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10NL True Grinder

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Monday Night Football
  SeanBam, Oct 25 2010

I put this topic in the general section but didn't get a response so I'm posting it here. I am willing to put $20 on the Giants getting + 3 1/2 points vs the Cowboys tonight. If anyone wants to take the Cowboys I will confirm it ASAP. I can transfer over FTP. Game starts in 15 mins.

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Busto Update
  SeanBam, Sep 20 2010

I'm pretty embarassed to write this but about 3 weeks ago I went busto. I had ~$400 on FTP and hit a really bad run of cards along with playing poorly and dropped to ~$300 in a session. To get the money back I loaded up a 100NL table and of course lost QQ to A5 on a turn wheel card that caught me off guard. This dropped me to ~$200 and I loaded up a 2/4 9-max and got dealt KQss in the SB with 6 called a 3x raise I raised all in and got called by 66 and TT flop came 344 with 2diamonds turn was a 6 so busto.

I wish it was over there but it wasn't I was really upset and the next day I added another $100 and lost it in about 20 mins. My RB came back for the week at $87 and I lost that within an hour as well. I then flew back to NY for a week with my girlfriend to visit my family which was nice and relaxing and took my mind off of financial issues for awhile.

I came back to Portland about 2 weeks ago and had $30 from Rakeback in my account and this time set limits and just wanted to grind it out. I got a free $50 from FTP to clear and set my mind on that. Played a few $1 and $2 STT's and got my BR up to $60 in a couple days. Then I started to grind $5NL the past 9 days with good success. I also cleared the $50 bonus as well which was nice.

So my BR is at $204 right now and taking a shot at 10NL again. I feel as though my game is a ton better from where it was before and am looking forward to taking a shot.

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Portland Poker Players?
  SeanBam, Aug 19 2010

So, I've been living in Portland, Or for 6 months now. I know there was a post on one of my blogs that there were some people from this site that live in Portland. I have my girlfriend here and my best friend from college and a couple of other friends but not too many. If anyone wanted to meet up that would be awesome. I live in the SW on Barbour. So, let me know.

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Mid August Update.
  SeanBam, Aug 17 2010

Well it has been about 2 weeks since I decided that I was going to try and grind online poker again like I used to do in college years ago, but this time do it for real. My roll started about 2 months ago actually, I left my job with Greenpeace and was sick of working really medial jobs for the past few years and felt no desire to go out into the job market and look for a boring $10 / hr job.

I talked to my girlfriend and I told her about poker, and my best friend vouched for me and told her that I did make a decent amount of money when we were in college playing. So, one night I went out to my friends 21st birthday and a few drinks and ran home. Immediately I put $100 on FTP to mess around with. I decided that the $100 didn't matter much to me and I would play 100NL 6-max rush. I know bad bankroll management but it's ok I was taking a shot. I ran that up in 3 hours to $400 and decided to quit and take out the $100 I originally put on.

That left me with $300 to play 10nl 6-max rush with. I started grinding a few hours a day but I had a lot of things to do with DHS and applying for community college classes and other things that I wasn't putting in great volume. I also had one of my roommates standing over my shoulder while I played asking questions which was extremely annoying and caused some absolutely terrible play. I ended up down $100 after those couple weeks.

At $200 I took that friend to the airport and he told me that he wanted $100 transfered on FTP and he would give me $100 cash. I took the offer and contemplated playing 5NL since I wasn't rolled but I took a chance and continued 10NL. So, Aug 1st I decided that every hour my girlfriend worked at subway I would play poker in starbucks right across the parking lot. I have put in about ~50K hands so far and my BR is at $497 with some rakeback coming on Friday.

So, I'm extremely excited about this, and am looking to move up to 25NL in June if a downswing doesn't occur. I have pokertracker, but I have no idea how to upload the stats and graphs on Liquidpoker because even though I am doing well, I know I have a lot of leaks that I can improve on. Especially with 3 bet calling 3 betting and 2nd and 3rd barreling.

But other than that so far so good I can't really complain. Goodluck at the tables everyone!

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Update life / poker
  SeanBam, Aug 03 2010

I'm going to be more diligent about making blog entries more than one time per year. Don't know if anyone reads these anyway but it's Ok. So, I was reading what I wrote last in the blog and wanted to give an update since it has been a year now.

As I said before I got married in Vegas to a girl I met for 3 weeks. And I know you are all going to be surprised but it didn't work out. While I was going through that hard time of trying to find a job, my girlfriend / wife who I will call Jennie ended up cheating on me. Sad story I know.

What happened was that she was living in Maine and I was in NY looking for a job. She ended up having sex with one of her co workers and told me when I picked her up in Boston to take her back home with me for a family reunion. That was a terrible time. I tried to stay with her and see if I could ever get over it. But one night I woke up in the middle of the night knowing something was wrong so I gave her a call and she told me, "I can't talk right now" She didn't hang up the phone and I heard her having sex with someone in the background. That one hurt a lot needless to say.

So, after that it was basically over. She called me on January 1st, 2010 and said that she was going to kill herself over some new boyfriend problem. I took her seriously and she said if I drove up 8 hours to Bangor, Maine she wouldn't do it. Of course I listened and started my journey at 1am in a blizzard made it up there by 10am. When I got up there she was a bitch to me, it was awful. I felt like shit and told her I didn't deserve any of this and left at 10pm that day. I tried driving back but I was so tired from not sleeping for over 40 hours so I pulled off to take a nap in a parking lot. I ended up sleeping for 8 hours and woke up to 3 feet of snow. I wanted to make it home so bad, that I tried to still drive home and I ended up totaling my car in Portland, Maine.

I finally got back to NY on a Greyhound and realized that I needed to change my life I was sick of it. Then as fate would have it I got this letter in the mail for a firefighting test that I thought I applied for a year ago in Portland, Maine. It turns out it was in Portland, OR. So, I said fuck it, I have a best friend who lives there I will just move. So 3 days later with one duffel bag I moved into my best friends apartment to live. I took the firefighting test failed it by 3 points . So, I started working for Greenpeace canvassing.

I met a girl there named Samantha who was absolutely gorgeous and amazing. We have been dating now for a little over 3 months and live together. Everything is amazing she is a sweetheart and an overall good person which was lacking in my previous relationship. I quit Greenpeace about a month ago and started grinding 10nl.

I'm taking two courses in a community college BioChemistry and also Organic Chemistry, so I can go to a Naturopathic Doctor school out here in Portland. It's a 5 year program but I'm really interested in Natural Medicine and think it's a great opportunity to change the paradigm of modern medicine and the bullshit that I can go on and on about but I won't.

So, While my girlfriend works at Subway saving up money before she goes full time to Community College I play 6 max 10nl rush poker. I hadn't played in a long time so it's been a struggle but I'm getting back in the swing of it. I'm going to try and post my month of August everyday in a blog and talk about hand analysis because I know I need a lot of work and would love to do poker as a side job even though it's full time now.

Here are some pictures for your amusement


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transfer 58.00 from FTP to PS
  SeanBam, Dec 08 2009

Hey Can anyone help me with a transer 58 dollars from FTP to PS. Unfortunately FTP won't let me cash out unless it's $100 and I have echecks on Pstars which will let me cash it in 24 hours.

Thank you.

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Not a good summer
  SeanBam, Jul 12 2009

So with absolutely no success finding jobs in NY for 3 weeks I decided I needed to make a change. My Aunt has a beach house down in Bethany Beach, Delaware and my cousin was living and working there. So I decided to take the 5 hour drive down and look for a job. I go on the boardwalk as soon as I get down there and get two job offers in like an hour. One of them was a wrap shop on the boardwalk and the other was working at like SunSations or some shitty store. Well, I'm desperate, so I called the wrap place and asked him if I could get 40 hours a week and preferably work openings to see if I could get a serving job at night down the road. He said it was no problem and that I would start at $8/ hr then after two weeks be at $9/hr. Whatever it was a job.

So, the next day I go in and he tells me I'll be working 2-3 hours so I figured I would be out by 11 or 12. So I called Sunsations and asked her if I could have a trial day and she said yeah come in at 12:30 - 6:30. Sweeeetttt right? The wrap shop isn't fun but whatever it's money so by 12:00 I'm like yo when am I getting off to the manager because the own told me I was only working 2-3 hours. He was like oh that's how Tim is, you'll always end up working longer. Needless to say, I worked until 5pm that night, missing my opportunity at Sunsations. No big deal, this dude promised me 40 hours. He told me to call the next morning about the schedule and when I would be working. So I called, and they still hadn't had the schedule, that night I called no schedule. Next morning, no schedule, that night I called I finally got Tim. He tells me that some kid from last year just came back and he gave him my job. I of course go off on the guy and tell him how much he had fucked me over with the other job, and how he gave me his word that I would have 40 hours a week. He apologizes but I'm so pissed with this whole summer already.

I tried to stay positive saying that job sucked anyway, and the next morning continued to look for jobs up and down the coast. Went into every restaurant I could find and no one would even offer an application because they were so booked. I had one romanian restaurant tell me they needed a runner, but they never called back of course. So yesterday after no calls I decided to try back to NY.

So, I am feeling extremely low and pretty depressed. I feel like I can't really do anything to get a job everything is dried up. I'm so poor that the only thing I eat is Peanut butter and bread. It's terrible. I have $700 in credit card debt to pay off and now 4 weeks to save up to move into an apartment in Portland, ME and also find a job there. Don't really know what to do, and to add insult over injury things with my girlfriend / wife have been rocky of late.

I don't even have a dime to put on poker and basically use it as my 8 hour a day job and see what I can do. Even $20 a day would get me through. So, I'm asking this last time for a $200 stake for 5nl - 10nl. I know I don't have any graphs or PT tracker to prove I'm a winning player because it was all on an old computer. But I'm asking for someone to trust me, I don't lie ever, and I would never run away with someone's money. I'm asking someone to take a chance on me, I never thought I would be this desperate, but unfortunately I'm basically at rock bottom.

Thank you guys.

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Comments (4)

  SeanBam, Jul 01 2009

Hello I am looking for a stake for 10NL I hope someone can please take a chance on me. I am open to any terms and conditions. Any help would be greatly appreciated

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This is Difficult...
  SeanBam, Jun 26 2009

Well, $25 is not really much to start with. And I'm finding it very difficult to actually figure out what the best way to try and build this roll up without going insane. I don't have enough of a BR to play basically any SNG, and I'm finding it quite pointless to grind out hours for a measly $5 gain or so. Seems just like a waste, and the .01/.02 tables though very easy, are again kind of annoying to be spending hours playing.

Unfortunately, this job search has been going absolutely terrible. I have a Bachelor's Degree which I think absolutely hinders me. I went for an interview for a job working at a front desk for a gym for $10 / hr, she said that I was "over qualified" for the position since I'll probably leave for greener pastures. In response, I said "Have you been out there looking for jobs recently? There is no such thing as "overqualified" anymore" It's terrible for that job there were 14 interviewees. And for a cheese clerk position there was 12. Luckily I was one of the 3 finalist where I had to spend a volunteer hour working to see if I could beat out the other candidates. I don't even know how much the job pays, but it's probably not much, and the woman said that if I didn't get a call before the weekend then I didn't have the job. I applied at Dunkin' Donuts as well, where there was actually a sign that said "Help Wanted" The man gave me a puzzled look after looking at past experiences and education.

I just don't know what to do anymore. I am completely flat broke, and I must say a bit depressed. I don't really have a reason for being the least bit depressed, but money issues are constantly lingering in my head. I'm not going to give up on looking for jobs, that will never be the case, because it's money that will never have swings associated with it, other than taxes: . Plus, I really love interacting with the general public. However, for the time being, I'm really thinking about asking for a stake. I never thought I would ever conceive of looking for a staker, but I don't really know what else to do.

For one, I have no idea what the rules are with staking. All I know is that someone puts out a sum of money for you, and in return there is some sort of interest put on you etc. etc. etc. So, I think I'm going to ponder the idea for a bit. And I was looking for help from the community in helping me make my decision. If I was going for a stake, I would like to start at 10NL. I would really like to start at 25NL but I'm a little weary, because I've never used another persons money. So I wanted to know what is a reasonable stake to ask for? Also, if anyone would even be interested? And what the stake would actually entail as far as payback. I'm sorry I don't have any poker tracker results to back me up. But I am a winning player at 10NL and I was a winning player at 25NL for a very long time before I cashed out my roll.

So Please any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Update : Last 2 years of my life.
  SeanBam, Jun 25 2009

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