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Can someone help me download PT4 for Windows? by lhr0909, June 01

For some reason I just couldn't get PT4 for Windows downloaded into my computer. Admittedly I am in China and the Chinese Internet is fairly walled off. Despite my proxy server in Japan, Korea and San Francisco, I still couldn't get it to download. Could someone help me download and share it via dropbox/Google Drive so I can pull it down? Cheers!

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GG Europe by Mortensen8, May 31

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Steam$ for Paypal/PS by punix, May 28

Yo I have some cash sitting in my Steam account that I would like to trade for Paypal/PS money or Amazon Giftcards or something useful.
I can trade up to 90 EUR and I would give you a bonus for trading. The only way I can give you this Steam money is either trade you skins or gift you games (I would highly prefer the latter). So if there is someone out there that wants to buy a game on Steam anyway soon just msg me and we figure something out.

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Whale Tale by thewh00sel, May 26

I started a blog/website here:

Not sure how often I'll blog, given my history of...not blogging, but I'll cross-post to here when I do. Been getting into writing a bit, despite very little time to do so. In any event, BLOG:

It’s been a long morning, and I’m tired from playing with my youngest daughter all day. The house is a mess, and I’m not really sure how all of the pots from the kitchen ended up in the living room. But here we are. I haven’t thought about poker all day, in fact I haven’t thought about much of anything. The decision between a wooden spoon and a plastic spatula as my drumstick of choice is the toughest one I’ve made all day. I know, not exactly the fantasy life of a high stakes poker player you had in mind.

It’s half past noon and I’m just about finished with the modest meal I’ve prepared for the family. My wife and oldest child arrive home from school, and I’ve been awake since 630, and am teetering on the edge of taking the day off and spending it at home with the family. After the meal I check the phone to see what games are running today. “If there’s nothing above 5/10 running I’m staying home,” I tell the family, secretly hoping that will be the case. To my surprise I see an unfamiliar site on the Bravo app, two 25/50’s running. “Must be a whale in town, I gotta go.” I say to my wife as I kiss everyone and head out the door.

Still tired, but filled with hope, I put the old Honda into gear and back out of the driveway. In twenty minutes I’ll have to be ready to duel with an assortment of characters; some familiar and others not yet known. There’s something about that drive to the casino that always gives me some energy. The Vegas strip quickly comes into view and my heart beats louder with the anticipation of the fight to come. “Welcome to the Bellagio,” says the Valet ready to take my keys and park my car for me. “Thanks” I say as I give him a couple dollars for the trouble.

Walking in, my pace becomes quicker and more electric. I might as well be running at this point as I approach the high limit podium of the poker room. “One seat left” the floor man tells me. Perfect. I head to the cage and place two flags on the counter, a minute later I’m in my seat with $10k in front of me. I survey the table, and to my disappointment the game looks pretty tough. Normally, when a 25/50 breaks out it’s for a reason, and today is no different, I am just a bit late to the party.

The game I sat in is a must-move game, which feeds the main game to keep it full. Normally the must-move game is juicier than the main game because the fish have a hard time making it through to the main game without busting. Not only that, but fish don’t usually play as long as the regulars do. When a whale comes to town, however, things change. The main game is usually 7-8 regs and the whale, and a must-move is filled with other regs waiting to get their shot at the whale who might drop 50k in one sitting. These must-move games are usually low on action as it feels like a waiting game to see who gets up from the main game. I decide that I’ll give the must-move a chance, because you never know who’s tilted and ready to dust it off.

The first hand I play is on the button. A good player opens the pot to 150 and a player in mid position flats, I’m dealt two sixes so I come along as well. Both of my opponents have me covered. The flop comes down 9d 6d 5s. Beautiful, a draw heavy board versus two aggressive opponents who I have some history of playing big pots with small hands against. The opener checks and the flatter bets 350. I raise it up to 1100 as I would with some flush draws and other inferior hands, he quickly calls. The turn is the Ace of clubs. He checks to me and I bet 1600 into the pot of 2,725. He thinks for a bit before sliding in the call. I am trying to imagine the hands he’s calling me down with. The Ace high flush draw (now top pair), 89, 88, 77, TT and JJ are all in his wheel-house. Even the nuts are a good possibility as this player is capable of check-raising all in on the river with his entire range. The river is an off-suit 3 and he checks. I’ve put $2,850 into this $5,900 pot, which leaves me with about 7k on the river. Should have sized my turn bet bigger so I could shove. Oh well. I could still shove, but I decide that even if the chances are low, I’ve seen this player check raise all in with very little fold equity as a bluff, so I had to give him even the tiniest bit of rope. I bet 3800, leaving myself with 3200 behind, probably the size I’d go for if I were bluffing too. He thinks for a few minutes before tossing in the call, followed by his cards quickly into the muck. Good start, I think to myself, as I proceed to cooler another player with AA vs QQ for $15k, and just never lose any significant pot.

An hour into my session, the whale quits before I get a chance to play with him. I look down at my chips and realize I’m up $25,000. Not a bad hourly, and I feel a yawn coming on...I rack up my chips and head to the window. Who needs whales anyways? Shark meat will do in a pinch.

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first by fs0ciety, May 19

This blog is planned to be a personal poker journal.
I'll keep track of my PLO goals and my progress in general.
maybe somebody else cares, you are free to comment.

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Semi-Reg Wants To Improve by CrushnOldPpl, May 17

Hello everyone, I've been a member of this site for a long while now... Never really bothered to post much, instead mostly lurked around and read other people's stuff.

A little about me, I'm 27, originally from Ontario Canada, but have been living in the Vancouver area for the past couple years, after moving out here to start a new career. I started playing poker in 2007-2008 while I began university. I went to school in the Niagara Falls area, so the casinos were right on my doorstep. I also began playing on stars under the screen name Martino420, and more recently CrushnOldPpl. Back in 2008/2009 I was able to do reasonably well in MTTs for someone that was playing without any real outside coaching or learning... as everyone knows the games were much softer back then. I've always been a pretty casual player, playing low stakes online MTTs as well as NLHE live cash games at 1/2 or 1/3 stakes... I play a fair amount live and online, but I can openly admit I'm not great and haven't really improved as time went on. I went from being able to consistently turn a modest - reliable profit to becoming a break even player.

In any case, I'm hoping to start fresh and see where I can go with a little more diligent study and brm.

Can anyone recommend anywhere that I could find free MTT coaching videos? I'm obviously aware of 2+2 and LP, but I'd really like to find some instructional videos by winning MTT regs, as that is where my interest lies. My goal is to grind Micro / Low stakes MTT's and see where I can go.


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Ignore this entry :| by Sennpu, May 11

Poll: Quel journée vous irais bien pour reprise?
(Vote): 20
(Vote): 23
(Vote): 24

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Coding games by Forrest Gump, May 07

I was looking for some funny ways to learn to code and I find:

Dont teach you any language, but its very interesting to train my mind

Seems fun. They use Java and Python. But the trial levels are very short. Should I pay for it?

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Flat World by Mortensen8, May 04

Current year
Still being a spherecuck

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'The gunfighter' by Defrag, May 01

Found this gem yesterday, thought it's one of the most hilarious things I've seen this year and finally not another stupid fake prank video.

"The gunfighter":

The Gunfighter from Eric Kissack on Vimeo.

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General Goal Setting/Game of Life by hiems, April 30

As I am writing this I'm not sure what I will do in the following month.

But I do want to make some blog about goal-setting, how I approach decisions. I think that naturally my mind approaches decision making kind of like Conway's game of life. I'm not sure if I understand it 100% correctly but I think you have these binary squares of two different color with some initial state. Rules are set in which based on the squares interact with each other the successive state changes, etc etc and through this you can glean some kind of insight into dynamic/complex systems which I guess is a cool concept and can be often analagous to life? (I haven;t studied it indepth or anything, so correct me if I am wrong).

For me, I there's a reason goal setting is hard/elusive is because life is really really complex and ever changing. Rather, if you focusing on the rules that make up alot of your goal it becomes much more manageable and easier to implement into your day to day life. Iunno, perhaps as I am writing this I might focus a bit too much on the rules, but not so much on the goal or the "stable state?"

Anyway I think I have alot of rules. Rules within rules, etc. Weird starting points into the essence of my character. "I just know I LIKE this, I Like doing this,
I think this is good, I think this is bad, etc." love/hate. Some rules are good some are bad. I use these rules when I meditate at some subconscious level and just decide what I am going to do that very day and just try to do it the best I can possibly do it.

For example:

The Korean-Rule : Never go busto! Koreans frown upon gambling, especially if you lose. My dad gave me alot of shit a few years ago because poker to him was absolutely unacceptable. Anyway this is probably a huge influence for me not just like going crazy with shot taking, being a life nit, etc. For me I had to balance my Korean-Rule with my love of the game of poker. I mean if I am a losing player, or just not making xyz a year this rule just kind of hovers over you like a ghost. If I ever go busto this rule would be like a kettle of boiling water!

Some Rules I guess are just a consequence of variance, but nonetheless etched into you as a person. For example the past, people you have met, things that have happened. I think some rules you draw inspiration from philosophy, literature. You may browse, see what you like, etc. There's some moment for me...I LIKE exisentialism...Sartre says..So for me...I will do this, that, shape my life this way, that, etc. Some rules are useless.I have spent probably past 5 years thinking of what my GTO Pet strategy is, what type of pet how to name it, etc countless of countless times to no avail. I have no pets. I have no plants.

Furthermore, rules can be general like those I mentioned above or more specific. My game selecting algorithm has looked like the following of late.

1. Start the day trying to play my honey-pot player at 10/20. LOGIC - daytimes aren't the best times for game selection. However you can rely
on said player for consistent routine and action. Furthermore, athletes like Kobe Bryant, Reggie Miller, etc are the first ones in the gym before the game/after the game. Before they start playing a game, there is shoot-around, warm-up, etc. Why should poker be any different? Starting out at lower stakes as a warm-up might be a good idea, especially for players that seem to start sessions with losses. You need to put in alot of hours. Early bird gets the worm. Night times are best and you give yourself till the night time to play the bigger games and by starting early you can potentially play more.

--Either I am UP alot BEFORE the honey-pot player leaves around 1pm, or I am up decently, up alot, breakeven, down, down alot when honey-pot player leaves.

2. Alot of the times starting out I would hit and run essentially based on Condition. Avoided 20/40 completely for awhile until past month or so. Also, moreso than not,
my tendency has been to play 20/40 kind of to get unstuck? I mean that is kind of meh because of my logic for playing 10/20 in the first place. Furthermore when I have lost
a bit of money and I'm not on tilt it kind of gives me some competetive fire to play some bigger games.

But anyway yeah, the 20/40s have almost entirely when I am either Breakeven State of Down State at my 10/20 game. Furthermore, I play longer when stuck as opposed to unstuck.Today, I was stuck alot at 10/20, my fun-player left the game. I looked for a 20/40 at some point but there were no seats and the 40/80 lineup looked OK so I bumped it up, and was unstuck and it was pretty fun playing.

Not sure how good of a habit this is! It has been translating into a high % of sessions won, an upwards trending graph, but what happens when I take a huge loss at 20/40 40/80?!

(Graph is filtered out nolimit, which I lost a bit at, so all limit games mostly all Limit Holdem).

Anyway liferoll has been assisted lately by a nice check from the insurance company (property damage), some moderate winning at poker, and just putting in autopilot hours on uber when I had time, though I haven't done it the past week and am kinda feeling bearish about it overall. There's also a chance I win a nice check for personal injury so there's that. One time! On another note I have made small deposits on both lending club and prosper. If I am playing a really nitty bankroll game I shouldn't have so much of my funds in cash holdings which makes sense. I had the idea actually sometime last year and I had shopped around CD rates and Treasury EE Bonds, stuff like that but interest rates were obv so so low so I didn't think it made any sense. It seems LC and Prosper carry more risk, and I am still weighing what that risk would look like in an economic downturn.

I think I am a investing fish at the moment I put some money on tradeking but I don't think I have enough experience. For example the start of 2016 I was freaking out. Also the shit I had contributed to my IRA lifetime has not been dollar cost averaged and I don't think it's a GTO approach and I haven't really gotten in particularly good at all from an exploitative perspective or anything. As someone who entered the markets POST 2008 crash (I had no money back then) I have never experienced a true bear, etc I think there are many dangers with that. So for many reasons this is something I think about alot alot and I am starting at a big disadvantage somewhat kind of like poker starting out post boom/black friday crash. I plan on making a trip back to NJ sometime this year, not sure when. I'd like to meet-up with perhaps a few of my old buddies that work/worked in finance and perhaps gain an ear or two on a more seasoned approach to long-term value investing.

Anyway, that's it for now. Overall I think next month I'll try to grow the bankroll somehow, doesn't have to be specifically poker or it might be. TBH I wouldn't mind dealing the wsop or something I just don't care for now I just want to make monies.

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need stars for paypal by lostaccount, April 27

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Just mucked a full house to a straight live by Rinny, April 23

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DNA results by Mortensen8, April 18

From you also get 3rd party sites to see other stuff like promethease
It's a bit of Fun

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Fight Night 34: As an observer... by NotSorry, April 18

Rar, haven't updated lately. Just been swamped with work and life. Went out to the casino to watch the fights last night to support some teammates and friends in the local scene. Was so frustrating being on the outside looking in, just wanted to climb in there so bad. Seriously I would have taken an a last second offer from anyone in the building to get in that cage. It was a very fast pace night, everyone so hungry to make a good impression, out of the 11 or 12 fights I believe only 2 went to the judges, most finishing in the first round.

Was too focused on enjoying myself to take a ton of pictures or videos but my fiancee did manage to record my teammate Chris "The Phantom Lord" Hetzel's fight. Posted on Keep an eye out for this kid, only his 2nd camp and he's a beast, super hard worker in the gym.

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Steph curry real? by traxamillion, April 14

Over 4 3s at only -225 on the night he is for sure hunting 8 (and the 400 record) easiest bet of my life. Clearing it easily in the 1st. Only problem is I couldn't bet my whole bovada roll.

Most dominant athlete in any major team sport by far.

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CBD by Mortensen8, April 11

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$506 Ipoker for paypal by, April 09

Looking to move money.

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Learning OFC pineapple by Rinny, April 09

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5b shove EV calc by Smuft, April 08

10$ if you can find a mistake with my math

Formula for reference:
EV of 5bet shove = (Fold equity * pot) + (1 - Fold equity) * equity(pot + "to call" size) - (1 - equity) * 5b shove size

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