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Greetings LP by RiKD, November 22

Why do I write? Why do I write on here?


I do not know. But, maybe I do.

It seems that I write because I need to. Would I need to if I was busy doing something else?

But, what if I do not want to do something else?

Why do I write on here?


I mean it would likely be better to just keep a private journal and just steer clear of criticism good and bad. Part of me thinks I need some sense of skin in the game. It is nice when I get some cool suggestions too. That might be my ideal. I post rubbish and drivel and then everyone posts awesome pieces of music and art and dope shit. I do not know how to express an all encompassing phrase like "dope shit" other than "dope shit."

Speaking of dope shit how awesome is autumn?

Any time I look at a birch tree and a japanese maple I think about how much of an amazing show Game of Thrones is. I would pray to a birch tree with blood red japanese maple leaves.

I do not just want to write though. I just want to express. Again, it is like I need to. I lose my mind if I don't.

Oh well, Thank you LP for letting me shit some stuff out. I am unsure what this website is for me anymore. I miss it in a way. I do not gamble in casinos or play video games anymore. I don't watch UFC. I prefer not to discuss news online. Ohhh, Party Pooper.

I do hope all is well with people. Everything in its right place. As dope as Radiohead. Hail to the l337.

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Down so much from tournaments by fira, November 19

I've been playing some PLO8 tournaments on Bovada, and my ROI is currently at about -75%...

At this point it would take more than a first place prize just to get back to even. Depressing ~_~

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pokersnowie by traxamillion, November 19

does anyone pay for a subscription to this? any value in paying for the pro version over the 2 cheaper versions? It seems like it would go well with PIO and I am trying to up the analytical side of my game.

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lifting prop bet by Into Infinity, November 12

just bet my boss at work that i can hit a 405 squat by december 31, 2015.

yesterday was the first time i ever did a set of 315 for 5.

wish me luck brahs

height: 6'
current weight: 180
bench 1rm: estimating 185
squat 1rm: estimating 355-365
diddlylift 1rm: 415

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LA, coding, poker etc by AndrewSong, November 09

Deleting. I am back to poker.

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Tire exploded whilst driving by spets1, November 05

First time ever. So I stopped on side of road and started changing the spare on. Rain started. But no probs it wasnt that hard. Everyone just drives past. One dude came out of the house asked if everything is alright. Said its all good. One lady stopped and stayed with me till i fixed it. All good. Thx lady. If you were hot id get your number lol (anyway seeing that girl now from the last blog, shes pretty cool).

In other news i got a massive payrise at work. Pretty happy, working like a donkey though, reckon doing the job of 3 people. crazy shit. But raise is good. Finally got it. 75 to 109k usually nobody jumps that high ever, But yeah im good what can I do.
Also i moved back to live at my parents house. Its far from work (fkn took me 2hrs to drive today, thx to rain and traffic). Usually i catch a train that takes 1.5hrs prob. Fuck sydney traffic sucks. Never driving again.
Anyway not paying rent now, and got a raise, so gonna be swimming in cash soon.

Btw tried MDMA, its heaps good. Do it alone at your own risk, i spent SHITTTON of money on whores when i did it. MSG every single girl in my address too haha. fuck. Broke right now till i get my pay.

Anyhow heres some NSFW pics yo.

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October + Maui by 4TM, November 03

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October by NewbSaibot, November 01

If you recall, I finally did it. I ran the numbers, went over the data, tallied the figures, and concluded that my near 6 years of experience plus everything I've learned from was enough to justify going pro. In the words of the great O'Reilly, WE'LL DO IT LIVE!!!

Your little resident newb spread his wings and actually made a profit, how bout that? The biggest thing you might notice here is my total playtime. I've been struggling to put in more hours, not as a result of discipline but just staying deep. As any live player knows you often end up pretty deep pretty quick sometimes. I'm just not comfortable sitting on 400BB's yet. It's really just a case of MUBS - Monsters Under the Bed Syndrome. I see so many bad beats that I become paranoid I could become the victim of one in a huge pot. Fish can be truly fearless at times since anything earned over their initial buyin is just a freeroll in their eyes. They could run $300 up to $2500 and as long as they finish $400 for the night they consider it a good session. So I end up having these little mini 4 hour sessions before I cash out and come back the next day.

What's really bad here though is just how much money I've given back. Consider the following

Each one of those downward spikes is me going on tilt, calling big bets on the river just to prove to myself how bad I run. Like I know I'm beat, but I want to see their cards so I can feel good about how I played it and how bad they did. It's stupid and I'm working on it. Had I not donated like that I'd easily be up another 3k on my winnings this month. Just talking about how I gave fish $3000 for the pleasure of making them show their dogshit hand makes me want to vomit. Hopefully next month produces a cleaner graph.

All in all though playing poker professionally has turned out to be everything I wanted it to be. My friends/work acquaintances are all jealous, and I just sit back and literally do whatever the fuck I want each day. It's so incredibly relaxing to no longer have to walk on eggshells answering to a bossman. Having someone micromanage you, check on your schedule, chastise you for taking an extra long lunch break, feeling guilty when I come in late or go home early. Fuck all that noise. I feel healthier, I am eating better, I get all the sleep I need, and just really feel like I'm at peace and in a good place in life right now. This is definitely the life for me.

Thanks for all the support people have given me here. LP definitely turns out a unique breed of player in my opinion. Aiming for 5k minimum next month.

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Rule Question by Rinny, November 01

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Jared Tendler Interview by LemOn[5thF], October 29

Hey guys, I'm doing an interview / Q&A session with Jared Tendler tomorrow (Friday) 19:00 CET/gmt+1
The free stream ( no registration) will be here

You'll need to create an account and click "tune in" at the bottom where the info is at 18:50 to be able to ask questions though.

More info is Here

Comments (1)       read entire blog agen poker seo indonesia by pokerseoid, October 27

--- Nuked ---

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sunday million by lostaccount, October 25

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1st MTT win on stream by Ryan Neilly, October 25

Hey guys, yesterday I binked a small $7 1k for 335 and decided to join the $33 5k tonight. I won it on stream Had a peak of 25 viewers tonight which is kinda cool, seems to be going well.

You guys can watch the $33 5k by going to my page and watching the video from 10/24 nighttime @

1st was 1504, not too bad with the 335 from yesterday, +1700ish with a couple buy ins before the run

Good Luck LP,
Hope to bring more good content soon

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Going through old hands by vasoline73, October 22

I was looking through some of the hand historys on the sidebar... just checking out how people were playing and enjoying people's analysis, etc. Missing the game.

Mean to click to see more recent hand historys from LP members but accidentally click "my hands"

I haven't played poker since a month or so before black friday so all my hands posted are super old. Start going through some with comments on them...

Holy fuck I played really terribly. Horrible bet sizing. Fun times. Still miss the game though!

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StarsHelper by jvilla777, October 19

What do you guys think of this software?

I'm looking for something that converts my cash stack into big blinds on any cash game table.

Are any of you guys familiar with this software or use something similar?

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Twitch Schedule by Ryan Neilly, October 17

Hey guys,

I'll be streaming from 11pm - 7am sessions which are very often.

Feel free to Follow at to know when I go live

Pretty much the only time I can stream for a while but good to learn and a lot of fun.

btw, does anyone know if i can save my daily recorded sessions and add them to the database??

Thx and GL LP!

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PT4 Bovada question by traxamillion, October 17

When you DL Bovada HH they display the holecard information of all players at the table regardless of action (anti-collusion measure). When i use the hand converter to turn Zone HH into ZOOM hh that are compatible with PT4 they lose the holecard data.

My hope was that I could go into PT4 and look up hands where i folded and see what my opponent had rather than manually digging through HH files.

Is this possible?


unconverted bovada HH (one with opponent showing his cards at showdown, the 2nd i fold and he doesn't have to show)

Bovada Hand #3279914547: OMAHA Tournament #13536253 TBL#1, Pot Limit- Level 1 (10/20) - 2015-10-14 03:08:52
Seat 1: Dealer [ME] (1,380 in chips)
Seat 2: Big Blind (1,620 in chips)
Dealer [ME] : Set dealer/Bring in spot [1]
Dealer [ME] : Ante/Small blind 10
Big Blind : Big blind/Bring in 20
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealer [ME] : Card dealt to a spot [2s 6d 2c 4d]
Big Blind : Card dealt to a spot [Kd Ah 5s Kh]
Dealer [ME] : Raises 50 to 60
Big Blind : Raises 160 to 180
Dealer [ME] : Call 120
*** FLOP *** [2h 6c 4s]
Big Blind : Bets 360
Dealer [ME] : Call 360
*** TURN *** [2h 6c 4s] Jc
Big Blind : All-in 1080
Dealer [ME] : All-in 840
Big Blind : Return uncalled portion of bet 240
*** RIVER *** [2h 6c 4s Jc] 8c
Dealer [ME] : Showdown [2s 2c 2h Jc 8c] (Three of a kind)
Big Blind : Showdown [Kd Kh 6c Jc 8c] (One pair)
Dealer [ME] : Hand Result 2760
*** SUMMARY ***
Total Pot(2760)
Board [2h 6c 4s Jc 8c]
Seat+1: Dealer 2760 with Three of a kind [2s 6d 2c 4d-2s 2c 2h Jc 8c]
Seat+2: Big Blind lose with One pair [Kd Ah 5s Kh-Kd Kh 6c Jc 8c]

Bovada Hand #3279914545: OMAHA Tournament #13536253 TBL#1, Pot Limit- Level 1 (10/20) - 2015-10-14 03:08:04
Seat 1: Dealer [ME] (1,500 in chips)
Seat 2: Big Blind (1,500 in chips)
Dealer [ME] : Table enter user
Big Blind : Table enter user
Dealer [ME] : Draw for dealer Qs
Big Blind : Draw for dealer Js
Dealer [ME] : Set dealer/Bring in spot [1]
Dealer [ME] : Ante/Small blind 10
Big Blind : Big blind/Bring in 20
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealer [ME] : Card dealt to a spot [Ac 4c 2s 7d]
Big Blind : Card dealt to a spot [7h Qd Td 5c]
Dealer [ME] : Raises 50 to 60
Big Blind : Call 40
*** FLOP *** [6s 8d Jh]
Big Blind : Bets 120
Dealer [ME] : Folds
Big Blind : Return uncalled portion of bet 120
Big Blind : Does not show [7h Qd Td 5c] (High Card)
Big Blind : Hand Result 120
*** SUMMARY ***
Total Pot(120)
Board [6s 8d Jh ]
Seat+1: Dealer Folded on the FLOP
Seat+2: Big Blind 120 [Does not show]

Converted HH Counterparts to the above hands that get imported into PT4

PokerStars Hand #3279914547: Tournament #13536253, $50+$2.50 - Omaha Pot Limit (10/20) - 2015/10/14 3:08:52
Table '#1' 2-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Hero (1,380 in chips)
Seat 2: PLR_7404661JJ (1,620 in chips)
Hero: posts small blind 10
PLR_7404661JJ: posts big blind 20
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Hero [2s 6d 2c 4d]
Hero: raises 50 to 60
PLR_7404661JJ: raises 160 to 180
Hero: calls 120
*** FLOP *** [2h 6c 4s]
PLR_7404661JJ: bets 360
Hero: calls 360
*** TURN *** [2h 6c 4s] Jc
PLR_7404661JJ: calls 1080 and is all-in
Hero: calls 840 and is all-in
*** RIVER *** [2h 6c 4s Jc] 8c
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Hero: shows [2s 6d 2c 4d] (three of a kind, Deuces)
PLR_7404661JJ: shows [Kd Ah 5s Kh] (a pair of Kings)
Uncalled bet (240) returned to PLR_7404661JJ
Hero collected 2760 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 2760 | Rake 0
Board [2h 6c 4s Jc 8c]
Seat 1: Hero (button) showed [2s 6d 2c 4d] and won (2760) with three of a kind, Kings
Seat 2: PLR_7404661JJ (big blind) showed [Kd Ah 5s Kh] and lost with a pair of Kings

PokerStars Hand #3279914545: Tournament #13536253, $50+$2.50 - Omaha Pot Limit (10/20) - 2015/10/14 3:08:04
Table '#1' 2-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Hero (1,500 in chips)
Seat 2: PLR_7404661JJ (1,500 in chips)
Hero: Draw for dealer Qs
PLR_7404661JJ: Draw for dealer Js
Hero: posts small blind 10
PLR_7404661JJ: posts big blind 20
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Hero [Ac 4c 2s 7d]
Hero: raises 50 to 60
PLR_7404661JJ: calls 40
*** FLOP *** [6s 8d Jh]
PLR_7404661JJ: bets 120
Hero: folds
Uncalled bet (120) returned to PLR_7404661JJ
PLR_7404661JJ: doesn't show hand
PLR_7404661JJ collected 120 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 120 | Rake 0
Board [6s 8d Jh]
Seat 1: Hero (button) mucked
Seat 2: PLR_7404661JJ (big blind) won (120)

you can see especially in the last HH that after the conversion Villain hole cards are not visible at all so going into pt4 to see what people had is at this point useless (and maybe a results oriented practice in general but wouldn't you want to know if you were bluffed or not if possible?)

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About Twitch by Ryan Neilly, October 16

I'm having internet issues until I upgrade to the 30 meg internet, so i will post a blog when im streaming + my twitter message.

I'll try to upgrade ASAP (have to talk to ppl I share internet with - its in there name)

I'll be streaming mostly at night at sessions after 11pm, sometimes during the day, when I do i'll make a blog since theres been some great feedback so far.

I watched a few episodes they do seem pretty good, thx for all ur help newbsaibot and hopefully I can turn this stream into a success, so much to learn, but I got time.


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Todays Twitch! by Ryan Neilly, October 16

Hey guys, getting my stream going, woke up early today

$4k 10k starting stack + Nl100 ZooM - Will be streaming on and off throughout the day.

Best of Luck LP,

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saw this girl last night by spets1, October 16

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