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New computer + Monitor by Floofy, July 30

I am gonna build myself a new computer.

Here it is:

This should be able to run most games in 1440p with 144 FPS
Can't wait to see it in action.
My friend is gonna help me build it on august 8

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Time to Hike Your Career with Online Education by georgemathews, July 29

Education is the most important part of everyone’s life. Education makes us knowledgeable but also makes our mind broader. Education creates the path of success for us and also makes the path of better living conditions. In each and every country of the world, education has been given the most importance by the government in the world. It is the most essential duty of the government of any of the countries to make a good educational atmosphere for the countrymen and also it is the responsibility of every one to get a good education and make them educated. Education is the most important factor for success that’s why Shiksha Enterprise portal are available.
A perfect education will not only give you a paper of degree, but also will provide you the strength to find out the right and wrong. Education provides too many best opportunities in our career. And here comes the importance of the online education degree. In now days, the number of the students are increasing in a rapid way than the number of the educational institutes. Every student, pass out from the school and apply for the colleges are more than the number of colleges are exist in the country. Also it has discovered among the students of this generation that prefer to go for a job than they are choosing higher education in mainstream education center. Through the online education courses these entire problem will be end forever. Students can get education staying at home only using the internet connection. It is quite less cost affected, and the online degree has same value with a degree earning from any of the university campus class. colleges for graduation are listed on it.

User was banned for this post.

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EV in Multiway Pots by FMLuser, July 27

Using the formula EV=F(P)+C(%W*$W)-C(%L*$L) how can this be expanded to account for multiway split pots? Has any one come up with a solution for N numbers of players and multiple split pots?

I am thinking it can be as simple as:

Main Pot EV (EV vs Player 1) + (EV vs Player 2)
Side Pot EV (EV vs Player 2 for amount of Side Pot)
Total EV = Sum of Main Pot EV and Side Pot EV

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Some Thoughts by RiKD, July 23

So, today I was driving through a somewhat happening area of the city I live in. I had a bit of the training high going and put in some Benny Bennassi. I was thinking how crazy it is how music works. I had not had any inclination to listen for maybe years and I heard a mention of him in a podcast recently and get kind of a good feeling for it and threw some on. It was awesome.

Anyways, so I am driving by this nice restaurant and catch a glimpse of this very attractive female all fashioned up and then see the boyfriend who is also very well dressed and has a luxury car. My immediate thought went to "Fuck, I need to get rich and read GQs and acquire fancy stuff." Thankfully, my next response was to laugh it off but it is crazy how that knee jerk reaction is still there. It boggles my mind how entrenched some of those thought patterns are. I did that chase for many years. It did not end well. I think what makes it worse though is that while I could never sustain a sort of lavish lifestyle on say an annual basis I have been there for moments, days, months on many different occasions. My experience is that can be pretty cool. A certain type of woman is on it and many women in general flock. Not to say that I did not have more than my share of failures and then the self-pity and all that bad stuff. Actually I have had a lot of failures. Going back to the Bennassi and the daters, I think it actually triggered back in the day when I would be in the club not feeling quite good enough. Always wanting more. Poker was a great job for acquiring money and scaling up and also having quite a lot of freedom. I had a lot of fun and really value the people I got to meet and adventures. When I busted out of poker I was lost. I do not know why I still carried this dying will for the material. I went after this sales job I got with a vengeance. I was so delusional. I got promoted to the Chicago region and had visions of penthouses in Lincoln Park. I was living in the suburbs/farmland south of Gary, IN. Instead of accepting the good job I had and quality people I would speed up to Chicago constantly to shop, eat, and party. I would stay in luxury hotels when many of my friends had a surplus of offered accommodations. All that stuff about wanting more in sales, material, everything progressively got worse. My alcoholism did too.

Ok. That got kind of rambly. The point that I am thinking of is that it is very important to know who I am and know what I want to do (purpose). I am still learning. It changes. It progresses. Find a right size in this world.

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Selling bitcoins by Dinewbie, July 17

Have 5 bitcoins, want Skrill USD, Bank of America, Neteller, or Stars

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sunday tournaments by lostaccount, July 17

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Suggested Bitcoin Wallet? by Ryan Neilly, July 13

Hey guys, I just started learning about bitcoin etc, going to start using it as they took off the Visa Fast Pay @Bovada.

Is it easy to turn bitcoin into dollars?

I started looking at bitcoin wallets and found a million different ones, they are like banks or w/e, anyways, whats the best?

Is there one thats way better than the others?

Any with extra benefits?

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Thank you,

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Manila? by Arirang, July 11

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Living in Thailand by ClouD87, July 10

I'm 90% decided to go live in Thailand and play poker from there. Seems like a sweet paradise. I'll also most likely have a trip to Bangkok first in a couple weeks to check things out. Anyone is currently there and would like to meet?

I am also looking for other poker players to live there with. At the moment the plan is going alone but I love nightlife and chilling with friends so being there with another poker pro would be great fun.

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WSOP Main Event (1.4 markup) by AndrewSong, July 07

reposting from 2p2 will give priority to LP members

Selling 40% of my action for upcoming main event.

I've played midstakes online cash since 2006 and have been playing HSNL online/live from 2009. I am competent in every form of NLH, 100bb ring games being the game I play the most. I've also spent considerable time solving 5-40bb poker as I also play push/fold variant on 888, and also to fight for seats against regs that have edge against me in HSNL 100bb tables.

Below is a graph of my online cash play for the year. My volume for the year is lacking due to moving to a new environment and sudden life changes. However, my game is sharp as I've spent more time working with piosolver and revamping my strategy than actual playing.

I have mid 6figs in trades in HSNL tranfer thread and staked over 20 mid-high stakes regs on twoplustwo. My reputation is stellar.

Standard procedure for taxes as I am an American. I will be playing on Day C regardless if I sell out or not.

I can take cash at Rio, Paypal, WF, and TD bank.

Min 5% = $700

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fk by failsafe, July 02

so i had this dream where like usual i was losing pretty bad at NLHE. this is pretty normal for anyone like me who plays at around 500BB/100 below expectation luck-wise. (one of the major reasons i went back to starcraft).

anyway in the dream they shut down the table and all the other players were watching while this heads up elimination only competition between myself and one other guy. it was pretty weird at first to be sitting 9 handed while getting isolated against this to-be-knocked out fish.

so the fish is sitting at like 22BBs and I cover him by probably 20x, 30x times probably with around 600BBs though I hadn't been thinking too much of it in the dream.

Then at this point we play like two hands, and I'm forced to auto-fold KK prior to pre-flop. apparently because i led the fish 30x i wasn't allowed to play any hand that ordinarily was better than 70% against his range.

so then the third hand that the fish and i are isolated playing HU the fucking guy says alright I'm done and throws in this special chip as the flop hits. the special chip is a 1k:1 raise so in other words he covered me for that hand and that hand only. i guess it was like a suicidal raise that he could only perform once when he went all-in.

anyway it was fucking bullshit and i was nearly across the table to slam the fish's face into the rails when suddenly i woke up.

I've been anxiety-ridden and nervous for the past 6 hours and probably taking more stuff to calm down. i keep seeing this fucking image of the damned fish: Imgflip Meme Generator
fkin SSGSS kaioken

Comments (2)       read entire blog agen judi poker domino uang asli by twinpoker88, June 29

--- Nuked ---

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Frag Or Die - Greatest CS Movie by Svenman87, June 25

Never forget

Poll: is Frag Or Die the greatest CS movie?
(Vote): YES
(Vote): NO

PS - whats up guys?

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Challenging Math problems by FMLuser, June 19

I was able to solve the first 2 problems with some ease, However I am getting no where on the third and was hopping some fresh eyes from LP might be able to help

(a) Let a be a positive integer. What is gcd(a, 0)? Prove your answer is correct
using the definition of gcd.
(b) Evaluate gcd(0, 0). Is there only one possible value or many or none? Justify
your answer.
(c) Prove for integers a, b > 1, that 0 < (1/a)+(1/b)-(1/lcm(a,b)) < 1

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Buying Bitcoin by Daut, June 17

Know some guys are looking to sell and I want them!!! Can send either BOA or paypal.

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PS connection issues? by Spitfiree, June 17

I've tried playing a few hours last days @ PS. Its the 2nd time i get this connection issue where I lose connection to the software, I run their in-built thingy showing where s the problem and I'm connected to every server @ 100% except the first one which is the actual site.
I have 100mpbs connection with a high grade tp link router and I do NOT lose my internet, however I doubt its on PS's end either, so anyone got any suggestions? Things seem to get back to the ordinary after a minute or two though, but I don't feel like dumping chips for no reason

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Bitcoin for Bank of America by Dinewbie, June 12

Hey guys, figure it's a long shot, but I have ~7k in bitcoins I'd like to swap for bank of america funds. Willing to sell at .98 on the dollar vs bitstamp price. $1k minimum
Cheers LP

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Performance Journal #1 by fs0ciety, June 09

For many days I tried to come up with a way to keep a good journal. I googled alot on the subject and tried different things. On my laptop I found a pdf from a previous video course I bought "PLO Protoge". In there was a pdf called "The PLO Performance Journal". The information in it was exactly what I was looking for.

I hope I don't get in trouble for posting excerpts from it.


The Elements of a Performance Journal
A Performance Analysis Journal contains a written record of six key planning areas:
Your Schedule
Your General Data Section
Your Solution Analysis
Your Success Analysis
Your Daily Goal Statement

Your schedule identifies time slots that you plan to devote to some area of your
training or to a competition.

General Data Section
Fill in the date, location, event (training or competition), and the time of day and
duration of the activity. Next, write down exactly what you learned and what you
accomplished during this period. How many attempts did you make? How many hours
did you train? How did you spend the time? What was the result or score? If you do not
train or compete on a day or do anything that affects your sport or activity, do not fill out
a journal page.

Three ladies are at a swimming pool. One sits in the sun, never entering the water.
The second puts her feet in the water, but does not leave the pool side. The third swims
twenty laps in the pool. Later, all three will say they had been swimming that day. It is
easy for us to say we are training, when in fact we are spending most of our time visiting
with other competitors, setting up equipment, or reflecting upon our condition, whatever
it may be.
A performance journal entry eliminates rationalizations and just records the facts.

Solution Analysis
The Solution Analysis section is your chance to write down any solutions to challenges
you have discovered during a training day. If you have a problem that you cannot find a
solution for, simply state, “I’m looking for a solution to..,” and then describe the problem.
Also, you should write down solutions to problems you learned today in this section.
Continued reference to this portion of the performance analysis will reduce the chance
that you will repeat an error.

Success Analysis
In the Success Analysis section, write down something you did well during a day
of training. When you do this, you improve the probability that you will repeat the
success. If you set a personal record, this section should be quite descriptive on that day.
The journal forces you to be positive about your sport and your performance.

Goal Statement
The goal statement is the most important step of the journal page. State an objective that
you intend to reach. Write it in the first person present tense, as if you have already
reached it. Some examples of goal statements are:
I often shoot above 390/400
I am on the United States Olympic team
I often shoot below par
I am the most consistent player on our team
Goal statements should be achievements that are currently out of reach, but not out of
sight. Every time we write down a goal, we are that much closer to its attainment. Only two things are possible. Your goal will be reached, or you will stop writing it down. As long as you continue to write down your goal statements, you are moving toward their attainment.

So now my plan is to keep my journal exactly like in this template. Update to come later.

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Roasties by Mortensen8, June 09

Tomorrow it begins. I will not spill seed for months on end gaining wizard like powers unknown to mere normalfags. Will update.

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New blog posts by thewh00sel, June 02

sorry I forgot to cross-post. There are some links and pictures and stuff in one of them so I'm just going to post the links to each one instead of re-linking each photo. I know I'm lazy. Here you go:

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