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A New Start

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Massively Long Session
  Heath_at_Uk1, Apr 24 2008

Was able to make a deposit of 100 bux today, so i figured I'd give NL5 another shot, if I lost 3 buyins I was gonna go down to NL2. Well here's my stats from this HUGE session.

I was up as much as 7 buyins at around the 1700 Hand point, but then I suffered some massive beats, which most can be found posted in my hands, I'd post some here on the blog, but it's 8.36 am and I am very sleepy.

Playing Much tighter now, as can be seen in my stats. Special thanks to thestoryteller, as he gave me some advice that helped alot.

Well I'm gonna get some sleep, then hopefully put in another Huge session tomorrow.

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Update and Help
  Heath_at_Uk1, Apr 21 2008

Ok so I went and pulled a Neilly(soon to be renamed the Heath) and lost the last 70 Dollars or so of my bankroll playing way under-rolled in some donkaments.

Ok those were my stats over my horrendous run of a couple of days. I'm nowhere near naive enough to think that this was just a horrendous run, I played bad and I know it. Hopefully this post is a step to helping me control my horrendous play, and helping me judge what was coolers and what was parts of my bad play. Throughout my blog the next few days (or weeks) I'm gonna post a few (or perhaps a lot) of my Hands (mostly losers) and my setup and and what I feel are some of my leaks and other necessary shit that will hopefully help me on my way to becoming a better poker player .

I'm gonna be poring over my Database looking for the hands I'm gonna post, but if anyone has any helpful books, or articles that might help give me a better understanding of the game, please share them with me, I can usually devour books quite fast if I want to.

I'll be financially able to make another deposit in about ~2-3 weeks. probably depositing in the range of 200-400 bux, but I will be starting on NL5 again I guess, unless it would be better for me to start on NL2. Hopefully I can pass my time till then soaking up valuable knowledge of the game.

I hope I didn't ramble on too much in my post, Blogging is a new thing to me, not totally got the hang of it yet. Hopefully some of you ballers will feel compassion enough to bestow some of your valuable knowledge on this busto degen NL5 player.

Until next time
- Heath

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Fuck it
  Heath_at_Uk1, Apr 20 2008

I can't be this bad, it's just not fucking possible. Haven't blogged last few days because I felt pathetic putting my fucking losing days up. I've tried nitting it up, that didn't fucking work, proceeded to get KK in against AA 3 times in 1 1.5k hand session, not to mention all the times I'd get AA and KK in good against total trash and lose. I hate fucking whining but I'm down about 17 buyins at NL5 over like 9k hands. I'm incredibly fucking close to just taking the remainder of my deposit to some tournaments and donking it up. Might lose just the same, but i might get more enjoyment than I am now. Ill update tomorrow on what i decided to fucking do.

On a happier Note, I won 600 Bux on a 1 dollar Pick 3 ticket in the kylotto the other day lol.

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  Heath_at_Uk1, Apr 16 2008

Never really was down at all this session, would love to play a lot more today but I have to run to work, got 15 minutes to get there and I still haven't finished this post. I'd love to post some hands, but don't have the time right now. Sorry for the short report.

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Frustrating Session
  Heath_at_Uk1, Apr 15 2008

Ugh, started this session out by winning 5 buyins, then it seem I hit a wall, and just slowly lost from there. This is probably the best session I've played, which isn't saying much from only 3 sessions, but I felt I was making the right moves more often now. Still had a few donk moves, that keeps me from being even.

Just frustrated that looks like I'm going to have another losing day. I still have like 27-28 buyins at nl5, so I should be good for awhile, but not if i keep having days like yesterday and today. Going to go play some bball now or something, get my mmind off poker, Might put in another session tonight. We'll see. Wish me luck as I hustle some ppl at bball lol. "Do it for Basketball".

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6 hrs -3 1/2 bi
  Heath_at_Uk1, Apr 14 2008

Played for about 6 hours once I got home today, I actually had today off from work, but was at the hospital for ~10 hours, as my mom was having some kind of surgery. I wouldn't have played this long except I was chasing my losses.

Donked off like 8 buyins in first hour and 1/2, then proceeded to start playing solid poker and climbing my way back. First hour and a half I was playing way too loose, limping with hands that I shouldn't have, and just all around playing bad. Got some advice from some peeps on my last blog entry, and once I read those, I decided to tighten up.

Still have some questions on some hands that I know played badly, or i could have got more value on, but I'll post those tomorrow, got to get some sleep now.

Got tomorrow off from work as well, so I'm hoping for a ~ 2.5k hand day or so, We'll see anyway. Need to write myself a message reminding me not to throw away 8 buyins in an hour again lol.

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Deposit + short session
  Heath_at_Uk1, Apr 14 2008

Well I deposited finally on Stars last night. Got a few questions, my stats, and some hands I'd like someone to take a look at.

Ok there are my stats, and now for a question or 2.

-How Deep should i get before I decide to stand up from a table? Last night I was hitting near 5 Buyins on one of my tables. Is that something I should worry about, or will it matter?

- Also what can my stats tell you about me right now? I know it's not nearly big enough of a sample size, but maybe it can shed some light. Not sure on what i should be aiming for, but I know for one thing I was playing too many hands near the end of my session, and it cost me, cause i went from up 4-5 buyins to my end result.

- Should i search out players I saw spew multiple buyins or what? saw one guy spew around 5 buyins off in like 100 hands

Now Some Hands(hopefully someone can comment on these for me):

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and Losers:
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+ Show Spoiler +

Hopefully i have done all this right, first time working with some of these codes and such, and if it's not right, fear not, i will fix it soon lol.

P.S. Already enjoying doing this blog, and bear with me I have an loling problem.

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A New Start
  Heath_at_Uk1, Apr 11 2008

Hey all I've been posting/lurking here for the last year and a half, and now Im really ready take poker serious for once, as before i ahve followed no bankroll management whatsoever. Got $150 im looking at depositing somewhere, and Mainly thinking about playing cash games. So i ask you where should i deposit.

Some intel:

-I have a non rakeback FTP account, with 120 in bonus still coming from there, but in no hurry to clear it as I have a few months left to clear it.

-I like both Star's and FTP's software but I am open to new sites, as long as they have NL5 (which is a con for FTP)

-Enjoy playing SnG's but this time looking to take my shot and try moving up the cash game ladder.

-Feel I am a farely competent No limit holdem, Limit Holdem, and Stud and Razz player. In fact my biggest score has come from a $30 Horse MTT on Stars which i won for ~$550, so any site with these games are a plus.

Hopefully I Hear some good suggestions as to sites and shit, and wish me luck, Hopefully if everything goes well, i will be posting here in my blog at least everyother day or so. Looking forward to posting here more often, and meeting some of the LP Regs.

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