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80 stars for paypal? by Target-x17, January 15


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rake by K40Cheddar, January 14

Hello everybody,

Just started a fresh account on lock poker and played a bit this week for fun. Most of the players seem pretty bad and haven't had that many problems. Missed the challenge and logic of poker and wanted to get back into it again. So I was looking over my HEM stats and then I noticed this.

Wtf is this. 8 BI of rake in 6.3k hands? That's less than losing a buy-in to rake per 1000 hands. Unreal.

Not that I care that much about the money, but losing that much to rake makes me feel like you have to be a seriously rock solid and good player if you want any chance to be beating this in the long run. It's not like I even have to be slightly better than everyone else. It's almost as if I have to be at 100% all the time and be making 0 mistakes in order to profit.

Immediately went around looking for a rakeback deal on this. Found a deal at raketherake for like 36% dealt rakeback and a 10% point conversion into cash exchange. If I could get even a piece of what I've been losing back I'd be happy.

Anyone know what stake levels the rake starts becoming semi reasonable? (if at all?)


-Got account on lock poker
-playing again for the fun/challenge
-people suck
-rake is huge
-looked around for rakeback
-does it get better?

Thanks for reading.

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HM query and Travel plans by Enigma, January 13

Happy January,
Hope the new year is being kind to you, it has been a great start for me.
I was hoping someone that has played around with HM a bit more than me could let me know how to set it up to see how a specific holding measures up in different situations.
Eg. KQoff vs a raise and one caller.
Or to see a certain hand by position Eg. 88 utg.
I know how to see by position and by situation, but can you focus it on specific hands?

Also, I will be heading to Vancouver Mainland this week on buisness for a week. I really only have about 2-3days of work to do so was hoping to play some live games while visiting. What are the best venues out there? Is there any live LHE action or all NL? Do any rooms offer mixed game or Ohmaha/8b?

Heading to Vegas in 2nd week of Feb also, maybe you will see me at the Bellagio.

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Best quotes by GoTuNk, January 13

Sup, I'm very drunk but a friend talked to me about these one so I'll rather mention them here

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.” – Theodore Roosevelt.

What I did have, however, was contempt for the opinions of other people that bordered on sociopathic and a belief in myself that could only have been construed as psychotic by my peers. Provided you have those two things, you can quite literally achieve any goal you set for yourself.” – Jamie Lewis

Most power lifters share some common defects, and as a whole for whatever reason, LOVE to punish, beat and torture ourselves beyond the limits of mind and body. It is our spirit that prevails. This defect of intelligence and sensibility pushes us onto the next level, makes us better and stronger. We all have lifted sick and badly hurt. When this subject comes up with normal people and other meatheads, we all have the prideful smile when we talk about lifting with a 100 degree temperature or a torn groin. Thank God that therapy doesn't work on us." - Captain Kirk

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Last 24hrs by player999, January 13

Almost 70bi under EV. Whole year looks even worse, going busto within a week with the way things are going. Over 100bi ds atm I think, don't really wanna check that. Hating life.

That is all

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volunteer work? by k4ir0s, January 12

I'm curious about doing some volunteer work overseas, in less fortunate countries, tho I don't have any "useful" skills that'll be a benefit to anyone. If I go to college, what should I take that'll be useful for volunteer work and helping people? something no longer than 1-2 years, any ideas?

It feels pretty shitty knowingly living a meaningless life. Sitting in front of my computer all day has taken it's tole on me; depression. I need to find something more.. I've been losing interest in poker for awhile now. so clueless on what to do with my life.

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sick to my stomach by jvilla777, January 11

well the title of the my blog very well relates to this downswing I havent really won at 16 and 25nl since last year Dec. This month really Ive been having some of my worst sessions so far. I know downswing happens and yes I do get this "sick to my stomach" feeling when it occurs. ROFL thread helps alot when I take breaks from playing its been funny as fuk lately. Also TalentedTom, stroggoz, longple and wobbly continue to comment on hands even though they are microstakes sometimes. cheers.

Lets gooo Microoooos!!

Also this title relates to the 2nd part of this blog, Im really freaked out when it comes to heights and I usually like to watch videos about people messin around with tall ass structures and shit. Dont ask me why,but probably because I get this wierd "sick to my stomach" feeling when I imagine myself in their shoes but while still being safe at home. lol.

Anyways LPers you gotta see this video.

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THE PIRATE BAY by nolan, January 11

Apparently a documentary incoming.

Gotta say the Swedes are unrecognized ballers to the general public

Part of me has to wonder what it is that makes swedes appear to me as being so progressive in general. I'm sure it's just an effect of media and my own personal exposure via the poker world but Swedes seem to be balling hard on a progressive moral sense since back in the day.

Looking forward to the doc anyways xD

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First live game bad beat. by Zorkmid, January 11

I came to a 5-10 NL table at Niagara with 1000.

Things were going ok, I was up to around 1600 or so when I was dealt TsTc on the button. One or two 30 bets before me. I raised to 130.

The guy to my right calls. A T 4 on the flop. I bet about 200. He raises to 600, I call.

7 on the turn. He goes all in. I insta call.

He had JK, Queen on the river makes his straight. He had me covered.

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business funding - other things by Svenman87, January 10

First I'd like to show you a very cool and new website for funding a business in the US.

think kickstarter for business -

Now at the moment they only have a contribute portion, they will be adding equity and debt based funding as well. I think this is an amazing idea that will hopefully become very popular - it is very hard to raise capital for a business and banks have tightened down a ton on loans. So all you entrepreneurs out there pay attention and check this site out!

Personally I'll probably be going through this site within a year. I want to show how successful my business is and it's potential with additional funding.

Other things

I just filed my taxes today, balls I got bent over hard again this year - anyone have any ideas that will help increase my deductions higher than the standard deductions? I realize owning a house would help considerably but I'll be in my apartment until at least fall.

I got my first mentor, she has been a business owner of a few companies which she built up and sold off - now is a president of a company that does business pretty much all over the world. I'm really looking forward to learning how she effectively networks as well as pick her brain about her business start ups.

One thing I am looking to do to jumpstart my network is volunteer - I volunteered maybe 40 hours last year all together which when I think of is really not much. I've made a goal of 100 volunteer hours for this year. About a full day a month which is totally doable.

Going alongside becoming more active in my community I'm in the process of joining a few local organizations such as the Lions Club, and also a few business owner associations to get my name out around town a bit more.

Anyways I hope all is well LP and have a good day :D

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cloud atlas by Arirang, January 10

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CFA Lvl 1 by mnj, January 10

I saw that a few lpers had gotten their CFA's. I was wondering if they had any insight on the exam. How they studied, which course they took, what they hope to do, etc.

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CFA Lvl 1 by mnj, January 10

I saw that a few lpers had gotten their CFA's. I was wondering if they had any insight on the exam. How they studied, which course they took, what they hope to do, etc.

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Massive 4NL heater by Rinny, January 09

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Tough Enigma Generator by Floofy, January 09

Hey all!

I made an enigma generator. Here is how it works:

There is 5 houses, all next to each others. Each house has someone in it. The 5 people in the houses are Georges, Jacques, Claude, Robert and Michel. All of those people are from the same family, son, father, grand-father, great grand-father and great great grand-father.

The objective is to find who is who (Who's the grand father), and to find who owns each houses.


+ Show Spoiler +

Now here is the program you can download:

Note: You can choose how many people you want in the enigma. If you pick 6, there should be some waiting time, but most likely no more than 5 minutes unless your computer really sucks. But if you pick 7, it will take a REALLY long time. Anything below 6 will be near instant.

Let me know if you can solve enigmas with 6 people

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AC in march by Gsr_01_integ, January 09

Hey just wondering if anyone will b out in AC for the wsop events and wanted to meet up and party

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aussie millions by dryath, January 08

Hey guys,

Coming down to melb (for a wedding) and will be there from 17th til 20th. Anyone gonna be down that way already for aussie mil? any LP catchups @ crown or something if so? haha

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pc problems by aernout, January 08

Hey guys, anyone here with some knowledge about pc issues? My pc stutters every 5-10 mins for like 1-2 seconds, it's very annoying. The whole pc just stutters when it occurs. I've tried reinstalling my pc already, reinstalling drives. still the same problem though. Here is what it looks like: .

please help me


also wanted to post some poker/more positive stuff, been playing alot last couple months. In 4 months I moved up from 10nl to 50nl, and putted in some decent volume. I mainly think it's because I switched to FR (was a 6max breakeven 10nl player before). I just think my playstyle fits FR more. Also I think it's about 1 year ago since I started playing poker and started on 2nl, didn't know anything about the game, now Im playing 50nl, pretty proud of that.

Also I started using tablescanner turbo, which is some neat program which lets you filter tables for fishes (you can filter them by VPIP, green collouring, all kinds of filters) and waitlists them. It uses your database for this. There's a 30 day trial on there site, deffi worth the try imo.

Would post a graph of last year but my database got fucked up many time, so I ain't got any database atm.

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Doing shit by DustySwedeDude, January 07

Really wanted to name my first blog post of the year "A New Beginning" but I think I've already done so some other year. Oh well.

Ariang always talks about how at least one guy on any decent dota team is the "Do shit" guy who walk around the map and makes shit happen. He's setting up ganks, making sure that the carry has somewhere to farm and overall make things run smoothly without maybe getting all the credit. I really think that point can be translated into "real life" too. There's always someone who makes shit happen. I wanna get started being that guy in some other areas of my life. Starting with my work at the Swedish Libertarian Party. I'll make sure to get something good done or started each month.


As far as poker goes it's going very well. I think I made a bit more then 40k€ or so last month and I'm already up something like 10-12k this month. Not bad for mid stakes, lol. Going to ad a few more sites for better game selection within a few weeks and hopefully that will translate into me being able to post a few good months in a row. I really, really want to win a ton of money the next year or two so I can buy a really nice house somewhere decent without having to take a loan.

I'll also take the time to evaluate my stats and crap like that at some point, but I'm far to busy so I'm looking at the last week of the month or so to take a look at that.

Gold and silver stocks

My investments are going so-so. Gold and silver went higher on the fiscal cliff deal and then it sunk worse then stones (which is natural, gold is heavy!) when the FED started talking about ending QE. Ending QE is obviously a bluff, they simply can't do it since no one else would want to pick up the slack.

Going to put up a huge blog post about the stocks and the stock market at some point, but like I said before I'm a little busy with some rake race and other things right now.

Invicia FC 4 – watched it all while playing poker

Van Saint vs Torres

Some scrappy stuff

Namajunas vs Kagan

GREAT FIGHT! So much fun. Never understood why girls should have long legs. Models looks stupid with them. Now I get it, they're for sick-ass triangles! Could hear Pat Berry in Namajunas corner, he's emotional. He's fun, great fun.

Calderwood vs Von Plattenwood

I like Calderwood a lot and I've said that before. Fairly fun, if somewhat one-sided, fight with great comments by Mo, Kedzie and Bas. All of them was really good.

Leslie Smith vs someone

Female Diaz, lol

Overall I think it was their best card so far. Really impressed.

Oh, and I sent 1k CAD to Nation's Cry, it was really easy and such. Will try to write something cool about them at some point too.

Let's end with some music:

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Bookmaker Poker USA by alankenau19, January 06

Has anyone used Bookmaker before( either the Sportsbook or Poker platform?) any problems with


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