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Newblish Blog

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very lol session, have to remember it
  Newblish, May 14 2009

So i played some guy at nl50 HU today and made 7 bi's off him in 178 hands. Gonna search this guy every time i log on :o

I just have to keep this in record cuz it was so lol. Guy was 99 VPIP and would show up in a full pot with A high vs straights or bottom pair vs flushes etc. Was too funny not remember.

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cake poker is a rigged poker site.
  Newblish, May 02 2009

Either cake is rigged or nobody gets worse bad beats/coolers than i do. If you think you do - please exit this page and go away. Nobody gets bad beats worse than i do - that is a fact.

I just got it in good with 95% equity 3 times in a row and lost. That my friends is impossible unless the poker site is fixed. There is no explanation whatsoever otherwise. Not only that, but i would be flopping godly hands only to have them lose to a more godly hand. What is worse is that this was once again when i tried to take a Nl200 shot HU. As usual, i play just fine and lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose. I refuse to play on this piece of worthless fucking shit of a poker site ever again. PERIOD.

I have never been so sure in my mind that a poker site is rigged. Its impossible to run as bad as i did. I might even ask for playersonly(cake affiliate) to give me the hands and explain themselves.. its so obvious.. like impossible not to be rigged. The coolers/bad beats i got today were not possible under any circumstance unless the site is fixed.

This is me venting yes, but i will never play on this fixed poker site ever again.

I am owed upwards of 15k in bad beats/coolers on this site(and ive only sucked out like 2-3 in over 5 months in a big pot). Therefore my conclusion stands - there is no possibility that the percentages have gone the way they have unless the site is rigged.

If anyone does not like my post - go to hell and mind your own business.

Poker is such a stupid game.

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so i just made this short clip about cake poker :p
  Newblish, Apr 07 2009

ok yes i hate cake poker

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i run so good(bad) it scares me
  Newblish, Mar 24 2009

So for the last 3 months ive been a HU regular and am now currently playing nl100. And man do i ever bitch alot, but wow, once again - i have no choice but to get this shit off my back. I doubt ive ever seen anyone run as bad as i do at this limit or at nl50, but enlighten me if i do. This blog again has no real importance other than for me to vent..

hmmm, ok so all the images i have dont upload because they are too big :[

oh well, ill post the top 3 that are linkable -

(according to pokerstove i have 98% equity on the flop..)

eh, some others -

- idiot shoves 82o preflop(no joke), i snap with AK, flop comes two 8's ($200 pot)

- i flop top two, idiot shoves oop, shows bottom pair no kicker, hits back door flush ($200)

- guy no joke flops royal flush. check check, turn gives me 3 of a kind, wasnt a huge pot but this shit adds up

- have a5, flop 558, i bet he calls, turn blank, i bet he shoves i call he shows JJ, river J $200 pot

- 150 BB deep, i open JJ he 3bets, i 4bet, he shoves i snap, he shows 44, flop 4. $300 pot

- i open KQ, he flats, flop KQx, he checks, i bet, he raises big, i shove he calls, he shows A10, turn 10, river 10 ($150 pot)

- I open AJ, he calls, flop AJQ one spade, he bets, i raise, he shoves, i snap, he shows Qs2s, turn spade river spade ($100 pot)

- guy complete button, i raise 4x BB with AJ. Flop A67. i bet he calls, turn 2. I bet 3.5/4 pot he calls, river 2. I bet 2.75/4 pot or so he shoves rest, which was double my river bet, so i obv snap call. He shows k2o. $100 (should i have pot controlled? no - he was a station that never folded EVER).

- ok there are like 20 more hands that i was gonna post, but forget it.. i feel better after getting some of this shit off my back.

On a more serious note - my roll is 5.5kish and soon maybe ill try nl200 shots, though i feel i should have been there ages ago T_T

Peace out

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Sick and tired of this game
  Newblish, Jan 16 2009

This is me needing to let of some steam, if you dont want to read it then leave.

So basically i think this game is a pile of shit, that or i am destined to have horrible luck and fail at it. Seems every fucking time i get my money in good i end up losing every single fucking pot i play. I decided to leave playersonly and return to FTP playing nl50 again, the first session i go back i try to take it easy playing nl25 to get back in the groove and these two hands happen :

I have QQ flop a set, he calls two streets on me with a horrible flush draw and hits river after min raising me oop on the turn for some reason(i shoved) and stacks me. - bi

2. I flop a set, guy checks to me i bet he raises i shove he calls and hits nut flush draw on river - bi

so i was down a little, whatever.. wasnt a big deal since it wasnt nl50, so just now i sit down and well... what the fuck do you know.. full tilt poker has a surprise for me

1. guy raises mp with q4 suited(yes you read that right), 1 calls i call button with AJ. Flop AJ10 both check i bet, Q4 shoves(yes you saw that right too). turn K...... - bi

2. guy raises utg with 33, he was midstacked, another calls, i iso button with AK suited by squeezing. Flop A37, he checks i put him all in, - .75 Bi

3. ALl folds to guy on button with 98, he raises, SB folds i 3bet with KQ suited. Flop Q69, i cbet he shoves..... i snap, turn is a fucking 9. - bi

so all i can say is fuck poker, all i do is own the fucking shit out of these horrible players yet they still win anyway, it seems that no matter how much time in vest in this piece of shit game i am bound to just lose any earnings to constant horseshit time and time again. I believe in my heart that without a doubt luck owns skill at this point, over the long run too.. ive progressed, inched close to nl100 but ive been slowed down constantly by the same old motherfucking suckouts time and time again.

I just cant stand it anymore, i dont really even like poker at this point.. its just not fun losing when youre better than the entire table and they pull magic tricks out of the bullshit hat every single pot.

/rant over. Probably going to take literally an entire month off of this stupid game and waste my time some other way

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my $350 playersonly(cake network) for your FTP 350
  Newblish, Jan 14 2009

Though i highly doubt anyone is interested, is there anyone willing to do a switch?

Let me know.

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doomswitched on FTP
  Newblish, Dec 13 2008

so i thought id start out my first blog post as a complaint because i need to get it off my chest. I began this session well(well towards the mid point) and well, FTP decided to flick the doomswitch on me while i was just about to get off(wanted 4 more fpp for a $20 bonuss) but... well i wasnt gonna get there without a fight.
Lost 3 flips for full stacks and a KK vs AA A river for 4 bi's in like 300 hands. Not sure how much longer these ridiculous swings will last.

on another note, at least i am slowly climbing and around half way to nl100.


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