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  TheView, May 10 2009

IS THE FUCKIN SHIT!!!! i just recently started playin BW (best game ever IMO). Since I've started playing, I can definately see how the transition from BW to poker makes a shit ton of sense. Quick question: Is there any way to find out what music gomtv plays in some of their vids??? (plz don't flame me for this lolz)

Quick edit: thank you CrownRoyal. I was first directed to gomtv through one of ur blogs. mad props

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  TheView, Apr 21 2009

I need some good YouTube viewing material. Poker, sports, anything funny, and music are all welcome. I would really appreciate some good videos, I get bored sometimes late at night and need to pass the time.

Edit: links are fine. keywords to search are fine. actually posting the vid is fine.
thanks in advance guys/gals

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Xbox 360
  TheView, Mar 17 2009

ok so i got my xbox 360 from pokerstars not too long ago. it's just been sitting in my closet, though. I want to go buy a few games for it, though, and i was wondering if anybody could recommend some good games. I LOVE to play RPGs (I had a playstation and PS2 forever), so those are my priority but any suggestions are appreciated. Also, after you list a game if you wouldn't mind telling me what kind of game it is that would be great.

thanks all

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Spring Break Question
  TheView, Mar 11 2009

ok so basically 3 of my friends and I are going to Destin for spring break. But I encountered a problem today that I hadn't realized before now. We were able to book the condo because we're all 21 years old, but you have to be 25 to actually check into basically every place down there (WTF)!!!???
I was wondering if anybody knew a way around this or a solution to the problem (outside of bringing someone who is 25). Any help is greatly appreciated. TY

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quick rant
  TheView, Jan 22 2009

i fucking hate NL50 FR. It's nothing but 6/6 regs and nearly impossible to get on alot of good tables because the fucking waitlists are always 5 deep. i just instaquit a session after about 20 minutes because every goddam nit reg 3 bet me every time i fucking raised and there weren't many fish at all (not full stacked atleast).

on a positive note im up plenty at NL50 6max (running about 8bb/100, but only running at 4bb/100 at NL50 FR (i really only make money late at night or on weekends @ FR ).

the nittiness of NL50 FR gives me a fucking headache.

/rant... i think im just gonna go drunk bowling with friends tonight instead of playing poker because i think it's one of those nights where i'm just not going to play well

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NL50 Full Ring Question
  TheView, Dec 01 2008

How does this limit play? I was looking for some tables a little bit ago and the tables looked really really nitty. Are they always like this, or is 1:00pm just a bad time to play?

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Great Weekend
  TheView, Nov 30 2008

I havn't played poker since Friday morning, but I plan on playing a few hours today. Saturday, however, was a great day. I was at the Iron Bowl (Alabama vs Auburn game), and Alabama FINALLY beat Auburn after 6 LOOOONNNNGGGG years. The atmosphere at the game was amazing. Mist enveloped the stadium and mythodically rolled over the field for the entire game. There was a light drizzle for most of the game, which was fine because it was a muggy day and the cold rain actually felt kind of good. The 36-0 win felt good, too, obviously.

Saturday night was awesome. I went to a few parties with friends and my girlfriend. Everyone was stoked about the 'bama win so there seemed to be alot fewer people getting into petty fights (like drunk people tend to do at parties). To be honest, I dont really remember what I actually did after midway through the night. I took ~10 shots or so of Skyy before I went out and then drank the hell out of some jager. And I'm pretty sure my night ended after going to Taco Bell. Is it just me or Taco Bell fucking delicious, especially when you're drunk.

Now on to poker. I made a deposit of $500 dollars last week on Tuesday(?). My roll is sitting at $1004.xx right now.

Goals for December:

[ ]Learn to post images correctly (I'm dumb, obv). (big thanks to K2o4 and SpeedyJack for telling me how)
[ ]Get a nice roll for NL100 (I'm hoping I can have around 4k in my BR by the end of the month)
[ ]Fix as many leaks as I can on my postflop play (get my redline into the positive or atleast at 0)
[ ]Play an average of 5-6 hours per day atleast 5 days a week (except possibly the few days around Christmas)
I want to try to get in atleast 60k hands, but to be honest, I would prefer 75k+.

Thanks for reading. Good luck to everyone in life and poker.

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Day 3 : 1st checkpoint
  TheView, Nov 28 2008

I put in a couple more hours after my update last night, and I put a few hours in this morning. I'm happy to report that on Day 3, my bankroll has grown from $500 to just over $1000. In my first blog, I stated that I would use a 20 buy-in rule; however, I think that I will wait to play NL50 until my bankroll reaches somewhere around 1200. When I do begin to play NL50, I'm going to concentrate on non-showdown winnings, which seems to be a huge leak in my game. I tried to work on it the last two days, but to be honest, most of the "fish" at NL25 just don't seem to have a fold button (maybe their pokerstars installation didn't install it??). For this reason, I just concentrated on value betting better hands. Over a 10k hands sample size at NL25, I ran at about 10bb/100, which I realize is kind of high long-term. I will say, though, that I table selected well and chose optimal times to play.

[IMG]" onload="check_display(this)" onerror="'relative'";"visible">[/img]

[IMG]" onload="check_display(this)" onerror="'relative'";"visible">[/img]

Thanks for reading and GL everyone. I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving.

PS: Can you guys see the image that I attempted to post? lol. If so, which one{s)?

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Day 2: the red line
  TheView, Nov 27 2008

ok before i post my earning for the day, I would like to say that I am very fortunate to end the day up. I did not play well at all and definately spewed a ton. I have found that one of the biggest leaks in my game right now is postflop play. I'm not very good at picking spots to take pots away postflop, so I'm going to have to work really hard to get better at that. I realized this coming into the day and to be honest, i probably got caught up in trying to win too many hands postflop. And I know in one hand I 3bet and called a shove w/ KK on a flop vs a very passive player who C/R me ( the board had tons of 2 pair/straight/possible sets on it ).
I should be up probably 2-3 more buy-ins for the day with as well as a ran.

On a positive note, I did play more today than I did yesterday. Although, I'd probably still like to play about 6 hrs per day while I'm learning the game. (link to my earnings)

PS: I'm not very computer saavy, so can someone tell me how to post a pic of my stats instead of the link?
Also, when I update tomorrow I think I'm gonna post some hands that I had trouble with/played incorrectly the past couple of days.

Thanks for reading. GL in life and poker

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Day 1
  TheView, Nov 27 2008

Well to start, I'd like to say that I didn't play nearly as much as I wanted to today. However, i seemed to run well the time that I did get to play. I played all full ring, and I feel that I picked good tables to play at for the most part. A few of the tables accumulated 4 or 5 people who bought in really small while I was playing at it, so I just left those tables (people who don't use the full buy-in are kind of annoying lol (no offense)).

and here are a few hands that I have questions about:

hand 1: Villain plays 60/20. I probably should have folded this river but I felt that I induced the bluff. I felt like a better hand from this player raises the turn. The only hand I could seem to put him on by the river was 10J, maybe Q9. Although, by the river, it really does look like I have some sort of hand so a bluff from villain wouldn't make a ton of sense.

hand 2: Villain plays 13/4. After villain calls on the flop, I think his range is pretty narrow. I put him on 77+ and KQ/KJ/AK and rarely a flush. When the 7 paired on the turn i took 77 out, and since the board paired I wasn't afraid of him hitting 2 pair, so I decided to check/call because I don't think he'd call the turn with 99-QQ after a second barrel and i thought that he'd protect his hand if he had Kx (given the monotone board). The river was a blank and I planned to c/r but he's just soooo nitty. Given his weak bet-sizing I think his hand is face up and that a small c/r or a strong lead is optimal.

Overall a decent day (my friend tells me I just ran hot, which is probably true). He says 8bb/100 over a ~50k hand sample size is really good, and that anything way above that is running good. Is this true?

Thanks for reading. GL in life and poker.

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