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[Survey] Video Games, Drugs, Alcohol, Gambling by Tensai176, February 08

Hey LP!

I'm planning on going on a poker vacation soon, hopefully live games havent changed much since I last played like a year ago.

Anyway, I'm doing an undergraduate thesis on Video Games, Drugs, Alcohol, Gambling for Psychology and would be awesome if you guys can help me out.

I don't know how many people play league here since it's mostly Dota 2 but as an incentive, I'm raffling off 15 $10 RP gift cards for LoL.

It will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

If mods think this is inappropriate, please let me know!

Cheers guys,



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Pics/podcast/Jan by LemOn[5thF], February 07

Sup men

First of all I'd like to ask you all a favor:
There's this band, I know 2 of it's members - cool guys. And I want to go to their show in Prague, and if they win it they get a free trip to Spain for a festival.

But to get to the Prague show at "Hard Rock Prague" they need to rank 9th at least in an online vote. And that's where you come in

So please just click here:

Click vote. And if they get the 9th I will post pics from the concert in a LP hoodie

January I played some 75k hand at around 2.5bb/100 - mostly zoom without a HUD as it didn't work at the new added limit. But I did loads of stuff too - my aim is to slowly eke out time I spend with watching shows/interneting/movies and replace it with good stuff. It first started as a preparation for my podcast on a guy that has a travelling project where he collects chips from casinos from all around the world - I simply didn't have much to add myself so I went ahead to at least explore places around Prague and take pictures. But it kinda hit me that all have to do is cut time I spend on unproductive stuff and I can keep doing it

So far I've went to monuments, galleries, parks even The National Theatre (worst date idea imaginable btw, it was a modern super confusing and long play). And volume hasn't suffered much cause I take the time from stuff that's not rly poker related.

some pics
more on

My mindset has been good since I try to be myself more, accept it and make it better, it's a long way to go tho - still have the tendency to open the internet when I run bad in a session and hide from my real game and revert to button clicking, had to make some corrections after I posted my last batch of hands here . I won't change myself overnight at least I am starting to accept who I am, what my game is and making it better. I had Barry Carter on today on my podcast who wrote the Mental Game of Poker (literally - Jared Tendler's Ideas, Barry did the physical ground work of writing it) and we discussed an article he wrote on too much self-help being harmful:

I am a self confessed self help and over thinking stuff addict and it still will be a journey to drop this ever self challenging, ever changing persona and just focus on putting in the work instead of finding that new me and dropping what I know.

Speaking of podcasts - I still make these laid back Ps community podcasts, you can watch older ones here:

With 2/4-5/10 reg Lackoo on how to have fun playing poker;

how to climb the ranks in micros in 2015 with micro stakes coach W34z3l:

I love doing them as I get to talk to these great people I wouldn't otherwise - so any tips to make them better are appreciated.

Thanks for reading boys,

Gl at the tables

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Update: Getting started by DooMeR, February 07

This is a video I wanted to make before I got into talking about programming for beginners. Its important that people have certain things in the long run. Eventually anyone serious is going to want to pick up most of these things. But its nice to review the basic tools before getting into talking about how to get started. Anyway enjoy! Like the video if u like it

Also i did this in one take and its just to get the info out there asap since I want to actually get on to the next video so I didnt realize the angle of the camera cuts off my face at the time. But its about the items anyway so I wont make that mistake again. My badz

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Progress Video :) by DooMeR, February 06

UPDATE:: New video.

This is a video I wanted to make before I got into talking about programming for beginners. Its important that people have certain things in the long run. Eventually anyone serious is going to want to pick up most of these things. But its nice to review the basic tools before getting into talking about how to get started. Anyway enjoy! Like the video if u like it

yesterday's video

I made a little progress video to give an idea of what my intensity days are looking like. I want to make some more beginner oriented videos in the future though. I have a few friends I have been coaching lately and I really enjoy it. So I'm going to try and put out some videos for people looking to getting into some lifting. I'll try and go over some programming and details about things that people might struggle with learning about. This one took me a while because I had to learn how to edit everything, but in the future I'll try and up the quality a bit. Any questions welcome. <3 peace

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Photoshop skills needed - Easy $ by MiPwnYa, February 06

Hi guys, I promised Id help my gf do her homework but I cant be bothered doing it so I'm offering $80 to whoever wants to do it. The assignment is basically to make a new poster for the movie "Requiem for a dream". Here's the assignment :

+ Show Spoiler +

Alright, if you think you can help pls PM me


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Dat Cross-Examination Tho by 2primenumbers, February 06

anyone can win

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i got a by spets1, February 06


+ Show Spoiler +


Poll: bubbluscious
(Vote): 1
(Vote): 2
(Vote): 3
(Vote): 4
(Vote): 5
(Vote): 6

And the winner is!!!!!!
+ Show Spoiler +

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>get banned by Gnarly, February 04

>you don't make this place any better
>for a month

I didn't learn my lesson.

User was banned for this post.

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January Review by Forrest Gump, February 03

Good start for the year. Only played 2-7 Triple draw FL 5/10 and 10/20 with some exceptions (fish at 3/6 or 15/30 and a $27 donkament the last day) and made 18K vpp.
And for thoose who love graphs: (do you see the trend? Im not, so I wont make conclusions)

About books I finished "supertraining" from Yuri Verkhoshansky. Was hard to read but was worthy
Next book: "Overcoming gravity"

Short term physical goals:
push: get the 1 arm push up at 5RM
pull: get the 1 arm pull up at 5RM
legs: improve overall flexibility

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VAMOS by Bullshit, February 03

Been running quite bad lately and today started out even worse getting coolered in literally every single hand I played to start but thought I was playing well and after taking a break took a step in the right direction hopefully this is the start of running good!

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brag by traxamillion, February 03

Hit a royal flush with J10cc on AcKcAdQcX today at Lucky Chances in Norcal. Shipped a 500 bonus for it because of a promotion. Woulda been nice if the other guy in the hand had AA woulda been worth a 100k bbj

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Brag by jvilla777, February 02


I have finally completed my degree in IT from University of Wollongong.

I received my results couple of days ago and was super happy, since I did supplementary exams right before Christmas, my graduation date will be mid year this year. The feeling of achieving this is somewhat overwhelming mixed with confidence boost.

Just the experience alone of being a uni student is priceless. University of Wollongong is probably the best University around the east coast of Australia, it's right next to the beach and super laid back.

This year I'm basically going to focus on making as much money as I can and invest it in a start up by the end of the year.(Hopefully)


I challenged myself to crush zoom last year mid year, but I lost focus during my last semester and ended up taking a big chunk out of my Bankroll before Christmas for the first time. I was basically a winning fish in the micros, however in the last few weeks I've actually had more time to look into my own database, and found lots of leaks and spots that needed improvement. My redline before looking and studying my own database was pretty much the opposite of my actual profits, since then I've been finding lots of spots to improve this.

Obligatory graph + thread saver


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Best hangover cures? by Trav94, February 02

So after the Seahawks blew it last night, it was time to drink heavily. Have a decently bad hangover this morning. Obviously eating helps along with some water. Gatorade has done nicely in the past. What have you guys found most helpful to tackle a bad hangover?

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poor start by Bullshit, February 01

this little graph starts where the last one left off so... not a great start to the year and I'm not playing a lot when running poorly so hopefully I run better this month and try to play around 100k hands

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January 2015 PLO! by Bejamin1, February 01

A decent start to the month. Not much to say really except that I need to continue to study as much as I play. I'm still a leaky ship in a lot of ways but I'm slowly learning and improving. The biggest thing for me is maintaining my focus, I'm pretty terrible at playing long sessions. A little more volume and a few less mistakes would go a long way ! Grindy grind LP!

Obligatory Graph:

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BTC for stars anyone? by KeyleK_uk, February 01

Hi, I'm looking to buy some btc for stars, I usually pay XE + 3%, let me know if anyone can help me at this price or come up with a counter offer if you want more. I need like 2-4

Thanks in advance

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wanna make $5 ez? by Gumster, February 01

Yo, wanna trade 25$ on stars for your 20 on paypal, u send first. pm me for info

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POLL: Have a brokerage account? by 2primenumbers, February 01


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405lb Deadlift Quest by DooMeR, January 31

The dieting guide went over surprisingly well so I thought I would do something actually training related. Hopefully this will help motivate more people to get into lifting and working towards some fitness goals. I started lifting in May of 2013 and originally I was into bodybuilding, bro splits. But about 5 months ago I shifted my goals towards strength training. After a couple months of finding out how my body responded to strength adaptation and figuring out what micro cycles worked best for me. I have settled on using a modified version of the Texas Method(an intermediate strength training program). I customized it for myself after reading a few books on it, however I am still playing around with it a little bit. It was originally popularized by Mark Rippetoe. The same guy behind 'Starting Strength' which is a novice program. Which I would actually highly recommend for anyone wanting to get into lifting seriously. So after some time getting settled in, I have set some goals for myself. I am planning on starting a cutting diet in July BUT before I do, I want to try pull a 405lb deadlift. I am 5'8 and currently weigh about 155lb (probably 20% bf). So this would IMO be a pretty good accomplishment for me for the end of this bulking cycle. That would also put me close to a 1k total in the big 3. This would be a secondary goal for me, though I also think its very achievable .
My Current PRs are Deadlift: 285x5, Squat 225x5, and 145x5 bench press. (my bench is weak :[ my overhead press is about 110x5)

For anyone interested in my program (I wouldn't recommend people copy it if you aren't familiar with the texas method also for intermediates only [referring to an individual's micro cycle length])

  [BDooMeR ~ Texas Method ~ Variation

Sunday [High Volume/Moderate Intensity/ Upper body]
Bench Press 6x4 (73% of 1rm)
OHP 6x4(73% of 1rm)
Rear Delt raises 2x10
Pullups 3x6

Monday [High Volume/Moderate Intensity/ lowerbody+Pull]
Squat 6x4(73% of 1rm)
Romanian Deadlift 3x6 ~~~ (maybe speed deadlifts) 8x1 1 per minute
ChinUps 3x8
Optional === Back extentions 2x8 weighted

Wednesday [Low volume/ High intensity/ Upper body push]
Bench Press heavy 1x5 (increase 2.5 pounds a week) -------1x3
Press 1x5 (increase 2.5 pounds a week) ---------1x3
Tricep 2x10 or Rear delt raises 2x10 ===Optional===

Thursday[Low Volume/High Intensity]
Squat 1x5 (increase by 5 pounds a week) --------------1x3
Deadlift 1x5 (increase by 5 pounds a week)----------------- 1x3
Calves 3x8]

As you can see my deadlift should be progressing 5 pounds per microcycle (about a week for me) hopefully I wont stall more than once before I hit my goal. (or get injured lol)

I will try and post some updates. Possibly with some videos? I dunno if anyone is interested. let me know I'll try and get footage and maybe commentate it for you guys. If anyone has questions on training or anything I might be able to help with, let me know. If I am not sure about the answer I'll try and point you in the right direction.

EDIT: Before anyone asks me I guess I should post my starting stats. I was 118 pounds when i started. I started with 20 pound dumbbells for bench. squating something like 55lbx8, deadlift probably around 85 at best? (i didnt deadlift back in the day) and seated shoulder pressing 15s.

I was VERY weak and skinny.

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love and friendships are weird. by leleds, January 31

Do you ever wonder how does people fall in love, or how does they make a friendship. I mean, like really analyze it. It´s really weird thing. I have a sort of obsession to observe people interact. I found it really interesting and fascinating. The whole interaction between humans.
For example friendship at the beginning its like, "hey, i like you for no logical reason, lets found more about what we have in common, so if i like it, we can hang more." Then you start hanging with that person, and you really don´t realize when they pass from a stranger or a known face to a friend. You just start trusting a person for no logical reason. But, then after a while, you know why they are your friends, but how did it started, that trusting part, or how your brain manage to say "yeah, that human is okay".

For falling in love, I think there's more a chemical explanation, like you get kinda "addicted" to someones pheromones, and you need more, every time, so you want to be with that person because of the chemical reaction your brain (neurotransmitters) has; I have read some articles that the "addiction" of the pheromones of the person you are in love it only last for 7 years. (obviously psychology affects this process too, you know guys, the way you develop your relationship) So this called "addiction" is what really love is, the chemical processes that your brain does. Also, the attractiveness of this person (doesn't need to be a model, it just have yo be attractive to you) also affects, because, if you like what you see (sexually) you release dopamine, endorphin, serotonin, and adrenaline. So your brain likes that, they make you happy in a sane level of release, so when you don't see your beloved one, your brain asks for more of those neurotransmitters, so you see him/her and your brain get in that "high" level again, and that's how the addiction is developed. This neurotransmitters almost do everything for you to be a functional person, mental diseases are caused because of the lack or malfunctioning of this neurotransmitters. But, going back to the main subject, falling in love is a chemical process, but staying like hooked, of whatever you wanna call it, it more about how the relationship develops. There´s also a weird thing about relationships, that i haven´t been able to answer to myself, and is that:

Can you be able to be in love with someone without that chemical process in your brain?

Thanks for reading; even if you didn't, thanks. c:

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