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January + epic grind by Target-x17, January 31

Played like 500 games today with a decent abi in 22 hours or so for almost no reason was easier then I thought made like 1k with 200$ in rakeback.

Almost broke my tourney drought at one point I was 1.2 mil vs 150k vs 150k in an 8$ 500 cap but my hands didnt hold up and I ended up getting second for 550$

Nice to have my student crushing and all my stakes winning. Heres a nice graph

Not too impressive untill you realize its with a 4$ average buy in -.- also 40th in big 8

My month 180 graph

Lost some at tcoop on other mtt's but sold action + made that back easy and then some with stakes + 1k+ rakeback

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Starcraft 2 bets by Floofy, January 30

Hey all i would like to do some stacraft 2 bets for fun. Nothing huge, like 5-10$ bets.

I'm not extremely good but we can balance out the match with computers!

Floofy #1040 if interested.

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Introducing myself by NoNameBeast, January 30

Hello there LP people...

1st of all, sorry for english.

My name is Daniel, coming from Czech Rep, i am close to 25 (4th february) and playing poker for living.

So i was very decent winner from 2/4 to 5/10 in years 2008-2010, but now im only breakeven player, i know games are most hardest to beat, but i believe in ME, i can beat that game...

I play mostly live games, which are still very very soft, only problem here is the boring factor...u have to wait for good spots and when u r carddead for 3 hours in a row, its so much boring, u prolly now what i mean, so i want to start play online poker again.

This blog will be some kind of commitnemt for me, i will post weekly results (graphs, stats, profits etc.), post some hands in right section (hope to get some comments)

and because i did not used statistics never ever, i'll be very glad, if someone of you guys can help me with my hud.

My adventure begins 1st februrary with 1000 euros deposit and im gonna play NL 50 with 3 Buy ins stoploss and max 4 tables, 1 hour session...

Dont have any specific target, but will be nice to be rolled ( like 40+ Buy Ins ) at NL 200 at the end of 2013...

Thank you for replies, feel free to help me with HUD pls and good luck to all of us,


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Alistair vs Hari beef by jvilla777, January 30

sick mini doco about alistair vs hari beef

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The interview and some other things by DustySwedeDude, January 29

Wanted to answear some questions first.

  On January 27 2013 20:13 the cleaner wrote:
Dusty's you are awesome! thanks for the interview.

Thanks, it made me happy to see that you managed to turn things around. Make sure to start up a little bit of savings when you can afford it.

  On January 28 2013 02:15 morph1 wrote:
dusty is a good dude


  On January 27 2013 20:57 MeProOk wrote:
very nice interview, dusty! thanks. you seem a good person

Thanks! I do consider myself a fairly good person. I live by the words of the good Heinlein; "Sin lies only in hurting others unnecessarily. All other "sins" are invented nonsense."

Are you still on prima? I think I remember you playing a bit of PLO there.

  On January 28 2013 01:47 nootropics wrote:
Dude tell us more about your work for the Libertarian Party of Sweden, that sounds awesome. Great interview just being greedy obv

Well, I've done a ton of research about a bunch of stuff and helped out with some small legal issues. Other then that I've helped a little bit with the start up one local organisation and spent A LOT of time writing stuff for them. The situation is a little unclear right now, but I think there's about a 70% chance of me getting on the board after the congress later this spring. It'd be some serious fun trying to help build a very small party into something slightly less small. I have some many ideas I wanna try out and I'll probably get twice as many later when I get hold of a bunch of books and other things on the subject.

In case they decided to put me on the board I'll write a lot more about it, promise .

  On January 28 2013 05:31 longple wrote:
the best dotateamcaptain a noob could ask for

gw my bois

And you're the best carry <3

  On January 28 2013 09:51 pinbaLL wrote:
Show nested quote +

lol exactly the same for me, I didnt know u had to pick the first pick either... no regrets though


  On January 28 2013 15:55 VanDerMeyde wrote:
Nice interview Dusty, I hope u dont come down to 100 plo prima too often to rape me

I highly doubt I rape at PLO100, my concentration levels tend to sink a bit . I mostly play lower if I have to get hands in and nothing higher is running, but since there's no fun rake races in February I think I'll stay away .

Other then that I play two of the dumbest hands of my life tonight. Me and mepwnya agreed that I should've showed the first one just to make runitonce coach Isildrooon consider me even more of a retard. The 2nd one was just dumb in all regards, but I managed to get one small piece of information. The guy has absolutely no respect for my game. Like, for him to play something like that he has to consider me dumber then a bag of bricks.

That's probably good information that I'm spewy and should spend a month or two shaping my game up before I keep going with my 10/20 shots... Let's see if I'm disciplined enough.

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Belgrade, where to go? by SpasticInk, January 29

So, a couple of friends and I are going to Belgrade in may/june (booked flights today) and want any tip we can get.

Nightclubs, bars, restaurants, which areas to be in and so on...!

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morphling nerf by mnj, January 28

is he even worth playing anymore? so impotent now

something i liked about hon, is they made everyone a bit more op for a more fun early/mid game. arguably this "Destroyed" dota but hate the current trend of dota2 to nerf the hell out of everyone.

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Leatherass -- Challenge issued by MARSHALL28, January 27

Dusty Schmidt is one of the biggest drains on the online poker community. His exploits have been very well documented online. If you don't know the kind of shade ball this guy is, it doesn't take much to look it up on the internet and find out how much of a piece of scum he is.

I let him know this in one of his video releases on BFP. He then went ahead to say "I'd have no problem playing you but you probably couldn't afford the stakes I play," obvious words from a true asshole.

So I see him at the tables a few weeks later and say "hey Dusty, let's 4 table 10/20nl HU. He obviously doesn't respond and as soon as the fish leaves the table he leaves as well.

Dusty likes to pick on Phil Hellmuth. He thinks because he has some notoriety that he deserves to pick on other weaker players, so why shouldn't the same thing be done to him? Some of his strategy concepts are idiotic, so much so that I'd be willing to lay 12k to his 10k that I beat him over a 20k hand 4 tabling match at 5/10nl.

See if he continues to back down.

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Question about hud on zoom. by DooMeR, January 27

Im in canada thinking about staying for a month to play zoom on pokerstars. I have 2 laptops one with holdem manager one (its a shitty slow laptop) and a new one that doesnt have anything (i would play on my new one if i decided to play on stars). The question is when i play on my old laptop it doesnt give me live update of stats for people. it lags behind even a few hands. Is it a problem with zoom in general (or my laptop?) or should does it work with holdem manager 2 only?

sorry for complicated question =P

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January - Bump and grind by SoC, January 27

They see me grinding.

Strange month, felt tilted a lot of it despite some decent sessions. Nice to run a bit above EV.

Far too many nights out though, hurt my volume. Expected nearer 100k hands :/ 14.5k VPP though for my efforts so far.

Go to Prague tomorrow for a week, then in feb I'm hoping for 50k hands with 50% at NL50!

Lets go supernova 2k13! Saving FPP to play an LAPT event

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Update - weird BRM? by LemOn[5thF], January 27

My goal is to get back on track with fitness ASAP because i started eating shit no excercise because of being ill for a week again :/

Poker is going well. I am doing something I would 100% recommend for any part-time player which is not having one set limit, but play according to current state of mind.
I have a bedrock limit that I can grind easily with my B- game on many tables with 70+BI and put most volume in on that limit, especially after work, when tired etc. I also play much higher with around 20BI when I know I will play my A game mostly and will be able to focus.

I do a lot of spewing, huge tilt sessions and failed shot taking but it doesn't really show because I always put in masstabling volume on limits where it's hard to lose, with super low pressure because I have a very deep roll for them. This was NL5 then NL10 now NL16 and makes for a pretty stress free grind that doesn't stall my progress because I still put in quality sessions at the highest stakes my BR allows, but only when I can focus on them properly with my A game.

Graphs from 16th November, with 60hr/week job:

Roll from $50 to $1230 now.

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little update by the cleaner, January 27

Here's a little update after my busto blog

I'm really grateful to Handbanana for trusting me and giving me the stake. The terms where in my favor for sure. I wouldn't have been able to cash the 300k vpp milestone on Pokerstars if it wasn't for him. Unfortunately I only played 100k hands with the stake and I was running a lot under EV before hitting the heater.

Thanks Kevin, appreciate it.

This guy was awesome btw (great music for grinding)

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This is how everyone runs right? by gawdawaful, January 26

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change by mnj, January 25

change is so hard. impossible maybe. why is it so difficult?

is it even a good thing?

so much guilt involved with change, and ppl failing their resolutions, year after year.

but if u r shit, how can u possibly live with yourself. i'm such a scrub. and i'm trying so hard to break out of this mold. but is it even posssible? ppl say accept yourself as you are, and other people as they are. but what if you are not happy with the hand your dealt. u have to live with it ur life?

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Study abroad, help me LP Canadians by Balzamon, January 25

Today I got a letter stating that I have been accepted to study one semester at Western University, London, Canada. This was my 3rd choice pic, and Im still not 100% if I should accept or not. There are some other options available still if I feel like I want to study in another country.

First of all I have never heard of the city London (in Canada,,_Ontario) before i applied for this, could Canadian LPers tell me about the city and possible any experience of Western University ( as well? It the autumn semester of 2013, how is the climate? Well I live in Sweden so hopefully not worse than autumn here, but is it really bad like rainy all the time? Will I have to travel to Toronto/Detroit if I want to go out?

What I want from my semester abroad is to improve my english (maybe already noticable?) and also of course experience something new, I have lived in Stockholm all my life, come change is always good.

So any input? None canadians that have study abroad could also help by telling if its the 100% cool experience everyone seems to think it is? My other main option would probably be to pay all the fees myself for studying in New Zeeland, but its preeeetty expensive. For this my own University in Stockholm pays for pretty much everything.

Have to admit Im a little bit anxious about this as well, never lived out of my comfortzone before, and Im not un-social but Im not the guy that step into a new place and instant make new friends either, but thats part of the challenge i guess! Hopefully some LP-canadians can meet up if I go?

Finally onlinepoker being fully accepted is a + ! Sadly I didnt apply to any American Universities because of this.

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Free $30 on FTP/Stars by LemOn[5thF], January 24

step one:
1) Link FTP account with Stars account
2) Transfer $10 to FTP, a $10 for $10 promo should apear in your news on Stars do it if it does.
3) check ftp - the $10 turns into $20+$20 ring game ticket (that expires by the end of the month, 500 ftp points needed to release)
4) transfer $20 to stars, it got there in 10 minutes
5) gambol on your $20 ticket on FTP (expires in 7 days)
6) Profit

Already went AIPF Q9s won v QQ and made 4.22 on ftp halelujah. They must be doing this to show how easy is to transfer between the two, free money yay :D

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A little update by napoleono, January 24

Is it me or NL/PLO10 is muuuuuuch softer than 2/4?

In 2 days I made 75$ with around 3-4k hands. Maybe it's a heater, that was what i was thinking at first, but people make awful calls - like the last PLO hand of today - where he called a 5$ raise with a pair of sixes, when board was like K 9 10s Qs 2s.

The main reason for this I think is the mistake I made when first started. Thought I was too good for the lowest stake and felt like that money couldnt motivate me to tryhard. Will get back with some more figures (and a graph as well, iunno why HM2 isnt working).

Peace out, yo.

Also, almost silverstar. 40 vpp more.Should try to not waste fpp on random shit.

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Mortal Kombat feat. Bisping by PuertoRican, January 23

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Help plan a Bachelor Party! by Svenman87, January 23

Throwing a buddy a bachelor party - it will probably be local (Minneapolis, MN) - Just looking for some clever things you may have experienced at a bachelor party.

So far we've rented a limo for a day to drive us around but other than that it's just a bunch of ???'s

Anyways any input would be nice :D

Thanks ^_^

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updated 1/20 w/ graphs by MARSHALL28, January 22

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