Early morning session
TianYuan, Jun 03 2007
During current Hold'em session you were dealt 435 hands and saw flop:
- 27 out of 88 times while in big blind (30%)
- 7 out of 86 times while in small blind (8%)
- 14 out of 261 times in other positions (5%)
- a total of 48 out of 435 (11%)
Pots won at showdown - 8 of 8 (100%)
Pots won without showdown - 65
Probably going to play more later, but it felt good to get 'back in the saddle', ran very, veeeeerrrrrrry well and probably should have continued playing but meh, I prefer to play it safe and get back on track slowly.
This was probably a really bad fold tho,
The guy seemed tight (he's actually 23/15 over 180 hands) and I decided I really wasn't in the mood to push here, I'm also really suspicious about people who timebank reallllly long then raise you.
Another good reason to stop playing, cause I probably should want to get it in here =)
During current hold'em session you were dealt..
TianYuan, Jun 02 2007
During current Hold'em session you were dealt 11753 hands and saw flop:
- 1013 out of 2275 times while in big blind (44%)
- 361 out of 2288 times while in small blind (15%)
- 735 out of 7190 times in other positions (10%)
- a total of 2109 out of 11753 (17%)
Pots won at showdown - 278 of 474 (58%)
Pots won without showdown - 1320
-about 700$
Will update with graph and hands --
I feel retarded, should have quit when I was down 50 after my first 4k hand session.
AA 3bet vs crazy korean with 86c ......
JJ vs dudeman (hate) headsup, can't ever fold it vs him here hehe
TT vs Dudeman (oh well not like I've won a single coinflip all day)
Uh, yeah.. flushdraw+pair+gutshot vs higherflushdraw, apparently I should have 4bet the flop but I was too scared T_T
Hi tilt
Hey look, I won a hand
KK vs AA, happened quite a bit today but I think I sucked out twice -_-
Quads wee
Minbettamens (I meant to type in the number but instead misclicked minbet)
333 vs AA, turn A.
555 vs 2222
KK vs 55 AI PF with a surprise ending!! ()
AK vs some random flush probably.. I think I had to fold anyway
KK vs abovementioned donk
Another accidental minbet, aaaaaaand, once more, a suckout
Running good...!
http://www.liquidpoker.net/h/205046 -_-
QQ vs AK and J8, almost wanted to call cause I was reallllllllllly hard tilting with tinga, he alwaaaaaays made sets etc vs my hands -_-
Yeah so this happened around 500 times vs this guy
Well, I can't win coinflips :}
AA vs 68c.. runner runner instead of the draw hitting, -_-
Probably played like a retard..
Setupaments (in my favour tho)
That's not a good hand for him to have....
Probably should have taken the hint
So easy for 8 to become 89 when you misclick....
AFD USIYUDSHGYU sums it up quite nicely.
Bottom set vs OESFD for 300bb, flush hits = DOHFISHghhj so obvious he was on a draw too.
I also made a few REALLY BAD tilt 3bets/4bets and then had to fold to shoves (lol so bad) and a couple of - arguably - stupid calls vs a retarded station when I had TPTK.
End of may, hell yeah :D
TianYuan, May 31 2007
Feeling somewhat inspired after seeing GGPlz's blog where he said he regretted the lack of hands played this month (70k) I decided to work on bettering my own numbers
+300$~ for the day, 4k hands I think : )
I'm gonna stay NL50 until I have 30+ buyins for NL100 I think, somehow 25 buyins (which I'm very close to) doesn't feel enough.
Very lazy may on account of UB being slow with withdrawals and SC2 being announced.
TianYuan, May 27 2007
+150$ sign up bonus just cleared, so my bankroll is at an all time high of 1700 something which I'm really happy about!
Running at 6~bb/100, dunno if it can be called running hot (I dunno what's standard really) but I'm most certainly not running bad at least
Au revoir, NL25
TianYuan, May 25 2007
Which puts me at a comfortable 1270$, for playing NL50 (also my 150$ deposit bonus clears really soon and I'll have another 20$ coming in tomorrow).
I played a liiiiiittle bit too loose today, but it might not be all bad as I finally found myself catching a lot of bluffs where I previously folded so while I definitely overdid the looseness in some cases (like in one hand I posted.. oops) I think it might have been positive as well.
Anyway, swingy as fuck session as I was playing somewhat high variance + making a few stupid plays + running like god for periods of time.
So yeah, 2nd time I'll give NL50 a shot, last time was back in february and ended badly (cause I got impatient and moved up with 20 buyins and got destroyed by variance + tilt + being worse than I thought I was).
At least this time I'll have a little bigger cushion against variance, be slightly better, and hopefully I'm not worse than I think I am.
The reason for the relatively few hands is that I've been busy obsessing about the SC2 announcement!
Hands, video
TianYuan, May 13 2007
Lol, graph of todays small sessions, will post some hands from this later
Decided to make a video, of course it came out ungodlyishly huge since the quality is basically completely awesome ;D
900 mb or so, need to figure out how to make it smaller.. (haven't used Vdub in years, and the video seems to be too big - not file size but .. area wise).
Or maybe make a new one where I have a set recording area instead, would probably be good!~ The video is mostly for myself to find out what I'm doing badly/force myself to think about hands.
But also in case anyone felt like watching it and providing some critcism.
Ok, some hands from yesterday, possibly something older too, I forget;
http://www.liquidpoker.net/h/191134 - lost a bunch of value I'm told T.t
http://www.liquidpoker.net/h/191356 - should bet/fold river, especially since the guy had previously made a comment about how I raised QJ utg (which he obviously thought was bad).
http://www.liquidpoker.net/h/191386 - 4th hand or so at the table..
http://www.liquidpoker.net/h/191387 - aggro/looseish opponent, HAD to call I think.
http://www.liquidpoker.net/h/191388 - the guy had bet a high % of the time I checked to him so far, but I've been told the board is too drawy to ever check here
http://www.liquidpoker.net/h/191391 - could have folded since the guy was 50/5/.05 but I have serious trouble folding AA to anyone with a VPIP of 50 -_- Maybe he was trapping with KK, what the hell do I know.
http://www.liquidpoker.net/h/191392 - this hand was 20 seconds later, I thought he had a pair or a draw this time.. And yeah, booooooooooooooooooooooooh.
http://www.liquidpoker.net/h/191405 - 67d OESFD vs AKd ace high flushdraw. First limper was limping almost every hand and I'd have raised 67d usually but I'd been raising alot so I limped.
http://www.liquidpoker.net/h/191410 - this hand might seem stupid/tilt, but you need to see a hand that happened just before this..
http://www.liquidpoker.net/h/191619 - here
Thought for a long time about the jacks, but after reviewing the above hand, and taking into consideration how little respect I was likely getting (first two hands at the table I had TT and QQ, then I push my OESFD, I felt I was probably not getting a ton of respect), I decided I can't fold this.
Got a ton of nice input on all these hands by naz/midian/day so that was great, thanks =]
Getting a bit bored with UB's lack of tables/bad multitabling capabilities so I'll probably be getting back to star as soon as my rakeback arrives.
TianYuan, May 12 2007
Now I bet you are mighty curious as to how I dropped like that at the end huh?
The answer is, Aces.
Three times.
Within 2 minutes.
Busted by a set, a straight and a flush.
Good game me.
The numbers are off tho, dunno why.
Only down 80$, hm, maybe I cleared more of my deposit bonus than I thought -_- Dunno.
Open ended straight flush draw vs ace king flush draw, flush hit, straight didn't, allin on flop, bohoo
JJ vs QQ vs same guy. Really really awkward spot but yeah, boooo
TianYuan, Apr 30 2007
Yay for my original title
I got my money back from neteller like, april 17th, and I've been having a very swingy month, because of tilt, usually caused by an at times very cold deck.
But also because of me not being used to playing on UB and trying to 4 table, which is very very hard when you can't really use the handhistory as easily as you can on PStars.
PAcehud helps immensly with this tho, although I'm only 2-3 tabling now.
Anyway, I'll post hands/graphs and shit later, thanks to the deposit bonus and 'turn points into cash' promotion I'm actually in the green + there's an unrecorded +85$ session (the first one I played actually) skewing my stats further.
Played 10k hands NL10, 10k hands NL10 (I actually lost 30$ on this wtf? but it helped me find my rhytmn again after I had a horrible day at NL25).
Oh well, with the rakeback I should have like almost 800$ish, won 100ish today in 300 hands, so felt like this was a good time to make an april update!
Currently going through my sessions in pokertracker and I remembered these hilarious hands, look at them in order:
Hand 1, the war begins - http://www.liquidpoker.net/h/183895
Hand 2, wee http://www.liquidpoker.net/h/183896
Hand 3, this one seems familiar.. http://www.liquidpoker.net/h/183897
Doubled him 3 times, gutshots > queens? I was somewhat tilted after this (shortstacks tilt me like nobody else) but now I find the 3 hands hilarious :D
Here's the handhistory numbers for the 3 hands:
Hand 1: 6013
Hand 2: 6016
Hand 3: 6019
Regular like clockwork
Looking through my second-most recent sessions (where I thought I was tilting like a madman), I see that I had much worse luck than I thought, although I'm really questioning my play in this hand:
JJ in re-raised pot, 3 handed.
Any comments would be appreciated, I have him at 21.56/9.43/Total AF 1.34, flop AF of 0.71 over 371 hands.
Didn't play any big hands with him before this as far as I remember.
I guess he'd play AJ, AK this way, but I doubt he 3bets AJ. At the same time I don't think I can fold JJ to a reraise, when in position, on a 3 handed table..
And when you then flop your set.. I mean, I'm pretty damn sure I can't fold, it just felt stupid >.<
Just ran the numbers in pokerstove and vs a KK-AA + AKs/AKo range of hands my equity is still 52.434% (for some reason I got a lower number last time, by like 2%, I'm pretty sure I had the exact same cards input ><).. I guess this was a trivial call, and I'm just being results oriented.
Usually when I get oversetted I don't feel like I made any mistake at all but this time it felt weird I guess.
Bet pot button > me
TianYuan, Apr 20 2007
Well, not really.
Playing shitty, tilting, getting bad beat to hell, meh.
Also spewing incredibly vs certain opponents, especially vs the kind who donkbets into you frequently.
If you are a microstakes player on stars you should know what I mean - these guys think they are playing limit and like to donkbet into you for like minimum to 1/3 pot size with air, draws, top pair no kicker, the nuts, 3rd pair and so on.
Well, on UB they like to bet pot into you.
On stars I'd just auto-reraise them the size of my cbet and that'd win the pot a large % of the time without risking much, on UB it means investing like 20% of your stack -_-
So I guess I gotta stop doing that.
Bought Pokeracehud, should be pretty helpful.
But you can add in around 80$ from my bonus + 85$ that I made in my first session that I didn't record handhistories from.. So basically I'm down from 640 to 500ish and now playing NL10 to figure out what the hell I'm doing wrong.
I'd post hands but the UB handhistories tilt me so I haven't saved many (on the site), will update with a few later I guess.. Tired, played 18 hour session then slept 6 hours then played a few hours again.
Latest session was kinda meh, one of the first hands I did an incredibly stupid shove with AK instead of checking behind, only thing I can blame it on is just getting out of bed because there was NO WAY a worse hand would call (558KQ, 3 hearts, board). He had 88. So I basically lost 1 buyin instead of 2/5 of a buyin, stupid stupid stupid.
Made quad 9s vs AAA22 (I flopped a set vs his two pair, so it was a suck-resuck).
Then I had one of those hands where you just curse and call, some guy with like 30/6 stats limp-reraised me from UTG when I had KK.
You feel so certain that he has AA but eh, I've been indoctrinated to not fold KK preflop =[
Also made what might have been a stupid shove with 555 on the river when a possible straight hit, however I don't think I could have folded anyway so I figured I might get value from one of the many two pairs.
But he folded so maybe I lost value or he was on some other draw..
My PT stats are somewhat ridiculous, like 27/20, but it's mostly because a signifcant portion of the hands were HU or 3 handed, where I think I've done ok at least.
Also I was being overly aggressive in my first sessions, probably getting a bit too confident after the good first session.
Yeah this is rambly, I'll just end it now, maybe it was interesting!
What really makes me feel bad about all this tho, is that if I hadn't tilted I'd still have like 550++++
(I had two REALLY bad tilt plays, like I turned an open ended straight + flush draw after calling a cbet, and the guy open shoves, I was planning on check raising, and I instant call - OOPS TILT, also shoved JJ vs KK).
Then again, if I hadn't gotten undersetted and under-fullhoused so much I'd be above 600.
First UB session
TianYuan, Apr 17 2007
Finally got my money back yesterday night, at like 5am, after talking to some guy who reminded me of the creator of http://www.endofworld.net
I then tried to deposit into UB but UB says I don't have that much money! So I look at my account and see that it's in EURO.
Google gogo, and I found a post indicating that you need to change to base currency dollar.. Fortunately it turns out I miss-read that post and that in my own stupidity I had failed to take into account the transaction fees.
This led to me screwing myself out of like 50 deposit bonus dollars (maybe more, dunno) cause I deposited a smaller than maximum amount at first ;D
Anway, I decided I'd 1 table for a little bit, until I got used to the software.. I ran disgustingly well, so good in fact that I felt guilty and had to stop.
Started the session off with this (ok, so it's a dozen hands in or something)
Submitted by : TianYuan
Hand #40567820-81722 at Janesville (No Limit Hold'em)
Started at 17/Apr/07 11:26:20
conman_30 is at seat 0 with $9.48.
littleBB is at seat 1 with $47.03.
TianYuan is at seat 2 with $28.25.
Moneytaker7 is at seat 3 with $21.
AAjprenAA is at seat 4 with $16.30.
The button is at seat 0.
littleBB posts the small blind of $.10.
TianYuan posts the big blind of $.25.
Holecards(Odds) conman_30: -- --
littleBB: -- --
Moneytaker7: -- --
AAjprenAA: -- --
Moneytaker7 folds . AAjprenAA raises to $.50.
conman_30 folds . littleBB calls . TianYuan calls .
littleBB checks . TianYuan bets $1. AAjprenAA calls .
littleBB raises to $4. TianYuan re-raises to $13.
AAjprenAA folds . littleBB re-raises to $41.50.
TianYuan goes all-in for $27.75. littleBB is returned
$13.75 (uncalled).
(no action in this round)
(no action in this round)
Showdown littleBB shows .
littleBB has : full house, deuces full of queens .
TianYuan shows .
TianYuan has : full house, queens full of tens .
Summary $2 is raked from a pot of $58.
TianYuan wins $56 with full house, queens full of tens .
I actually thought he had a set and was considering folding right there after his first reraise but then I realized that this is NL25, vs a complete unknown whom I've only seen play for like 12-20 hands..
I can't figure out if this was retarded on my part, or just standard.
I definitely wasn't paying enough attention tho, as at first I thought this was an unraised pot, and I didn't see why anyone would check raise a set in an unraised pot.
Anyway, I got 777 vs AQ top pair and he couldn't fold apparently, so that's another buyin, then I get 87 two pair vs the guy I sucked out on, who has KK and get all his chips.
He asked me 'did you get lucky again' when I check raise him, I say yes and he still pushes.
Oh well.
Any input on the hand I posted would be much appreciated, I felt kinda donkish after that hand (maybe I've played too much NL2/HU/very shorthanded, while waiting for my money to come back from neteller).
One argument for folding I guess could be that my first impression of the table was that it's pretty tight..
But then again, seeing how the guy in my 777 vs AQ hand played his AQ top pair for a full buyin.. I'm leaning towards this hand being pretty standard, even though I have trouble seeing what he could have except a set (I guess slowplayed KK, AA)
Also, if anyone plays NL25 on UB and feels like sharing the screen names of some ATMs (donkeys) or regulars feel free.
Opinions on the bet pot button would be appreciated as well, I've seen a few cardrunners videos and muddywater seems to use it religiously whereas green plastic stays away from it, but they play at such a completely different level that I'm not sure their reasons are applicable to me.
GPs reasoning was that if he uses the bet pot button for value he has to use it for bluffs, and then he'll be building big pots with nothing (or something like that).
Which I guess makes sense if you play pretty LAG like him (and like ever so many low stake fishes, I aspire to play that way eventually), whereas muddywater seems much more straight forward.
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