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2012 Update by Jas0n, January 22

Had a pretty good 2012. We didn't do as much as we hoped in sales this year. Missed our goal by $300k or so but this was mostly because we had to move back to the suburbs in June-July. To make the move easier we liquidated a ton of our inventory, I think at one point we had less than $20k in merchandise. And then after the move, we had to set up, hire employees, reorder, etc before we could start sales again. This took a good two months out of the year for us. Still, we more than doubled our sales from last year, our inventory has increased dramatically, and we're expanding to other markets. So overall, can't complain.

When we first moved into the warehouse, my buddy Alex worked for us part time to give us a hand. He could only stay for the summer because he had grad school in the fall. He ended up being a really great worker. His attention to detail was spectacular and he was just really knowledgeable about a lot of random things, which gave me an entirely new perspective when we had to think up solutions to problems. We offered him a permanent position with us for $70k a year but he turned us down. It really sucked but was understandable, he had a really sick scholarship and he got into a pretty competitive program.

So this basically means that I'm managing the warehouse myself. I also handle the customer support for our buyers. It gets really tilting at times. Some people have ridiculous notions and expectations. Just recently, a buyer purchased an item from us. He received the item, used it, and then lost it. Now he wants another one from us. Gets mad when I tell him we can't send him another item because he was the one who lost it.

Since taxes are going up in 2013 our CPA advised us to pay as much tax in 2012 as possible. We took his advice and we literately paid all of our taxes and didn't accrue anything for 2013. This meant we took a pretty big hit at the end of December. Between eBay & Amazon fees and taxes, for every $$2.50 we make, fees & taxes take away $1.50.

We have three full time employees now along with two photographers that we work with on the side. We have leased a second warehouse, 8000 sq ft. Our broker got us a really sick deal for it. So now we have ~14000 sq ft which should last us a while, and if it doesn't there's another one that we have our eyes on.

tl;dr had a good year

edit: just got invited to dinner by my sales rep from the biggest distributor that we work with. Going to be me and edzwoo with him and the ceo of the company. First business related dinner invitation, man I feel soooo legit right now.

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A little bit of everything by DustySwedeDude, January 22

Mark Hunt seems like such a great dude. Bob Sapp is so damn big. Saku seems fairly big too.

  On January 07 2013 22:52 nolan wrote:
hey dusty

rush is an awesome band.

also, what are your thoughts on the wild swedish bank shootout

your fan,


Swedish bankrobbers are probably not as well prepared as some others. Just seemed like some random people with some stupid ass ideas. Sad that one died.

  On January 07 2013 23:05 tomson wrote:
Awesome results. Do you only play PLO?

Almost, some MTT's and some tripple draw too.

Anyway, having another really good month. Bad volume but running really good. Like ridiculous. Playing a bit of mid stakes and then any decent 5/10 and 10/20 game I happen to get a seat in. Prima has no waiting lists, so it's a bit of a gamble.

Still annoyed with the weather. It's cold as fuck here so I stay in to much, not getting enough sun light and getting a little winter depressed. That shit needs to go away soon, been having it for a long time now. Thought a good upswing would fix it but it seems like I was wrong in that assumption. Regarding doing shit I've put down a ton of work with the Swedish Libertarian Party and I actually got a call which was rather interesting. It's a secret for a few months but basically I'll have a fairly decent chance to actually do something fairly worthwhile which will probably give me a sense of accomplishment and meaning and whatnot this summer. I think it'll be good for me.

I feel I need the following:

- Doing more shit outside and/or exercise more. Shit will come when it gets warmer.
- Figure out how to get more volume in without getting so bored.
- Keep doing shit. I want to do all kinds of shit. I want to leave some kind of little mark on this world, I want to buy a nice house, I want to make a lot of money, I want to figure shit out, I want to understand stuff, I want to "get" stuff. Can't do that without some hard work.

I have that "HARD WORK ---- PAYS OFF!" from Tito vs Chuck TUF in my head. I can't stand Tito (except he should've gotten an Oscar for best male supporting actor in Zombie Strippers) but that rings true to me.

Other then that Tom Deblass said this in some interview before he signed with UFC;

“I think the toughest point is whenever you think you’re on top, you always get knocked back down,” DeBlass said. “I’m waiting for that to happen. Everybody says that it has to happen. I want to believe that it won’t happen. Just having that haunts you every day you wake up. Yeah, I’m on top of the world now, but that could end real quick. Just knowing the possibility that I could lose, it’s disappointing before it’s even happened.”

I'm like that, not sure if it's good or not. He sure did not preform in the UFC, even though I think he got kind of screw with short notice stuff.

I deleted all computer games from my computer a couple of days ago. I'm super bored. It's annoying because I get somewhat annoyed all the time, but on the other hand I tend to play a million small poker sessions. That's good. Had a 10k day or so thanks to that today. Or I might've dipped a bit at the end. Dunno, in the neighbourhood at least.

I watched JCVD on netflix. It was fairly entertaining. Thinking about watching Bronson tomorrow. Looks great.

Put down 5000 SEK or about 750 USD on Mighty Mouse over Dodson. Not sure why, guess I feel for the group pressure. Might be a good bet. 5000 to win 2000. Gotta win 2.5 times for each non-win, he probably does. Thinking of betting Maia over Fitch too. Not sure. Really want to bet on the Reem vs Silva but lines are so damn bad. I don't like the "shit happens" factor.

Made a playlist on spotify, it's pretty good:

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big day by MARSHALL28, January 22

Well .. I'm calling it one day because I haven't gotten to sleep yet but the last 36 or so hours I definitely haven't had a run like I just had. +56k. I knew I was having a good day but it didn't seem like anything out of the ordinary until I started 3 tabling some reg HU @ 15/30NL. Ended up getting 22k from him. In the meantime I was 4 tabling 6max on another site and managed to win another 15 or so over just those few hours.

It's weird too because I actually have been complaining lately about how bad I felt I've been running. I was only up about 5k for the month up until yesterday, but also I had really only played about 20-25 hours on the month up until that point. Lucky for me I did win all 3 three coin flips @ the 15/30 tables. If I had lost all those I guess I would've broken even.

Everytime I think that elusive 100k month is within reach I immediately enter a downswing. This is the 4th time now I think I might be able to make it by the end of the month. ~39k more to go, that is, if I can find the motivation to keep playing.

I feel like I should celebrate in some way, not sure how, though suggestions are welcome.

Cue the downswing, obviously.

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Forgiveness by mnj, January 21

Why forgive people? How does it work? When someone wrongs you, how does one be the "bigger man"?

Whats the point if they can do whatever they want and just "turn a leaf" and ask for forgiveness???

what is justice :o

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Poker Psychology by panolko, January 21

Hi, Ive been lurking this site for 3 - 4 years I usually post on Im currently studying psychology and Im making a research on the field of poker players for a homework. I want to ask for your help on filling out this questions please. Thank you very much

1. Stakes:
Lifetime playing:
Average monthly hours and hands:
Other income beside poker: __yes __no

2. What is the largest amount of money you have ever gambled with on any one-day?
______ Never Gambled ______ More than $100.00 up to $1,000
______ $ 1.00 or less ______ More than $1,000 up to $10,000
______ More than $1.00 up to $10.00 ______ More than $10,000
______ More than $10.00 up to 100.00
3. Check which of the following people in your life has (or had) a gambling problem.
_______ Father _______ Mother
_______ Brother/Sister _______ My spouse/partner
_______ My child(ren) _______ Another relative
_______ A Friend or someone important in my life
4. When you gamble, how often do you go back another day to win back money you have lost?
_______ Never _______ Most of the time
_______ Some of the time _______ Every time that I lose
(less than half of time I lose).
5. Have you ever claimed to be winning money gambling, but weren’t really? In fact you lost?
_______ Never
_______ Yes, less than half the time I lost
_______ Yes, most of the time
6. Do you feel you have ever had a problem with betting or money gambling?
_______ No _______ Yes _______ Yes, in the past, but not now.
7. Did you ever gamble more than you intended to?
_______ Yes _______No
8. Have people criticized your betting or told you that you had a problem, regardless of whether or not you thought it was true?
_______ Yes _______No
9. Have you ever felt guilty about the way you gamble, or what happens when you gamble?
_______ Yes _______No
10. Have you ever felt like you would like to stop betting money on gambling, but did not think that you could?
_______ Yes _______No
11. Have you ever hidden betting slips, lottery tickets, gambling money, IOUs, or other signs of betting or gambling from your spouse, children or other important people in your life?
_______ Yes _______No
12. Have you ever argued with people you live with over how you handle money
_______ Yes _______No
13. (If you answered "yes": to question 12) Have money arguments ever centered on your
_______ Yes _______No
14. Have you ever borrowed from someone and not paid them back as a result of your gambling?
_______ Yes _______No
15. Have you ever lost time from work (or school) due to betting money or gambling?
_______ Yes _______No
16. If you borrowed money to gamble or to pay gambling debts, who or where did you borrow
from (check "Yes" or "No" for each):
a. From household money
_______ Yes _______No
b. From your spouse/partner
_______ Yes _______No
c. From relatives or in-laws
_______ Yes _______No
d. From banks, loan companies, or credit unions
_______ Yes _______No
e. From credit cards
_______ Yes _______No
f. From loan sharks
_______ Yes _______No
g. You cashed in stocks, bonds or other securities
_______ Yes _______No
h. You sold personal or family property
_______ Yes _______No
i. You borrowed on your checking accounts (passed bad checks)
_______ Yes _______No
j. You have (had) a credit line with a bookie
_______ Yes _______No
k. You have (had) a credit line with a casino
_______ Yes _______No .

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Worry by Rinny, January 21


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Anime Recommendations? by thumbz555, January 21

Just finished Death Note and loved it; hoping to find something at the same level. Any suggestions? Started Full Metal Alchemist, but seems very childish by comparison...

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Welcome back Kim Dotcom by mnj, January 20

New Megaupload is better than ever. It has a file manager and is even easier to use.

Also apparently really smartly planned and devised in order to protect both itself and its users.

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what to do with FPP by LemOn[5thF], January 20

They dont have the Sunday storm 6max hyper turbo sattelites :/
Got about 2.5k and a silverstar right now, what's the best thing to do with them?

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bought a treadmill/clotheshangersoon.jpg by whamm!, January 19

goal is to lose a lot of poker fat ive accumulated over 3 years mainly in the gut area. its become this gelatinous blob and im getting lines below my chest. motorized treadmills have become relatively cheap these days so I plan to watch stock tickers while walking ala tom cruise in vanilla sky lolol

movies heh just downloaded here comes the boom, stand up guys. have watched a shitton of movies before though and here are some of which I recommend:

really nice romcom

brad pitt makes great movies

Ok tom cruise makes better movies in general

just bought this awesome win 8 tablet! no regrets except for occasional hiccups with wifi,keyboard but its fine

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SPORTSBETTING HUAH by bigredhoss, January 19

anyone do a lot of sportsbetting? i started to do some lately just for fun, but addicting (lol) so think i might try and do more of it. i don't think i'm a great handicapper at any sport so seems like the best method is to just go line-shopping. only thing is i'm US so there's limited options and some seem sketchy. i have couple grand on Intertops from when i was playing poker there so i've only been using them so far to bet sports, with that kind of limited roll is it worth trying to spread it out over more sites for line-shopping (taking into account transaction fees, risk of sites closing/confiscating funds, etc.) or should i just stay at one site for now?

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lol live poker by LemOn[5thF], January 18

went bombed played nl100 4am lost aipf kk vs at and 35s cunts this shit is way softer than nl2 online lol. Doubled up aks vs t3o ai pf for 43bb down 45 bucks cool story bro

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copy pasta by spets1, January 18

if you build a metal rod high enough, can you get somewhat steady flow of electricity into earth?

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Lew Rockwell: Obama Has Gone Too Far by Mortensen8, January 18

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Music by Venrae, January 18

stnd music blog, new band I can't stop listening to

indie-ish but it's good imo

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stocks intere$t! by carlosdiaz, January 17

Hi, as I've seen some guys who invests in the market I was looking for any information could be helpful to get started,
like a good/safe site? restrictions law/country stuff?


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Discovering Leaks by SolarM, January 17

Hi guys,

Playing NL5 since 1,5 months now and working on my game with the help of LP.

I lost a lot in the last 2 days (all NL5) :

Here is my graph from since I started playing Poker again :

I'd like to hear some words of motivation and advice from you guys. Here are my stats, please go ahead and find some leaks. Am I folding to cbets too often? Am I folding to 3bets too often?

Looks stupid lol, whatever... Thanks, any help is appreciated

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HOW MANY TIMES by MadeInPolanD, January 16

Submitted by : MadeInPolanD

PokerStars Hand : Holdem No Limit ($1/$2 USD) - 14:59:37 CET [2013/01/15 8:59:37 ET]
Table Iphiklos V 2-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Hero ($158.94 in chips)
Seat 2: Reikka89 ($166.55 in chips)
Hero: posts small blind $1
Reikka89: posts big blind $2

Dealt to Hero 3d3h
Hero: raises $4 to $6
Reikka89: calls $4

Flop (Pot : $12.00)

Reikka89: checks
Hero: bets $8.62
Reikka89: calls $8.62

Turn (Pot : $29.24)

Reikka89: checks
Hero: bets $22.84
Reikka89: calls $22.84

River (Pot : $74.92)

Reikka89: bets $48
Hero: raises $73.48 to $121.48 and is all-in
Reikka89: calls $73.48

Hero: shows 3d3h (three of a kind, Threes)
Reikka89: shows 4s5d (a straight, Three to Seven)
Reikka89 collected $317.38 from pot

Total pot $317.88 | Rake $0.50

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Busto! by player999, January 16

not completely yet, might run it up with the leftovers I got on my account, but almost

my last 10k games (won some in december but this last 10 days or so lost >10k, 100+ buy ins):

10k games right before those:

I guess I am open for a stake, not sure, figuring out what to do now

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in a vacuum by PoorUser, January 15

im having an argument with a friend. in poker, what does in a vacuum mean

does in a vacuum mean over infinity hands x play is ideal
does in a vacuum mean in this specific hand

not trolling --

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