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Party Rake by Highcard, August 22

So now party poker is changing their Rake to weighted, and increasing rake to Mid-HS. The fuckers are charging up to $5 600nl+

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August=hell? by LemOn[5thF], August 22

[ ] Volume
[ ] Results
[ ] Kept a poker diary, analysed a ton of hands
[ ] Kept a food diary
[ ] Kept schedule
[ ] Had sweat sessions, talked on Skype as much as I wanted
[ ] Progressed a lot with Mathematics of Holdem and Math attacks
[ ] Had a lot of circuit+strenght gym sessions

[x]signed up for Tai-Chi and Yoga Classes and went twice to both
[x]started studying Mathematics of holdem
[x]read Peak Performance Poker from Travis Steffen

This month started pretty well, I had my focus on again after some ghost writing jobs in July took it away. I was in the zone, exercising, eating 5 times per day, studying and I spent some 6 hours on mathematics of Holdem at the start of the month and made a ton of notes. What a baller, right? But then something went terribly wrong...First, I have decided to cash out from Pokerstars and head into rakeback waters of iPoker and to the fishy land of Bodog that 0 good regs play and the games are as good as 'back in the day'.
But sadly, because of a glitch in William Hill cashier all my money, including 100% of my real life money, got blocked for over a week, no matter that I spent over 12 hours on the line with supports of WH and my bank. Let me tell you, being busto is all right, and I am quite used to it. But knowing you have money but can't touch any of it, even to buy yourself food and not have to beg your girlfriend for change, is just another level of stress especially when you know you can lose all of it and more. Never before I could co connect with you guys that have your money stuck on FTP as much as I can now, and if someone unwisely kept most of their wealth on the site probably the best advice I would get is to just write it off as business loss, both in your account and most importantly in your mind, look at what you have now and try to do do the best you can in your situation. If the money does come, you will have a nice surprise and a bonus. As I have realized even when my money was in limbo for just a week, the uncertainty and stressful hope and everyday checking if your money got freed up will only make you worse off emotionally.

Before I got my money back, but also sometime after, the Girah thing happened. I must say I took it way more personally than I should have. First of all the scandal broke off right in the time where 100% of my wealth was blocked because of a poker site. Second, when Girah came forward, I was hooked. It was just a great story of a guy who made it in a very short time span, it gave me hope and belief and really was one of the main motivators for giving poker a full-time shot. I was hooked on his poker static interview, his well, and things he posted on poker strategy, a lot of advice from those interviews is on my wall and still in my head. And it is still good advice I must say, well it better be - it comes from Haseeb who is a great video maker and story teller. When it leaked that he cheated, that he lied about pretty much everything,that his graphs are most likely fabricated and that Girahh account was breaking even at NL1000 for quite a bit of time I felt betrayed. Never before I read more than one page on Two plus two, but this time I couldn't stop. It was a good soap opera on it's own, but even more so when I was so emotionally involved with poker blocking my money and someone I looked up to turning out to be a fraud. I read every single page, every thread, every blog, it was around 500 pages of forum posts and incredibly lengthy Haseeb's bullshitting essays and four hours of audio interviews. Again I think I simply cared too much, or was just entertained too much, there is rationally nothing I could do and engaging only in things you have some sort of control over will just make your life so much more productive.

Once that stormed off, and my money got untied I was still not able to do my job. Instead, I had to put in a ton of work in helping my GF Finish her post graduate dissertation. I felt responsible really as I persuaded her to change her topic some 2 months before submission from something she didn't care nor knew anything about but seemed easy to something she is obsessed about - Thought process, reasoning and how chicks behave when buying luxury handbags. Not exactly my cup of tea, but I just had to help her and after an all nighter of editing it, I am finally done.

So I must say this month was really hell, I hate it when I can't do my job, and poker is just that - my job. The great positive is that I now have regular Tai Chi and Yoga on Saturday and Sunday, and even though I was hyper stressed and worked all night I actually feel pretty good and energized, filled with energy ready to jump into the grind and start learning again. The classes just showed me how great is to have some anchors you have in your schedule, that you do every week at the same time, without having to persuade or push yourself - it's just something you do, like brushing your teeth, or going for a massive shit every morning. I will try to introduce more and more anchors like that. Yoga and Tai-chi, live poker on monday evening, 2-3 hours for Math study on a fixed day and time every week, 'family day' every Thursday with my GF where I can't touch poker and have to get out in the city and do stuff. Also a project I have been working on -The Awesomes poker group, that will be based on fixed schedule of group events like a sweat session, concept discussion or group coaching, each one of them happening week after week, at the same time so that they become an effortless habit.

And finally, in exchange for helping her with her studies so much and supporting her, I have a promise from my girlfriend that she will now 100% support me in my pursuit of poker, at least until the agreed deadline at the end of February at which I will evaluate if I can make it and still want to make it in poker, and prove to myself and her that I can make decent money or if I quit it altogether and jump into a boring corporate career.

And just to add some more optimism...August is far from over. Let's see if I can get most of the boxes ticked by the end of the month

Cliffs: I do Tai-chi with average age of people in the class of 50, and Joga with where I am the only person out of 15 with a crotch cobra

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Textbook Help by El_Tanque, August 22

Any place I could get cheap textbooks? possibly for my iPhone? Or torrent them?

I feel that the industry of textbooks is a monopoly somewhat like oilcompanies. We are forced to buy the product at whatever price they say. Also they change a few paragraphs and force people to buy their newer edition. I paid $275 for my Anatomy book and couldn't resell it because the company came out with a newer edition that semester. The human body didn't evolve within the last year, there is no reason for this. I do not agree with this, and do not want my money going directly to the company. I'd rather it go to another college student selling it or something like that.
I'm NOT paying $260+ for 2 books. That is ludicris.
Looking for "The Art of Editing"


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after 4 weeks by nFo, August 22

Shots at NL10 from a week ago did not go very well, remember aces being cracked at 6 max and me quitting before tilting, and FR I don't recall anything specific. I would then proceed to run bad and tilt all the way down to 40$ before getting back on my feet.

I switched from FR to 6-max because at NL5, I don't know if it's just me, but high action tables would last only about 5 minutes before they turned into a nitfest and it was getting boring.

On a sidenote I was watching the big game season 2 and Phil Laak is freaking amazing, I find it so entertaining to hear him talk. And Elky so good.

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PLO10k by player999, August 21

I'm on my hotel room right now, after after a fun weekend of live poker. Busted the live event I came here to play on day one, and then took some HS PLO shots.

On Friday played some PLO5k (which is like PLO3k is USD) at a pretty soft table and ran well, won my biggest pot then at 12.5k when I 3bet AAT8ds to like 2k (there was a straddle) and then got it in HU on T92r vs AKQQ and held even after he turned a FD, and made a lil over 2bis.

On Saturday there was only PLO10k (~PLO6k USD) and capped-deck PLO20k so I sold 50% and sat at 50/100. The table had some not-so-bad tight players and one really really good 20yo kid, but also a couple marks including this german guy who pot/repot/call shove on a 6way KT3hhh with 9655hhxx. But I ran kinda bad and busted my first stack and was down 18 g's at some point but started isolating the german guy every chance I had and it went great. Won a really nice hand where he pots pf, I flat QQT4 and flop 544, he bets I call, turn Tx and I c/r to 5k and e flats, river 7x and I shove for 8.1k into 13.6k and while he tanks I'm like, "omfg wtf am I doing here, if he calls its a 29.6k pot" and all my poker career was going through my mind all the way back to playing 0.01/0.02 and now I got a fking 10k red chip on my stack. Sadly he folded but donated the rest shorty after and the table broke instantly after he got up (luckily I was already even), the guys didn't even wait till he left LOL.

In hindsight I prob shouldn't play this high a game I'm not very good at and is so so swingy, but people manage to be so much worse than me that I can't help it , and also I should probably stick to midstakes crushing and putting money aside but oh well, I'm too young to be responsible. An interesting and fun experience anyways.

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Lat night movie marathon by LemOn[5thF], August 21

So I am pulling an all nighter to wrap up my gf's dissertation, and will watch a Jurrasic Park marathon in the background to keep sanity

Anybody wants to tune in? Right now it's where the fun part of P1 begins :D

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so I loosened up a bit PF by MadeInPolanD, August 21

for 3 days now i played with higer steal from BTN and SB; 2,5BB raise from BTN, trying to 3bet more from BB or call vs SB and raise good flops vs suitable for this play players, call more 3bets in position as i had before 70-75% fold to 3bet

here are my stats, 4 tables only as i try to think more lol:

changed BTN:

steal overall 35.5% now:

and i will probably start talking loudly to myself :O while in making decision process to make myself pu ppl on ranges t all the time and think consciously about every hand

some hands that were tough for me: ( i made stats visible in hands )

1) + Show Spoiler +

from PTR the guy is:
-18ptbb for 20k
44/31/58 16

but still not sure if i can call this, i mean there are maybe some draws he can play like this ( like JT, QJ, maybe J8; A-hi FDs, but first: im not sure he plays them like this, second: they stll have decent equity, third: so many hands beat me: AJ/KT/KQ/QT/J9/TT/QQ/KK and he surely can play them like this cause there are so many draws and he doesnt want to see turn with his hand that is now strong ) so i shpould prolly fold it and wait for a better spot with this guy

2) + Show Spoiler +

i thought he can maybe call with KX and he will fold turn on the diamond, not sure if i should continue on turn

3) + Show Spoiler +

it's a deep spot vs -7ptbb for 150k hands 3bettor and a reg, he leads weak, then checks so i decide to take a stab, i hope that reg called on flop cause he had either a draw like T9/56 maybe 99-TT and maybe some lower pairs like 66-55, when they both check on turn i assumed i can have a chance to take the pot, i guess reg can still have something and he decided to check - not to scare fish on the king

4) + Show Spoiler +

and here's a hand i dont know what im doing lol i should check turn or if i choose to bet i should fold to a raise lol i was prolly thinking that its so small i can call can maybe he can be bluffing or 'valuebetting' an ace ;o it's like i make a small bet cause i either wont win more on this or he has me and then when proven im beat i talk myself into calling cause it's a small amount, wtf :/

4.2) + Show Spoiler +

here's a rather simple spot, i think turn is a check vs an active player that wont prolly fold KX or AX after calling flop and it's like the worst he can have there

5) + Show Spoiler +

i thought he can have a draw at the time on the river, i have 17 hands on him and know only that he's a fish, so not sure if call is ok, maybe bet flop, tho i preferred to check and get value on turn from weak hands that won't call flop

6) + Show Spoiler +

he has 80% (5) cbet in 3bet pot, tho not sure if i can make a play here profitably

7) + Show Spoiler +

cbet is ok here? i mean there are not many draws there even vs 2 ppl ( one fish )

and couple older hands i looked through:

8) + Show Spoiler +

on turn i raise thinking he has a Q and makes a 'pot control' bet and on river if he checked i wanted to make 2/3 pot bet, this river raise is ok right?

9) + Show Spoiler +

against a 59/32/55 ( 37 hands ) it's an optimal play? i can wait for him to bet 3 streets but if he has like KJ and an ace comes or an 8/9 it will kill my action so it seems better to raise and wait for him to shove

10) + Show Spoiler +

maybe he was crazy, but 2x c/r doesnt scream flush draw :/

11) + Show Spoiler +

its a call right? tho he has very small aggression, he's too tight pf to have K7/K3, tho maybe it's nor totally excludable, some KX with high club? Ac7/Ac3?

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Progressive by Spitfiree, August 21

Just thought i d share those 2

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Hero Poker HEM set up help by hneaz, August 20

Hi, I am having difficulties setting up my HUD on Hero Poker tournament. I see the HUD, but it shows up on the tournament lobby. I went online to setup the HUD but I cant get it to appear on the tables. My cash games tables are fine. It is just weird on the tournament table. Can anyone help me with any tutorials to fix this issue?

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Science/Buffet/Dailyshow by palak, August 19

Prob gonna do like a once a week update w/ random science articles. Right now though it's mainly buffet and the daily show again.

Buffets op-ed in the new york times + Show Spoiler +

Daily show on it+ Show Spoiler +

Colbert on the same thing from a bit ago+ Show Spoiler +

Science stuff

+ Show Spoiler +

+ Show Spoiler +

+ Show Spoiler +

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My 100$ps for paypal by Jelle, August 19

Can any of the regs here do me a favor and accept my 100$ on stars, then send me 100$ on paypal?

would help me out, thx

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CONAN by LikeASet, August 19

As a fan of the Arnold Conan movies, I went to watch the latest remake with high hopes and low expectations, since remakes tend to be bullshit.

This movie has so much testosterone in it I found myself giggling through the super pro male moments. The story was a bit different than the Arnold version but the movie seemed to drag out for too long. The action was good/ok, gory and loud, and there was a lot of titties : ). This movie didn't really suck, but it's definately not worth paying the full movie ticket price or waiting for dvd. I also would not watch this movie with your girlfriend or wife, unless she forced you to watch Twighlight with her or something, in which that case she deserves it.

I'd give this movie a 6/10 or if you prefer the star rating, 3 stars. Keep in mind, I'm probably the least harsh critic of anything.

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I should play more Hold'Em by ToT)MidiaN(, August 19

Bit drunk right now and felt like blogging a bit, anyway, it's been a long time since I last blogged. Last time I posted, I was talking about how I was looking to play tons of PLO, make lots of money and VPPs and aim for SNE, pass my driving test, get a Porsche Cayman S and get sexy this year. Hasn't really worked out that way thus far. In April, I came back to Korea after leaving last September. I had lived in Korea for around about 2 years total time in between Jan 08 and Sept 10, but this time back was a little different. This time I came with Ket and we got a hotel instead of living in my own place. When I lived here, I always lived either near or with my girlfriend at the time, but we broke up in January, so it was a different atmosphere in April. Still, I hung out with her a lot, and truthfully, a large part of the reason I wanted to come back to Korea was to get back with her. In any case, all this time I spent with Ket and the ex resulted in a lot less poker, workout, driving related time, so I had put the back burners on a couple of goals, and completely destroyed any chance of making SNE by that point already. Not that I'm saying I regret it, but in some way it always feels depressing to set goals and fall at the first hurdle, like I wasn't even close to SNE or getting sexy by then.

As for my driving test, well, I failed my first attempt back in March, just before I came to Korea for the first time. However after 4 hours of lessons and a 2nd attempt in May, shortly after I left Korea in late April, I managed to pass. I still don't have a car though, but I am looking at a few cars. BMW 320d, Mazda RX8 R3 and Ford Focus ST-3 are the cars I've mainly been looking at. They're all very different, but I think I'll probably end up going for the boring, economical and comfortable choice in the BMW 320d, but we'll see how the next month goes. Going back home to England Sept 8th (My birthday) so will make the decision then, will see how poker goes, hopefully get some test drives in when I'm back and make the decision from there, maybe I'll even consider some other cars in the £10k-£15k price range if anyone has any other suggestions.

Anyway, I've actually been back here in Korea since late May, I left the day after my 2nd driving test and have been here ever since. For the first month I was mainly alone, stayed with the ex-girlfriend's parents for a few days and then found my own place. Some of her friends from the States stayed at my place, we all went to Thailand together for a few days and then we came back. Mid June, Ket came out again and we've been living together since, we're staying in some 2 room apartment in central(ish) Seoul. I's a fairly nice place, but nothing special. One plus is that it's quite close to my old apartment (7 minutes by taxi) that I lived in here in the past, so I'm familiar with the area and we end up hanging out in a lot of the old spots I used to hang out in. It's quite nostalgic, it reminds me of the good times and makes me feel quite regretful for ever leaving Korea and getting into a situation where I basically had to lose my girlfriend. Still, you do what you want at the time and obviously in the moment I wanted to be alone and play more poker, make lots of money, get SNE and all that worthless shit that actually means diddly squat. Oh well.

The "getting sexy" goal has not gone entirely to plan either. I mean, it could've gone worse I guess. After leaving the States in late Sept 2010 I weighed in at my heaviest ever - about 82kg (I'm like 176~177cm ish), after a month of atrocious eating in the States where I had gained about 7kg in 1 month. When I came back to Korea I was about 76kg and now I'm 74kg after 1 month of gymming with Ket so I guess it's some improvement, but it's pretty tough to get anywhere in Korea. This is largely because all the people I know here go out frequently, and this most often times involves lots of alcohol consumption and lots of greasy, unhealthy foods. Not that I'm saying that this is a bad thing, obviously I enjoy hanging out at good resutaurants and bars with friends having a good 'ol chinwag, but it's not exactly conducive to weight loss. It's ok though, I'm gymming a decent amount at the moment, showing some small progress despite the awful diet, and am confident that when I'm back in my home town I'll focus on this more and make more progress, but I mayaswell have some fun while I'm here afterall and not focus TOO much on the poker and workout grinding.

As for some poker results, this year started fairly well. I was up about $35k in cash games by the end of March and looking towards an easy ride to a $100k+ year on the tables and whatever else in rakeback, but a recent $20k+ downswing in PLO has fucked that idea over. I've ran pretty shit at $2/$4 and $3/$6 PLO overall, but on top of that, I've definitely let it get to me a bit too much aswell and have ended up playing some very poor PLO at times and spewing a lot of money. That's the thing in PLO, the variance is massive, and even if you're a big winner, it's only gonna be so long before you experience a big downswing, and how it effects you is going to make a huge difference to your long term winrate. Unfortunately, this is definitely the worst downswing I've experienced buy-in wise in my 5.5 year career of poker and I've definitely let it get to me too much. God only knows what I'll do if this continues for another 50 buyins, but let's not hope that happens. I think I have a reasonable edge in the $2/$4 PLO games on Stars, almost every table I sit at has 1 player with <3BB/100 winrate, and often times there are 2 players that are that awful, and yet I still can't seem to win. PTR is a little off with my winrate, I think it says I'm down like 8.1k total in $2/$4 PLO at the moment but in actuality it's more like -$5k and I'm almost breakeven in terms of EV, but even still, the games seem so soft that it's hard to take that I'm even "breakeven" in terms of winrate. I'm sure it's just variance though.

Hold'Em wise, things have gone much better. I'm above $1/hand so far in my database, though as a sidenote, this is just my laptop and I'm missing some hands that I lost when my laptop blew up in Korea, thus losing whatever hands I played from late May-late July when it blew up and I don't have the HHs from my desktop. That being said, there's not many Hold'Em hands missing anyway, infact, there's about $2k in profit from Hold'Em games missing, mostly from a 5/10Euro game I played where I won $1.5k in about 30 hands, unfortunately Ladbrokes won't send me the hand histories in a format I can import which upsets me a little cause I'm quite OCD and like to keep track of my actual results and not just stare at some half-true numbers.

Anyway, here's some obligatory screenshots:



I also won a $109 NLHE headsup tournament for about $7.6k and came 7th in a $500~ PLO 6max SCOOP tournament for about $5.6k so I'm prob up like $10k~$11k in tournament winnings on top of this, about $14k-$15k in rakeback/bonuses so far, and probably another $4k-5k in cash game winnings that are either lost hand histories or on my desktop. Probably about a $50k ish year so far all inclusive, which is definitely better than the last 2 years but not really what I had planned at the beginning of the year, still, there's a few months left, I feel like PLO is very beatable and a big upswing is just around the corner and Hold'Em games are still beatable, I'm def gonna get sexier when I get home, I've passed my license and will inevitably get a car when I get home, so things can only get better and I'm gonna close in on the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year.

maybe I'll blog again by years end, I do blog pretty infrequently though!

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ipoker software by julep, August 18

y u so fucking shit. fuck me

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my 400+party for your 400+stars by Target-x17, August 18

Yep looking for a trade ;o help a brother out

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Hero Poker Seating by Sanai, August 18

Feel like there's been a wave of quality, cool blogs and I hate to break the trend, but I'm getting desperate here. Does anyone know how to fix the seating on Hero Poker tables so that your own avatar is always in the same spot? I know this was asked by Night and answered on a different thread, but we both can't seem to find that thread anymore lol.

Help is much much appreciated!

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Poker & Golf w/ Vids by JonnyCosMo, August 18

I like starting out everyone of my recent blog posts with the same line: It's been a while since my last blog post. But this time I can't really attribute that to laziness. Been hard on the live poker grind ever since Black Friday! Games are good! Still trying to figure out ways to play online thou. Most of my online poker grind time at home has been replaced by Starcraft 2 / Heroes of Newerth. Like many other poker players I know, I've also been looking elsewhere for new sources of income. I guess they call it "diversifying your portfolio". Started staking some good friends in some of the live games, which is nice because when I come home from a soft game it still feels like I'm grinding the game. Also, putting a lot of time and effort into a website that will be launching later this year. More on that at a later time

In the meantime, check out how good I'm getting at golf...

Golfing at Night!

Golfing during the Day!

Here is 4th of July from our deck in San Diego:

On a side note, I sold out and signed-up for Twitter so follow me @pokercosmo

EDIT: Fixed Video links and embedded, thx!

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Random bullshit by whamm!, August 17

Joe Rogan teaches GSP some proper kicks

From his latest podcast: Duncan Trusell (one of the better guests I watch out for) -

he's actually live now with another new guest neal brennan

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Back to the drawing table by DustySwedeDude, August 17

Too crybaby. Removed.

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Just played a random mtt and binked :) by Drakk, August 17

While i was watching the very deceiving Dota2 stream I decided to touch my poker account for the first time in a decently long time, single tabling a turbo mtt while watching the stream inbetween 2 server crashes, and binked it no sweat really.

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