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Mind reset by DustySwedeDude, August 28

Have taken a week or 10 days off poker to get my mind of things, unfortunately other stuff keeps falling to pieces and I'm supremely annoyed and not at all in a good mental state for poker. Haven't been able to sleep until like 6am in the morning for the last 5 or 6 days and various crap goes to shit. Got really annoyed a while ago when I was sure that someone was trying to rip me off, but it turned out that it was just someone I should be able to trust who hadn't told me everything because "it was embarrassing" which fucked up a good 3 days for me. I need a break from crap.

Only good thing the last few days in the gold and silver prices but unfortunately I've run into some negative variance with some mine that crashed down and fucked up some shit for a company I've got a fair bit of shares in so I'm not actually up anything lately, despite timing everything perfectly with my last buy (Sandstorm Gold). Spending a few hours every other night figuring out financial statements and shit so my investing game might actually get better.

Playing primas 500k grtd today (and tomorrow if I happen to stay alive for 4 more hours and day 2) but then I'm going home to my parents for a week or maybe a little more to figure shit out, get some school stuff out of the way and do a lot of long walks, fishing and maybe some other "nature" stuff with my phone off. I'll probably check my e-mail once or twice every day but other then that I aim at being "of the grid" and not worry about anything except getting a bunch of work done for a while and hanging out with the parents.

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Irene is the beginning of the END!!! by Gnarly, August 28

It's been a few years since Katrina, and Ike. I say Ike because that did damage to Houston and Galveston and all that crap. It's fucking hilarious though, that people are "reporting more and more dangerous hurricanes". Katrina happened YEARS ago, not THIS YEAR. How the fuck are these people thinking that a hurricane that went back to cat 1 easily is the end of the world? OH NOES, THERE'S SO MANY STORMS IN THE GULF RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!! EVERYBODY GET THE FUCK OUT WHILE YOU CAN!!!!

How fucked up did the West coast get from Irene? Not that bad at all? Oh, WELL EVERYBODY RUN FOR YOU LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Business Stuff by Jas0n, August 28

I know it's been a while since I've written anything about the start-up of the business I run with edzwoo. To be honest I just didn't really know what to write about. From where I left off last time, a lot has happened but most of it is administrative stuff that probably wouldn't interest you guys very much. So instead I figured I'd talk about the house I just moved into along with what's happened over the last couple of weeks. If you read edzwoo's blog post you'll know a bit of what's going on.

I moved into a house with edzwoo, acckerman and a friend from high school at the beginning of August. It's a four bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2600 square foot house. edzwoo and I rented out the house for the sole purpose of running our eBay business. We figured we would use the entire first floor as storage and hoped that it would be enough space to last us for the year. We were wrong. This is our house two weeks after we moved in.

We purchased somewhere between 10,000lb - 15,000lb of inventory since we moved in and we're bringing in around 2,000lb - 4,000lb worth of inventory each week. We're at the point where we actually have to start storing things in our backyard. It's pretty likely that we'll need a warehouse soon. The only reason we decided to rent out a house instead of a warehouse in the first place is because edzwoo and I are pretty lazy and wouldn't want to drive to a warehouse every morning. We also don't plan on staying in Illinois permanently. If things go as planned, by next August we will be somewhere close by San Fransisco because that's where a lot of the major shipping ports are located. We would be able to directly import products from manufacturers in China and Pakistan instead of having to go through wholesalers in California. Pretty much all legit wholesalers are located in California because of the port locations and the cost of freight transport from California to Illinois accounts for 20% of our total inventory cost. Because of this, it didn't make much sense to us to invest in a warehouse, set up industrial sized shelves, purchase pallet jacks, etc if we're just going to move after a year.

We also recently transferred our proprietorship to a S-Corp which greatly limits our liability if we are ever involved in a lawsuit. Also, edzwoo and I each received 500 shares of stocks which I think is pretty awesome. You gotta feel pretty legit when you can say that you own your own company and it issues stocks, even if the stocks are not public. So the whole process of forming an S-Corp costs less than $300 if you fill out the application yourself. Our lawyer recommended that we just file the documents through his firm so he can take care of all the paperwork and handle the incorporation process. He estimated the bill to be around $1000 which didn't seem bad but he ended up charging us $2500. We got value-towned pretty hard there. Our accountant is also charging us $950 to go through our transactions for the last six months and integrating all of that into Quickbooks.

Well, that's about it. Holidays are coming up which means we're going to get a ridiculous amount of sales. From mid October to mid December last year we had so many sales to process it nearly killed us. I stayed up for three days working on eBay stuff and studying for finals. Hopefully we will be better prepared this year.

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the most evil sounding bw streamer by whamm!, August 28

I swear i haven't heard someone's voice that sounds like this. he's streaming right now, listen to his voice lolol

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Day 2/3 240 Hour Challenge 21k Hand Session by Joeingram1, August 27

Think I might be finished up here of Day 3 of my 240 Hour Challenge for the next month but might play another session. Yesterday sure was interesting. Day 1 I decided to play fewer tables and ship the monies but when I woke up yesterday the idea of doing all that again sounded pretty boring and didn't appeal to me so naturally I loaded up alot of tables at once. First session was a 2 hour one that didn't go well. The 2nd session ended about 14 hours later and I played 21086 hands, graph at the end of blog. I really feel like I needed to play a super long grind session because I was starting to doubt that I had the ability to do something like that still. I did not win any buyins at the table but after the 5x Fpp multiplier for Supernova Elite I ended up almost breakeven for the session and closer to a back to back SNE goal. My sleep schedule is back on a non normal one which is the way I like it, my bedroom doesn't have black out anything though which sucks for sleeping during the day but I am learning to go with it. I haven't actually slept with light coming into my room for the last year and a half in San Diego so its an adjustment.

Goal for rest of the month is to end up around 250k VPP and juice up my online roll a bit before I can get started on the super grind these last 4 months here. Me and Ballcup friends just moved up here and ended up finding a place in the same building as us. Luckily they won't be staying at our place anymore which can only be a good thing for the grind, was pretty distracting. I'm also trying not to meet any women so I can get my head back in the grind mind, we all know how finding a cute girl can throw things off and not always in a good way, I came up to Canada to make a bunch of money and not mess around with random Canooks lol

Did 2 more mini video updates and wish I did something like this when I was getting SNE last year because I can only imagine how beat up I looked and probably worn down/burnt out with my super long hair and facial hair goin on. Day 2 is towards the tail end of my super long session and you can see the energy is gone. After 3 days I am at about 34.5 hours right now so making good pace and hopefully can complete this challenge easily

Some people in the comments last blog asked what my go to PLO book was, the one that has helped me alot and still does help me was fellow LP'er SlowHabits PLO book, would recommend it for sure!

Day 2 Video Blog

Day 3 Video Blog

21k Hand Session Graph

Thanks for reading the blog and appreciate the comments always!

VPP: 225,000
Hours 34.5/240

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In the name of Jesus help me by Target-x17, August 27

Cant find a trade i have an urge to run up a mtt br on stars burrowed 50 from a friend stupid bastards making me send my id again for instadebity gonna take weeks did this in the last few days
1,361 $0.1 $0 35% $133 and got 30k+ sitting in my party account while i play for nickels


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Gayest video ever? by LemOn[5thF], August 26

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Noooo Playersonly halved the amount of money by ManofFire, August 26

I get per month for doing absolutely nothing except playing freerolls and playing on other skins. )=
used to get 250$ a month, now I only get 150...

my life sucks.

btw how does this website keep afloat? I don't see where they are printing all this money they can give out monthly. Are they just planning to reopen in the US and pull an AP/UB when they get shut down?

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Lil workin feels good by NeillyJQ, August 25

well its raining really hard today, so i'm going to stay in and grind a little bit - working for my dad @ his company, doing landscaping and any kinda other work he knows needs done (dig ditches, go downtown to pick up (x)part, that kinda stuff).

2 big shops, huge lawn, grandfathers airport below (original owner) w/ hangers for his planes, tractors n all that fun stuff ;-) learned a lot yesterday, was a fun productive day and i'm gonna work out there friday and all next week as well.

left $40 on hero to grind up part-time while i build up my monies and get ahead again, kinda fell behind the last month and a half, just hardly been making rent with a few extra dollars every month w/out stars.. (paying all bills friday, and moving next week) gotta have all my $ together;

Starting to think I should work during the week 4-5 days and grind 2-3 days a week til I have a very comfortable working BR - We will run NL50-NL200 games at our house, should help me build my roll faster, I Love Home Games! Going to be the first time I've had home games in a couple years on the regular, just found a bar that runs poker 24/7 too 40 minutes away. Getting players there for our game should be good, since ppl commute there from my town to play.

Gonna be hustlin it up for a bit :-)

Once I have 10k or so, then I can either move to Canada and grind stars comfy again or grind all the Hero MTT's daily

I feel like I got a really good perspective on things, working outside all day and being productive, in a stress free job really showed me what i put myself through post 4/15. I'll eventually move up to Canada, and grind MTT's up there after I have 10k or so. I'm not in any hurry, managing my br correctly and grinding it up online and live is the main purpose, for all games that I play in.

Realizing I can make a decent amount in that work force too, gonna go see some stuff thats suitable for my skillsets to see what they pay and find something that pays good.

answers comments from yesterdays blog too if u guys said something


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240 Hours for the next month: Day 1 18BI by Joeingram1, August 25

Since I arrived in Vancouver about 2 weeks ago I've been pretty lazy (30hrs/week) so I decided to post something on my Facebook that if I dont play 240 hours over the next month 8/24-9/22 then I would ship 10 people who commented $150. Everytime I have done something like this in the past it has helped out alot. Since I do not want to ship out $1500 I will probably have to play the hours. If all the days go like today then it will be pretty easy to hit the hours. If i want to try to get SNE again this year I will need to put these hours in anyway.

I played my first session at NL Full Ring playing the 40bb stack. These types of players have been annoying me during my fr sessions lately so I want to play a bit of it myself and see what works/what doesn't work. Plus its pretty easy to grind mindlessly playing 12/11 with a lowish 3bet percent to get in hands/hours. Not really sure how profitable this can be, I think there are a few slight winners that 40bb stack but I'm sure a majority are down at the tables. I even loaded up some 6m Cap tables and played that but wanted to pull out my hair after 30 mins of it so quit a 6m cap game winner. My next few sessions were at NL100 6m where I probably played about 4-10 tables during the session, not going over 10 for more then a few minutes. Not much of a surprise to anyone that this is an easier way to be profitable at the tables while taking a hit in the vpp/fpp department.

I was going to call it a night but decided to play a PLO session after rereading my main go to book for PLO when I feel like I'm playing like an idiot. I'm sure my biggest problem is that I play way to many fucking tables so like my NL sessions I decided to limit it to 8 tables max so I ended up playing 4-8 tables for about an hour and a half. Tried to focus on NOT reraising marginal AAxx hands OOP and in general not get all the money in on the flop in "coin flip" spots. Usually when I play I'm always trying to shovel as much money in as possible with any piece and typically end up getting my money in with 20-30% equity, losing a bunch of those, then wondering why I am under EV. Manages to get it all in 8 times out of 785 hands and was better then 56% on 6 of those hands. Not surprising that I ended up 8.5 buyins playing a little more controlled style.

I'm sure tomorrow I will play like a fucking moron and lose 20BI but today I will go to sleep happy, should be a fun next month. Got in 8.58 hours for Day 1

Biggest pot of the day

Submitted by : Joeingram1

***** Hand History for Game 66513598928 ***** Poker Stars
$100.00 USD PL Omaha - Thursday, August 25, 05:53:42 ET 2011
Table Eva IV Real Money
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 1: Edgy420 $249.30 USD
Seat 2: babbelz $328.80 USD
Seat 3: RockyNorth $215.20 USD
Seat 4: DIANAhasNUTS $248.10 USD
Seat 5: JoeIngram1 $322.10 USD
Seat 6: V0R0 $145.55 USD
JoeIngram1 posts small blind [$0.50 USD].
V0R0 posts big blind [$1.00 USD].
Edgy420 posts ante of [$0.20 USD].
babbelz posts ante of [$0.20 USD].
RockyNorth posts ante of [$0.20 USD].
DIANAhasNUTS posts ante of [$0.20 USD].
JoeIngram1 posts ante of [$0.20 USD].
V0R0 posts ante of [$0.20 USD].

Dealt to JoeIngram1 [Ks8sAsQh ]
Edgy420 folds
babbelz folds
RockyNorth raises [$3.00 USD]
DIANAhasNUTS folds
JoeIngram1 calls [$2.50 USD]
V0R0 folds

Flop (Pot : $7.00)

JoeIngram1 checks
RockyNorth bets [$4.00 USD]
JoeIngram1 raises [$18.00 USD]
RockyNorth calls [$14.00 USD]

Turn (Pot : $43.00)

JoeIngram1 bets [$35.00 USD]
RockyNorth calls [$35.00 USD]

River (Pot : $113.00)

JoeIngram1 bets [$105.00 USD]
RockyNorth raises [$159.00 USD]
JoeIngram1 calls [$54.00 USD]
RockyNorth shows QdAc3c6c
JoeIngram1 shows Ks8sAsQh
JoeIngram1 wins $429.20 USD from main pot

Graph for Day 1

Random Video Update

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GF Prank 2 !!! by tutz_x, August 25

Pretty similar to the first one :D
Promess I will get creative next time!!

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I love timing. by Gnarly, August 25

So I made an accout at howthemarketworks, since it's probably wise to learn how to invest when I'm young, and saw they have competitions. I took one of their requirements for the settings with my first investment scenario thingy, 25000 in play money with a month to invest, making maximum profit. I figured, gold would be a nice investment, let's invest like fifty shares. That was two days ago.

Just yesterday, when the market closed, GLD closed with a -6% change. Already at -1000 in profit thanks to that. Market stability comes running back knocking down material stocks. Hah, love the timing.

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Nick Diaz top 10 reasons why by PuertoRican, August 24

Top 10 Reasons Nick Diaz Winning the UFC Belt is a Good Thing

(Taken from

10) Nick would take the Anderson Silva fight…anytime
9) Nick fights to finish, not win on points
8) Nick Ain’t Scared Homie
7) Nick doesn’t do gymnastics
6) Nick won’t tap to strikes
5) Nick doesn’t fight in bike shorts
4) Nick doesn’t “play the game”
3) Nick will box you up and choke you with a gogo
2) Nick doesn’t speak French
1) And the #1 reason Nick Diaz should be the new UFC Champ….he Ain’t No Bitch!

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martial arts for beginners? by moneypoker, August 24

Hi, so I would like to start training some martial arts but I don't know which one. I know there are some MMA fans out here so maybe you can help me out.
I would like to train something that would make me flexible and show me how to kick and punch, but at the same time I dont want to get my nose or legs broken or something.
I was thinking about kick boxing or muy thai, is it a good choice?
What would you recommend to a beginner?

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TheTerrorist flash from good old prima days by Balzamon, August 23

Being a bit nostalgic today I remembered an old flash-intro made by theterrorist from the prima poker time before FTP/PS took over as the high stakes mecca. The days when poker was still very magical and new (at least for me) and you just couldnt believe the sums the players had on the tables. I bet a lof you already have seen it, remembering all those old screennames makes me smile, for example I_Knockout_U (Patrik Antonius), and bad_ip (Lodden?).

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USA Poker by NeillyJQ, August 23

The state of the games in the states is so bad I can't fathom even playing for 2 minutes.

Cashgame players still get to grind there regular limits online atleast, although full of regs......

Being an MTTer sucks without stars, theres 1-2 guaranteed mtts starting per hour, that are all the usa regs when it gets to 4 tables.

variance is such a bitch without 100 mtt to play a day.......

really miss 180 man sngs, those things help bulk a session up big time

Vancouver is sounding better every minute....

Going to try to work a normal job tomorrow for the first time since 2005? Going to be me. =[

Taking some serious time off to enjoy myself for the first time in 5-6 years...the stress of life and poker post 4/15 has owned me pretty hard.



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me and gf (NAKED!!!!!!) by tutz_x, August 23

first time we do pics together...
as some of you asked for pics, here it is

me and her
+ Show Spoiler +

me alone
+ Show Spoiler +

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IT BEGINS! by edzwoo, August 23

Thanks to Hero Poker CEO David for helping me out with a Western Union deposit. You're the man!

I haven't played online poker in ages, and I've kinda been in the mood to play... I only intend to donk around a bit at micros though.

But hey, maybe I'll start taking it a bit more seriously if I feel like I'm playing well.

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Donkey arrived!! by SpasticInk, August 23 only lasted for about an hour before gf's kid saw it - and he obviously could not resist to take the precious donkey.

Anyway, I've been playing nl25 on PS since last update - and now it's time to take some "shots" at nl50. Took a bit more time than I expected but I played pretty bad from time to time.

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lets hug it out, bitch by eestwood, August 22

sup LP!

running and playing like shit today, so I might as well do some blogging.

been playing poker over two years and still trying to suck less in this game.

started grinding 5max at boss media, than at the beginning of this year switched to FTP, started messing with some 25NL Rush FR and rush trnys cos the games were really juicy.
Than moved to Party at the beginning of july - playing 6max 25NL and some 50NL when I feel good.

will post some graphs later so u'll have idea how much I am crushing. feel free to add me on skype (mp704boy) if you want to talk some pokerz.




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