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Retweet by Highcard, May 13

I was retweeted today, talking about net-neutrality #FCCNetNeutrality; First time ever, popped that cherry.

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live poker vent by LikeASet, May 12

Up about 15k since feb but month of may is being really shitty, currently around -2900 for the month and half of it is due to shitty play. I need to add more structure and discipline to this craft of grinding live poker, I'm playing for way too long, making poor decisions, playing way too wide when I'm card dead or slightly tilted and I'm not taking good care of myself health wise.

Time to turn this thing around...

Plan for summer, while working part time (25ish hrs per week);
play 40 hrs of live poker per week minimum,
end sessions earlier when starting to get tired, tilted, table becomes poor
get back to working out 4-5 times per week
cook 90% of food at home minimum
improve on relationship with gf, (spend more time together, etc.

long term live poker goal is still trying to average 30$ hr for at least a year sample

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I Am Legend by 2primenumbers, May 12


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Poker viability in 2014-2020 (and beyond)? by Sliggy, May 11

I'll keep it short.

Where do you guys see poker going in the coming years? Is it possible to make a living of $20.00/hr or so at NL50 and/or NL100 in 2014? Will it be possible for years to come?

Will the fish dry out and the regs get too solid for any kind of living to be made? What are your opinions?

I just ask because I'm dedicating a lot of effort into poker right now. It's just a hobby because I love strategy games, but the more videos I study, the more session reviews I conduct, and the more I start to make tighter folds and thinner valuebets and bluff more effectively, the more hooked I get.

My goal is to be playing NL50 by the end of the year. I'm at NL10 now and I expect to be at NL16 next month. Is it still possible or viable for someone in my shoes (if I work hard enough) to be a solid NL50 reg and be able to make a decent wage for a few years?

These questions don't have definite answers, but I'd love for this post to be a discussion of qualified speculation.

Edit: "I'd love for this post to be a discussion of qualified speculation" in this case means that I appreciate any and all opinions regarding the poker industry, and would prefer if people would show me the courtesy of not just blithely assuming I'm some lost delusional child with big poker dreams that needs to be set straight about the harsh realities of poker.

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Best use of your Tax Return by mnj, May 11

the best 8 dollars you ever spent.

there have been a few instances where LP has turned into a personal finance resource. when it comes to personal finance, our normal educations have barely brushed upon +EV decisions.

kind of this age's rich dad poor dad, i think nearly everyone will learn something very useful in this book.

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Twitch and Xvids not working QQ by mnj, May 10

Desktop computer, Windows 8.1, Chrome, IE, Firefox. All same problem

As stated Twitch and Xvids do not work although Youtube, Vimeo, and other flash video sites work.

Any solutions?

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House of Cards+update by LemOn[5thF], May 09

Fun fact: The wife from House of Cards if freaking Princess Buttercup from Princess Bride!
I found out after ep.4

Yeah so like I burned out (too many vids, drinking, HU championship, many hrs etc.etc.) hated poker again dumped like 9bi at fiddy.

And went on a massive House of Cards Binge. I've seen all 26hours in 2-3 days. The first episode felt rly confusing and I was like wtf but then I got caught completely by it I even watched the UK season 1

Spacey's so much fun and I can't see anyone better for that role, that double tap at the end gave me chills.
The wife's subplots were kinda meh but tolerable - I was watching agents of shield and for the first time I realized how bad the writing is compared to this. I'd defo recommend this to everyone.

In other news

I've Won the PS HU championship

Visited local Uni , It felt fun to be in class even though it was just erasmus students' presentation on Egypt and Kenya. I even volunteered for Belly Dancing. I was 2nd behind someone who was a whip for too large % of of the audience (they were polish like he was)

Started going to Kwan-Um Zen practice. Some of them are doofuses but it's a great thing for poker.
when they think about "who am I" etc, during meditation I just scheme on how to own, besides the usual clearing my mind stuff Whatever you think about their chanting etc. it does help you forget about poker.

23rd-25th may I have a 3 day 3-1 floorball tourney with my old pals I haven't played with for 4 years.
There is a grindhouse for 5 days in Czech Republic that I have to miss because of this, oh well.

I'm training for Spartan Race June 1st

Getting ready for ps VIP gig - free vintage video games and food all day at a castle June 28

and hopefully I'll get into a goalie camp July 24th-27th

So this should make for a fun summer. Of course Czech Chicks, family stuff (playign tennis with 80y old grandma tomorrow) pools , beer gardens and summer fitness with shitloads of pokering

Started reading Dune but that shit's so confusing at hard to read that I gave up - if it gets better and you stand by this book let me know. I'm reading something on childhood psychology now and how it affects people, pretty fun stuff.

Also I'm still undecided about winter, but I really don't want to stay here unless floorball will go really really well. Most likely destination for a few months seems Thailand.

Thanks for reading people.
It's back to NL16 for me, with 1bi shots at 50 again once I get to 30bi

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First MTT Win by Trav94, May 08

Won my first legitimate MTT tonight for $327.10. The $2.75 NL Holdem [Deep Stacks] $500Gtd, 30min blind levels. First win of a real MTT that's not an MTTSNG.

PokerStars Hand #115881634512: Tournament #904228402, $2.50+$0.25 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXIII (5000/10000) - 2014/05/08 2:01:52 PT [2014/05/08 5:01:52 ET]
Table '904228402 16' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 2: TravNinety4 (2934024 in chips)
Seat 3: sp@rco1987 (675976 in chips)
TravNinety4: posts the ante 1000
sp@rco1987: posts the ante 1000
TravNinety4: posts small blind 5000
sp@rco1987: posts big blind 10000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to TravNinety4 [4d 4h]
TravNinety4: raises 11500 to 21500
sp@rco1987: raises 23500 to 45000
TravNinety4: calls 23500
*** FLOP *** [Kc 4c 9d]
sp@rco1987: bets 50000
TravNinety4: calls 50000
*** TURN *** [Kc 4c 9d] Tc
sp@rco1987: bets 105000
TravNinety4: raises 2733024 to 2838024 and is all-in
sp@rco1987: calls 474976 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (2258048) returned to TravNinety4
*** RIVER *** [Kc 4c 9d Tc] 3s
*** SHOW DOWN ***
sp@rco1987: shows [Ad Ac] (a pair of Aces)
TravNinety4: shows [4d 4h] (three of a kind, Fours)
TravNinety4 collected 1351952 from pot
sp@rco1987 finished the tournament in 2nd place and received $234.65.
TravNinety4 wins the tournament and receives $327.10 - congratulations!
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 1351952 | Rake 0
Board [Kc 4c 9d Tc 3s]
Seat 2: TravNinety4 (button) (small blind) showed [4d 4h] and won (1351952) with three of a kind, Fours
Seat 3: sp@rco1987 (big blind) showed [Ad Ac] and lost with a pair of Aces

Feels Good

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Back into the groove by mnj, May 07

I had a really bad case of hyperthyroidism, a condition that affects virtually every cell in your body.

It speeds of heart beat, hair loss, finger nail loss, increases body temperature, causes insomnia, rapid weight loss. oh and hunger. like eat 6-8 times a day and still be hungry. some new level of hunger i've honestly never felt previously.

I've been around 155 pounds for about the past 15 years of my life, and in 2 weeks i dropped to 125. also my muscles (specifically the thighs) atrophied to the point where i could no longer walk up a flight of stairs.

I went to the doctor, long story short, ate a radiation laced pill, which essentially knocked out my thyroid.

I have to wait a few more weeks before doing blood wrok to see if i'm hypo, hyper or luckily normal (20%).

I'm back to 145, and started working out. It's so agitating because I used to be in relatively good shape. But currently every night when i go to bed, my legs are effing sore from just walking during the day.

I only have dumbbells in my gym, so i've been doing light dumbbell press, goblet squat, lat pull down, one arm rows, some crunches.

it's so fucking infuriating because less is more when it comes to working out. yea u can segment all the diff muscle groups into 5-6 days, but for me (and prob 95% of people) it's prob more efficient to work out 3 times a week to let your body fully rest.

Gains are looking decent, the hyperthyroidism had one silver lining: it burned all my fat. so any marginal muscle gains are more pronounced.

but i guess im getting restless and want to work out harder, but working out harder would be resting.

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Made $8, I'm a pro gamer! by 2primenumbers, May 07


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(brag) Made ~1300 bb's at a single table by Rinny, May 06

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Need help in getting new stat in HM2 by MadeInPolanD, May 06


imo when you have a proper BR or you're playing different stake levels you should really just look at buy ins won/lost instead of $ amount

that's why im trying to get HM2 to implement new stat that is pretty easy to create ( BBs won/100BB )

can you vote on their site plz?

if you have some suggetions on HM2 site feel free to post them below so that i could vote on yours

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Time Chamber by GoTuNk, May 06


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Peruvian Viagra by Big_Rob_isback, May 05

Hey guys,

Old Big_Rob_48 from back in like 2009 when I last played. But I have done a lot of things and one thing I found that is pretty cool is...


I scoured the internet for a long time to find the best overall sexual supplement for a person health wise and performance wise and it is hands down maca root. Here is what it does, not only does it increase sex drive, but it increases load size by 50-100% ..... so kinda makes you feel manly to say the least, haha. It takes a few days to kick in, then you jizz twice as much. It is an adaptogenic herb, and functions on the hormones, so it has to be cycled, kind of like steroids. Maybe one month on, one month off kind of thing.

Myself and my friends have tried it and it is no joke. The "Now Foods" regular brand is the best.

Don't mess around with "high quality" or something that says "gelatinized" as these "purifying" processes usually mess with the product more than help it. The bottle says 500mg twice daily, but every forum I read and through personal testing I have found around 3500mg or 3.5g per day (7 pills) to be the sweet spot for most people, and you can split dose this preferably. Its also dirt cheap anyway.

And to finish up this fun sexual enhancement. Yes it is fun to talk about supplements, but I have found that nothing matters as much as having low stress levels and high energy. In fact, I usually use my sex drive as a barometer to check myself on whether or not I need to make changes in my life.

So hit me back, just to chat, sincerely yours, your biggest fan, this is Stan

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limit games beatable? by LikeASet, May 05

a lot of the time if im wait-listed for my local nl holdem game i'll play limit holdem or limit plo hi lo. the stakes for these games range from 3/6-4/8 with kill pots that increase the blinds 50% for the following hand. I was just wondering if that even if the player pool is the baddest of the bad, with a 4$ rake is the game slightly winnable or should you expect to be just losing money slowly over time with these limit games?

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variance by GoldRush, May 04

remind me never post another graph - haven't won many showdowns since I posted that...

i remember having some month long downswings before, etc, and having them randomly here and there, but not really sure how many hands these usually last in cashgame poker. Can you guys let me know what to expect with the variance of grinding 6max longterm?

Literally haven't held a hand in days..

Have went over hand histories, its just sick.

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This is what I get by Gnarly, May 02

for being the person you can count on.

My sister stole a large sum of money from my dad. Not only has she not moved out, but my dad is dishing out more money for her, in complete contrast to what he said he was going to do. Not only this, she wrecked her car, that he was paying for, which only had one more payment left on it. Oh, wait, she wasn't the one driving it. She's no longer getting any inheritance, though. That is, until my parents die. To show they love me. I wonder if they realize what inheritance is.

Which brings me to my next point: The vehicle she's now driving is the same vehicle I need to start up my little venture this month.

I don't know how much more I can take.

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Learned a lot in April by LemOn[5thF], May 02

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CTE and Soccer by mnj, May 02

don't want to overhype the relationship between CTE and soccer but here are some key points

-CTE is a brain degenerative disease linked with violent hits to the head and now any repeated hits to the head
-boxers, US footballers, hockey players, rugby players and soccer players have all been found with CTE
-soccer players head through practice and in game 1000-1500 times a year
-this soccer player started heading since age 3, most start around 8-10
-Dr. Anthony Alessi UCONN neurology researcher, shuns any hits to the head no matter how soft/light until 18
-heading a soccer ball is around 20g's the equivalent of hitting a wall with a car at ~20 miles an hour

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Bovada What!? :) by GoldRush, May 02

Ah what a slowroll from bovada last night

lol, i'll take a free 33

rungood here we go!

been playing quite well and doing good to my standards a week in to cg's so far, cleared a great amt in 25 hours in week 1, have a toothe that needs pulled, its interfering with my focus and ability to think (its excruciating)

I'll get that fixed next week and up the hours to 40+

Good luck,
Post FT thread in a few hours


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