a week ago I finally got HEM working and I've started hitting the SNG's and $4/$8 8-game again, hitting the 50k VPP mark for the year today. I'm up close to $3k in that time. I also uninstalled MTG Online yesterday, to reduce pointless distractions.

Obviously my supernova goal is trivially easy at this point, thanks to getting up to the $60's. So I think I need to focus on just playing a lot. I can use the milestones as little motivators, but it would be irresponsible, I think, to only just barely make supernova by the end of the year. Also, Carol and I have agreed to break up, but at the moment, I'm not planning on moving out until after the semester ends, so I can focus on school, and so I will be able to devote a decent amount of time to apartment hunting. So I think that it would be wise to make it before the end of the semester.

I definitely need to live alone in a house or apartment, not rent a room or have a room mate. I need the freedom to play poker, practice the piano, and go to concerts on my own schedule. Barring the unlikely event that I meet a liberal atheist female who likes poker and classical music, I'm going to need to be single in order to do the things that matter to me. C'est la vie, although I'm not completely giving up hope.

WoW is very tempting with Cataclysm coming out next month. I've never tried to figure out what my hourly winrate is all that precisely, but I should probably do that soon, so I can estimate how many hours per month WoW would take away from poker, so I can calculate how much playing the game generally costs me (hint: it's more than $19.95 per month). I guess I should remember the general principle: My obsession with games and my perennial difficulties in life finally started to resolve each other when I discovered poker. Although poker isn't huge loads of fun like it was when it was fresh and new, I keep myself playing by reminding myself how much better it's made my life, and how tough my life was before it.

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Looking for Long Term MTT Stake by Gadget, October 15

Brief History:
I sold play chips on pstars for $40 about 3 years ago. I grinded it up to 3k in cash games on pstars. Switched my roll to FTP about 2 years ago and have been mainly playing tournaments ever since. My BR at its peak was 20k after winning the 50/50 on FTP. Now im back under 1k due to cashouts and losing a bunch in HU cash games. My notable finishes are winning the 50/50, $100 30k 6-max, 32k GTD, 12.5K GTD like 5 times and a 22nd place finish in the sunday 750k. I was a mid stakes mtt regular and would like to return to that level with your help. here is my opr.

I would like to be stakes in <$20 tournaments for the time being. I am a proven winner at these limits. PM me and we can discuss the details of the deal. I would be playing between 20 and 50 tournaments a week.

I have good BR management, I'm an honest person, and I have made transactions and staking deals with members of this site in the past. PM me if your interested.

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Family member's and scams by Night2o1, October 15

So my grandma is basically the archetype older lady with a nice chunk of money in the bank who is very vulnerable to financial scams. She keeps joining pyramid schemes and trying to do it like some kind of honest business.. she is that sucker who really believes in these scam multi level marketing, buying gold bullion, bad investments, stuff like that.

And I just don't know what the fuck to do. The scammers immunize their victims by infecting them with self guilt when they inevitably fail to recruit more suckers to these obvious scams. I live at my grandma's right now, and there's a guy here right now selling her on another thing that sounds extremely like a scam. I try to be very off-hands about my grandma's financial related stuff.. it isn't my money and shit obviously, but how long can I stand by and let these dogs continue nickel and diming her to death?

I've tried to show her the facts when it comes to pyramid and multi level marketing schemes but she doesn't want to listen to me over the smooth-talking people involved in these schemes.

Basically, I dunno what to do, I might of already gone as far as I can without overstepping what would be considered respectful of my grandma's decisions and again I just don't know what to do.

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Bubbler by thewh00sel, October 15

13th in the bellagio 1k sat to Festa el Lago, 12 got in, not even a penny to 13th. Also I had to stay up til 430am achieving this feat. Lame.

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14 days/120k VPP! Need stop loss! by Joeingram1, October 15

So Im playing my last session of the day today to get to my 11.5k VPPs for the day and the inevitable happens. I start to run kinda poorly Which of course sends me on some tilt to which I start 3betting alot more which then leads to me getting it all in a bunch and losing I check HEM and it says I am down 3.4k and im like wtf why did I not stop at 3k, If i lose one more big pot I am quitting this session. Before you know it im down 4.5k and just say fuck it and quit stars. Then loaded up some 100plo to finish out my target of 120k VPP total for the month.

The way I have been doing it for this month is to try to play multiple sessions a day. I usually will end my sessions if I'm up 1k+ and then come back in an hour and start up another session. Im actually pretty sure theres no way I would be up as much as I am if I did not do this. The problem comes when I do have losing sessions and dont grind it back to even. I set a 3k stop loss at the beginning but I defintly have passed it up a few sessions that I grinded it back to even or up for the session. But today was the first time I became really undisciplined + played horrendous and ended up down 5k. I swear I played so much better when I had like 3k in my account lol

Only ended up stuck 2.4k for the day which isn't too bad but still hurts because I've been doing so well lately. Should only be a few more days till I hit the 700k Milestone + a 4k fpp bonus

I also am strongly debating going for the world record for VPP in a year in 2011. I challenged the current top VPP guy needbeer to a potential prop bet on it and maybe he will take me up on it. The plan would be to get SNE by December and just spend most of that month getting my apartment outfitted to maximum comfort/productivity/relaxation in order to achieve this. Plus get a mother fucking adderall prescription for the ADD i obviously have

No cool graph for this blog post because am still really dissappoined about last session

This Month: 119,842 VPP
This Year: 656,039 VPP

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Midnight session by wolfheart, October 15

midnight session

Horrible, horrible. Everything got cracked and coolered. Back to back 3 outered 2 outered then allin pf.
Nut flush vs straight flush where cant be afraid of straight flush. Loose 200bb to extreme lag on 250bb tables.
And bang suddenly i was down -8 bis. Feeling extremly frustrated, i thought that i wont play poker few days. And if i play then i go grind
10nl since i falled below 500$ mark.

1 hour later. I felt like trying again but this time with 9 tables playing only solid poker and not making stupid spews and
plays. And wow that was good recovered to +2 buyins (total 10 bis) with 2 hours. Hope this run continues.

One thing what i noticed was that people were 3 betting light alot on 250bb tables. Since i bought to those tables 100bb.
I 4 betted Ak every time. Usually i only 4 bet with AA, KK. 8 out of 9 times people folded to my 4 bet. But i am not
happy also with this since if i 4 bet 8$ then i have to call 16$ then he shoves. Then it happened he holded KK. So my question is
how to adapt to 3 bet .. Call in position and 4 bet out of position?

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Steady upward graphs / OTHER STUFF by Carthac, October 15

How do people achieve these steady upward graphs? I didn't do anything out of line, no huge bluffs, no huge calls, etc. Started early getting a few coolers with KK/AK all in PF vs AA, hit a huge 2 outer on river KK vs AA again, and proceeded to stampede up.

I guess I can't complain too much since I'm up a good amount. Anyways, if you haven't been watching Pokerstars Big Game lately, get on youtube and watch it immediately or just end yourself. This week has been very entertaining with Raszi on. Don't wanna spoil anything, but it gets pretty good, so check it out!

Note: I know it's a little fanboyish, but I think I'm turning into a Raszi fan O_O

PAD table is the same as last weeks, but the huge whale of Alan Meltzer leaves pretty early. Been kinda uneventful, with + Show Spoiler +

, but I have a feeling it is going to turn around soon with a table including Viff, Dwan, and Antonius.

AND for the last bit of visual stimulation, if you weren't impressed by my awesome MSpaint jobs above, I dare you to try to find a more beautiful girl.

GL at the tables everybody!

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wcboob by AznFisherman, October 15

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wbcoop again! by vlseph, October 14

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Lost it all Team Cardrunners by Highcard, October 14

I am still pissed by team cardrunners and how they combined all their hands and tried to gangbang ilsidur even though dwan said he thought it was meh. The $4-5mill or so they took off him dried up all our dreams of railing and it's glory. As fate it seems, combined brian, cole, and brian have lost the booty and their ships yarrr sinking. townsend is down $4mill, Cole, $1.5mill and hasting idk he jumps up and down from $0-$1mill. Since I know they all profit share eachother that makes them breakeven or losing after fucking up ilsidurr.

I always hear people say Cole is still cool, I don't know anyone of them enough but just from coles blogs he seemed cool enough but he still associates directly with scummy townsend which maybe he wishes he could avoid but CR keeps them close, idk. Anyways, I hate to try and feed off someone elses negatives or wish bad luck on people but that is more self serving because I don't like how I feel about myself or how it reflects back to me. In the end, at the very least, I feel no sympathy if they complain or bitch about runbads

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Day 36 by player999, October 14

Ran like absolute crap:

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And much much more flips lost, 2 outers, etc.

Kewl cawl:
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Still made 10 buy ins tho:

Because fuck you Pokerstars, you can't stop me.

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need help with pc setup to be used with poker dbs by whamm!, October 14

here's what i need:

- fastest, most cost effective computer specs out there for use with huge postgres databases, hem ,tn etc

- im going with pure speed of database retrieval/operation etc, but also should be able to handle me running poker/HEM(with stats)/tableninja plus obv LP,msn,skype, media player etc

- im looking at solid state drives as my database/postgres/hem/drive but its just waaaay to small for my budget, so i guess im stuck with a raid setup and mirroring caviar blacks. i just dunno any specific way or computer parts out there in the market that will help increase speed.

- should i splurge on processors and memory? amd is hella cheaper but im not sure if buying branded expensive ram will help, but i do know i need to have like 8gb at least right? will buying a x64 comp help?

- really confused and i need some specific examples from smart computer guys and if possible keep the costs as low as one can, but also recommend higher end stuff as well since i might consider them too. thanks LP

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fuck you poker by attik34, October 14

Hand #24703664221 begins at 2010/10/14
Dealing down cards
Dealt to attik34 As Ac
Tom Bayes posts the small blind of 25
itsaMoneyday posts the big blind of 50
juz10j folds.
CousCous200 folds.
paverman08 folds.
attik34 raises to 150.
Royallady929 calls 150.
MJ_GOAT folds.
Texasgirl4444 folds.
Tom Bayes folds.
itsaMoneyday folds.
Dealing Flop 8h 5c 3c
attik34 bets 250.
Royallady929 calls 250.
Dealing Turn 8c
attik34 bets 600.
Royallady929 raises to 1,200.
attik34 raises to 1,590, and is all-in.
Royallady929 calls 390.
Dealing River 6s
attik34 shows As Ac
attik34 has Two Pair, Aces and Eights
Royallady929 shows 7d 9s
Royallady929 has Straight, Nine High
Royallady929 wins 4,055

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outclassed by drone666, October 14

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