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Beating up dem PS micros by Watkyn, August 01

To introduce myself, some videos of things I like:

Hokay, now poker.

I first played about 6 or 7 years ago, when everyone was playing. I was in highschool and decent-ish. I ran $10 freeroll money to $200, then tilted and lost it all. As I couldn't buy chips (not having a CC), I just quit online poker. When the hype started to fade away, our home games did too and I pretty much just quit playing.

Fast forward to this summer. I used to be a big starcraft (BW and WoL), but had to quit last year due to a wrist injury. I do still follow the scene. I was figuring out what to this summer as I couldn't play games anymore. When the Team Liquid documentary came out, I saw some guy named Liquid`RaSZi donating a bunch of money. I looked up his name, started looking into poker again... and got itchy.

So, I downloaded the PokerStars client and PokerTracker, bought some chips ($20) and started playing again. At 2NL, I thought I still was the shit. I immediately played on 4 tables and started to gangsta bluff the shit out of everyone. I lost a couple of buy-ins and started to reevaluate my game. I also went back to just 2 tables.

I finally started to win a bit. After a small downswing I slightly tilted and went up, 5NL. This actually worked out. I think it's mainly because I took it a bit more serious and started improving my game. I also started playing on 3 and later 4 tables comfortably.

I (again) started playing bigger stakes under rolled. I was quite confident that I could beat it, and I was right. I also was winning there. I'm currently comfortably playing 10NL, 4-6 tabling.

There was a huge leak I had. I would (donk) call rivers I knew I was beat. I'm decent-ish (for this level) at reading hands. I'd doubt my own readings and still call (big) hands I shouldn't. Also, after I did that I'd tilt the fuck out and play worse. When I learned to stop doing that in the last 10kish hands my profits have been improved.

For now, I'm staying at 10NL until I have 20BI for 25NL. I'm close-ish to it (should make it this week), but I'm not rushing it. I'm just doing this for fun and to challenge myself.

Graphs n shit. Feel free to comment on them.

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Reason girls go to gym by spets1, August 01

Women have orgasms at the gym.

The researchers found that about 40 percent of both groups of women had experienced exercise-induced pleasure or orgasm.

Most of the women in the "orgasm" group said they felt some level of embarrassment when exercising in public places.

Of the women who had orgasms during exercise, about 45 percent said their first experience was linked to abdominal exercises;

19 percent linked to biking/spinning;

9.3 percent linked to climbing poles or ropes;

7 percent reported a connection with weight lifting;

7 percent running;

the rest of the experiences included various exercises, such as yoga,

swimming, elliptical machines, aerobics and others.

Orgasms tended to occur after multiple sets of crunches or some other abdominal exercise rather than after just a couple repetitions.

Next time im at the gym im looking out for chicks moaning.

some funny comments about it on:

src :

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July results by Joe, August 01

So, after playing and learning PLO for about 5 months, I finally had a good winning month (given the stakes). Its basically my first real winning month since starting with PLO. Before I was mostly breaking even including rakeback, so this is also about what I am up from playing PLO so far Tbh I expected to start picking up PLO faster than how it went, but I hope and feel that it is a good start and it will mostly get better in the future.

Its mostly a mix of headsup and deep 6-max, with a bit of normal 6-max in it too.

As for the near future, I hope to be able to keep doing what I have been doing the last month and if I do, then I will probably try to move up to 1/2 PLO in some 2 weeks or so. I expect 1/2 to not be substantially more difficult than .5/1, so if everything goes well I would like to get to the midstakes in a couple months.

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4Weeks of cashgame by Drakk, July 31

Hello, so I joined Bongky/Spewtard's stakehouse, because I felt my 100 bb play was pretty bad, since I made the most money off poker from turbo sng/mtt.

My first day or 2 went extremely well, then all hell broke loose lol...

Anyways i'll keep it real short; here's what it looks like after 4 weeks.

I played 19k hands just this week, 10~ tabling, with +250 net result, which makes me happy, although I would have expected my results to be way better than this when I started.

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July results by player999, July 31

lost 25bi yesterday to ruin the month kinda but grinded like crazy and made 26bi to wrap it up

kinda broke even on mtts, couldve won shitloads w/ a lil more luck, w/e, dominated the 100s hypers and only need br to crush 200s, finally feeling like I'm better than everyone else like I used to feel on turbos

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Free LORD JIM !!! help safe 1936 schooner by the cleaner, July 31

Hey guys, please help me sign this petition

Even though I haven't seen him for many years, he's my Godfather and I have spend many great moments with him on board the Lord Jim. He's over 70 years old, and this old schooner is basically his life and he has circumnavigated the world many times.

I copied and pasted this from Latitude 38

some links

Yearning for Freedom in Brazil

July 6, 2012 – Mangaratiba, Brazil
"Don't give up the ship!" That famous quote from the War of 1812 is the credo Holger and Tracy have lived during more then five years of 'captivity'. © 2012 Holger Kreuzhage

For well over a year now, an American flag has been flying upside-down from the rigging of the 72-ft gaff tops’l schooner Lord Jim, as she sits high and dry in a remote Brazilian boatyard at the edge of the jungle. As old salts know, in naval tradition an inverted national flag or ensign is a sign that the vessel is in distress.

The nature of Lord Jim's distress is unusual, however. After striking an unmarked rock and sinking five years ago, she was successfully raised and repaired. But that turned out to be the easy part of her Brazilian ordeal. A dispute with the boatyard owner forced the schooner's longtime owners Holger Kreuzhage and Tracy Brown into a protracted courtroom battle, which they ultimately won. In defiance of a court order, the owner, who Holger characterizes as thoroughly corrupt, literally removed the marine railway so Lord Jim could not relaunch. Subsequent court proceedings, all won by Kreuzhage and Brown, have still brought no resolution.
Who would have guessed that repairing deadwood and replanking the entire hull would be the easy part.
© 2012 Holger Kreuzhage

With that as background, Holger and Tracy recognized America's Independence Day in a unusual manner: "Our boat is still hostage, and so are we. But today we will rise above these local conditions, which were actually resolved by the justice system completely in our favor. A country where a final decision by the appellate court can be ignored by individuals who believe they are above the law only accentuates the difference in the values we treasure as Americans, and which we honor on this special day.

"Needless to say we miss our home country, our families and our far-away friends. In their honor and in the honor of our own country, we are flying our flag in its correct position, right-side-up."
Before trouble started with the boatyard's owner, the historic schooner's hull had been repaired to like-new condition.
© 2012 Holger Kreuzhage

The 44-ton schooner was formerly based at Sausalito, and was previously the queen of Antigua's crewed charter fleet. As far as we know, she has circumnavigated more times than any other San Francisco-based vessel. We sincerely hope the current deadlock ends soon, freeing her to sail the world's oceans yet again.

TLDR cliffs: My godfather and good friend, ran a ground in Brazil a couple of years ago. They managed to re float the sailing yacht (old 1936 Alden schooner) and repairs where being made in a Brazilian boatyard. The owner of the boatyard got into a legal dispute with them and after a couple of years the court ruled in their favor, demanding the boatyard owner pay damaged and relaunch the schooner. Not happy with that decision the boatyard owner destroyed the rails to launch the vessel and they haven't been able to do anything about it so far. This is an old man, over 70, has lead a very adventurous life and now seems to be unable to end his days doing what he loves to do, which is sailing the globe.

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downswinggggg by NeillyJQ, July 31


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ugh ... lol by MARSHALL28, July 31

So now I'm down 16k on the day ... yeah I definitely ran pretty bad, but also ... I played completely awful. I had 2 unsuccessful attempted CRAI bluffs on the river, aside from that, I must've lost 4-5k strictly in bad call downs...

I'm a little irritated, but I feel fine. So weird that this doesn't bother me even when I play okay yet when posting the previous blog post I was incredibly agitated. Guess I really just am a head case. Probably no other explanation.

Oh and also ... if you don't frequent MSNL 2p2 it looks like I'm gonna have this HU "grudge" match against some dude who posts on 2p2 named zachvac. We r each escrowing 5k and going to 4 table 3/6 NL HU for 10k hands. whoever is up at the end wins the 10k on the side.

If you don't know how it came about and you want to ... you probably could just find the thread in 2p2 MSNL. Not sure it's really worth anybody's time to go through all of that, but I guess a lot of people want to rail the match. personally, I don't care, I just want to crush him for what he did to me.

Lastly ... shout out to my buddy Russel Thomas who is a member of the 2012 November Nine. We shared a house ~3 years ago in Vegas for the series and he's definitely a good guy (and a pretty good player too) who has made a lot of the right choices in life. Glad to see someone who has had a net positive affect on the poker community have some success--especially w/ how many shady people out there. Will definitely be rooting for him to win it all.

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july by Stroggoz, July 31

ran pretty well and games were juicy. almost all hands played at deep/ante tables

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Summer Woes by djforever, July 30

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End of being a lazy fuck by DustySwedeDude, July 30

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Sighhh by player999, July 29

very close on the biggest ones, the $530 and the mill, but fell short, and on a lot other tourneys too. would be verrryyy close to million FT if I win this:
+ Show Spoiler +

then the last one, $109, was just super ridiculous lol, MTT regs suck big time. lost a flip for massive CL 22 left:
+ Show Spoiler +

then this 16 left
+ Show Spoiler +

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Sick Movie by TalentedTom, July 29

I think this is gonna be huge, calling it

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2 weeks vacation - pics by iop, July 29

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North Korean Doc? by nolan, July 28

Somehow stumbled upon this on the internet, and I must say it is rather fascinating/interesting.

The person posting it claims to be a translator working in Korea who was approached by supposed North Korean defectors and asked for help translating this film. He now think the defectors may have actually been North Korean agents, although he/she is not sure what their true intentions were.

Here is the facebook page for the film:

Which he has recently shut down after being up for not too long.

Nothing too crazy just might be interesting to some people. Weird story. I have no idea what is really going on here or how much of the video posters story I really believe. But the whole thing is just weird to me. The facebook page supporting the film was only open for a few weeks. The video doesn't have too many views. I dunno, just an odd find.

My favorite quote from the film: "Religion is regarded by the wise people as false, by the common people as true, and by the rulers as useful." It was stated so matter of factly that I had to laugh.

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Worst losing session by tooker, July 28

Haven't posted on here in forever but I really need to vent and this is the only place to do it right now.

Been playing live for a living since black Friday, just going around to different casinos and Playing in a really juicy home game. Me and some friends are down at the world poker open in tunica and there are some really good 5/10/huge straddles omaha games going right now. I lost about 4k playing until the game broke tonight and one of the big fish wanted to Play HU. I agreed and we stArted playing 10/25 PLO HU and I quickly got what I was down up and about 700 more then he coolered me with JJ on J77ccAKc vs my A997 for about a 8k pot(he coulda got it all) then we got it in on J75ss with AAs34s vs his JJ77 for a 7k Pot after I 3b. For the last hand I have about 3000 and I 4b pre with AA35sscc and got it in on J24 vs his QJ76 and he turns a J for a 6k pot.

Those are 3 of the 5 largest pots I've ever been involved in and the other two were also on this trip and I lost both. I realize there is a ton of variance in PLO and especially higher stakes PLO and I knew that going in but I just couldn't Pass up playing HU with a huge fish, I owned him in normal pots but just ran terrible in the big ones.

I shouldn't be bitching at all because I've made more this year than i had the previous 3 years playing combined and I'm not even mad just annoyed/frustrated.

Sorry for subjecting you to my whining. And sorry for weird caps, wrote this on my phone.

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And so it begins... by TGR, July 27

And so it begins...

Back again to make poker my bitch. Pursuing that american dream of stacks on stacks on stacks. and bitches.

Years ago I was doing that busto degen NL100 fullring rakeback shit, now I'm learning to soulread, and learn to crush that shorthand game. Moving into a grind house with my nigga Haunted. Starting at NL10, working to that spot where noses bleed and fortunes are won and lost. Journey begins here. Are you ready?

Day 1, overrolled, but starting at NL10 to get things rolling

Moved to iPoker, playing the "rush/zoom" tables NL20
Standard NL20 player
Submitted by : TGR

***** Hand History for Game 1111111111 ***** IPoker
$20.00 USD NL Texas Holdem - Thursday, July 26, 09:53:13 ET 2012
Table Speed Holdem 2 Real Money
Seat 8 is the button
Seat 1: Player1 $19.20 USD - VPIP: 42, PFR: 23, 3B: 12, AF: 5.0, Hands: 52
Seat 3: Hero $27.11 USD - VPIP: 22, PFR: 16, 3B: 3, AF: 1.6, Hands: 3421
Seat 5: Player5 $19.97 USD - VPIP: 10, PFR: 10, 3B: 18, AF: 0.0, Hands: 21
Seat 6: Player6 $20.43 USD - VPIP: 21, PFR: 12, 3B: 0, AF: 0.6, Hands: 42
Seat 8: Player8 $6.70 USD - VPIP: 40, PFR: 5, 3B: 0, AF: 3.3, Hands: 20
Seat 10: Player10 $50.03 USD - VPIP: 42, PFR: 23, 3B: 12, AF: 5.0, Hands: 52
Player10 posts small blind [$0.10 USD].
Player1 posts big blind [$0.20 USD].

Dealt to HeroQsQh
Hero raises [$0.60 USD]
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player8 folds
Player10 folds
Player1 raises [$19.00 USD]
Hero calls [$18.60 USD]

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $38.30)


Turn (Pot : $38.30)


River (Pot : $38.30)

Player1 wins $37.50 USD from main pot
Player1 shows3d,Td

Mostly drum n bass keeping me going. Guaranteed run like god.
Netsky is a god

Gets the ladies wet

Knife Party ftmfw

And to add some wetness to my blog

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YOU SEE THIS. CLICK IT. by Haunted, July 27

Guess who's back? Sorry to disappoint but it's me. Let's get this bizznazz rolling.

I'm back into poker after a year long hiatus. I was living in California, playing SC2 with my broski-friend-pal Brian AKA TGR on LP.

Super cool right? lolnot.

Me with Artosis before getting assraped in the qualifiers lolol

We're both back in the game and playing our hearts out :D I've been playing again for about a month. Planning on grinding it out together in a place and going for big bucks when PokerStars finally comes back! (anyone know when the hell that might be approximately?)

Time to show my last 2 sessions, only because they were winners and it makes me look like I know what I'm doing. :D


I'm extremely pleased with this session. Mostly because I was card dead and didn't revert to my typical donk mindset where I start forcing hands. 2 big lost pots though. Advice plz KK v 55

I feel like that hand is just shit luck and I can't do much there. With the call and the way he played I had though AQ. Obviously I was wrong T____T AK v 44 same general scenario. just gross :/

Honestly not too much to note out of this session. Just a lot of rungood for me.

Now you may ask "What does this incredible poker Adonis listen to while grinding?!" and you're in luck!




No bullshittin, when I take a badbeat I listen to this

back to the tables! :D

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you are by spets1, July 26
a cinema
I could watch you forever
I could watch you forever
You are
a cinema
a Hollywood treasure
Love you
just the way you are
A cinema, a cinema

soundtrack : Skrillex - Cinema

My friend has just came back from trip to europe (banged some hot chicks) and showed me some pics. Czech out the statues in front of prague government building.

Governments. Proud of stabbing and beating people since 800's.

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turned $30 to 1k by jvilla777, July 25

so after over 300k hands started from 2nl then to 5 nl then 10nl and 16nl, I finally reached 1k, over $600 in profits and $400 in rakeback.

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