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Public and permanent by lawn, March 20

This post is to discuss something I've been mindful of lately. I think it would be good if more people are mindful as well. In today's and tomorrow's world, everything you do on the internet is permanent and public record. It's prolly a good idea to adjust your way of living to take into account this fact. Whatever you share with the internet today is going to be accessible forever, once it's up it can't come back down. There are a myriad of ways, some obvious and others you wouldn't have seen coming, that what you think is a good idea to share now will come back to bite you in the ass at some point in the future.

If you have just one lapse of judgement you can't count on definitely being able to erase any trace. I think the best way to proceed in this world is to assume anything about you that gets digitally recorded is public and permanent. My personal policy will be to try to keep as little information about myself publically findable as possible, and try to be very careful about the data I do volunteer to the interwebs, have a kind of "PR game face" on so to speak. It's much better to be too paranoid and go overkill than not do enough, and on that vein I'm gonna post on lp anonymously from now, with an account that cannot be tied to my real identity. Better would be to not post anything at all to forums/facebook/twitter/whatever else, but there are clear upsides to taking part in these activities as well.

Thought this is worth a share since if you look on youtube, blogs, facebooks today, there seem to be a heck of a lot of people who seem to very much NOT be mindful of the possible future rammifications of what they're doing on the internet today.

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Downswinging by MARSHALL28, March 20


Before I get into this post I just wanted to make sure you guys knew to add me on facebook. I'm trying to create a bit of an atmosphere there and build towards launching my website that is about to come together at some point or another. You guys are mostly poker players, you should know, we can be a lazy bunch when it comes to this kind of thing. It's still in the works though, just takes some time. Anyways my point was, add me on facebook

Anyways, on to the post:

It's not something I've done a ton of talking about in this blog in general because I would like to be the type of person who doesn't focus much on the negative and who perpetuates positive beliefs and positive thoughts.

I'm in the middle of the biggest downswing of my life right now though. I can't be exact because I really don't even know what my actual net worth is. Money is spread out too far among too many different places and people for me to figure that out. I would guess this downswing has fallen roughly near the 60k mark though over the last 5 weeks.

My life has been a lot better since the start of 2013. Finding that perfect balance is almost an impossibility, but I had clearly tipped too far in the direction of only playing poker and grinding to earn as much money as possible. Over the course of this year I've done everything pretty much the opposite. I have been going out or having friends by 5-6 nights a week. Usually up til 5AM, sometimes even 10AM. It's been a good change of pace, and fun.

I'm not necessarily looking to completely re-direct all of my goals back towards poker. That wouldn't be the right thing for me to do right now. What I'm gonna do is just keep living my life making the best decisions I can for each moment I have. I think this is the only sane way to live.

I assume most of you guys reading this blog regularly are pros so you should be able to relate with what I'm going through. Obviously I can't claim to be on the level of these world beating players who win and lose half a mil a day, but I really can't remember too many people lately blogging about being on a 60k downswing over the course of 5 weeks.

I do remember Sauce wrote a pretty insightful blog post a while back about his biggest downer and how he began to question whether he was even ever a winning player. If someone at that level of the game can feel that way, you gotta realize that it happens to all of us. The amount of money isn't really what we are getting at here though, it's all a matter of degree. How big of a portion of your bankroll was the loss? How far down in stakes do you have to drop in order to get back to the position you were previously at? How long do you need to stay there until you will feel comfortable stepping back up?

Personally, I talk to quite a few of the guys I play with on a regular basis. I would say we have a mutual respect for one another. That type of thing definitely helps a ton. Nothing is easier than to think you are a terrible player and that you can't possibly win no matter what you do when EVERYTHING is going wrong. Having some other people around who have been in thoat same spot and can relate to what you are going through while having the intellect to be able to connect with you that you actually are a smart winning player is something that just helps a ton.

Regardless, this is the type of thing that will make or break you as a pro. How well do you handle your downswings? Can you stick with it and keep a level head despite losing day after day buy in after buy in? Those who can continue to make the right decisions and realize the results are merely an afterthought are the ones who survive in this world. I know because I've been doing it for almost 7 years now.

This is as much a reminder to myself as it is to any of you guys out there who I'm sure struggle with the same thing. How strong is your will? Can you continue to believe in yourself when nothing goes your way, when you just got sucked out on for the 6th time straight this session, when the same thing has happened the last 15 sessions you've played? When you just mistakenly bluffed off a stack in a stupid way because you were frustrated about a number of bad beats? When you can do that and not lose your mind, you'll know you've made it.

Anyways, on a side note. I made like 6 cardrunners on the go HH review videos. Each about 5-7 minutes in length. Hope you guys enjoy those.

It's been quite a while since I felt I really needed to drop down below 5/10 but I guess this might be the time to do it.


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lets talk about... poker by dryath, March 19

Hey guys,

So i guess ive either fallen out of touch with some poker players along the way, or else they have moved on from poker (guys like nolan and rockman). I'm sure i used to have more poker people on msn too but i dunno what happened, because i sure dont have many now. Probably due to me not really playing much poker in 2011,2012 after failing miserably to learn PLO (hah). So anyway been playing alot more poker lately (NL obviously), was putting in most of my hands at 200 zoom, but lately have been down at 100 alot, and so obviously id love to have more poker guys on my skype to chat. This was by far the best thing for my game back in the days when i was doing well (in 2010 when i made SNE and playing 200-600nl mostly). I clearly now suck hard from not playing and am rusty as shit, but id love to get back into it and fix my game up again. So if anyone who plays 100nl up wants to add me on skype to talk poker, or just to berate me about being an aussie, wrestling crocs and riding kangaroos (nolan & gawdawaful) then send me a PM and ill give you my details.

Tonights thread saver comes courtesy of my girlfriend watching a rerun episode of the OC a few days ago, hah
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Porn wtf by PplusAD, March 19

I have watched porn for ~ 13 years now and recently i have noticed a sigificant increase in acted "rape" porn.
I think in the first 10 years of watching porn i have never seen a "rape" porn
I havent really watched one to the end till today since i am completely and utterly turned off and find it absolutely disgusting.
But fact is recently the chance you come across one of those is pretty high.
The last 6 months alone i came across 4 of those movies without even searching for them.
Even big companies like Brazzers and Asstraffic and stuff seem to make them nowadays.

WTF is wrong with people ?
WTF are those pornstars both male and females thinking when they agree to act in such a porn film ?
Wtf is wrong with people to wank of seeing 2 males break into a house and brutally raping a girl there.

These movies suggest to wired and sick minds that it is a fun and pleassure experience to break in someones house and rape him.
Most of the movies suggest its fun for the girl , too since first she resists and punches and stuff and then after a while of getting fucked in the ass hard enough she starts to enjoy ...

Once more i am completely disgusted by humans and their willingness to do everything for money.
I bet 5 out of 10 people would agree to rape a 4year old child in the ass for 150.000$ if they are save of not getting caught.
This makes me sick.

Well there is nothing i can change about it
And thats just the way humans are.

Still i had to write this since i have a shitload of anger towards
a) pornstars who agree to play in this movies
b) Guys who wank of to rape movies.
c) Guys who actually do this stuff in real life

fuck you and i hope u get cancer alltogether

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can we play poker online in the usa yet? by asdf2000, March 19

like on stars or FTP?
a couple states are supposed to be legal to play online right? how does that work? I want a way to make more money than I just make from my jerb (could go to the casino but it wouldn't be as efficient cuz it could only be weekends)

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Fucking Cyprus bullshit by Gnarly, March 17

The one time I decide to hold a position over the weekend, this fucking bullshit happens. Now I'm down 30 pips from my entry. Was up 150 on Friday. Should've taken profit, but I am trying to hold my positions rather scalp. (eur/usd)

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Bonds by moneypoker, March 17

I know many of You invest in the stocks and bonds market. Do You know of any good websites with analysis of corporate bonds (their valuation, risk etc.)?
Also, do You know of any good websites to manage bonds or stocks portfolio?

I am writing a masters thesis about the valuation of bonds and since the polish bond market is very young there is lack of resources to learn.
Thanks in advance!

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Flashblog: Pornstars by SemPeR, March 16

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Paypal for Stars 2k- Help me out! by Endo, March 16


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here's a q for u by ugly, March 16

how much does it take before you call someone out? I would like you to use for example.. Your girlfriend.. somebody at the bar.. Somebody you work with.. Or someone you just happened to run into randomly and hang out with all night.. doesn't matter if u catch my drift lol

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In need of a wizard by leos147, March 15

Hey, I'm trying to get SNG wizard but my paypal and Neteller accounts are being annoying since I haven't used them in a while (9 months).
Running out of patience and I was wondering if anybody here had a license lying around since you get two when you buy wiz.

If not, is there anyone here that is willing to buy wiz ($100) for me and I'll throw in 25 bucks for the trouble.

Pm me


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keep 1/2 zoom running by Mortensen8, March 14

At 44 players/tables right now !
and here is a self pity song for when you lose

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Looking for a stake EV+ offer by GosuRage, March 14

Hi guys

Im on LP from 2years.
Some of you know me, some of you not

First of all i want to say that my posts counter was deleted and i dont know why.
I send request to lp and got answer from Joy but he dont know why it happen... but nevermind propably some bug on page.

Ok so why i need stake?
I cashout big amount of my bankroll for a personal reason (health problems in my family) and now i face a moment where i schould
go back on n10 :/

I wont grindind low stakes again thats why i need help.
I think its a good deal for me and other side because im a good, solid player so i think my offer is ev++

Ok so about stake.

-need 2000$ - 40bi on nl50
-Playing 4tables zoom
-stake is for 100k hands there is option to add another 100k if i dont make a good profit and still cant play this stakes at my own
(of course its decision of investor)
-If something go wrong i move down, 1500$ go to nl25 to rebuild roll
-Profit / rakeback is 50/50 for me/investor
-Rakeback - can take cash rewards or play satelites to storm (investor decision)
-everyday raling in my blog
-If i dont make profit rakeback - 100% goes to cover this lose

My nick on pokerstars same as here - GosuRage

If some1 is interested plz pm me

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Depression is a bitch by Spitfiree, March 13

I've been thinking. We as a race are so pathetic in our very own primal nature. Its like evolution has passed inbetween us. There has been nothing inovative in our way of thinking in the past 3000 years. Only thing thats changed is technology and we've learned to adapt to it. And when it comes to ruining things and destroying we are the absolute champions of the universe. The devestating power of a black hole is nothing compared to a human brain. Its us that create systems that control us such as economics and its become so strong that it can now never be erased from our existance.. it can only evolve and when its threatened it would create a war so it can fuel itself. We r so fucked in the head that we somehow think living in a society where 2 billions of people are divided in groups of people who have food and swim in wealth while the 2x larger population dies in poverty is fine. The human is on top of the pyramid ... said the human. Mercantilism and cosumation have become morals. Spend more means you can impress the society more. Quality ? Please thats jsut a term used by the marketing which is another definition of something unnecessarily expensive. Dont even get me wrong im not some kind of poor kid that dreams for an iphone. I am a part of that ill society. A society which strives for happiness as it shits on everyone else ... as anyone unable to fight within, to serve his purpose is left outside of it as a dog with 3 legs. Why do I ... why do YOU deserve what you have. Yeah i bet you have learned some kind of specific skills over the timecourse of your life which you think justify the things you have, which would justify your need to run over anything that doesnt impress u in some way, which would justify your morals, your goals, unless karma and bhudism are actually real and in your next life you are a nigger in an african village that waits on UNICEF provisions.

Whats even more fucked up is that this is the only way through human history we have found to work for us to even exist. God bless Lincoln for freeing the slaves... there are no slaves at all in our days. Most of the countries live in a democratic background. If you dont live in such country, dont worry USA will bring it to you. And dont worry when the USA gets weaker someone else will do that instead of them. Its not like most people only work so they could pay their taxes,bills food, buy some clothes and new technology that feeds their happiness and self-esteem ... and thats within those 2 billions.

How do you wake up with positivism in this world? Im madly envious of such people that find the right reasons to do so. Why are you better than the one chinese kid that just died of starvation and exhaustion while you read this sentance ? How can one even whine about anything anywhere, be disappointed by troubles in work, be depressed cause of unshared love, even by a serious health problem ?

As i've kept learning more about the way our world works i've only kept hating it more. Call it extreme morals or whatever.... I just dont see a flaw in my logic which is even more disappointing

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Tilt bait by Arirang, March 13

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My life // facebook // new website by MARSHALL28, March 13

So I'm in the process of putting together my own website. It's just gonna be all about my life and me and there will be a bit of poker stuff sprinkled in here and there. I might make a few training videos and sell them for $20 a piece just for fun and to build a bit of a following to the site.

I'm working on doing more video commentaries as well as graphs and a forum section where people could just ask me whatever. I was also gonna put up some video blogs, you know, me talking to a camera, showing you a bit about where I live, you can check out my setup and probably can find where my new eventual home for my blog will be.

What I wanna do now is like work on starting stuff small. If you guys are on facebook I want you to add me. I never really used it seriously before because I thought it was kinda lame. But now that I'm seeing what capabilities it really has to reach a wider audience I think it's the right thing for me to do and I think a lot of people will find the random stuff I post and the comments I write to be pretty cool.

I'll do a monthly pool with all the people who add me via this blog so make sure you let me know who you are. At the end of the month I'll give one of the winners a free hour of coaching. Every month.

link to it is

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RAP JAMS? by nolan, March 13

always liked listening to this jam

you got any good rap jams doods?

edit: how do i make it a video dam

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day off by spets1, March 12

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UO Copenhagen by DustySwedeDude, March 12

Life is like a sewer-

what you get out of it depends of what you put in.

I wrote the part about the day 1 hands before day 2. I wrote the part before “day 1b went well” before day 1. Thus I'll keep it like this despite the fact that it might look kind of silly.

We'll all go togheter when we go... At least that will be the case if North Korea gets holds of a big enough number of ICBMs.

I'm old. Went to Unibet Open in Denmark. Day before my 1b start day some young guys asked me if I was Dustyswede. I told them yes, they told me they knew my a little bit from liquidpoker, one of them got coaching from a well known LPer and asked me if he could send me some hands to look over. I like polish people, or at least the few I've meet, so I told him yes. My girlfriend commented on how young they looked. I realised I had turned old. Most people at these tournaments are older then me, but in a quite weird way I'm still one of the old guys. When I post this I'll probably have turned 26, for internet poker that's probably something like 52 in real life. Might very well have couple of more good years but if I'd turned out to be a real star or something it'd already happened. Not a “has been”, more like a “maybe could've been”. At least that means I don't have to stay up partying all night to keep up a reputation.

Only a cat of a different coat,
that's all the truth I know.
In a coat of gold or a coat of red,
a lion still has claws,
And mine are long and sharp, my lord,
as long and sharp as yours.

Game of thrones starts soon. I'm hyped.

Day 1b went well. Start stack 20k, blinds 25/50. Limp UTG, I raise AQcc CO and SB and UTG calls. Flop KJhh9c. Check, check, I cbet 300 into 600. I get two calls. Turn Tc and I start to get excited but a little bit annoyed that I can't figure out the best size to get value. No worries. SB leads 500 into ~1500, UTG raises to 1k, I 4bet to 4.2k. SB snap calls, UTG snap calls. Turn is a beautiful 8 of spades. SB checks, UTG leads 4k, I raise to 12.5, SB snap calls and UTG snapcalls. Both have QJ. Best first hand of a tournament I've ever seen.

Played a few other confusing hands. I made 2-3 bad folds, at least I think so, and one or two decent enough calls.

First one is me raising in middle pos with reasonably deep and fairly irrelevant stack sizes. I have 76dd, middle aged Danish guy seems like an decent amateur calls me in the position after me. He lost the last hand after playing it weird (raised K9o on J9X mono without a flushdraw, bet K-turn and check behind J river losing to KQ) and looks tilted. Everyone else folds. I

Flop comes 655ss and I cbet. He looks like he wants to raise, messing around with chips and then decides to call my smallish cbet. Turn is a 3h and I check/call a normal size bet. River comes a off suit A, I check, be bets about two thirds pot and I call fairly fast thinking that his betting range is Ax with spades, 5x and 66 for value and a whole bunch of draws for bluffs. Good?

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Next hand blinds are 50/100, I have between 50 and 60k and the other two guys in the hand has ~20k. I have showed down a bunch of good hand and overall won every pot I've put a lot of money in by showing down the best had. People has been commenting on it.

I raise 54 of spades from early position. I get a call from a somewhat spazzy dane in mid pos and a fairly good, somewhat aggressive dane in the blinds. Flop comes A65 rainbow with a spade, I cbet 400 into 800 or something like that, first guy raises to 1.2k and the dane in the blinds cold calls. I raise to 4.2k risking 3.8 to win 3.2 planing to maybe win the pot when I hit any draw on the turn in case they call. Like?

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Third hand: Good danish pro raises UTG to 800 at 200/400+antes with about 30k, I call TT planing to ship against a lot of guys if we get 3bet. Spazzy danish guy who showed down J8o after 3betting my MP raise in late pos 3bets to 2.2k or something like that. UTG 4bets to 5.2k or something like that.

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Lots of fun people are here. I know maybe 5-6 of the guys who are still in. MR_Jimmy has 30ish BB's going into day two and the guy with the best nick name ever, El_Duderinio (spelling?) has about the same. I have 110600 going into day two, which is a top5 stack with maybe 150 runners still in the tournament. Probably around 40 people ITM and 100k€+ for first. One time?

Day 2 went well. I played decent at times but I also made some seriously silly mistakes. Wanted to write “sillyish”, but someone pointed out that I use “-ish” and “-y” far too much. I started the day with 110600 chips, got it down to 90 or so and then this hand happened:

I raise black off suit AJ from EP to 2.5k with blinds at 500/1k + antes. Young guy who looks like he might be from Finland or some other pokering country who stole the last pot from me and looks like the type of person who might feel that one pot won is a green light to run me over calls and some guy in the blinds calls. Flop is866hh and I cbet 4k 8-9k or whatever and he decides to ship his 30k behind. I think for about 10 seconds and decides that it's hard as hell to have 9x, he wouldn't play QQ+ or 6x like that and it's not that many combos of TT-JJ. I call. He flips over Th8h and looks really confused about my call; “I'm ahead???” he says and as the turn falls the guy next to him goes; “not anymore”. River is a brick and I was back at 120k or so.

Not sure if my call is good, I tend to think it is considering that ICM isn't a factor and the guy probably has a fairly narrow value shoving range. Any opinions?

Platyed one hand later at 2k/4k blinds with 400 ante. At least I think it was. I raise 88 UTG, famous Danish comedian calls with 100k+ UTG+1, he's been flatting my raises a few times. Some random with maybe 45-50k (that is, probably 12bb) goes all in and then another guy with as much goes all in behind, I thought. I ask for counts on everyone involved, pretty dealer with red glasses does all that stuff and then I ship. Comedian folds and the other guys turns over AQ and KK. I figured it wasn't that bad because I'll still have 150k if I lose, flop comes J72 rainbow and I start to lose interest. Turn comes 9x and some guy says “Ten, you need a ten” and I go like “oh, right” when a ten falls om the river and I knock two people out with my straight. Later I find out that I listened all too little on the dealer because the KK-guy did in fact not have about 50k bur rather somewhere north of a 100k. Duh.

I then get moved to the TV table. I play one weird hand when I 3bet the very active chip leader with KQo BB vs B, c/c J97ss where I have backdoor spades and c/f's 7x. He flips over a 7 and claims a full house. Confusing hand.

TT vs AA

With 13 people left some active HU-pro from France raise UTG. I have BB with less then 20 blinds, I ship TT he snaps AA. Flop Txx and turn + river blanks. I'm back at a decent stack size.

Then I'm card dead for 1 hour, get AA once and takes down a medium pot and finally there's only 9 left and we break for the day.

At the final table I throw ICM out the window, I wan't top 3 or I want to go home. I raise ATo from CO with 22 blinds, Swedish guy who seems nice, knows some well known 25/50 pros and already had two small glasses of something whiskey-looking raises (or ships, can't remember) and I stick it in . AK holds and I'm out. I think that was probably a ~3k€ mistake on my part considering all the short stacks but I'll take it.

Overall I played fairly tight, rather badly and with a flair for not doing to much stupid or overly aggressive. Played better at so many tournaments but never gone this far live. Go figure. If I can just learn to play NL again I might actually feel good about my MTT-game.

I'd be really grateful for comments on the hands. I'm not at all sure how I played them.

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Fantasy Basketball/Baseball by NighTLesS15, March 10

Started playing on for fantasy sports. It's a pretty cool website if you like to play for money. They got buyins starting from one dollar and go up into hundreds. It is set up on a per day basis so you can play everyday or once a week not forced to play all season long.

Is my link if you decide to sign up and play i get a little kickback on your entries if you use my link, better than paying it all to the website

Also buddy got me playing he does pretty well. The competition for basketball seems to be fairly poor as i don't know much but i'm profiting a little, i only play the low 1-5$ buyins. They have hockey football college football/basketball as well.

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