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i feel old. by mnj, May 17

hello lp. i turned 27 and feel very old. why does this bother me? why does growing old bother me? how does one age with class?

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chili or chicken wings by Rinny, May 14

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SCOOP Action by MiPwnYa, May 13

Selling a bit of scoop action :

- 50% of SCOOP-16-H: $2,100 PL Omaha [Heads-Up], $200K Gtd, No Late Registration @1:1 markup -I don't expect field to be very soft and I don't think my heads up game is great by any means, but it still should be +EV. SOLD

- 35% of SCOOP-25-H: $2,100 PL Omaha [6-Max, Turbo, Zoom], $400K Gtd @1.1:1 markup, 6max Zoom is my main game but Turbo tournaments are such lotteries I don't think I can justify a bigger markup than 1.1:1. SOLD

Let me know if interested.

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Need 250$ paypal for pokerstars by the cleaner, May 12

Could someone help me out with this ? I need 250$ on paypal for 250$ on pokerstars.

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Getting back into Poker by ConquistadoR, May 11

Hi guys,

looking to get back into poker, havent played for some years, I'd be happy if I can beat NL50 or NL100 long term. Just asking, are low stakes like NL25 still easy to beat or is the level of play a lot stronger nowadays? Oh I'd play on stars jfyi.

Also, Pokertracker or Holdem Manager? Which one is better atm?

Thanks already

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Super Mario Bros X by TalentedTom, May 11

This thing is like crack, custom maps made by users. Some of them are very tough

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100 Million Dollar+ Startup Idea by Nitewin, May 11

Legit idea. Promise. I need something solid like $250K-$500K to get this started, or someone who's really tech savvy and can make professional looking websites with servers (and probably some money but way less, I got some saved). Startups are selling for 1bil left and right. Anyone with Phil Galfond's email?? I need to pitch my idea to him! I'm learning RUBY right now ... but to do a 10 man job myself from scratch is not the way.

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April review by Forrest Gump, May 08

Since I dont have too many followers I was not very interested to blog this month, but I have to kill 20 minutes, so I'll do it to keep some records
This month I didnt make platinum with 6.4k vpp, becouse I had to work again as a professor (an 8hr/week job Im not interested to quit yet) in the university and started to see some satellite hypers (6 max, 2 prizes). Not enough sample yet to show a graph, so here it is the monthly Triple draw graph (this time in BB)

About other life's topics: I reached 57 Kg with a basic clean diet (see March review) from a downswing about 40 days ago when I was in 52 Kg. Still not recovered my previous strength and power but I feel a lot better (where the fuck all this weight goes?). Probably I'll go back to the gym next week after like 5 years without weights becouse I want to deadlift and make my quads sore with full back squats which I cant with any bodyweight exercise right now.
End of blogpost

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"AFK for 10 years, man you're a sick n00b" -Smuft by SuperCardUser, May 08

I like how honest Smuft is with me about poker. Thank god I'm at the bottom with small goals and low expectations. Let me start my journey into the fun world of real poker. Just sit back and enjoy all the dumb decisions I'm about to make.

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1million hands by jvilla777, May 07

I just realized I have played 1 million hands since my $30 deposit and still not busto! lol

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200 paypal for 200 PS money by moonk379, May 06

Been out of the game for awhile but looking into getting in again. Can anyone send me 200 PS money for 200 paypal?

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Small rant / iPads by Romm3l, May 06

The question I have in this blog is what can you usefully do with an ipad? But first here's a simple model of how I see some things: You can broadly split activities you choose to engage in during your discretionary time into two crude categories.

- Activities that are immediately enjoyable and entertaining but don't lead to much longer term personal development or progression (or even hinder those things). E.g. playing computer games, marathoning tv shows, eating deep-fried fast food with sugary drinks.

- Activities that are more effortful, require more motivation, are not necessarily enjoyable in the present while you're doing them but which may lead to positive feelings of progression or accomplishment, and personal development towards goals, etc etc in the long term through their sustained engagement. E.g. reading/studying, exercising, helping others, cooking your own simple nutritious food at home using fresh seasonal ingredients.

The problem is always wanting to spend more of your time doing category2 activities (as your cold, rational system2 knows it should) and less of category1 (as your hot, animalistic system1 tempts you to do). I'm not close to being a rational utility maximiser who always does the most productive things with his time, but here are some ideas I've found useful for approaching this:

- Humans are forgetful creatures of habit and mindlessly follow whatever yields dopamine and whatever they are used to doing. When I do some category2 stuff I try to make a conscious effort to congratulate myself and mindfully notice the good feelings of accomplishment and progress I'm having. That way, next time I'm deciding whether I should read and make notes on a challenging/technical book or download some total crap tv show like game of tits, I can hopefully trick my hot system1 by telling it:

"hey remember that last time you effortfully concentrated on something and learned something new? Made connections to other things you know and improved your model of the world? Didn't that feel great?"
"Oh yes that did feel good, perhaps I should read more so I can get more of that good feeling!".

"Also do you remember that time you sat on your arse and rewatched some episodes of whatever show you liked? Didn't you feel like a loser for wasting all that time and lethargic for having spent that time motionless indoors?"
"Why yes I was pretty unhappy with myself for that! I better not do that now!".

- Even when I fail to do the above I try not to beat myself up too much but instead recognise and accept I'm not one of those supermotivated ultra-driven workaholic types that become CEOs and CFOs of fortune 500s, and you can't go from casual 10k funrunner to ultramarathons overnight. Unnecessary negativity and guilt doesn't help anyone.

- Precommitments are pretty effective. My family makes the conscious decision to not have a TV in our house. Since I've currently returned to study, deadlines, exams and the pressure to get a competitive job force me to continue working at a decent pace.

Now that I've finished with that little detour, this blog is about what you can do with an ipad. I wouldn't ever choose to buy one for myself - without ever having owned one I see them as a large smartphone that can't make calls but also can't do things that a regular laptop can do (proper multitasking, alt-tabbing separate windows, proper keyboard already go a long way in terms of productivity). I can see how it would be a 'neat' lifestyle gadget to have, but one danger is it would facilitate more time spent in addictive category1 activities at the cost of distraction from category2. Another thing is they're expensive and I'm all for trying to live a high quality life frugally (the easiest way to make yourself richer is to learn to live better on less money). However I have acquired this ipad for 'free'* so I am wondering how, if at all, I can put it to good use in order to enhance my quality of life. For ipad owners, what kind of things do you use it for that are worthwhile? So far my only idea is as a luxury e-reader / newspaper reader.

* while ipads' usefulness may be debatable if you are relatively young and know how to use computers, I believe they are one of the best gifts you can possibly give to members of the elder generation who didn't grow up with computers and don't necessarily care to learn but would like to have the advantages of modern communication and information access the internet brings in their life. I bought the ipad2 for in-laws a few years ago, and they liked it so much and use it so much that I thought it would be nice to upgrade them to the newer ipad air2. Now they have no more use for the old one, so I am going to see if i can find productive uses for it (if not I'll most likely give it away to other family/friends)

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Fuck You Taco Bell by bigredhoss, May 05

As some of you may know, traditional Mexican establishment Taco Bell is giving out free biscuit tacos this morning in honor of Cinco de Mayo. I haven't been to Taco Bell in years but decided to go and collect my free food.

At the drive-thru there were only two vehicles in front of me, not bad considering the occasion.

me: "1 Bacon Egg & Cheese biscuit taco (free) and 1 Chicken w/Honey Jalapeno Sauce biscuit (because I'm not just going to eat 1 fucking taco)"

girl: "Sorry, we're out of chicken"

me: "Ok, 1 Bacon Egg & Cheese + 1 Sausage Egg & Cheese"

girl: "Sorry, we're out of sausage"

Whatever bitch, just get me 2 Bacon Egg & Cheese biscuit tacos.

I drive forward and start waiting, the same two vehicles in front of me. 5 minutes becomes 10 becomes 20. For the FIRST car in line. By this time there were a bunch of cars behind me and there's no way for me to just drive away. The first guy finally leaves, and there's one vehicle left ahead of me, a minivan with a man and what I assume was his 5-6 year old son. They wait for about ANOTHER 10-15 minutes. Then without getting served, this man, who is probably a hard-working citizen and wonderful human being, honks his horn for about 10 seconds straight, makes some gestures at the window, then drives off.

I think his honking got someone's attention, because as soon as I pulled up to the window, this 40-something tweaker lady with a big scab on the side of her mouth apologizes and says they're short-staffed.

Then she asks me to repeat my order, LOL. After I tell her she disappears for a few minutes, then this really tall skinny guy who looks like he has down syndrome randomly opens the window and asks me what I need a refund for..(???)..I tell him I don't need a refund for anything. He apologizes, wait a few more minutes, then tweaker lady comes back. She tells me they are out of tacos, and asks if there's anything else she could get me. I ask her if there's something of similar value they could give me. She closes the window and starts talking into her headset microphone, I guess to Taco Bell HQ or wherever such high-level decisions are made.

She comes back a couple minutes later with EXACTLY what I ordered, 2 Bacon/Egg/Cheese biscuit tacos (....). After having spent nearly an hour at the Taco Bell drive-thru, I drove away and started unwrapping them. One was cold, completely unheated, the other was warm. I mean what the fuck, how can one be heated and one not????? Wouldn't it at least make more sense if they forgot to heat both?? FFS

Anyway, I got back to my apartment, took a couple small bites out of one, it was disgusting, and I threw them both in the garbage.

Fuck Taco Bell, fuck them so hard.

Fuck Cinco de Mayo.

Fuck James Harden.

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Play Money Too Tough by Rinny, May 04

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Hypothetical sportsbetting issue by bigredhoss, May 03

Person A agrees to make bets for Person B at a book Person B does not have access to, in exchange for taking a share of the action. What would you consider a fair arrangement for both people? (assume Person B's bets are +EV)

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Selling pt4+flopzilla by GoTuNk, May 03

Sup, haven't posted in a while, quit poker 3-4 months ago and I'mm collecting my online money.

Currently selling my software licenses:

PT4 : 50 USD
Flopzilla: 25 USD

Both: 70 USD

Can receive stars or neteller

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random laptop/flash question by mnj, May 02

How come my laptop plays youtube, hulu, crunchyroll, netflix without getting hot, but the instant i open twitch streams my laptop decides to turn into a portable heater?

it's all flash tho right?

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Hi LP by 4TM, May 02

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the jinx by mnj, April 30

holy shit anyone else watch this?

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MTT May by Ryan Neilly, April 30

Hey everyone,

Misleading title - After further analysis its more important to focus on CG at the moment.

The stream will be mostly cashgames this month, planning on way more CG than MTT in LV.

Played tons of cash so far this year, pretty much a great tool for people looking how to build rolls up on bovada and the leaks each limit has and how to exploit it.

Good Luck,
I'll do some MTTs sometimes.

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