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Monitor for 6 tabling by SolarM, May 23

Hey guys,

1. I'd like to buy a monitor which is large enough to 6 table properly without overlapping tables.
Which one would you recommend? Below 200$ if possible.

2. Which pokertracking software would you recommend? I'd like to grind hard now with a perfect setup.



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Day 35 by NeillyJQ, May 23

prioritization is key.

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First milestone! by KoeBawlt, May 22

Hey all, this is my first blog post so I'll make it long, give my background, and put in a bit of an effort.

I started playing poker with my family. It was just an around the dinner table affair, we had a poker set and none of us were any good. I saw the WSOP ME stuff on TV and I thought it was pretty cool, but I was still completely clueless about poker. The hands and poker speak would go in one ear and out the other. All I could see was who had the best hand and I'd think exactly what the announcers said (after they said it of course). I think a couple years ago my friends and I would play some SnGs for a bit of cash. None of us were good at all but it was still lots of fun. The poker was mostly something to do while drinking and smoking.

I heard more and more snippets from the poker community. A lot came from TL and rekrul's posts there. I think I remember reading about Isildur or someone else running a few million under EV. It blew my mind how much money was being played for and also the fact that lady luck could fuck with someone that much. Eventually I started to watch Poker After Dark and High Stakes poker a bit, and learnt more about online poker. I looked into depositing on PS but decided against as I was 18 at the time. That was a couple summers ago.

I forgot about playing poker for most of the year after that, but last summer I had my interest reignited. I don't know what it was, I think it was EVE Poker (EVE is an mmo renowned for its spergy players. One or some of these spergy players made a browser client where you can play for the game's currency, ISK). Everyone on there was fucking terrible and I yo-yo'd my account for a few days until I busted (because I was fucking terrible as well). Around that time I started to browse LP and 2p2. I figured with the beginner guides on both sites I had enough to make it online, so I put 15$ on PS and grinded that down to $0. I got frustrated, said fuckit and gave up... for a week when I couldn't help myself but play the play money games on PS.

I enjoyed the shit out of those. I think it was just because I liked to play poker, and I liked to win, and everyone on the playmoney tables were bleeding their playmoney welfare cheques away. After a while I decided I should play for money again, so I deposited another 25$ on PS around October. This time it stuck around for a while and I'd grind and make my account yo-yo between 20$ and 50$. I hit 90$ some time in November I think but spewed it back down to 20$. Up until around March this was the state of online poker for me. I'd yo-yo around slowly getting VPPs and mostly wasting time and putting aside school work (not a good idea tbh).

This took a turn sometime in March. My game had gotten a lot better than it was before (it's still shit tho) and I would slowly make $$ from microstakers fishier than myself. One night I came home drunk and played PLO and made like 40$ or something. The next day I decided to get HEM2 and since things have been looking nice

I'd play PLO every once in a while again and I think I've given back all I won playing drunk, and I'll also play when I'm bored or tired. It takes a decent chunk out of my balance that I'm working to only play when I want to play my A-game, not just see some cards.

So, to my milestone. I started playing today with about $170 in my balance. I ran good for a couple hundred hands and had about $185.

I told myself I'm not getting up until I hit 200$. A couple hundred hands more and I'm at 199.15$. Sooooo close. Then two gross hands happen in quick succession and I'm back down to 190$. I did not give up and I played and played until I was finally at 200$. Here's my graph for the day:

And my graph for lifetime with HEM:

I know it's super bad to be results oriented and think about how much money you have in your balance, but it's nice to see $200 sitting in my balance when I've been so used to double digits for a long time. I also know these winrates aren't that sustainable and I've ran like a horse on crack I'm still learning though and while I feel good when I win hands, I feel better if I felt like I made the right decision (especially if I win the hand).

-At some point in time I started playing poker due to various circumstances
-I bought HEM2
-I hit $200 in my balance for the first time
-I've ran very well over a ~25k hand sample

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Day 34 by NeillyJQ, May 22

don't be wreckless.

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there's going to be sub-machine guns and boobies by mnj, May 22

also house ended today was about 2 seasons too late

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Been quite a while.... by MARSHALL28, May 22

I know quite a few of us struggled to get along in the past. I know I was a huge asshole (and sometimes I still make mistakes), but I've been around online poker for a long time now, almost 6 years. It all started for me here. I am still making videos on cardrunners (albeit only a few), and I had been posting a lot in MSNL 2p2, but I think I've outgrown that community.

I noticed there are some really good players posting strategy here semi-frequently which is cool and I think I'd like to partake more often. Obviously I knew from the start that guys like northface, talentedtom, nolan, ket, andrewsong, pooruser, baalim, fayth were all really good (I'm sure I'm leaving out some people), but I've also been impressed with evilsky who I hadn't heard of previously and I think Jonny gives pretty good advice too.

With all these great players posting advice, I feel silly not to at least try to get involved since I know there's a lot I can learn. Hopefully you guys can be forgiving of the way I acted in the past. I am 28 now so I've grown up a bit (yeah there's still bound to be an occasional outburst, but I'm definitely a more mature person).

Look forward to arguing with you guys =p

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Vegas trip by NewbSaibot, May 21

I'm flying out next week and will be spending the week in Vegas staying at the Aria. However my main motivation in doing this isnt to play poker. I'm actually scouting Vegas as a city to live in based on the following factors:

1) I hate my job
2) Bored living in "The South"
3) Ridiculously good prices on Vegas homes
4) Proximity to California
5) Live poker scene
6) Front-runner for legalized online poker

I know the job market in Vegas is described as "terrible", but I think a lot of that depends on what you do for a living. Regardless, I plan to get a job first, and move out second just to be on the safe side obviously. I'm hoping Vegas will offer many more levels of enjoyment in life than South Carolina will.

With all that being said, since I'll be there for a week, can anyone recommend some things to do & see for a prospective resident? I dont mean bars and concerts and stuff, I'm sure I'll get my fill of entertainment on the strip alone. But rather what are some of the prime neighborhoods I should drive through to get a taste of vegas lifestyle? I dont mean the insanely high-end stuff, but places where one can reasonable expect to live paying $200k for a house. Where are the shopping districts that most locals visit?

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Day 33 by NeillyJQ, May 21

be true to yourself.

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SCOOP by player999, May 20

Had a terrible series, some deep-ish runs like bubbling 2.1k shootout FT and some others, some that I didn't even make the money but got to huge 100k+ stacks before bs happen, stnd MTT bad run.

Have $6524.63 from the 30k, imo it would be best to put it on the line again for more sunday tourneys than to return 20% of the stake, lets see what you guys think.

gg anyways it was a good try and I gave my best

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Thoughts by RiKD, May 20

Is anything possible?


does so close to zero it might as well be zero = zero?

yes and no?

what is infiniti?

what is possible?

what is freedom?

what is will?

what is choice?

is anyone in the world capable of speaking any language as a native w/ the technique of a lifetime native?

what if they had 1,000 years to practice?

what if they had 60 years of focused practice?

what if they had 10 years of practice and a completely fair arbitrator would execute them if it wasn't accomplished?

do you like chocolate or vanilla more?

apple pie ala mode or peaches n cream?

creme brule or tiramasu?

what did your great grandparents eat for breakfast?



maybe i'll think of more later


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Anyone selling MAIN SCOOP Action? Any level? by Joeingram1, May 20

Let me know, still looking to buy some more action for today main

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Everything has a beginning by Nezthras, May 20

So I have a lot of time on my hands, my job is stalled in progression and I still get a salary but I have nothing to do, I don’t even have to go into the office if I don’t want to. This would be a dream position for most people but I feel a sense of uselessness and that I'm wasting my life, I am currently an expat so there isnt much for me to do with my friends other than my trips home every few months. Dont get me wrong I love my job it pays well and has good progression but I just cant sit still! So I have decided to start doing something I always wanted to do but didn’t have enough time to do. Learn poker the proper way! I have the time and the safety to do this regularly, however I will not be being stupid, I will not be putting any cash into my account after the original bankroll, if I lose it I will stop completely.

I have played poker casually in the past, but I was never any good at it, sure I understood the basics but I would always tilt, make bad decisions, have no bankroll management mainly because I just didn't care but now I decided to start fresh I like challenges/math/psychology/logic puzzles as I grew up so I figured this would be a good project. I think I have made a total of $200 total over the casual time I played, big upswings and downswings as I only cared about how much money I made, including weeks of throwing away $100 at a time and then my 1 big win of a $10 MTT with few entrants for $1000.

I will be doing regular study and setting myself goals. I will be using the site for basics as a start until I learn to analyse myself, as they sponsored a SC2 event a while ago and I setup an account there. I also thought this blog/journal would be a good outlet to put my thoughts on paper and track my progress! I have lurked for a while but time to contribute I think!

Needless to say I will not be aiming to make money, but to get good at the game. My starting Bankroll will be $500 USD which was still in my frozen pokerstars account from a long time ago, that account is frozen so I think it is a good testament that I have time while the process goes through to unlock it to start studying.

Feel free to suggest some benchmarks, books/studying material for me! From what I hear getting a stars account unlocked is a nightmare so I might have some time to start reading before I sit down at a table to put it into practice!

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Nice week and stuff by tutz, May 20

Hey guys,
The last week have been really nice for me, I won 2 smallish tournments so I just wanted to blog about it.

+ Show Spoiler +

+ Show Spoiler +

MTTs variance is crazy, but I've been trying to put as much volume as posible. I'm moving up very slowly cause my BR management is very tight like I said in previous blogs, but once in a while I take some shots. I've been playing about 700+MTTs/month, playing 4 to 5 days a week.

I've been very productive since coming to bangkok, making the most of my time instead of just procrastinating. When I not playing poker I'm modeling or having fun with my friends and gf in bangkok. Life has been great here, nothing to complaing about.

I also decided to take the advice of the byrnersam thread about porn. I used to watch porn quite often (like 2 or 3 times a week) and after reading that thread I was surprised about all that info, started looking for more info about the subject online and decided to take a shot and stop the wanking and see what happens. It has been about a week since the last time I did it.

My BRM only allows me to play up to $22 frezouts and $5 rebuys but today I'm gonna take a shot @ the SCOOP Main Event $109. Wish me luck!
Cheers guys.

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Day 32 by NeillyJQ, May 19

Happiness is you're overall goal.

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OH MY GSL by mnj, May 19

best finals games ever, hopefully it will be free soon to promote the gsl~~

"holy fucking shit" was my first impressions

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Day 31 by NeillyJQ, May 18

understand thy self.

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First time Omaha by R3m3mb3rM3, May 18

So after losing 35$ to "bad beats". Well not really bad beats. But at the time calling I had 50%+ in every Sit & Go. I started going hardcore tilt and played Omaha for the first time. After 3 hands I won back 60$ so I left quite happily with the outcome.

Can someone tell me what style of poker is considered the most solid? Omaha, holdem, nl/pl, Sit & Go's, tournaments or standard tables? My goal is not the quick money. But I want to be rewarded for being a good player some day.

I know a lot of you should be quite experienced in the choice of pokerstyle and their pro's and con's.

For my 10$ - 1000$ challenge I'm still at 50$

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First time Omaha by R3m3mb3rM3, May 18

So after losing 35$ to "bad beats". Well not really bad beats. But at the time calling I had 50%+ in every Sit & Go. I started going hardcore tilt and played Omaha for the first time. After 3 hands I won back 60$ so I left quite happily with the outcome.

Can someone tell me what style of poker is considered the most solid? Omaha, holdem, nl/pl, Sit & Go's, tournaments or standard tables? My goal is not the quick money. But I want to be rewarded for being a good player some day.

I know a lot of you should be quite experienced in the choice of pokerstyle and their pro's and con's.

For my 10$ - 1000$ challenge I'm still at 50$

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it's been a while since ive felt this gushy inside by mnj, May 18

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Day 31 by NeillyJQ, May 18

everything in moderation.

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