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Getting A Warehouse by Jas0n, May 03

Business has been really good. We've already grossed ~$550,000 this year and we're on track for $2-$2.5 million by the end of the year. Once August hits we're going to be swamped again with holiday sales. Definitely dreading the amount of work that's coming up. Last year, during the weeks before Christmas, I worked 18 hours a day for a month. This year will probably be no different so I'll be sure to stock up on coffee and five hour energy drinks.

Going to have to hire some official employees soon instead of just paying Acckerman and another friend to do the manual work. Also probably going to need a new photographer because our current one is thinking about a job in New York. I have no idea how the hiring process works. Will have to consider things like health insurance, overtime pay, workman's compensation insurance, running background checks, reading résumés, and whatever else we'll need to do to hire someone. We plan on talking to a lawyer soon to figure all this out.

We also plan on hiring a few employees who can do technical stuff a little later on. Right now edzwoo and I have to do things on a daily basis that we can easily pay someone else to do. But these tasks will require some technical knowledge and a ton of training because what we'd need them to do is really specific. Once we have these people we're going to get a manager to just oversee everything. The plan is that by 2013 or 2014 everything will be full automated by our employees and edzwoo and I won't have to come in to the office anymore. We'd just be making the more important decisions, attending trade shows and just living it up.

We're going to be heading back to the suburbs in early-mid June. It'll be really nice to get out of Champaign-Urbana. I've been here for five years now and I'm pretty sick of this area. It's been fun but I'm ready to get out of here. Really looking forwards to hanging out with friends from high school that are still in the Chicago area.

We're leaving because our lease is about to end so we found a nice warehouse to move our business to. edzwoo's brother used to work in real estate and he hooked us up with a friend of his who's a commercial realtor. We drove back two weeks ago to check out some warehouses with the realtor and ended up picking one that's actually right next to where edzwoo's dad lives. The warehouse was somewhere around 6000 square feet, had plenty of office space (enough for maybe 6 or 7 people) and a ballin kitchen area which edzwoo really liked. The warehouse was newly renovated so it looked really nice. The place was owned by CRP Holdings, a huge and well established real estate company. Having a large landlord is always a plus because they're financially stable and have efficient procedures to handle problems tenants might have. We were pretty set on the place but we thought that the price was somewhere around $8/sq ft. It turns out the property was actually $11.50/sq ft, $21,000/year more than we expected.

Nice as it was, we just couldn't lease the place because there were other warehouses of the same size that went for a lower price. We decided to go with a 5200 sq ft warehouse at $7.50/sq ft instead which comes out to be ~$40,000 per year. It wasn't nearly as nice and the landlord is much smaller so there was some risk involved with that. We let our realtor know about our decision and he actually takes this information and gives it to CRP Holdings (the first landlord). They in turn offered us a 6200 sq ft building at $6.45/sq ft. WHAT? Talk about unexpected. This was a much better deal. The reason CRP offered it to us at $6.45/sq ft is because they saw what our realtor sent them and they came up with a price per square foot that would also end up being $40,000 per year.

The 6200 sq ft place is a little beat up but there was no way we could pass it up for that price. We got the license agreement today so we should have everything finalized pretty soon. Never thought I could be this excited about a warehouse.

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enlighten me by tloapc, May 03


it's a concept I must admit while thoroughly buzzed (which I progressively leave this place to b), I currently need enlightenment into

So plz, enlighten me towards the concept of peace and it's apparently(?) principle of importance as a worldwide goal in life

P.S. if my above words were not enough in your opinion to warrant a blog let me know and I'll post visuals to re-express some impulses as to make it a more entertaining/dramatic/splooge capable link as I do have at least a small touch of vanity hidden somewhere (but I'll prob do it later as this buzz rox way too hard lol)

most likely tho being a pretty groovy betting man I'm betting I'll hear much more silence than anything else which is awesome...
regardless either way, peace

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Selling Scoop high action by Mig, May 02

Going to be selling action for a few of the scoop highs coming up.

Event 6 11-May NL Hold'em 2100$[2x Chance, Turbo] Selling 75% (4100 total buyin) at 1.1:1

Event 29 16-May NL Hold'em 1050$ [Big Antes, Rebuys] Selling 50% (5050 total buyin) at 1.2:1

Event 30 16-May NL Hold'em 2100$[SuperKnockout, 6-Max, Turbo] Selling 50% (2100 total buyin) at 1.1:1

Event 33 18-May NL Hold'em 2100$[1R1A] Selling 75% (total buyin 6100) at 1.1-1

Event 40 20-May Main Event 10,300$[2-Day Event] Selling 50% (total buyin 10,300) at 1.25:1

For the 2x chance I will only be rebuying up until the 250/500 blind level. The big antes rebuy I expect to normally spend 3k in, if I bust twice in it I won't rebuy again so 5k is the max I could spend. For the 1r1a I would expect that most times I will reach the add-on and spend the full 6k. If I do not spend the full buy-in in any of those tournaments I will send back the % that is unspent.

Here is a link to my OPR for anyone who wants it.

I can only accept and payout stars money. My stars name is (canada) avatar is a girl in a santa outfit.

If anyone has any questions feel free to ask.

Amounts sold right now

Event 6 - 49.5% (25.5% left)

Event 29 - 22% ( 28% left)

Event 30- 50% (0% left) Sold Out

Event 33- 75% ( 0% left) Sold Out

Main event - 41% ( 9% left)

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Day 18 by NeillyJQ, May 02

I love my ride, shoelace express, only way to roll.

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Coaching + 2 free hours by gazavat, May 02

About me:

I am a veteran online holdem cash player, known mostly as GAZAVAT. Some of you might know me personally, indirectly from a forum, or through a friend, but I am not a well known player/poster on liquidpoker, so I will provide a total of 2 free coaching hours in a database analysis format(1hour each to 2 members) to gauge interest. Check the bottom of the blog for the requirements to qualify for this offer. I am not going to provide many personal details about myself as I hate and do my best to avoid public attention. If you find this unacceptable, please do not waste your time reading further.

I am in tune with my desired levels of risk and reward, so I play below my perceived skill level and way lower than my poker bankroll allows me to. I am making low variance money at HU/6max/FR NLH cash games at stakes up to 400NL, while at the same time trying to improve as a human being.

These are my most recent hands from this and last year from sites supported by HM2. I used to be solely a 6max player in the distant past, then switched to HU which I played almost exclusively for the bigger part of last year. Towards the end of last year I added 6max and FR as I was growing tired of waiting for HU action as I do not play during peak hours. Therefore, the non HU results are very recent play, while I would estimate that only 1/3 of my volume is HU nowadays.

I am a devoted student of the game myself and really work diligently on constantly improving and staying on top of all current strategic tendencies, the whole spectrum of training resources, and all cutting edge poker related software applications. Dedication to steady work ethic and mental preparation are keys to my approach. I strongly believe that players should approach poker training systematically and deliberately using regularly a wide range of analysis tools and strategies. In general, our strategies are best tested at the poker tables, but often its more optimal and quicker to model or refine our approach to situations numerically using analysis or tracking software. I have worked as tech support for HEM and consider myself an expert on using tracking software to detect leaks in the games of 6max, FR and HU NL cash players. I have a substantial technical background and my experience with HM2 stats, filters, and reports is vast. Similarly, I am a power user when it comes to higher learning curve programs like CREV (CardrunnersEV formerly known as STOXEV) and Notecaddy. My technical expertise facilitates me in setting up and optimizing your standard game plan in various situations, while my HU experience provides meaningful insight in the art forms of exploitation and adjustment.

One of my goals for the year is to become the best possible poker coach in my price range and stakes. Coaching is a very shady over saturated segment and this is one of the reasons I have not actively looked for or accepted many students or promoted my services so far in any shape or form. I have always preferred to focus on my own game instead of dealing with distractions or undesired public attention. However, this year I decided to force myself to get out of my shell and set a goal to try to provide significant value as a coach and hopefully find several really motivated and dedicated students. This last part highlights the main goal of this post which is not to find a big quantity of students, instead I would like to reach out to a large audience, but find few quality students with proper attitude. My time is a limited resource and as an active winning player, I still prefer to spend the largest portion of it playing or improving my own game, while attempting to lead a well balanced life. Despite my positive feelings towards teaching, coaching will never become a main source of income for me or take up more time then what is allocated for my own study and play.

In my coaching, I use a mix of mathematical reasoning, sound poker logic, and advanced analysis software. My desire is to teach a thought process, provide a work ethic and software edge, while improving your understanding of all intangible poker related skills. Not only can I improve your technical aptitude and study habits, but also other essential factors such as routine, motivation, and mindset. If you are looking for quick solutions or formulas, this is not the place for you. I will not provide you with my own work, instead I will teach you how to work yourself and assist you along the way. I will not provide you with ready Pre Session and Post Session routines, but I will help you come up with your own personalized one and give you pointers based on my experience. I will not give you a prepared HM2 HUD or popups to use, I will teach you how to make the most optimal HUD and popups based on your personal desires and preferences. I will not give you my HEM reports or filters, but I will explain and show how to do your own in order to monitor all areas of your game on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis in order to track progression and regression patterns. I will not give you any prepared CREV analysis trees, but I will teach you how to use and integrate that powerful program in your own study time. I will not sell/give you my NC definitions, but I will teach you how to prepare your own custom definitions and will guide you how to think about and take maximum advantage of notes and stats. My goal is not to do the work for you and get paid, but for you to learn how to do work on your own. In the short term, this will be painful and difficult for you, but in the long term, if you follow through, you will thank me that I did not give you shortcuts. Learning is a slow accumulation process that requires patience and steady levels of energy fueled by desire.

Coaching formats:

Database Analysis: I prefer to start with this as a first session as it gives me a lot of information about possible areas of improvement. The way this works is, the student exports between 50k-150k hands from their database from the chosen game type (FR, 6max, HU), zips and sends them to me at least one day before via (you do not need an account). I then import the hands into HM2 and do the analysis live on my computer with the student over Teamviewer + Skype. I can do this on my own and send back the video file with commentary, but interacting with the student is more effective. This database analysis can extend over several coaching sessions depending on the desired analysis depth or it can simply be a brief overall review, so that we are on the same page of what general areas need improvement so we can focus on them during other coaching formats. I consider this format to be the best value for a coaching session.

Video review: Student records a 30min video of him:
-playing tough/interesting tables
-student records himself, while talking out their thought process
-student records a session from a certain point where he is off their A game

Afterwards, we review the session together. This format provides very good balance between game flow and in depth theory discussions.

Hand history review: We review a few interesting hand histories chosen by the student (preferably they address a specific weak area that was identified earlier), while discussing all possible scenarios and related theory plus general game plan implications. Additional analysis software is used during these sessions for more objective and realistic analysis. Alternatively, I can run a filter myself on the provided database sample by the student and pick the hands myself in order to address a specific concept or situation.

HU session: We play each other HU for 30-40min. Then I send you my part of the video with my own analysis of the match later or we discuss specific hands and adjustments immediately after the match. If a student likes this format, this can be a longer match and the analysis can be extended over several coaching sessions.

Sweat session; Student plays, while I sweat real time at a maximum of 3 tables, so we can cover each decision thoroughly. My experience shows this format to be the least valuable and effective.

Other: This usually involves specific software coaching, setting up optimal HM2 HUDs, reports, filters, CREV trees, NC definitions, Flopzilla, Equilab, SliceEQ etc.. These are formats that are chosen only if the student specifically requests them and I am very flexible and open to suggestions. Also, I have a lot of experience with mental game improvements and applicable strategies, so upon request, I can provide guidance and recommendation in areas such as optimal routines, schedules, goal setting, motivation and mindset. Students wrongfully underestimate the importance of these intangibles as well as hugely overestimate their expertise in these areas.

Homework: I give out homework assignments very often and expect the student to come prepared for our session. You will not get much out of the coaching if you come with a mindset that you will simply passively absorb proven successful strategies and then replicate them in your game.


Current price is 100$ per hour, I expect this price to go up soon. I do not coach students that play 400NL or higher in formats different from Database analysis or Other software related coaching and analysis. At this point, I do not do staking or profit sharing coaching.

Feel free to contact me by PM or email , but remember that you need to be ready to put in significant amount of work beyond the coaching sessions as there is no instant gratification.

Achievement is talent plus preparation. The problem with this view is that the closer psychologists look at the careers of the gifted, the smaller the role innate talent seems to play the bigger the role preparation seems to play.

You will have to fill out the following questionnaire before our first session:


What games/stakes do you play?
Very brief Poker history?
What are your short and long term goals for Poker?
Have you had any coaching before? What did you like and dislike?
What are your goals and expectations for coaching?
Do you have any specific leaks or difficult spots you want to address?
List any known mental game issues you have.
What is your current play/study ratio? How many hours and tables on average do you play weekly? What does your study time consist of?
List all poker related software that you use.

Requirements for free coaching:
Two liquidpoker members with accounts created earlier than 2012 with at least 100 posts(as of today) will be chosen for 1 hour each of free database analysis coaching format. To be eligible, besides meeting the aforementioned requirements, you will have to answer all questions from the questionnaire as well as provide a short reason why I should pick you. You can PM me the answers (if you you want to keep the info private and not post them in the comment section), but make sure that you post the following comment - "PMed for free coaching" in order to avoid any confusion. I will make the picks myself by the end of next week as long as there are at least 10 qualifying candidates.

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analyzing diablo 3 auctions by 2c0ntent, May 02


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life? by mnj, May 02

How do you figure out what makes you happy? What you want to do with your life?

it's so hard, i've gone to school for 16 years? and have no clue :o
i'm not quite sure waht i'm doing but i think it's ok?
i think it's silly to think a job can make me happy and even sillier that the first job will make me happy
i think it's the journey? moving forward? trying things out, realizing it doesn't make you happy and moving on?

it's so hard to try hard, when you aren't certain why you are trying hard, but i think it's important to try hard (LOL I'm a bit tipsy, but god damn i know this last sentence is silly)
to leave doors open, options open

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Day 17 by NeillyJQ, May 02

I wanna go camping and fishing.

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April Expenses! by thewh00sel, May 01

Poker was kind of lousy this month. This is not poker-related content though, I'll do a write-up on it when I get all of my records for the month in order, but for now I'll do a sexy expense report! Don't get too excited! Ok, I'm just kidding, you can get pretty excited, THIS IS FINANCE YOU'RE READING ABOUT, HOLLA! (Items with an asterisk next to them I talk about below.)

Home- 2,095
Auto & Transport*- 930
Health & Fitness*- 803
Food/dining/toiletries*- 750
Bills & Utilities- 549
Shopping*- 242
Business Services*-105
Fees & Charges- 40
Entertainment*- 241
Personal Care*- 200
Gifts & Donations- 4

Total: 5,959

Auto & Transport
Pretty happy about this number, as it's a 44% decrease from last month's car expenses. And although we picked up a second car again so our car expense will go up again, we will still save and gas and hopefully after the WSOP we can ditch one of them again or downsize it. My wife just drove the new car to work for the first time yesterday too, so the gas savings will be realized next month as well.

Health & Fitness
This number is down by 260 because we finished paying off an old hospital bill from an Emergency Room trip. We still have one that costs us 350 a month for another 6 months or so before it's paid off as well. No interest on that though so that's nice at least.

Ugh, kind of embarrassed about this number. 750 was much higher than we were aiming for (500) and I actually thought we would be around 400 since we spent 250 on a meat package in March that lasted us through April...but somehow we still spent a bunch. We went out to eat way too much (~$200 worth) and spent the other $550 at the grocery store. To be fair though we just went to the store a few days ago and spent $200 of this 750 so maybe that will have a positive impact on May's food bill. Time will tell.

Not much to say about this number. Bought some stuff that we wanted, but nothing really frivolous. Could maybe even put some of this into bills and utilities since $55 was pool supplies. Anyways here's the breakdown on this category:
108 Bike Child Seat
12 child helmet
55 Pool supplies
67 other - pair of shoes, some craft stuff the wife picked up at Michael's

Business Services
This month I started keeping track of what I tip to food service people at the casino, and cocktail waitresses, and the valet instead of tacking it onto my wins/losses. Turned out it was about what I was expecting it to be, but it did make me think twice about ordering a drink sometimes. I even started packing my lunch, and a water jug to avoid ordering food and drink from servers, but a few beers at the end of some nights kept this number inflated, I should be able to get it down in May, and in June I expect the number to be very low since WSOP valet is a waste unless you are running really late (although avoiding the heat for as much time as possible is a nice luxury).

What can I say, had to have a little fun this month. We went to a comedy/magic show on the strip that was $20 for two tickets with a special discount. We had a good/cheap time, but we spent 10 bucks on drinks and another 50 or so on an expensive dinner that we had a discount at when showing the ticket stubs. Buy one get one free at Pampas Churrascaria, a Brazilian Steakhouse in the Miracle Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood.
It was a nice treat, but it also resulted in one of the shopping expenses. Mrs. Wh00sel walked in her heals (like a trooper) from The Flamingo all the way to Planet Hollywood, which resulted in a necessary purchase of some new tennis shoes to walk back to Bellagio where we parked at. Luckily, she needed some anyways, and there happened to be a Journey's just outside of the restaurant.

I also went golfing once; and although I got a free round (thanks DaMurdera), I lost the flip for lunch. I also lost a couple golf prop bets, (got laid a million to one to par out after the 5th hole, I'm terrible though so probably lit a dollar on fire there) and had to get some new balls to go out, so that added up to the rest of the entertainment bill.

Personal Care
Using up our free massages at Massage Envy adds up. The massages are free but you still have to tip. So one more month of paying this bill, then we will have that expense cut out.

All-in-all the month wasn't too awful on the spending front. We did a lot of spending, but we still came in ~12.5% lower in expenses this month compared to last month, and we got (barely) under the 6k mark for the first time in a long time, which I'm pretty stoked about. Hopefully it can stay that way the rest of the year.

I'll have a poker update up in a few days at the most, got a couple interesting hands to talk about, and a couple coolers/bad beats to share too.

Welcome to the jungle

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Scoop: selling action by Daut, May 01

gonna be selling action to a few of the high buyin events.

here are the tourneys I will definitely be selling to, percents im selling, and markups i will be charging:
**SOLD OUT** may 6, event 2: 2100 NL, 1m guarantee, selling 70%, 1.143:1
**SOLD OUT** may 13, event 20: 2100 NL, 750k guarant, selling 70%, 1.125:1
**SOLD OUT** may 13, event 21: 2100 NL, 1m guarantee, selling 70%, 1.143:1
may 20, event 40: 10300 NL,2.5m guarant, selling 80%, 1.0875:1

if scoop isnt going well ill probably sell action to some of the 1ks. if scoop is going well ill probably take a shot in the 5k plo, the 2k 6max events and maybe some of the weekday tourneys. but im going to concentrate on 9max NL events to start out. I will be selling each of these individually.

anyway, gonna be selling for the 2k high event on may 6 here.
1.143:1 which means ill sell 70% for 80%. gonna end up swapping around 5% and have 25% for myself. going to limit my tables to around 6-8 tops once this tourney starts and wont register much after it starts to concentrate more on this tourney.

1% = 24
2% = 48
5% = 120
10% = 240

ship to Daut44 (Canada), wanderlei silva avatar

avatar pictured here:

unfortunately cant accept funds on moneybookers at this point cause of my shitty limits. maybe by the end of scoop those will be raised.

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Day 16 by NeillyJQ, April 30

I cant wait til tomorrow, I get better looking everyday - Dad

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I got skills by NewbSaibot, April 30

Like a pickle got dills. First time ever shooting a gun.

Gotta say, it was not what I expected. The gun has a lot more power than I was prepared for, and the concussive forces were shocking. In fact it was a bit jarring and scary to hold the thing and I never quite got used to it. Just knowing what I had in hand, instant death. The slightest move of my finger and your soul is mine. It doesnt feel right to be honest lol. Man should have to earn this kind of power, it's all so effortless.

Anyway I think I found a gun I'm settled on. It's a Springfield XD subcompact 9mm. Since this gun is for one purpose only, a tool for self-defense and nothing else, it meets all the categories which are important to me. I do not intend to go sports shooting or blowing up watermelons or any of that shit. Just something I can become proficient with and save my life one day.

This gun has a number of features which really speak to a technology oriented person like me. The gun is just so well thought out. It has dual safety's, one built into the trigger itself, and the other into the grip, instead of the traditional hollywood style side safety switch. You never have to actually disengage the safety, it's ready to fire when you hold it, yet it will not fire without you pulling the trigger. The safety is always on, but always off. It's a 9mm which is plenty powerful. It's small and lightweight, yet heavy enough to inspire confidence. You can easily conceal it, and keep it portable wherever you go. It has an underslung rail for adding attachments like lasers and tactical light. It has a very simple breakdown/cleaning procedure. It has a "round chambered" indicator so you never have to worry about if there's a live round in there or not. The firing pin slides downward when the safety is on so that it cant fire if you drop it on the ground, or even throw it. It has a 16 round magazine which is kinda nuts, but I guess you cant complain about having too much ammo. And it's pretty damn accurate for such a small gun.

Going to test shoot a few more before making a decision. Today I fired a glock 9mm but didnt like it at all, despite being halfway decent with it. Sticking to the 9mm class of weapons since they have plenty of stopping power, but arent too unwieldy to shoot.

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My Paypal, your Lock Poker by Carthac, April 30

Looking to take all my money off of Lock poker. There is of course a deposit minimum(complete bullshit), so I need to trade around 50 dollars to withdraw my own money.

Respected members only please. Not going to deal with 2 post mcgee when dealing with paypal. If you need references on my end, let me know. I have a few members that can vouch for me.

12BI under ev on this damn site over 20k hands. Keep trying, but I can't reach the withdrawal minimum. Doomswitch ftl

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FUCK OFF CITY by SoC, April 30

FML fucking united. fufck fuck fuck

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Day 15 by NeillyJQ, April 29

Positive paranormal activity.

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April by gawdawaful, April 29

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Just got stoned out of my mind (felt great tho) by intown, April 29

I was never the pot smoker, and I honestly didn't like smoking weed except when in parties or group of friends I like and trust. Each time I smoked, which was rare, it would always just be getting buzzed or just laugh incessantly and not gain anything but temporary stuff and once it faded I would just forget about it and move on. Yesterday's one though, was a very profound for me tbh.

I just smoked the strongest weed yesterday while in the beach with friends and it was a fucking ordeal just to get
my brain to slow down from processing a clusterfuck of issues I had with myself. It was my first time to smoke weed after being hooked on Joe Rogan's podcast and for the first time I had some info on how to handle being stoned, had so much anxiety (as I always have had each time I smoked pot) that I just ktfo myself while trying to matrix my way into so many stuff that needed to be dealt with. The whole process was alien to me but the after effect was terrific because I was able to bring back most of the "solutions" to my anxiety and guilt. Honestly feels great to have that out when you really wanna zone in on some stuff you want resolved without having all the distractions.

btw, is there some kind of particular weed that does that? all I ever got to smoke were very different from this one yesterday, or did I just trip balls since it was really too strong for me?Or did Rogan just give me really good tools in handling it? I hear there's indica and sativa, the latter is what I am used to from what I hear but what the hell do I know since I really have no clue on the subject.

I'm a regular LPer here(movie guy, sc2 hater, and types too much "lol" in his posts) and i just had a self ban for 1 month since I couldn't delete my blog

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$500 reload bonus? by SoC, April 29

Let's clear it in two days

Realised on Friday night I was 3.3k VPP short of platinum this month! Whoops. Couldn't play tomorrow due to Manchester united vs Manchester City game! So had 2 days to clear 3.3k VPP!

About $200 profit on tables, $160 on reload bonus. ($90 left to clear), $50 stellar bonus. And 8k FPP! Not a bad two days

Played terrible at some stages this weekend, going to spend tuesday-friday going over key hands. Not losing a stack is just as important as winning one, need to realise when I'm beat and find folds that are actually easy folds when concentrating but not when in robot mode!

Wish there was a 32NL though, Nl25 to Nl50 is such a big jump. Don't feel I have the bankroll yet for NL50, think i'd want $1.5k before I take a 2buyin stoploss shot.

Only issue is that horrendous red line! Will try find some spots to analyze that and see what I could of done differently.

Goals for May is 100k hands and try take a shot at Nl50 when good tables are going!

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Longest Session Ever by player999, April 29

18 hours, 918 games, 40bi under EV, 12.6k hands

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Avengers by DustySwedeDude, April 29

Watched it in 3D yesterday. Easy one of the ~5 best movies I've ever seen along with stuff like Pulp Fiction, Dazed and Confused and a few others. Really awesome. Just check out the trailer and then go and see it, in 3D if possible.

Month going slow, about 30bi under ev but getting a semi-decent amount of hands in. Learning a bit too. Going to be a crazy month or two before I'm all moved to the new place.

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