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We Legalized It by k2o4, November 11

In CO and WA.

Know what is cool about what we did in CO? We also made sure that hemp was part of the package.

Good times are coming!

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unreal tournament by LikeASet, November 10

Does anybody still play on the servers nowadays?

I'm about to buy the Unreal deal pack on steam for 39.99, includes unreal 2, unreal tournament 3 black, unreal 2004, unreal game of the year edition, unreal gold.

I like switching between fast paced shooters like unreal, and more methodical shooters like call of duty and halo series.

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$10 for openoffice help? by bigredhoss, November 10

so i downloaded openoffice, basically what i need to do is make a short presentation with a recording of my voice that's in sync with the slideshow (i'm not doing it live, just have to e-mail it to the professor, it's just ~5 mins for a foreign language class).

i know how to record myself and convert it into an mp3 file. now i need to know how to make it so that the audio is lined up with slideshow the way i want it and searching for that on google seems like a crap way to spend saturday =[

sooo..if someone can just explain this i'll find some way to ship $10 as soon as i can get it to work, i'm US so i don't have money on any poker sites, i assume paypal should work?

p.s. need to e-mail it by midnight CST tonight, let us go go go!

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Got my FTP account history by nolan, November 10

The only thing I did the three days before black friday was sit at 5/10 hu and not get sat.
Hadn't realized I actually hadn't played a hand in quite awhile before black firday. Found that kind of striking.

I have an amount likely larger than my Father's salary just sitting in internet limbo. Such a weird period in my life from start to finish.

Also got a link sent to me by a friend I had growing up about a guy getting busted with absurd amounts of LSD, Ecstasy and some other stuff (according to news reports anyways) in the Boston area. He was someone I had hung out with at a few WPT/EPT's and was certainly an amicable fellow.

What a wicked web we weave I suppose!

Anyways, Ulrich Schanuss is baller.

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MTT run good :) by Tsukuyomi, November 09

Two 1st in one day! finally some love from the mtt poker Gods =)

gn LP <3

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watch out~~~~ by Rinny, November 09

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World War Z by mnj, November 09


but it was directed by the guy who made quantum of solace

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Fuck Blizzard. by NotSorry, November 09

The Diablo III account associated with this email address has been closed due to exploitative use of the Diablo III auction house, or association with other accounts participating in similar behavior. This Diablo III account and any Heroes or items associated with the account are no longer accessible.

Note that any open bids or auctions at the time of the account’s closure have been cancelled. Your open bids will be refunded to your original method of payment. Any bids or auctions completed prior to the account’s closure will neither be refunded nor reversed.

Any disputes or questions concerning this account action can only be addressed by Account Administration in an online ticket. Customer Support is not able to investigate account actions over the phone. For more information see:

Clean account never traded with or played with anyone else, played like 5-6hours all legit, made my first 100k gold then only used the ah/rmah buying/selling about 30mins a day in the morning before work. Sorry the game was fucking shit and the only slight enjoyment I could get out of it was playing the market. Oh well's I still have 5accounts I haven't touched in months, but still pisses me off since I had nearly 1bil gold and several mule chars full of decent priced items waiting to be sold.

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Getting a gun by thewh00sel, November 08

Pretty much what the title says. I've been thinking about buying a handgun for a few months now. A couple reasons against it are obviously having a toddler in the house and the general risk of accidental gun-firing and all of the safety issues that come along with gun ownership. But from what I've read, and friends I know that own guns, there really is no safety issue if you are responsible with where you keep your weapon(s) and make sure to keep them unloaded and safety locked. The pros of gun ownership seem to far outweigh the negatives, I just never really cared to own one before although my family had a few shotguns/handguns when I was younger.

Some pros to gun ownership:
1. Home defense. Can't hurt to be able to protect yourself in an emergency.

2. Responsibility. I think owning a gun and properly taking care of it and storing it safely will make me a more responsible person, along with forcing some discipline and planning on proper storage and semi-regular range practice.

3. Insurance Policy. With all of the anti-gun and invasion of privacy stuff that the government has been passing in the past 10 years, I want to own a gun/ammunition/way to protect myself and my family in case of an emergency before it gets outlawed. I know this seems unlikely, but when you think about the cost (like $400 for a gun, plus ammunition) you really get a lot of value in protection on your money. Think about Hurricane Sandy; after two days of the power being out there were thousands of people digging through dumpsters looking for many more days before they go looking in other people's houses? If that many people are unprepared for two days with no power, then I don't want to see them at two weeks. Something to think about.

4. ZOMBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've pretty much narrowed it down to one gun unless someone has something else to recommend; I believe I'll be going with the Glock 17. It's a 9mm handgun that is the most common gun in the world afaik. Police use them, magazines/ammo is cheap, and it is extremely reliable. There is also the Glock 19 which is 3/4" shorter than the 17 for easier concealment, but I am not really going to need it for that purpose (yet?). Also the grip is a little shorter on those, and although I haven't shot a gun in a long time, I don't think I would like my pinky finger hanging over the bottom of the grip. I plan on going to a local gun shop/range in town in the next week or two and try shooting both of them, and maybe a few other guns to see if anything else calls out to me. SO DON'T ROB ME IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS BEFORE I GET IT OR I'MMA BE MAD.
Glock 17 (above) Glock 19 (below)

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in b4 fayth saves christmas by mnj, November 08

A good reminder with the holiday giving season ahead.
As you open your pockets to do a good thing
and make yourself feel good,
please keep the following facts in mind:

The American Red Cross
President and CEO Marsha J. Evans'
salary for the year was $651,957 plus expenses

It is called the March of Dimes because
only a dime for every 1 dollar is given to the needy.

The United Way
President Brian Gallagher
receives a $375,000 base salary along with numerous expense benefits.

CEO Caryl M. Stern receives
$1,200,000 per year (100k per month) plus all expenses including a ROLLS ROYCE.
Less than 5 cents of your donated dollar goes to the cause.

CEO and owner Mark Curran profits $2.3 million a year.
Goodwill is a very catchy name for his business.
You donate to his business and the n he sells the items for PROFIT.
He pays nothing for his products and pays his workers minimum wage! Nice Guy..
$0.00 goes to help anyone! Stop giving to this man.

Instead, give it to ANY OF THE FOLLOWING


The Salvation Army
Commissioner, Todd Bassett receives a small salary of only
$13,000 per year (plus housing) for managing this $2 billion dollar organization.
96 percent of donated dollars go to the cause.

The American Legion
National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary.
Your donations go to help Veterans and the ir families and youth!

The Veterans of Foreign Wars
National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary.
Your donations go to help Veterans and the ir families and youth!

The Disabled American Veterans
National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary.
Your donations go to help Veterans and the ir families and youth!

The Military Order of Purple Hearts
National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary.
Your donations go to help Veterans and the ir families and youth!

The Vietnam Veterans Association
National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary.
Your donations go to help Veterans and the ir families and youth!

Make a Wish: For children's last wishes.
100% goes to funding trips or special wishes for a dying child.

St. Jude Research Hospital
100% goes towards funding and helping Children with Cancer who have no insurance and can
not afford to pay.
Rotary Foundation
100% of every dollar contributed goes to the Foundation. Polio Plus, humanitarian efforts etc
Ronald McDonald Houses
All monies go to running the houses for parents who have critical Children in the hospital.
100% goes to housing, and feeding the families.

Lions Club International

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Busto ! by the cleaner, November 08

A little background:

I started playing poker as my only income late mid 2007. It was a no-brainer, after i figured out that i could make much more money playing poker, then i would in my old job as a shipping agent, where i would work day and night shifts and 50+hr/weeks. I have an autistic son, so being able to work at home was very important too, since it would be very stressful for my wife to take care of him alone. Things weren't always great, but over the years i have been able to buy an apartment, a car, my daughter's in her last year of high school and my son was going to a special school. Poker has also given me the freedom and money to visit my parents in germany, every year for the last 5 years. I wasn't making a great amount of money, with the best years probably averaging around 4000$ or 5000$/month and other years maybe 2500$ or 3000$/month, but it was much more then me and my family was used too. I have had several bad downswings over the years, but usually have been able to get out of them before things got to critical.

How did i get into this mess ?

I like this quote from Benjamin Franklin "Rather go to bed with out dinner than to rise in debt.", and that was my philosophy regarding debts. But when you get married and have wife and kids, you start getting softer and give in to to many things (big birthday parties, new kitchen, new furniture, trips etc.), even thought you know that they will catch up with you and give you trouble in the future. I'm easily persuaded, and it has given me trouble in the past, but i would just grind more and eventually get out of the problem. I started to get into a real bad habit regarding my money management outside of poker. Throughout the year i have basically been going back and forth from my normal level (100nl 6max) to regrinding at (50nl), and my cash game winning are basically (0)zero this year, so my only income came from vpp milestones, fpps and a little from sngs/mtt. I still made about 1500$/month on avg. this year, but that isn't enough to pay for monthly expenses, so i got into debt with credit cards and some personal debts (about 3k$). On my last downswing I couldn't turn things around and just kept moving down from 100nl to 50nl to 25nl about 10 days ago, and i just started playing 10nl today, mixed with 2.5$ 180s sngs.

My current Bankroll:

I have had a lot of stress/lifetilt the last couple of months due to the monetary pressure i have put myself into, and my confidence level is on an all time low. I contacted somebody on LP regarding a stake, and we talked yesterday (sorry Matt, didn't contact you, but i still feel kind of bad caused i failed at that 200nl 10buy in shot beginning of the year that didn't worked out). We talked yesterday, but it didn't worked out. I totally understand him, and tbh, in his shoes i would have taken the same decision. He explained to me that a stake has to be beneficial for both sides, and given my current situation (and poker ability judging from my yearly results) i can see how it is not the case. i would have benefited more from the deal, since one of the reasons that i was looking for a stake, was because i have 29k vpps to go to cash a 2800$ milestone on stars and wanted to avoid the regrind from small stakes. But given my poor results lately this seems like a bad deal for a staker. I have the up most respect for him anyways, and he's one of the nicest guys on LP. I just didn't really looked at it from his perspective.

What's the plan ?

*paying back debts will just have to wait
*wife started working 2 days ago (last time was 1999)
*grind 10nl till 500$, 25$nl till 1000$, 50nl till 3000$
*not doing the same mistakes again

Some images from my poker lifeline

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Weird Emoesque feelings by DustySwedeDude, November 08

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Anyone need dota 2 invite? by aCa_, November 07

I got 3 invites right currently and don't really need them. If you want one just post your steam id and I'll send one over.

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MLG Dallas 2012 by edzwoo, November 07

Hey guys! Haven't blogged in a while, but I wanted to write about some stuff, and this site just feels like the best place to do it for me. I know it's probably more appropriate on TL but I don't really post much there.

I went to MLG Dallas over the weekend since I have a bunch of friends living in Austin/Houston who were willing to drive up as well. I always thought it would be fun to go to an MLG, but this is the first time it worked out for everyone. We had 10 people in our crew, and 6 of us were competing. Some of the other guys are top masters (one's a GM on NA, Oobios), and I'm only like a top 20 masters player, but I figured it would be a fun experience. I also thought I probably had a decent chance winning a round or two seeing as there's a lot of fish that like to compete.
Entrance to the venue

First awesome thing about MLG is that they had unlimited free Dr Pepper and Flipz white/milk chocolate covered pretzels. So basically expect to get diabetes.

If you ever decide to go to an MLG event for SC2, you definitely want to get the competitor pass as opposed to the spectator's pass if you enjoy watching pro matches. Aside from the fact that competing is just fun, you basically get to see like 10x as much content in first person view. It's also just pretty cool to have all the progamers walking around nearby, who are usually willing to talk to you given they aren't busy.
Pic with Taeja. I'm at the very right. Have more pics with different players, but I figured this is most relevant it IS LiquidPoker

I'll recap how my games went really quickly. First match was against a zerg who seemed to be around my skill level on ladder based on his previous seasons. First game was on Metropolis and I went Mvp style mech (1rax FE, 2fact blue flame hellion into Starport viking). He went for roach nydus allin which was basically instant gg. It was just bad scouting and inexperience from my part, esp since I was aware there was no third expo. After the game I looked at him and laughed a bit, saying I get owned by that build a lot. He laughed and said he's not really confident in his ZvT.

Second game was on Ohana and I went 1rax FE into a +1 timing with medivacs for the third. I did this mostly because I figured I would come out really far ahead if he did some sort of roach opening again. I'm not entirely sure how good it is against a roach/bane allin though. I put supply depots around my base just in case and managed to pick off an overlord that was just sitting in my main. I saw banelings morphing in front of my nat, so I put like 4 more bunkers down, but he never attacked. I just kinda a-moved him once I got medivacs and he couldn't hold it, but he got infestors into all my bases and killed a ton of SCVs. I just kept rallying units and killed him though. His mechanics seemed really off, because he had like 6 overlords sitting at what seemed to be a rally point near my nat. That seemed potentially game ending.

Third game was Cloud Kingdom and I figured I should be able to beat him in a more defensive macro game. He was really, really aggressive with things like counterattacking, but it seems like his mechanics weren't that good. I did a build I saw on Ganzi's stream tbut modified it a bit. Ganzi goes: rax, double cc, 3 more rax nat walloff, double refinery, double ebay and upgrades, then finally techs to medivacs. He just plays super aggro bio afterwards. I got the 3rax before the third CC though cause I figured he might try to do some fast ling attack, which he did. He couldn't really do anything cause of the rax walloff, and I think he cut a lot of drones/tech early on because I just a-moved him and won around 12:00 game time or so.
Getting ready to play! Channeling the power of Taeja's signature.

Random story. When I was in the bathroom sometime after my first match, some random younger guy did a double take, looked all nervous and was like "ooooh what game are you here for?" I said I was here for SC2, and he was like "did you win?" I was like uhhh I won a match. Then he asked me, "are you going to win the whole thing?", and I say definitely not. Then he said, "oh. You look like a pro." RACIST LOL

For my second match, I was playing Shew, a bit of a lower GM level protoss player who I think is somewhat known in the community. The cool thing about this match is that I was on station 2, which is separated from the players area and on an elevated stage. It also has your monitor mirrored above you on a TV screen for people to see. In any case, my game plan was to cheese both games.

Game 1 I went double reactor hellion with SCV pull around 8:00-8:30, which is probably the most gimmicky cheese you can do in TvP. I saw SelecT do it against some diamond player, but I tried it on ladder and have like an 80% winrate with it. I took out a top masters protoss out with it in a playhem daily once too, so I figured there was a high chance he would get blindsided and lose. Unfortunately he countered it perfectly by just sac-ing his nat, running his army to his main and FF-ing his ramp. There absolutely no transition from this so he just stalled until he got a big army and just killed me.

Game 2 I did this build:, which went perfectly (hellion drop got like 6+ probe kills) until I dropped the PDD too far from his nat and accidentally lost my raven a minute later. I ended up engaging too late and lost. Can't say I felt too bad because I'm definitely not nearly as good as he was, but I think I was in a strong winnable position for a bit.
viOLet! Got some pics with other people but I like his flair.

I was done playing until the next day, but there was this booth where they were running a marine split contest every 3 hours. The top score would get various Sandisk SSD products. The map is "Marine Split Challenge MLG v1.3" if you want to play it.

I actually play a marine split trainer map a lot cause I find it really fun, so I was pretty pumped to give it a try. You get 3 minutes to get as far as possible, and once the timer runs out you go until you die. First thing I noticed is the sensitivity/DPI was REALLY high. I think it was probably set around 2k or so, whereas I usually play on 800. Anyway, there weren't that many people trying, and they allowed you to get back on list to try again if you wanted to beat your old score.
Try hard
Feels good man

The second place guy's name was Daniel, who wasn't competing at MLG. He was a nice guy, and we talked a bit about the best strat. Unfortunately I had to leave to play my first round, and he kept playing and eventually got a 16. He won a 128gb SSD, and when I came back later and got a 15, I won one of these: Sort of lame because it was the worst prize they gave out.

There was this really young kid (probably around 15-16) that came by and tried it out. In terms of actual marine splitting ability, he was absolutely INSANE. He didn't really know how the map worked and got a 12 on his first try, but he definitely could have done way better if he just tried a few more times. I was super impressed and told him GL at his games.

Funny thing is the next day, that was the kid I ended up playing and he knocked me out 2-0. While packing up my stuff, I told him gg and that he should go back and play the marine splitting thing cause I was positive he could just win a free SSD or something. When I went back to the booth later, and he had the high score of 18, which I can't even get now at my own computer.

Now what's REALLY lame is the guys at the booth told me they were going to have a contest where the top 2 scores of all the winners would go on the main stage and compete for a 480GB SSD, and I had the third best score. Oh well.
joLin from LP playing. He got the furthest and took out KeyDPotiguar, who won WCS Brazil.

There was a sense of relief after getting knocked out, because I could finally just relax and enjoy spectating the tournament. My girlfriend, Catherine, made me baneling and overlord plushies that we kept waving around when the camera was looking at our direction. I'm not sure if it got recorded, but if anyone has an MLG pass, check out Flash vs TheStC. There was a lag spike in the whole venue and the game went down for a while. During that pause, Clutch (the announcer) stood in the crowd and said some stuff. We totally video bombed him since the camera was directly in our line of sight.
Wearing the plushies as hats.

MLG was really fun. I wish they ran an event in Chicago so I wouldn't have to take so many days off from my business, but the trip was well worth it. I don't know if it would work out attending the other events, but if they have it in Dallas again next year, I'll probably go again.
Our group!

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Same Sex Marriage + Sick Hip Hop Song by Svenman87, November 07

Glad to see a few more states advanced today.

I'm from Minnesota so we had a vote on changing the state constitution to say one man one woman. Right now it's about 52% No - 48% Yes which surprises me a bit, but then I think of all the hick towns and the deep seeded religion in this state and it's not to surprising.

Good hip hop song to go along with the subject, heard it on my way home today and was like damnnnnn that's sick.

Anyways what are your thoughts LP?

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congrats k2o4, Colorado, and washington by palak, November 07

Marijuana legalized

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need powerpoint by bigredhoss, November 06

i need to use powerpoint for a presentation for a class, on my computer i just have a trial version of Office 2010 which gives powerpoint viewer but not fully functional powerpoint i think? i browsed through cnet looking for a full standalone pp download but could not locate, it's possible i missed it on account of being retarded though.

anyone know where i can get this? im afraid of getting virus raped if i try pirate bay.

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Lock for Paypal by TGR, November 06

900 on lock for 800 paypal?

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Fight Canceled by NotSorry, November 06

Was hoping to write this post about having a fight lined up for Nov 23rd in Iowa but things just didn't work out that way. With that out of the way now there really is no reason for me to wait til the 7th to head back to Cali, so putting in my 2weeks at work today and heading out around the 21-22nd of Nov to get a jump start on my training camp. Also been looking into some video equipment to do a video blog + interviews with coaches/teammates during camps, pre and post fights.

PS: If you're into kickboxing as well Glory 3: Rome Final 8 on nov 2nd was a solid show and well worth the download.

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small update by longple, November 05

the last post i made was about finding a stake, i wasnt hopeing for to much as i felt going public like that would look desperate. I guess i was wrong? got tons of PMs from ppl (appriciate that, with extrathanks to dusty ( heart ) and his involvement in gathering people left and right to help me out.

But the first person sending me a PM just minutes after i posted was Smuft+crew. A couple of days later I ended up getting into a deal with a strong LP lineup of smuft/mig/nazgul and daut (with daut selling pieces to pinball/dusty aswell)

I got a really good longtermkindofadeal with alot of room to be longple and swing around on 2/4-5/10 in my standard fashion wich im very happy about.

There was some misscommunication between me and Ket regarding our previous stakedeal, wich u can all read some about in the last couple of comments in the last blog. But we worked it out pretty quickly and we felt like that was between me and ket and im glad ket is such a nice and easy person to deal with and its all good between us. It could have gotten really messy if ket wasnt ket.

Anyways, ive had a pretty rough year so far but im starting to feel the groove again and ill try to keep up posting some hands on LP and stay positive takeing it step by step this whole thing, and im sure its gonna work out just fine for me in the end.

Signed up for a meditationclass over 6 weeks that starts tomorrow, have been interested in that shit for a long time now and im looking forward to it alot, as i already do a fair bit of yoga (wich is an awesome way of working out imo, try it out and ull start sweating like a pig within 5 minutes).

gl and thanks for all the support guys <3

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