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September + Open Offer by Bejamin1, October 02

September was a was dramatically busier for me. The first few days were a whirlwind of drinking and socializing as students flooded back to campus and we welcomed our new grads to the program. My thesis supervisor decided now was a good time to start getting serious about me finishing my research which might have had something to do with me requesting weekly deadlines that take roughly twenty hours of work to complete. I've never slept less lately, but I've also never felt more productive.

I'm back in the gym on a regular basis and although I've always lifted to reduce stress and keep a clear head it's running that's helped me calm my mind lately. I've never much enjoyed uselessly battering my knees but I decided I wanted to improve my fitness enough to lose the tired feeling when playing intramural sports with my friends so off I went. I've mostly been working the treadmill with 20 minute uphill runs and then a five minute max incline hike/speed walk to cap it off. I've broken my run down into five minute segments and every week I'm trying to increase the difficulty until all four segments reach the higher level and then the process restarts.

I'm still pulling 30 hours a week at Public Safety doing research on a fun project for the government so that keeps me doubly busy. I really love the project and my co-workers are great so it's been a good time. And oh yeah, I guess I'm also playing some poker. I only managed 33,000 hands and +700 this month but overall that's not bad. The bankroll finished at new high of 2500 and then quickly dropped to 2300 after I played fairly poorly in the first two days of October. Most of my results I owe to my mental focus. I've been forcing myself to think only of playing mistake free sessions and quitting whenever I start to make mistakes. That may actually have something to do with less volume as well.

Goals for October:
1. Break into PLO50
2. Play 60k hand continue with "Mistake Free" focus and leave sessions when I get off track
3. Keep up with the rest of my life

Side Goal: Make time to relax! My schedule is hectic, so I need to be patient with myself and have some down time.
-30h Public Safety
-10-20h Thesis
-10h Teaching Assistantship
-21h Poker is a lot for every week
-5-7h Gym
-Xh Girls + Friendships + Socializing

All of Sept

Post Sept 8th to Sept 30th

Also I have a deal to offer if anyone is interested. I'm at the point where I have no doubt I beat PLO25 consistently when I'm on my A-Game. I finally feel that measure of control. That being said I'm a BR nit and I realize the swings of PLO require a powerful bankroll to maintain sanity. I'm at BR2300 and will be taking a shot at PLO50 when I reach 2750. However, if anyone out there on LP wishes to take my BR to BR5000 today I'm willing to make a deal. I'm already confident I can beat PLO50 without too much difficulty. I've played there before and it's not much different than PLO25. The regs aren't any better and the fish are the same.

I'm largely putting this offer out there because I want to get to Supernova ASAP. I have 70k FPP's currently and I can't spend them on a $1600 without the status. Especially if Pokerstars does something bonkers like change all the VIP shit come January 1st.

So here it is:
You give me BR5000. The situation is a "stake" I guess as is the common expression.
I will give you 50% of my profits including bonuses (minus the 70k FPPs on the $1600 bonus value scale that I currently possess)
I will do this until you have made $10,000 in profit
So basically you risk $2,500 to likely recoup $12,500.

We can:
-Skype whenever you would like to discuss hands/how things are going
-Receive graphs/stats on a weekly or monthly basis
-Receive any particular search parameter from my database so you can make sure I'm playing my A-Game if you so choose

My preference is that the player be a 100 or 200PLO player if possible. This is simply because we're more likely to be successful and you'll have incentive to give me advice on my game. Doesn't really matter though, beggars can't be choosers. I don't mind if nobody takes me up on this. It's just a way for me to accelerate my progress at the cost of some profits.

Cheers Everyone! Keep on Pokering!

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Russian Hideaway by MyAnacondaDont, October 02

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sept by k4ir0s, October 01

First month since getting back into poker.

nl50, and nl100 FR

Meh.. not as much volume as I hoped for. but this is only 3 weeks. Nice freeroll for Lemon, not making the 50k hands minimum because I forgot my token at home when visiting family. zzzz

Glad I can still win at this game, tho I must have been running good because I spew money like crazy sometimes. For some odd reason, I always tilt the most during the first 30-40min of my sessions. I suppose I'll play less talbes during the start of my sessions (from 12, to 9).. see if that helps.

One thing I noticed since I'm back is, seat scripters! seat scripters everywhere! It's alot tougher now to find open seats next to fish. I considered getting one myself, and even tried a few, but have yet to find a good one. Most are full of bugs, too slow, and OVERPRICED ($1000, or even a % of your expected winnings.......) Anyways.. I don't need one for now.

Poker goals for next month;
60k hands minimum (bumping the volume up every month)
Play less tables during the start of my sessions
Watch a few RIO videos / per week (recommendations anyone?)
Learn PLO when bored of my regular game
Tweak my HUD (this is what I have always used + Show Spoiler +


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Need USD, Have Stars by SemPeR, October 01

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sleep owned? by Ryan Neilly, October 01

wtf, have u ever fell asleep during mid session?

happened to me in like 2010 in vegas once.

last night i sleep 13 hours, get up for (a few) hours and load up some tournaments. i have about 25 mtts going when all the sudden i go from energy 100% to energy 1-5%. i was drinkin orange crush like it goes out of style. then break hit, and i woke up 3-4 hours later, $1001 poorer than i already fucking am.

like, what the fuuuuuuuck?

banned myself from mtts.


how the fuck does that happen, seriously.

#venting + how the fuck does that happen

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Whole lotta love by spets1, September 30

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Throwback by MyAnacondaDont, September 27

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Sea of Plastic by PuertoRican, September 26

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Desiring to be a Professional Poker Player? by Kimstewa, September 26

Becoming a professional poker player is difficult. Not only do you have to be good at the game you have to have a good business head. To that end you have to learn to treat your beloved card game as a business, rather than a pastime which in the past you have been good at.

If you are thinking about becoming a pro read this first.

Business Element

Like most businesses there will be good times and bad times. You must be prepared for the latter and use the former to offset your losses. Professional poker playing also needs capital like any other business, and for poker this means having a substantial bank roll.

To that end you must try and work out how much you will need to maintain a steady income from playing poker. A highly competitive profession if ever there was one. From the income figure you can estimate how much you will need to bankroll your career as a pro player.

Every player has a severe losing streak no matter how good they are. You must be able to deal with this financially.

You are going to be self employed. This is scary and hard at the best of times, and rather than making a sale, you are going to have to win a considerable amount of money to make your business thrive.

Evaluate Evaluate

To become a pro and a better pro, you have to be able to honestly evaluate your play style after every game. Ideally, having an honest opinion from someone you trust is best. A fresh, unbiased pair of eyes will be able to tell you if you are leaking too many tells, if your bluff was too obvious, and generally pick up on your weaknesses. In essence you must be able to take criticism and be honest with yourself to know when your big loss was down to you. All of this will improve you as a player.

As a professional poker player constant improvement is needed. Otherwise it is a long walk to the poor house and back into mainstream work.

The evaluation of your poker play should have already started. If you can find a mentor or at least someone you trust who understand the game, so much the better. Many players record their games in the form of notes. How much they staked, how much they won, nearly every statistic you can think of. They then refer to them constantly.


Many professionals started our as good amateur players and realised that playing a game they love for a living would be a good way to live. The chances are you are of the same mindset. On the surface there is edginess to the lifestyle that is very appealing. A little like being a spy. The reality is however, that it is a business and a job. In ten years time will you enjoy the game so much?

You may not ever view the game again like you do at the moment. A point to ponder perhaps?

Social Life

Once you embark on being a pro your social life will be centred on poker. Poker will dominate: Your friends will be poker players, your partner will be from a poker background, and even your pets will be able to shuffle cards. You will study poker when you are not playing it, and your maths will improve.

This is an aspect you need to think about to become a professional. Are you prepared for the change and sacrifice?


If you have not worked it out already, you are going to have look at poker as a business. This means working out percentages to the nth degree and then perform in tournaments. You will start to think of the game statistically and indeed start to study your own game in the same terms. This is common to most gambling.

Summing up

A career in poker is hard. Make no mistake big losses and incredible lows are coming your way. There will be times when you wonder why you thought it was a good idea.

With a clear steady mind however, a good business head, and a mentor or friend who is willing to help you, you might just make it.

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WCGW by MyAnacondaDont, September 25
found this subreddit, its pure gold

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disease-festered messengers by 2primenumbers, September 24


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My Weirdest Secrets by oldmemory, September 23

I like to keep my email count to (666) and I like to draw panthers to protect private information.

+ Show Spoiler +

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A - L by 2primenumbers, September 23


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New Hobbies? by Nitewin, September 22

What are some hobbies or useful/fun skills to get into?

I'm trying to rid myself of bad habits. I realize I spend a huge chunk of my time playing league of legends and that shit is just a waste of life. I don't even have fun playing. What are some things you guys do that you couldn't see yourself without?

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Sit n Donk + HEM by oldmemory, September 20

Does this even mean anything?

I just been using HEM for a month and haven't really look much into it for Sit n Go's or MTTs. Anyone who could enlighten me please .

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Esport anthem by dnagardi, September 19

I know many of you come from an esport background, so heres the official LoL world cup song made by Imaging Dragons.
It gives me the nerd chills every time i hear it. Extremely well made. I've never played LoL but this song is true for all games.

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Help With HEM2 4 PLO by Ryan Neilly, September 17

Using PT4 4 tracking + HEm2 for stats.

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Yo LP by Ryan Neilly, September 17

Hey LP,

My old cpu logged out and well, couldn't remember pw so just been grinding alot

got my ass up to canada, grinding stars now

just sayin whats up and i'll be posting some graphs and hands and stuff

im playin nl50 zoom plo + nlhe, 4-6 tabling mostly

almost won a couple nice mtts so far, hopefully something great happens, 45th, 1st was 130k, good start imo.

Been hittin up the pitch n putts around Van n eatin lots of good food, greenz 100oz for kush lol....120

Lots of hangin w/ my best bud up here in Van, been a great time so far.

Good livin;


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Bum Phuck by PuertoRican, September 15

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Jim Carrey 1 of My Heroes! by 2primenumbers, September 14

mah hero

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