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2012 NBA Jerseys New Style by linzi630, August 07

--- Nuked ---

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Red Wing Shoes 2012 New Style by linzi630, August 07

--- Nuked ---

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Adidas Soccer Cleats - High Performance by linzi630, August 07

--- Nuked ---

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Wardrobe help by Daut, August 07

I kinda want to revamp what I wear. i basically dress like a 15 year old high school athlete and its time to change that. i've tried to get my girlfriend to help a bit but what she likes and what I like are so far different that Id rather get some other opinions and form something thats more of my own style.

I searched some of the old threads on LP ( but given how much people were recommending ed hardy and affliction shirts, I think it's safe to say that those threads are outdated.

I guess i'll just go over every part of an outfit that I need help with. I've got nice pairs of jeans, nice dress shirts, a good pair of sandals and finding cool sneakers is really easy. so i need help with shorts and casual every day shirts.

i mostly just wear t shirts. lots of jiu jitsu tees like these:

finding t shirts to wear is easy and i can do that either online or at a place like pac sun. finding nice polos and casual every day shirts is not. it doesnt help that i have a hard body to find shirts for. im 6'0 170 so im tall but pretty thin. muscle wise i have lean arms, a very small chest and a thin frame but well developed shoulders. so basically mediums are snug on me and really short while larges are the right length but are extremely loose fitting around my arms and chest.

any recommendations for nice casual every day shirts that arent t shirts and arent golf shirts? one big pet peeve i have is guys who dress like they are a professional golfer every day. looks really stupid to me. just as i imagine me dressing like im some pro mma fighter looks really stupid to them.

As of now I wear 3 types of shorts:
board shorts:

bball shorts:

very casual but not workout shorts like these:

but these really arent enough. any recommendations on other good every day shorts to wear?

i also have absolutely 0 sense of what kind of stuff matches together to the point that I probably come off like I have aspergers lol. what are big no-nos for matching shorts and tops? and what colors go well together or dont go well together?


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What can I do? by TalentedTom, August 06

So I'm looking to buy some good quality headphones I found these on


but they unfortunately do not ship to Canada, so I check and I find...


The USD : CAD conversion rate is almost exactly 1:1, and yet everything in Canada costs between 30-100% more (this pisses me off). Anything I can do here? Or anyone know of any good quality headphones that are under $50 which ship to Canada?

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meh....... by NeillyJQ, August 05


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Washington State Online Poker Initiative by curtinsea, August 05

Some of you may know, Washington State was the first state in the US to be dropped first by Pokerstars, and then FTP, prior to Black Friday. This was due to a State law passed in 2006, and which survived a narrow court challenge in 2009. Once that challenge failed, the sites decided against continuing to offer play to Washington State. Unfortunately for them, it was too little too late.

Violation of that State law in Washington is at the cornerstone of the Black Friday cases, and the Washington State Gaming Commission worked hand in hand with the DoJ to bring the cases that shut down the big three sites. But now the landscape has changed.

With the recent reversal in position by the DoJ with regard to the Wire Act, one by one states are passing their own online poker legislation. Even with Federal legislation, Washington would be still out in the cold under the current RCW. But the people can act to change the law themselves, without help or support of the State Legislature, thanks to the Initiative process.

So, in January of next year, at the earliest date allowed by statute, an Initiative to the Voters of Washington State will be introduced that will carve out an exception to that 2006 language specifically for poker, and create some framework under which online poker can be offered in our state. But that is the easy part.

We will need to gather signatures, our goal is 300K to assure we meet the required 241k valid signatures, by the end of June, to qualify for the November 2013 ballot. It will take a small army of volunteers to collect the needed signatures, but surely this can be done.

Once qualified for the ballot, a 60% yes vote is required for this gambling issue, so a real campaign will need to be mounted at that time.

Between now and then, we need to rally as much support as we can get. Spread the word to every poker player you know in Washington to get on board and help make this a reality!

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Start of 10k HU challenge by MARSHALL28, August 05

So my heads up challenge versus Zachvac started today. For those of you who aren't aware of the situation, here's a link to what's going on....

It's a lot to read so I can just provide a short synopsis here. Basically, he called me out (like so many others have in the past) claiming that I was a losing player, that I was cheating people by over-charging for coaching that I wasn't qualified to be giving and that he would destroy me in a HU battle.

It's not like me to accept a challenge like this or to ever challenge anybody else for some kind of HU duel scenario, but what this guy did was way way over the line. And if you know me at all, it's not in my nature to back down against someone making such accusations, and I always got a chip on my shoulder as if I have to constantly prove myself.

So we are playing 10,000 hands HU @ 3/6NL. We escrowed 5k each -- with whoever being up at the end of the match winning the side bet while still keeping any other profits earned during the match.

Today we played ~400 hands and I finished up ~2400. That was the first session of our official challenge but the second session we've played. I'm up on him about 5k in less than 1k hands over the two times I have played him HU.

Based on what I think about this guy's play, he's in way over his head, he could drop an additional 20k to me over these 10k hands in addition to the 5k side bet. I'm feeling very confident.

Okay so I finally made a twitter account. I'm going to tweet when the matches are being played for whoever wants to rail it. You guys can follow me there @PeterJennings28.

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Lots of hands by DustySwedeDude, August 05

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Results, time to move to up by TGR, August 04

Been playing some more NL20 on iPoker. Finally winning some flips. Another good session or 2 and I'm gonna move up to NL50. I'm up ~250 in NL20, bit overrolled. Gonna win like 5 more buyins then move up to NL50 so I have a nice buffer. Think I'm gonna work on opening up my 3bet and start light 4betting.

Oh well, here's my graph for the week. Took some time off to deal with life stuff, definitely didn't play as much as i wanted. 20k hands next week is my goal.



More Manafest

Some more!?

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some micro hands vs wobbly by tuna333, August 04

hey wobbly thx again for playing micros - have almost 1500 hands w/ you, so a lot of study material

anyway to the session: It was actually kinda tough for me to play right now, because I didnt play poker last 2 months - I started week ago and was playing 2 (max 3 tables, max session was 95mins), just to get back into it, trying to get better, etc. But when I saw you are playing this low I wanted to play w/ you as much as I can. So I ended 6 tabling for 4 hours, which is definetly in my top10 longest sessions in my life + my standard is 4 tabling. I had pretty terrible stats, which is probably not suprise, because of how tired I was at the end (my standard stats in bracket)

VPIP 24.2 (26.9)
PFR 17.6 (21)
3bet 5.1 (6.2)
WTSD 19.3 (25.4)
W$SD 47.4 (51)
WWSF 40.6 (44.9)
Flop Agg 27.9 (41)

session graph:

I have losing redline and 7.16bb/100 in last 100k hands on 25NL/50NL and 50NL is my current limit. Im pretty happy w/ my play in 1st half, but then I started to be tired and played just because I wanted to have some hands w/ you. This is pretty obvious at the end of the graph - I started to be pretty passive. And after 2/3 of the session I started to have a really bad feeling, that you are overplaying me pretty badly. Anyway it was great experience


I just called pre because you were folding so much to 4bets (I 4bet you twice - both bluffs) + playability + position. On flop I beat all your bluffs + you will bluff cards, which hit me + some eq vs your value range. Turn is great card for me because you will value bet worse too - I just called to let your bluffs in. Now Im insta calling any river

In this hand I maybe leveled myself, but I would never do this vs anyone on 50NL w/o reads. I called t and r, because you werent calling that much form blinds, so not much 6x in your range + I thought there is good chance you can turn something like 77, 88, some 9x into bluff, or do this w/ some straight or flush draws. Because I wouldnt cbet 6x, wouldnt open 96o vs you, so I will have only 10 combos (QQ, 99, 66, 96s, Q6s) I can easily stack off with and if you believed I would fold Qx, etc., which you very easily could, then I will fold massive % of my tun brl range

Here I really dont know what to do. I shipped, because if I call it will be obv for both of us that my range is mostly Qx and you set up stacks for nice river shove. And Im pretty sure, that on the river I would be capable of making much bigger mistake, than you, so this is why I shoved. I would shove here JTs, AcTc, AcJc, KcTc, KcJc, so I can have some bluffs too and you have 31% to call so you can call me w/ worse. Another option is to call and c/f river - calling turn is definitely ev+, c/f r is ev 0 and just take the pot, when you decide to give up w/ bluffs - although this is very exploitable it protects me from making mistake and we wont be playing against each other soon, but Im still not sure

This hand is from later part of the session and I have absolutely no idea, what I was doing on river. On the turn you both have pretty capped ranges and I dont, so decided to bluff. On the river 7x is top of your range and I should never expect you to fold it, so I should bet like 7.5$ w/ all my bluffs to let you fold weak part of your range and I should overbet here only w/ value hands

Lol at this hand. On the river I was confused (as I told you), because I thought you wouldnt bet this much w/ K on the turn (this assumption was probably totally wrong), so I thought you were polarized and then on the river when you bet small I was like "he cant never expect me to raise here" (I would raise only A7s, but good chance I would raise this hand earlier and A5s), so you are missing so much value -> you wouldnt value bet like that, but on the other side I tought you will not bluff like that. lol. AA made sense. nh

Another tough hand, altough I think your range is weighted towards value, but then again you need me to fold little less than 50% of my flop c/c range and if Im folding this, then you are printing money. Around this time I started to be tired and had that feeling that you are overplaying me

In this hand I would probably check some Ax to strengthen my checking range and would bluff and brl here a lot, so this is probably fine

This is probably fine too + I have As

Probably ok too, maybe turn is little bit close

This is on of the latest hand in session and I misplayed this pretty badly. But side note first: In later part of the session (and this is how I would describe that "bad feeling that you are overplaying me"). You started to use really big sizings vs me to polarize your range -> and I was feeling like "how can I bluffcatch vs high stakes guy, knowing you will bluff w/ ok frequencies, so I will never make money by bluffcatching you". So this force me either to make hands, which will beat at least some part of your value range (LOL) or start to bluff you. But I was so tired to make some big bluffs and I think you know all of this and this is the reason of the overplay, right??
To the hand: I called flop to let fish in + let you bluff + I thought you will not pay me (!!!). On the turn again big sizing and again I beat nothing of your value range, but here I should use these awesome blockers and turn this hand into bluff and shove. If I would do this I believe you would easily fold more than 90% of your brl range. I would rep pretty thin, but even 4x would be bluffcather and I think you would give me credit and fold maybe even 4x
!!! = this is exactly, why I should started turning hands into bluffs, but me tired = passive

When I checked the river I expected you to check here almost always, so didnt expect you would bet. I decided to raise, because as played its pretty obv, that I would bet river w/ whole air part of my range, so my checking range is basically SDV+. This was around 1/3 of session, so you knew Im not random idiot and I thought there is good chance you would give me credit, because I easily couldnt have air and I thought you would fold everything. This is maybe optimistic and this is probably the only 1 hand, where I would like to know, what you had

This is from early part of session. W/ no history, just from balance perspective - this is well played, right??

Funny hand for me, again from early part of session. I wanted to 4bet so much (thought its good spot + blocker + lot of respect) and only reason, why I didnt do it was your sizing. From start you were using smaller sizing and if you 3bet on 5 or 5.25 max, I would 4bet

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Live Play Motivation by SolarM, August 03

Hey LP,

First of all, I'm 22, have some jobs which give me like 600€/month and I am living on that money. Well and it has been my dream to live on playing live Poker since I know about Poker. So 3 days ago I took my 6000€ savings and went to a local Casino to play some 5/5 NL. I finished my first day with 100€ profit which really made me happy and motivated me to keep on going... So today I bought in for 300€ and doubled up pretty quickly to 600€. And then this hand happened :

I am utg and raise 20 with AAch, 5 people call, flop is KT9cc and I bet 80. Some guy who seems to be a reg shoves all in for 600 total, everyone folds and I make the call after tanking for 2 minutes. He shows T7cc and hits the flush.

Well... I Never played a 1200€ pot in my life and it fucked me pretty bad since I got 6000€ total and that is in fact ALL money I have. I rebought for 300€, made it to 400€ and then this hand happened :

Some guy raises to 10, four people call and I make it 70 as BB. Everyone folds, button calls and flop comes A98. Button is some guy that plays many pots and doesnt seem to care a lot about money, but definately has a clue of the game. My image is very tight and I think he knows that. I check and he bets 120, I quickly think that he got an ace, but on the other hand I thought he might also bet with lots of hands + I might be able to push him off like A5. So I shove for 400€ total and he calls while shrugging his shoulders and wins the pot with AT.

Please rate

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Poker & Resume by dryath, August 02

Hey guys,

So quick update on my last blog (about caffeine dependence). So I couldn't actually find anything solid about how long i would need to give up caffeine to get over it properly, but I think i decided that 2 weeks was what I would do. So I gave up for 2 weeks just after that blog post sometime (which was midsemester), and found it made me grumpy and irritable as fuck for a solid 2-3 days. I ended up then drinking it again probably 1/day on average at first, then slowly up to 2/day and when i got into the 3-4 weeks before my uni exams i was throwing down 3-5 a day (not always, but when i was trying to study for sure, as it was almost one of my go-to distractions).

Anyhow, the question i have for everyone today is about poker + resume. In particular im interested in hearing from Aussies about this as i think our employerers might look at it a bit different to US or other parts, and i know we definitely write our CVs a bit different and longer (which fucking sucks fyi).

So since i took 2010 and 2011 off uni and played poker full time both years (SNE in 2010), my resume is really really weak and lacking. I also do like no extra-curriculars that i can throw on like being in those gay clubs at uni and actually doing stuff. to be fair i am a member of them but i dont actually go or do anything hah. So for anyone writing a resume are you including/excluding poker from your resume and how are you going about it? - particuarly interested in those others who dont really do much other stuff for whatever reasons you might have. My resume is for the Finance/Banking industry as atm im in the middle of applying for a bunch of internships in this field.

So let me know guys, and if anyone thinks they have a good CV where they did or didnt use poker, feel free to send it over to me (if you want)!

Thanks guys, GL at the tables for those still playing, and GL in the full time job grind for those in or soon to be joining the working ranks =)

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Is Everyone Addicted? by RiKD, August 02

Is Everyone Addicted?

It doesn't matter what it is.

Personally, I always find myself in a viscous cycle where I waste all this time sitting in traffic or traveling to go grocery shopping or to the local farm to get some good shit. Then spend like an hour prepping and preparing and cooking. I personally enjoy cooking, etc. but it gets to the point like wtf am I doing?

But then you eat some olive oil, fresh garlic, fresh herb, fresh lemon vinaigrette w/ fresh magical in season produce and magical x, etc etc etc etc and it's like fuck I need to do this more.

That is just the first addiction that popped into my head. Could be an interesting thread btw:

Grocery shopping, cooking, eating out. What are your thoughts, ideas, opinions?

Anyways, it just seems like all human beings are either in a state of desperation for happiness or occupied w/ happiness. There is like no happy medium. I think any addiction just boils down to a desperation for happiness. I don't believe in any of that bullshit where ppl are actually addicted to shit besides like heroin where you can get viscously sick withdrawal symptoms but if you think about it you can get viscously sick, "nausea", boredom, depression, withdrawal from anything exceptional in life whether that's a good night out, a good vacation, a good date, a look from another human being that tells you they see who you are and are cool with what they see.

hmmm. that might be it for now.

As far as remedies for desperation for happiness. Bone Thugs n Harmony, Dark Chocolate Gelato, Hennessy, and a good cigar and some writin n readin might be worth a try.


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May/June/July! by thewh00sel, August 02

The summer was extremely hectic with a lot of poker playing going on and not much time for blogging. I'm back to update you all with my progress now though! I'll start off by laying out my expenses and then break down categories that are noteworthy.

May: Total spending $6,371, Total Income 18,243 Savings Rate: 65%
Expenses went up this month due to needing some supplies to repair the pool and not enough discipline in the food department. Luckily my savings rate was saved by a high income month.

Expense breakdown:
Home- 2,590
Had to replace the filters in the pool which added $500 to normal costs

Auto & Transport- 1,259
This number is inflated because of the second car payment, along with putting extra money toward the payments each month.

Health & Fitness- 898

Food/dining/toiletries- 742

Bills & Utilities- 451

Shopping- 105

Business Services- 110
(Casino Tips)
Fees & Charges- 0

Entertainment- 14
(Random stuff on itunes)
Personal Care- 150
(Massage Envy, last month of paying for it)

Gifts & Donations- 52

June: Total spent $6,121, Total Income 11,037, Savings Rate: 45%
Expenses went down a little bit from May, but unfortunately it isn't in the 5k range that I'd like to see. I was kind of saved by the income, but if I were down to 5k per month in expenses my savings rate would have been up into the mid-fifties...need to cut the fat.

Expense breakdown:

Home- 2100
Number is back in normal range this month

Auto & Transport- 1467
Had to get new tires and an alignment for one of the cars.

Health & Fitness- 802

Food/dining/toiletries- 500
Cheaper bc a lot of my meals were comp'd at the casino

Bills & Utilities- 734
Hotter month = more A/C

Shopping- 322
Bought my wife an iPad as a graduation gift.

Business Services- 50
tips, etc. The number is half of normal because I hardly valet parked since Rio surface parking is more convenient than Bellagio's.

Fees & Charges- 0

Entertainment- 71
Went to the movies and random other activities.

Personal Care- 0
Education- 0
Travel- 0
Gifts & Donations- 0

July: Total spent $8,730 (yikes), Total Income 12,435, Savings Rate: 30%
This month was very disappointing. I guess almost 1k went toward fixing up the house (wood floors) which is debatable as to whether the value added is equal to expense. But even accounting for that I was at 8k in expenses. Of course it all adds up below, and I think the trip to the Zoo with my family was worth the cost, but I just didn't think I was spending that much as I was living it. I guess that's a common problem and a big reason why people fall into debt so easily. Definitely a reality check and my first real slip-up of the year in terms of expenses. Thankfully I had another winning month and managed a 30% savings rate, but that's well below what I want my savings rate to be.

Expense breakdown:

Home- 2900
I tore up the carpet and bought and installed laminate floors in my living room. Did the labor myself so saved 300-400$ there so I'm happy about that.
I think it looks pretty good though :-D even in these bad quality picS.

Auto & Transport- 1733
Had to get two rear tires for the Fit. One had a slow leak, and they were getting pretty old (Original to the car in 2009). Will likely have to replace the two fronts before the end of the year.

Health & Fitness- 802
This number should drop by a couple hundred bucks next month because a $350 recurring hospital bill will be paid off this month.

Food/dining/toiletries- 927
Kind of embarrassed of this number. We spent way too much on eating out and just kind of lost track of spending in this category. Hopefully next month is back to normal as we JUST went to the grocery store and spend 200-300 dollars on the last day of July.

Bills & Utilities- 943
Even hotter month = MORE A/C!

Shopping- 200
I'm not sure if it should be in shopping or business, bc my wife bought a bunch of stuff on Amazon for her classroom (just got hired for next year). But w/e I'll just leave it in shopping

Business Services- 110
I'm strongly considering avoiding Valet parking in the future. I'm going to do a write-up on the pros/cons and the perceived value that I've been using as an excuse to Valet park and decide if I think it's worth it to continue doing it.

Fees & Charges- 0

Entertainment- 400
Took my family to San Diego for my wife's BDay. Spent various amounts on hotel/zoo tickets/concessions/etc

Personal Care- 0
Education- 0

Travel- 750
Various plane ticket/hotel bookings for August poker trip.

Gifts & Donations- 0


Adding these 3 months to my current totals my yearly savings rate is now at 41%. That gives me 5 months to attempt to raise that rate to my goal of 65% for this year. Sorry for the extended delay of updates. It seems like lack of blog updating correlates to laziness in other areas such as fiscal responsibility so I will try to keep both of those on track in the future.


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Will Sean Bean make it? by TalentedTom, August 02

I don't see any way he makes it out of that town alive.
Poll: Can he survive this time?
(Vote): Yes, dying is too predicatble
(Vote): No - He's gonna do what he does best, die.

For those of you who don't know what's going on, watch this first :

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July MICrOS by jvilla777, August 02

lets go micros!

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Broodwar OSL finals in 2 days by whamm!, August 02

OK so zuries gets 50usd (he sent me 50 a week ago)

guys please confirm: (pokerstars xfer only)

Haivan gets 100usd
Rogier gets 193usd
ERASA gets 50usd

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Do Fat People Get It? by RiKD, August 01

Do Fat People Get It?

If you are not a professional 6 pack haver what is the point of a 6pack?

Beer and Ice Cream are fucking good.

Drinking all day and having a blast is a lot more fun than eating 400 calories every now and again and running 5 miles and this is coming from someone that FUCKING LOVES salmon and kale and olive oil and running 5 miles.

But I mean if you were in Dublin and in good company would you be eating a lil bit plants and fish or would you be drinking fucking magical guinnes on draught and trying to fuck the jennifer connolly look a like?

Unless you are an actor or a model, what is the fucking point?

Is there ever quality of life at 85? People can rationalize a way?

Also, I'm not talking about like obese, intrude on your life, what the fuck are you doing fat, but like w/e, do what you do, if you are skinny and have good metabolism you aren't fat but if you don't you might be a little bit fat fat.

i don't know

what do ya'll think?

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July Results by NeillyJQ, August 01


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