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so what are you doing now since you can't play?
  Into Infinity, Apr 18 2011

saturday i had like a 12 hour marathon of HON.

feels bad man.

if you like rap, check out ofwgkta.

earl sweatshirt, best rapper out right now, kid is only 17. and his mom stopped him from making music LOL

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better youtube than /
  Into Infinity, Apr 09 2011

best part is at 38 seconds in

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need FTP to stars xfer
  Into Infinity, Apr 05 2011

FTP doesn't want my rake money anymore so i need to trade. anyone interested, send me a PM.

my $950 on FTP for your $950 on stars.

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session length
  Into Infinity, Apr 02 2011

lately my sessions are usually only an hour or so long, but i play like 3-4 (sometimes 5) times a day, assuming i have the day free (i.e., no school or big HW coming up)

but what's better, having multiple short sessions or fewer longer sessions?

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fat people
  Into Infinity, Mar 16 2011

i don't get how people can be so fat. like god damn, i know you look in the mirror in the morning and see this disgusting blob standing in front of yourself. have some fucking shame and do something about it. and you smell like nasty cheese, fuck

to make this slightly interesting, my last week of poker:

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whine post inc!
  Into Infinity, Mar 02 2011

so today consisted entirely of running into the top of everyone's range, or people stacking my sets with backdoor straights and flushes. villians getting it in with A high and stacking my QQ or KK, then losing their money to nits.

-15 BI days are always fun i guess. i should probably set a stop loss.

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love always shines, everyone remember 2 smile.
  Into Infinity, Feb 23 2011

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gotta get back
  Into Infinity, Jan 20 2011

lately i've had like no motivation to play poker and when i do play i'm basically just nut peddling and playing like a retard.

oooooooh how i wish i never played dota. dota is the reason why i never made it very far in poker. fuck!

eh, boring post, but whatever. i need inspiration. gogogo

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  Into Infinity, Nov 13 2010

edit: don't do this

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the true secret to winning..
  Into Infinity, Nov 04 2010

listen to j cole when you play poker.

here's some songs from him:

and here's my results since discovering this talented man...
+ Show Spoiler +

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