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First steps by napoleono, November 17

So I've been playing casually poker for some years now, but never been a good player not even on my shitty level. After losing the initial 50 bucks like 3-4 years ago, while thinking i was being good and the soft ain't good for shit, and losing some more additional 10-20 bucks every 4-5 months or so, I finally decided that I must put an end to this and actually start listening to guides and enforce patience on my game. Its pretty frustrating to fold away JJ or AQ offsuit, when I thought for so many years that those hands are huge. Slowly, but surely I think I finally managed to somewhat limit down my looseness. I've deposited 10 bucks on PS on Wednesday and am up to 85 now by playing 0.01/0.02 zoom poker, by winning some satellites (and unregistering) and by playing some 3.5$ 18-27 sit'n'gos (yeah, I know that this is way above my limit, but people seem even worse than I am).

If you have any advices, software for a a fellow TL'er (LP'er i guess now), I'm more than happy to listen to it.

statistics for my last 1000 hands:
Hold'em (Real Money):

1000 hands played and saw flop:
- 35 times out of 166 while in small blind (21%)
- 37 times out of 170 while in big blind (22%)
- 88 times out of 664 in other positions (13%)
- a total of 160 times out of 1000 (16%)

Pots won at showdown - 22 out of 44 (50%)
Pots won without showdown - 122

An analysis on this would be nice as well, as I have no idea (besides that maybe i should play even less hands).

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First day at NL2 :O by LemOn[5thF], November 17

I got a sick work ethic even though I was hangover and didnt play for ages :D

My stats are prolly gay and my game was all over the place, any comments on the stats? I feel weird in even semi marginal spots like flopping midpairs on meh flops etc

This shit is so addictive btw, I will put in 3ish hours tomorrow and restrict myself to one hour per day during the week, BR at $90 hopefully will have a hundo by the end of tomorrow to go for NL5

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Poll: Darkness Spreads by liedarkhorse, November 17

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Locations for hard drug use by liedarkhorse, November 17

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Black Friday shopping thread by PuertoRican, November 16


Can someone who's knowledgeable about "Black Friday" shopping threads, please make a thread in the General forum, since the holiday's are coming up soon.

We just need 1 solid person to start off the thread, then everyone else can contribute to the thread. I don't have enough knowledge on all the deals to make a decent thread myself.


I'm looking to purchase a new pair of headphones before the end of the year. Do you guys have any suggestions? They can be either audio style where you use them mostly just for music purposes, or a gaming headset. I don't like the headphones that have the black coating on the ear area, cuz that will flake/peel off over time.

Basically, I'm just looking for a headset with good sound and bass. I don't need the best headset on the market, since I'm just using it for recreational, everyday use. The headset I have now is a gaming headset, which I've used for 7 years, and it's time to upgrade since this pair is falling apart.

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deposited 50 bucks :D by LemOn[5thF], November 16

almost a year w/o serious pokering, already three bucks up after 30 minutes :D

Ima build a roll for christmas grindlindays, wish me luck

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HH review by Enigma, November 16

Just read interesting suggestions about how to go about doing HH reviews, and started to question my process.
I know I do not do it often enough, what about the rest of LP?
Poll: How often do you do a HH review
(Vote): after xor before every session
(Vote): weekly
(Vote): monthly
(Vote): never?

The article was from and it suggested doing about 20min up to an hour (depending on volume) after each session. I think the last time I reviewed mine was mid September.
I did find a few spots to refine at this time, then didn't really go back into it for a while.
After chatting with a friend and fellow grinder I found a few things to look for in my own game (by talking over exploitations of a few opponents we encountered in a live 10/20 game ---> after the game obv) because he noticed a few things I did not. In the live game we both still maximized, but the flaws he saw in a slightly different way than me.
I then went through my database filtering for money lost.
I took the top three spots I was losing money and objectively looked at what I could do differently. Although the changes were very slight I found it very helpful, and now I also see more clearly when my opponents make these class of errors.
This article and retrospection on how helpful it was for me the last time I did an in depth review has reinvigorated me to be more diligent in this regard.

I am interested on how everyone uses HH to refine their game? Thoughts, tips, whatever you think might be useful.

Also, if anyone is interested to maybe set up some type of HH review trade. It is always helpful to have a 2nd set of eyes and I think that this would kinda force me to be more dilegent in this regard. Keep in mind I play LHE, my NLHE game is only good enough to beat 1/2-2/5 live.

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FTP ring game tickets by Arirang, November 15

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$100 on PS. Advice needed. by Underestimated, November 15

Dear LP Community,

this is my first entry and, simultaneously, a request to all of you. But first things first.

I've been here fot quite a while, though I decided to go 'public' a couple of weeks back, when I created my account, I don't clearly remember why.. I mean at times I really had an urgent need to post something, to comment on some hands [or to share something in the ROFL thread, which I love BTW], but never really got the courage [I'm quite a shy kind of person, an introvert you'd say], but since I decided to change something both in my attitude to life and to poker - here I am. LOL.

So this being said, I just wanted to say that I visit LP on a daily basis and must say that skimming through the posted hands alone really improved my game and approach towards playing poker. I come from Poland, [although I'm living in the UK at the moment] and back there poker is generally thought of as a game for gamblers exclusively, who are or will soon be broke; a game in which winning relies on your luck only [I remember when I first decided to share my fascination about poker with my family.. I really regretted that, all I got in response was something along the lines of 'OMG you're gonna get addicted, poker will make your life hell.. - but why? did you ever play this game? are you telling me this from your own experience or what? -..well not exactly..but that's what the TV, the government, the society tells you! [that's one of the reasons I left the country.and my home. but that's a horse of a different colour, heh], anyway LP changed or even shaped my view of this game as a game that requires certain amount of skills. not only mathematical, psychological, but also pure gaming skills [which I still has to acquire :-)]

So I've been playing for some time now on PS, posted some hands [appreciated the feedback, really], and I got a bankroll of $100 [at first had like 25$, sent by a friend just to try out], and I don't really know what to play - which stakes, how many tables, I just don't want to lose all that bankroll within a couple of days. Since this community is made of some really, really great, experienced players, I hope someone will help me out with this and post some guidelines..

I am certainly not an experienced player, though I visit both LP and pokerstrategy regularly.. I think if someone will say something, anything as to how to manage bankroll, which stakes to play, or give any advice at all, I will feel more confident and will play this game more eagerly [although I already fcking love it, lol]

TL;DR -> I have $100 on my PS account and dont wanna lose it, rather- wanna multiply it [safely].

Cheers for your comments, have a wonderful day!

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Zlatan and Ron Paul by DustySwedeDude, November 15


I'm not following soccer much but Zlatan is so fucking good. Sweden has been really good for a few games now and if they can keep this up they might actually make a little noise the next few years until Zlatan and Co retires. He's only 31 years old and seems to be in great shape so we've got at least 4 or so years more of magic before he retires I hope.

This is a full highlight from the game against England:

And here's one vs Germany:

They should probably figure out why our defensive that has traditionally been good suck so damn much though.

Stuff I've learned last week

I've so far only read very few technical analysis of Gold or Silver saying it'll go down. It happens, but not as often as it should. I think I'm probably reading biased sources. Had a discussion about TA with a bunch of LPers and read the old Sick Mack-forum topic about investing and most seems to think that TA is more or less worthless. I'm not completely convinced but I'll probably keep paying very little attention to it. Sometimes I let it dictate at what point in time I should buy something I want for other reasons, but that's about it. Trader Dan (, one of my favorite bloggers, seems to be somewhat good at not being to biased in his analysis but other that that it seems a little bit hard to find good ones.

For example, this, to me, seems like utter bullshit:!

First of all, people has been talking of a cup and handle for a while now and according to what I've read it would've been supposed to break up again slightly faster then it did and as far as Elliot waves goes he had use a fair bit of good will to make that pattern fit.

This is not financial or any other kind of advice, blablabla.

Nulegacy put this short clip up on their youtube page:


1.4g AU per Ton is ok but not great by any means. A few years back you needed about 3g/ton to be happy to mine for it as I understand it and since this stuff lies fairly deep that's probably a low number. However, prices have rallied from about 250USD/oz or so to over 1700 so 1.4g looks a lot better in that light.

Gold miners took a big hit yesterday due to intense selling pressure from, ehh fuck if I know, but that happens. A TA guy would say a bunch of support levels broke while I'd say that people have a heard mentality. I think it's the same, probably. Thinking of buying the dip a bit and primarly looking at silver streamer Silver Wheaton.

Ron Paul
Congressman Ron Paul's Farewell Speech to Congress

The guy is a great hero of freedom and liberty. He takes a lot of time speaking about freedom of speech, the war on drug, internet freedom and other things. I really hope that his son will turn out like a congressman in his father's spirit.

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I have dota2 keys by Venrae, November 14

Steam gave me a couple of dota2 invites to give out, post or pm me.

by keys I mean invites, can a mod change title please?

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California Love by NotSorry, November 14

So after many drinks I got to thinking why fucking wait, so I sold off my recently unbanned D3 account and hit the road. After a seemingly much longer 29hour drive I'm back in Cali and ready to get shit started. Dropped in to a morning jiujitsu class to surprise everyone with the early arrival and got some good rounds in, made the mistake again of not grabbing my mouth guard and broke a good chunk out of one of my teeth. Now to get to the chore of unpacking before going back to training tonight. Feels damn good to be back.

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My 140 Cake, your 135 PS by Shenny, November 14

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Politically Correct by nolan, November 14

I think Political Correctness is pretty fascinating. There is a clear 'party line' if you will on what types of things are OK and which are not.

Anyways, being a bored retired poker player I stumbled upon a pretty interesting (to me anyways) e-battle between some people in Vancouver.

I don't want to present links just yet but the basic cliffnotes are that a university group in Vancouver attempted to open a 'Men's Center.' It arguably, is a response to the Women's Centers that already exist and the extensive "Women's Studies" courses taught there.

Anyways, I'm clearly a bit biased in this regard being a male and such, but it had in the past bothered me a bit that a lot of the groups/student unions at myown Alma Mater were certainly female-centric. I suppose bothered is perhaps not the best word, but it was noticeable that there was a general atmosphere of catering to the female student body ahead of the male one. It was common to walk past signs such as "MEN RAPE" and "MEN CAN STOP RAPE CULTURE" etc. I found these a bit troubling then as I do now.

Anyways, I'm typing a whole lot of blah blah to really just to ask something I'm curious and undecided on. That is, does the replacement test hold weight?

The placement test is simple, and I'll use an example from a random Women's Studies facebook page that was linked on Reddit.

'Woman, without her, man is nothing'

Clearly, a lot of woman would fist pump about a statement like this. Many men would as well. However, clearly if you switch the wording

'Man, without him, woman are nothing'

This would be a horrific thing to say worthy of much derision.

My real question though, is does this 'replace Subject X with Subject Y and now watch the reaction' hold weight as a form of argument?

I've always been aware of the whole women's studies/rape culture liberal stuff that's going on but to be fair I hadn't given it a ton of thought until recently. I also hadn't considered how much things such as Men's Centers may actually be neccesary, particularly in a place such as North America where many young men are involved in military actions and exposed to a lot of raw violence.

Anyways I know that wasn't very cohesive but I wanted to get some of this out there and maybe someone from LP digs it and can give me some interesting links or alternative viewpoints on this type of stuff, cause I'm admittedly ignorant to most of it.

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Neteller $$ by player999, November 13

Someone send me something, I'll send back when I get back home in 1 week, plus a little extra, somewhere between 500-2000 would be great

edit: or I can send PS or FTP right now

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Micro millions by Mortensen8, November 13

Who's playing? I'm going to be ballin' out of control pretty soon and offering some stakes for events: 3,5,7
Anyone? I could never get staked and now I bet no one even accepts my stakes.

great song from that movie longple recommended

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Time Travel by tutz, November 13

uiCk solved the mistery. Thanks you for your time!

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Canadian Internet... by Arirang, November 13

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Poker, my book and gold/silver by DustySwedeDude, November 13

Precious metal stocks update

Gold and Silver

I'm gonna take a trip around the world
I'm gonna kiss all the pretty girls
I'll do everything silver and gold
And I got to hurry up before I grow too old

Oh I do a lotta things I know is wrong
Hope I'm forgiven before I'm gone
It'll take a lotta prayers to save my soul
And I got to hurry up before I grow too old

So my portfolio is close to an all time high, thanks in big part to mister Barack Hussein Obama II and his homeboy “Helicopter” Benny Bernanke . His reelection was celebrated with a glass or two of red wine, an rather disappointing Amarone della Valpolicella from 2008. Someone posted a graph of what kind of stuff that has actually increased in value during Obamas time in the white house. Let's just say it's not the USD...

I'd like to write some more about stocks I like just because it makes me actually read a bit more about them and it's kind of fun.

This is obviously not investment advice, I'm not a certified anything that I can think of right now and nothing I write should be taken as a advice to buy any stock, commodity or anything else.

Anyway, remember that Nulegacy Gold thingy I wrote about a few weeks back? When I wrote about it it closed at 15 cents but in a unusual case of good timing I think (not important enough for me to be bother to fire up my other computer and have a look) I got it at 14.5 cents. Thanks to some renegotiation of one of their contracts they now have a much lower burn rate and can concentrate on their most promising project which is good for a few reasons:

1. No more annoying financing until a little later. They'll probably need to do something within a year or a little bit more, but it's still cool.
2. Better chance of getting good drilling results faster which would be fantastic since stock owners would really like to see the stock gain a bit of value before the next round of financing since that will make sure it won't be as damaging to the stock price. Better that a company can raise 1 million by selling a million shares at 1 USD/share then 10 million at 10cents/share, obviously. Not that this particular stock will cost 1 USD any time soon unless the drilling results are really, really great, but you get the idea.

Anyway, that was good enough for a gain of 10% or so the day they broke the news and according to yahoo finance it's now trading at 17cents for a gain of more then 10% in a month or so. I'd brag about this but everyone who knows anything about small stocks knows that penny stocks swings more then a 3 handed game with Isildur, Gus and Ilari where everyone is required to take a shot every 15 min and the game is 5 card PLO. That's why my holdings are fairly small, less then 2% of my portfolio. Oh well, it's a good start.

Another of my favorite companies right now is Avino Silver and Gold mines. It's a silver company in Mexico that I've been buying in different sizes for over a year. If you check out a graph of their stock market price you can tell that I'm down a bit... Not that bad thought, something like 20% on average and it was much worse before the stock started to gain momentum the last month or so. I have a fairly big position in this company. The company have a handful of projects but the ones they're working on is the old Avino Mines and The San Gonzales mine. They already are already making money from stockpiled resources that they process in their own mills so financing will probably work out fine and they hopefully won't need to raise more money before they can declare commercial production. The San Gonzales mine will declare commecrial production of about 250tpd in the near future and The Avino mine (~1000tpd) will do the same sometime 2014 if everything goes according to plan. The last is a key phrase when it comes to miners but except for one little fuck up (for which Wardrop Engenering rather then Avino was responsible) Avino has been very good at not fucking things up, doing things according to plan and keep costs down. What the total silver production would be is kind of hard to guess unless you know much more then me.

The Swedish blogger “Scoris” ( it's in Swedish) has a good relationship to this company and intived the CEO to Stockholm to talk about the company in front of some Swedish stock owners a month or two back. Then they talked about how the Avino Mine, back in 2003 before it got closed due to low silver prices (it was 4USD/oz back then, now it's 30) produced about 800 000 oz silver, between 5 and 10k oz gold and 3.5 M lbs copper per year. That's equal to a production of between 1.3 and 1.6millon oz of silver. Given a production cost per ounce of about 10 (which would be really high, remember, they did not close it until silver was down at 4) that would give 1.3-1.6 million * 20 or between 26 and 32 million USD in profit per year from that mine.

I did some math on the smaller San Gonzales mine and I have no idea if it's correct but my highly speculative guess would be that the cash flow from that one would be about half of the cash flow of the Avino Mine. That'd put their yearly profit from the mines between 40 and 46 million per year within 2-3 years. So basically I think this company with a market cap of less then 50 million seems like a decent enough bet for me considering how they already have most of the material in place, is in a good place as far as finances goes and they tend to do decent enough when it comes to getting shit done on time.

Biggest share holders are Sprott Asset Management and Sprott Private Wealth which is something you very much like to see in Silver miners.

So, what's the downswide then? Well, first of all it's in Mexico. They say parts of Mexico is fairly safe but I'd still like to mention that. Then there is always a risk in miners. Shit happens, basically and fairly often it happens to miners. Then lastly it's the silver price. If silver ever goes back ot where it was 10 years ago or so the company is worth shit. However, if it happens to keep at these levels or increase even more it's great.

Another cool thing is that it's traded, like most mining stocks, in CAD instead of USD which keeps you solidly out of risk of the currency risk known as Barrack's and Benny's dollar printing dream team. Someone mentioned in some topic that the Dollar was even weaker during Bush then during Obama. That's only true if compared to other big currencies. Considering how the Euro, Pound and japanese weird fish money is just trash that's not a hard feat to archive. Compared to stuff people actually need (food, gas etc) and compared to traditional stores of value (gold, silver, maybe land depending on what part of the world you're in) the USD is at it's weakest point in it's history. Just because I sometimes get good stats in pub games when I play Dota 2 and Navi sometimes have players with negative stats in some games I can't claim to be a stronger player then someone in Navi.

My book

So I'm writing on a book about what shit actually costs. So far I've made some fairly extensive calculations on the cost of fining cannabis users. Working on what we are paying our politicians and what we could save by cutting their wages to the level of high school teachers and cutting back on their very extensive pension plans. So far it's about 6k words and I'm aiming to get maybe 60k words in total about all kinds of dumb shit in society. It's really fun for me because I'm really diving into weird laws, public reports and all kinds of stuff that our government has to publish statistics about but no one really reads for the most part. I know that's a bit like admitting to liking German Porn but for some reason I find dull reports on various topics relaxing. Plan is to try to get someone to publish it for me and if rejected just put it up on the internet for free in some way.

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oh, hai by Gawuss, November 12

Now that I know that I'm incapable of improving my poker skills and it keeps getting worse and worse I still somehow have motivation to pursue the goal of moving up. I had to go down to 50nl after Enet (a small Italian network) had frozen most of my BR and had basically stolen my money for the second time in a span of a few months.
Daily analysis of at least 5 hands and talking strategy with my friends helped me believe I can finally start to understand poker better and crush my opponents but I just can't get myself to focus each time I play and it leads me to spazz a lot which makes me miserable over and over again. I'm completely sick of it but I gotta move on and try to improve no matter what. I need to pay rent, buy food, etc. and I don't really feel like asking my parents for help once I became financially independent a couple years ago. It might result in me being broke soon but I am not going to give up. I've been playing poker for far too long to just let it go.
I'm writing this post because it is a part of the schedule I set myself and I will be doing it on a weekly basis regardless of results or the mood I'm in. I'll try not to whine too much but instead be constructive and look for feedback from you guys.
Since I'm kinda sick of poker in general, I wanted to briefly write about my recent trip to Amsterdam. 3 years ago I felt it'd be a good place to take your girlfriend for a romantic weekend and so I took her there last month. I can't exactly say it was a romantic weekend since all we did was smoke weed all the time. And no, it was not my idea. She loves weed probably more than she loves me Anyway, we spent a lot of time walking around Amsterdam and stoping at coffeeshops for at least a joint. We liked Bulldog, Barney's and one local no-name coffeeshop the most. I'm not sure if there is anything more to add, except for that we had a really fun time and I'm looking forward to going back to the Sin City of Europe some day

+ Show Spoiler +

Take care LPers,


P.S. If anyone wanted to coach me for free or in exchange for Polish lessons please let me know

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