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The lighter Side
  k2o4, Oct 11 2008

Reposting this cause in this time of nonstop smears it's nice to seem some positive images.

Cool video with a bunch of behind the scenes footage at the DNC showing Barack/Biden/Michelle when they're off stage. Some of it's boring but skip around and check it out - about 9 minutes in there's a fun spot with Barack and Michelle backstage goofing off.

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Behind the Scenes
  k2o4, Oct 10 2008

Cool video with a bunch of behind the scenes footage at the DNC showing Barack/Biden/Michelle when they're off stage. Some of it's boring but skip around and check it out - about 9 minutes in there's a fun spot with Barack and Michelle backstage goofing off.

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Fear and Funnies
  k2o4, Oct 10 2008

A few months ago Obama predicted McCain's latest smear campaign:

Sarah Silverman on countdown:

And SNL does the latest debate:

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It's so nice
  k2o4, Oct 10 2008

To run good - it causes poker blog posts instead of political ones! hehe

Anyway, just a quick brag of 10 BI in the last 2 days of moving up to NL100, woot! The first day I moved up (I guess it was like 5 days ago) I lost a BI. Since then won it back and more ^^. Now that I made this post I'll probably go on a 20 BI downswing. Oh well. But I think that I'm playing much better and before the coaching with SakiSaki I'd probably only be up 5 BI cause I'd have spewed so much.

Last 5 days of NL100:

Sweet. I think Kapol running good rubbed off on me cause we're buds. (did that sound kinda gay? odam)


Oh, and sorry for taking that BI off of you Kim - you've been dodging EVERY set I've had lately when I hit vs you so you had to pay me off eventually right!?!!

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Darn Gotcha Questions!
  k2o4, Oct 09 2008

1 man, a camera, and the McPalin mob @ a rally in Ohio = funny video.

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Angry Fish
  k2o4, Oct 09 2008

JohnnyMac and Team McSame seem obsessed with focusing on Bill Ayers and Rev Wright - people Obama was associated with(and with Ayers it was a THIN relationship)- to try and say that Obama is "dangerous" for our country. I believe that if we're going to judge people on character issues, we should focus on what that person did, not what people around that person did. Seems to me like a more accurate way of finding out what type of person they are.

Hence the "Angry Fish" title. That's a good way to describe McCain. "Fish" comes from the fact that he's a huge roulette player that actually thinks he can beat the game... and he loves gambling. McCain is the type of guy high stakes players on LP make a living off of cause if he ever played poker he'd sit up at 3/6 or 5/10 or higher and play a 60/40/5 style. It's not like it matters if he loses it cause his wife can bankroll him to spew for a lifetime.

"Angry" comes from his horrible temper. And to illustrate it, I have a shitload of examples but want to start with one that happened at the roulette table to tie everything together:

  McCain's game is craps. So is Jeff Dearth's. Jeff was at the table when McCain showed up and happily made room for him. Apparently there is some kind of rule or tradition in craps that everyone's hands are supposed to be above the table when the dice are about to be thrown. McCain--"very likely distracted by one of the many people who approached him that evening," Jeff says charitably--apparently was violating this rule. A small middle-aged woman at the table, apparently a "regular," reached out and pulled McCain's arm away. I'll let Jeff take over the story:

"McCain immediately turned to the woman and said between clenched teeth: 'DON'T TOUCH ME.' The woman started to explain...McCain interrupted her: 'DON'T TOUCH ME,' he repeated viciously. The woman again tried to explain. 'DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU'RE TALKING TO?' McCain continued, his voice rising and his hands now raised in the 'bring it on' position. He was red-faced. By this time all the action at the table had stopped. I was completely shocked. McCain had totally lost it, and in the space of about ten seconds. 'Sir, you must be courteous to the other players at the table,' the pit boss said to McCain. "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? ASK ANYBODY AROUND HERE WHO I AM."

This being Puerto Rico, the pit boss might not have known McCain. But the senator continued in full fury--"DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU'RE TALKING TO? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?"--and crisis was avoided only when Jeff offered to change places and stand between McCain and the woman who had touched his arm.

And then let me share my favorite 2 stories. First:

  Perhaps the most remarkable story of McCain's temper involved Arizona Congressman Rick Renzi. Two former reporters covering McCain, one who witnessed the following events and one who confirmed the facts provided by the first, relayed it to me as follows: In 2006, the Arizona Republican congressional delegation had a strategy meeting. McCain repeatedly addressed two new members, congressmen Trent Franks and Rick Renzi, as 'boy.' Finally, Renzi, a former college linebacker, rose from his chair and said to McCain, "You call me that one more time and I'll kick your old ass." McCain lunged at Renzi, punches were thrown, and the two had to be physically separated. After they went to their separate offices, McCain called Renzi and demanded an apology. Renzi refused. Apparently this posture made McCain admire him, as they became fast friends.

And by far my favorite:

  Three reporters from Arizona, on the condition of anonymity, also let me in on another incident involving McCain's intemperateness. In his 1992 Senate bid, McCain was joined on the campaign trail by his wife, Cindy, as well as campaign aide Doug Cole and consultant Wes Gullett. At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain's hair and said, "You're getting a little thin up there." McCain's face reddened, and he responded, "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt." McCain's excuse was that it had been a long day. If elected president of the United States, McCain would have many long days.

Both of those are from a book called "The Real McCain"

Then there's also a huge 5 page article from the Washington Post here. That story covers some of the stuff I already mentioned and some of the stuff that is in the video below.

So what's worse? A guy who sat on a board with a reformed anti-war extremist from the Vietnam era, or a guy who obviously has trouble controlling his temper and constantly "shoots from the hip" in his decision making? I am comforted by Obama's cool demeanor and ability to calmly think in a crisis, examine all sides, take advice from all points of view and then come to a decision. He's shown that in his campaign and I'm sure he'll continue it as president. McCain on the other hand has been erratic as hell, especially since the financial crisis started, with his ridiculous campaign suspensions (where nothing was really suspended), to his contradicting comments on supporting bailouts and not supporting bailouts, and comments saying the fundamentals are strong but the next day this is a crisis... I personally don't trust McCain to be able to handle things diplomatically and believe he'll make rash decisions. He will fall back on the military too much as his only solution cause that's all he knows. Add in the bad temper and it scares me to think that he'd have the nuclear codes. To me that's "Dangerous".

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Coaching Pwnz
  k2o4, Oct 09 2008

And by coaching I mean, being the student to a great coach!

As some of you know, SakiSaki was kind enough to take me on as a full time student. I had to go outta town right when the choice was made, but since I've been back we've done a lot of lessons. The more time I spend learning from him the more impressive he is, which is great. I'm especially noticing that he's got great hand reading skills and is really good at assigning accurate ranges, then using all of that to find good spots for value or bluffs. I'm definitely not able to do it at his level yet and can't wait till I can.

Anyway, I'm really happy about the coaching set up and have started playing a lot more. So far I've logged 10k hands this month and had some great results. Graph time:

Also bought a $650 bonus that I'm excited to clear, which should go quicker now that I'm @ NL100 again. I also gotta get Platinum Star back by the end of the month, so 10k VPP is a must. I'm less than 30k VPP from supernova and I am GOING TO MAKE IT DAMNIT!

Anyway, that's the poker update. Gotta do one of those every once and a while right? ^^

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Mavericky Mavericks
  k2o4, Oct 08 2008

Palin laid out the truth in the debates - they're a team of Mavericky do Maverick thing type of Mavericks who will fix Washington with Maverick ways...

So We Must Declare Them "The REAL original Mavericks"

I dunno what Darth Vadars voice is doing on here, my friend made this pic and he couldn't explain it either.

Lolz! Anyway, this new fly on the wall footage from the McCain strategy mtgs explains it all:

Ok, that's not real, it's a new ad series and it freaking pwnz. Next Karl Rove comes into the discussion:

Now it's off shore drilling:

And there's gotta be a Sarah Palin one eh? You betcha!

I hope they make more of these ^^

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Landslide Approaching
  k2o4, Oct 08 2008

I've been reserved about saying this till after the 2nd debate, but now that it's over and McCain far from won (I'd say he was better than debate #1 but barely above break even), I think Obama has a very solid shot of winning this thing and that he could do it with a landslide.

Some national tracking polls have McCain coming back a bit, but state polls seem to be holding strong for Obama and Gallup is treating him real nice today as he achieves a new record high:

And here's what RCP has for the rest of today's polls as I make this post.

And has a pretty solid map for Obama right now that I pretty much agree with, though I'd give him stronger margins than they do.


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  k2o4, Oct 08 2008

I don't wanna bother making a long post about the debate with vids if they aren't working yet, so here's a test post to see if they show up!

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