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New blog wsop elky fight by RaSZi, July 20 .

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Summertime by craimeariver, July 20

Finished my exams for this semester. Had not enough money for a real vacation and thus too much time on my hands.
Pokerstars Reload Bonus + NL25:

1 Week later:

I swear the huge swing at the beginning is NL25 aswell. The next 28000 hands im a VIP Bonus whore. Now i gonna grind on hoping to hit a milestone hand!

Whos this?

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Random. by BILAT_POWER!!!, July 20

Self employed and very busy my work ranges from being very intense and stressful to being very challenging and rewarding. I usually go through phases of being stressed whereby everything seems to just mound up on my shoulders - i decided upon coming home from work i'd take some hash to 'reset' myself. On my way home i stopped at the store and purchased some natural yogurt, i arrived home and took out my stash, putting some olive oil into a large spoon i dropped a marble sized amount of hash into the oil on the spoon - using a candle i melted it all up and stirred the cooled mixture into the yogurt. I knocked it all back by washing it back with some water and waited for the effects to kick

Where I live there's a wood nearby so i decided to take a trip there and walk around by myself until the effects started to take hold. I brought some headphones with me.. About T+0.40 i started to feel the first effects, feeling very deep and relaxed i danced through the wood until finally finding a nice place to sit down and enjoy nature. Staring at the trees the forrest floor seemed to liquify into what was waves of the ocean. I headed back to my house at T+1.00 and could now feel the effects coming on quite strongly.. I got a huge bag a potatoe chips and headed back ot the forrest and ate them *ALL* at this stage the music in my headphones was beginning to sound incredibly 3d, it was the most amazingly sounding music i have ever put my ears to. Everything seemed to merge into a perfect synergy, i felt completely relaxed and unthreatened by anything or anyone, i felt at one with nature. It was a wonderful feeling.

It began to get dark so i decided to follow an animal trial back to my house as opposed to the normal path. I pranced and jumped through the forrest until reaching my house. I decided to take my laptop and sit on my bed as to avoid any contact with my family members who would not be happy to find out i was spaced to the nines! The effects came on stronger and stronger - i could feel waves from the music i was listening, different music gave off different waves of energy and i could feel it actually effect me in a conscious level.. something i truely believe effects us without us knowing. I think the pot allowed me to really feel what i was feeling at an unconscious level. i switched the music on my headphones to leftfield.. what a fantastic choice of music to listen to whilst stoned! I became extremely high at this point and some intruments in the music began to startle me.. noises coming into the tune i thought were buzzing in my head! this was not an unpleasent feeling but rather wonderful!

I also went through a stage of giggles at approx T+3.00, i spent almost 1 hour laughing solid at the simplist things - it was great. I could not wipe the smile from my face.

I became very sleepy at approx T+5.00 and found i could stay awake whilst on the very verge of falling asleep. When i yawned it could make the yawns last which what seemed to be 5 minutes at a go and each yawn felt absolutely wonderful. I began flipping between what seemed a TV/OBE view of myself. It was like jumping out of my body - a wonderful experience.

I woke the next day feeling completely refreshed and on my way to work was extremely happy to be alive and appreciated things i would not normally notice or care about.

All in all a wonderfully relaxing experience.

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Selling FTP $$ by Bigbobm, July 19

Considering selling up to 10k for cash. It's a US acct.

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new audio setup by the cleaner, July 19

I don't know much about audio, but I was tired of listening to my old altec lansings while grinding. So I started searching for some nice vintage stereo amplifier and speakers. Caught two good deals on some local auction site (similar to ebay).
Here's my new setup which I think sounds fantastic. Will try to learn a little more about the subject regarding speaker placement etc.. suggestions welcome.

this is what I bought

Sansui AU-4900 integrated amplifier mint conditions (circa 1977)
polk audio RT3 bookshelf speakers

crappy pic made with handy sorry

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online poker again by traxamillion, July 19

western uniond 100 on merge. fun playing online again at least. nl4 ????

Uploaded with

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How fucking hard could it be? by Rocketshiptrip, July 19

I should just quit the game, soon busto anyways

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One Wild Ride! by Baal, July 19

I guess ill repost my blog entry from pokerstars in here, i hope you like it.


There won't be poker in this blog post, this will be about my other passion, rally. In particular about the first rally I raced this year, Rally Sierra del Tigre in Guadalajara, México.

This was one of the two gravel rallies of the year, the others are on tarmac. My race car is a Renault Clio RS modified for rally on suspension, engine, roll cage and many other things. It's a very light and fast car, unfortunately it's very frail and it gets easily damaged on rough terrains as gravel which makes it relatively likely to not finish a gravel rally successfully.
Everyone in the ceremonial start one day before

I'll try to briefly explain how a rally works: First the rally is split in various "SS" (Special Stages), the times of the cars are measured from point A to B, and the one who has the least total time in all the SS wins, cars start 2 minutes apart from each other to try to avoid that they catch up to each other. (but it still happens very often). There's also transit stages, which are not timed. For these races, you just have to cross them to get to the next starting point of the SS. Those exist to travel through towns and parts where the race can't be held.

Before the race, the driver and co-driver pass the stages taking notes of the roads. Every corner is written down so the co-driver will dictate those notes to me as I drive and act as my eyes on the rally, this is called 'recce'.

In this rally, Sierra del Tigre, while doing the recce, we realized that the road was in terrible conditions, full of holes, bumps, cattle grids, big rocks and in general a very rough terrain. We knew it was going to be very challenging for the car, and we didn't want to go back home with the car damaged in the trailer, but we had no choice at that point, we had to race!

The next day as we were just starting the first SS, we see a rally car damaged at the side of the road. Just as we are about to pass him, something breaks on the clutch. My co-driver is quite a resourceful mechanic, so he managed to fix it quickly, but we already lost around six minutes. Six minutes is huge and normally, there would be no hopes of catching up. With such a destructive course however, we knew we still had a chance/hope that others would have problems too, so we decided to continue full throttle and have some fun.

The clutch problem continued and every few minutes we had to stop and fix it quickly. As we progressed in the stages of the race, we started to see more and more cars by the side of the road, either crashed or with mechanical problems. At this point, we knew that we might get a decent place in the race despite being so far behind in time.

A little bit ahead, my co-driver made an uncharacteristic mistake and he skipped a note that almost made me crash into some police and their trucks who were blocking a closed road. I was furious and cursed at him a couple of times since he knows he can't make those mistakes since one wrong note and you could fly into a canyon.

After finishing the third of six stages, we went into service (pit stop), and it was there we realized that there were only 3 Clio cars remaining of the 6 or 7 that started the rally. We were only behind the Clio in 2nd place by a few seconds, so we fixed the clutch again properly this time and chose to drive the next 3 stages carefully and get our third place finish. Of course, this is easier said than done.
Arriving at service

We kept going and we saw yet another Clio abandoning the race, which was great news. Now we just had to cross the finish to get second, but lady luck wouldn't let us cruise through that easily. Out of nowhere, our car just wouldn't turn. I thought we had a puncture, my co-driver got out to see what was going on, but everything seemed fine. I kept driving but the problem got worse, the car was barely able to turn. We weren't sure why, but we had no time to find out since there is a rule in rallying that says: if you don't reach the next control in time you are disqualified.

Usually that time is never even considered by us since on normal conditions we arrive several minutes before that time expires. This time however, we were forced to a crawling speed and facing the elimination, time was the only thing that mattered. It was a dangerous ride on a damaged car that wouldn't turn, along with a brutally rough terrain.
Hooooold, one time!

Finally we finished the last Special Stage, and to finished the rally, we just had to go through the last transit on asphalt to cross the finish line. As I said before, this is usually done at regular cruising speed, but we were way behind pace. We had to push it to the limit on the open road, going over 112 MPH on a 2 way road, passing cars with upcoming traffic. I remember hearing my co-driver say: We are about 2 kilometers away, and we have 50 seconds before we are disqualified. I went full throttle and managed to reach the finish line seconds before being disqualified. YES!
Happiness at the finish line

On the finish line, we saw that only 13 of the 34 starting cars managed to finish the rally and we finished in 2nd place. After a few obligatory celebration beers as the night was approaching, one guy says to me, "Hey, have you looked at your car?" So I walked around the car and I saw that the right tire was totally bent. One of two screws that holds the tire in place had broke, which explained why the car didn't turn properly. The tire was "dancing" all over the place and that little screw held like a champion doing the work of two, and it was the only thing keeping our tire from flying away in the asphalt road at 112 MPH... scary. I guess we got a little bit of luck after all the bad luck we had.
Damaged right tire suspension

So now the car went back home to be repaired for the next rally. I hope you enjoyed the read. Here are a couple of videos you might like.

This is the mistake of my co-driver who skipped the pace note, it doesn't look that fast but believe me, in-car cameras totally kill any sense of speed, this was far scarier than it looks.

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Partypoker by zionlll, July 19

Meh, I used to play alot of poker 3-4 year ago, even 8 tabling .

And now i've returned and played on a friends account, won some money and transfered it to partypoker.

ANd omg its unplayable compared to pokerstars .

I just feel frustrated to play , i don't like my hud, wich is same as on ps .

Its just weird, i tried the dark skin but dnno.

My problem is i can't remember what my tables used to look like .

Maybe u guys have experienced this too . i remember i had the same feeling 4 years ago aabout party when i frist deposited.
But i think i somehow made it playable but dnnno how.

Any ideas? thx

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New Blog by F4Zi, July 19

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Google+ sucks by NewbSaibot, July 19

warning: endless rant made unreadable

lol, anyone else having trouble using this shit? I uploaded a shit ton of pictures, but it randomly decides which ones I can and cant delete. Half of them somehow ended up in these albums, others appear to be in albums yet it's not really treating them like albums and thus I cant manage them, even though they show up under the general albums category, certain options are selectively missing from one picture to the next. They all show up with random fuckin sizes like google is trying to be all cute tiling your photos artistically across your screen and shit. I decided to go through and start deleting them one by one since that was the only fucking way to actually make sure some pics were gone, and I got a little google+ popup asking if I wanted to be prompted "are you sure?" every single time or not. So I unchecked the prompt, which has now made it impossible to delete ANY pictures. See without the prompt it just assumes a default NO option is being chosen, rofl. Goddamn this entire platform is such fucking fail. You cant PM anybody, instead you just post messages on your "stream" and have to choose who can see it. Wtfsrsly google? The mobile app is complete trash. It shows thumbnails in my gallery that I dont even have on my phone anymore, and when I click on them to remove it it just throws an error because obviously the file doesnt exist anymore, but I cant get rid of the goddamn thumbnail, so now my google+ mobile gallery is littered with random garbage making it impossible to navigate through.

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Borders goes out of business by PuertoRican, July 18

If you're a book reader, then you've probably heard of Borders book store. It was the second largest book store, and is now going out of business.

Basically, I don't give a shit about Borders, but I made this thread for anyone who lives near a Borders store and wanted to pick up some inexpensive books that will be available through the companies liquidation process. I'm not sure if they have any poker books, but there might be some good stuff to pick up for yourself or upcoming birthdays/holidays as presents, like the Fire and Ice series (Game of Thrones).

"Borders could not overcome competition from larger rival Barnes & Noble (BKS) and (AMZN), which began to dominate book retail when the industry shifted largely online. Borders, which had filed for Chapter 11 in February, also never was able to come up with an electronic reader like Amazon's Kindle and Barnes & Noble's Nook."


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Vic3Roy sighting on stars by gawdawaful, July 18

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Blockbuster vs Netflix? by NewbSaibot, July 18

Any blockbuster video users here? I've been a netflix user for the last 3 years and have been overall satisfied. I have the 1 bluray/streaming plan which I think is fairly priced, although netflix is adding $6 to that plan next month. However I just noticed blockbuster basically offers the same thing, but I can get 2 movies at a time for even cheaper.

Honestly I dont use the netflix streaming that much. I have a bluray player with netflix built in, but netflix's library still blows and the only movies I actually want to see come on disc only. Plus streaming HD doesnt hold a candle to actual bluray, so I could care less about this feature. All I really watch are the disc's.

So does anyone use blockbuster? How is their library? Do they have as many bluray editions of movies as netflix does? Or do you get sent a dvd or something lame because "sorry we're currently out of bluray's for the movie you selected"? How is their stock in general? When Harry Potter comes out and 100 million people rent it, netflix can usually deliver without delay. Can blockbuster say the same? Or do you go on 3 month waiting periods because they only have 1000 copies of said disc?

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Girls are girls by spets1, July 18

yep they are

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Le Update by LemOn[5thF], July 18

Hey what's happening LP!

I just spent a week without playing poker. Why? Well many people said I should get a side income, which I did. It's called ghostwriting, and I won't get into many details - it's basically writing on behalf of somebody else for financial compensation.

The one I did forced me to review probability, which was pretty good for poker. Stuff like

GENERAL RULE: P(E or F) = P(E) + P(F) – P(E and F)
[quote[In a 52 card deck what is the probability of queen or a heart
4/52 (queen)+13/52 (heart) – 1/52 (queen of hearts) = 16/52


E = {at least one head}
Ec = {no heads} = {all tails}
Ec consists of 5 events … tails on the first flip, tails on the second flip, … tails on the fifth flip
These 5 events are independent
P(Ec) = 1/2 • 1/2 • 1/2 • 1/2 • 1/2 = 1/32
Thus P(E) = 1 – 1/32 = 31/32

This project I did was quite stressful as I had to study a lot of it and it involved a ton of excel fiddling and forecasting and analyzing dull company accounts. It just reminded me what I don't want to do in life and why I am playing this game.

LOL Donkaments
The only poker I played in the last week was a couple $8 180 man turbo donkaments (well 3 in the whole week) I played on the side, and what do you know
Submitted by : LemOn[5thF]

PokerStars Game #64564919547: Tournament #414678283, $7.34+$0.66 USD Holdem No Limit - Level XX (3500/7000) - 2011/07/14 16:40:49 ET
Table 414678283 13 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: DoC.LemOn (199552 in chips)
Seat 4: LilBigKahuna (70448 in chips)
DoC.LemOn: posts the ante 700
LilBigKahuna: posts the ante 700
LilBigKahuna: posts small blind 3500
DoC.LemOn: posts big blind 7000

Dealt to DoC.LemOn QdAs
LilBigKahuna: raises 62748 to 69748 and is all-in
DoC.LemOn: calls 62748

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $140,896.00)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $140,896.00)


River (Pot : $140,896.00)


DoC.LemOn: shows QdAs (a pair of Fours)
LilBigKahuna: shows Ad5s (a pair of Fours - lower kicker)
DoC.LemOn collected 140896 from pot
LilBigKahuna finished the tournament in 2nd place and received $264.24.
DoC.LemOn wins the tournament and receives $396.42 - congratulations!

Total pot 140896 | Rake 0
Board  Kh4dJs7d4h
Seat 1: DoC.LemOn (big blind) showed QdAs and won (140896) with a pair of Fours
Seat 4: LilBigKahuna (button) (small blind) showed Ad5s and lost with a pair of Fours

- I boinked the first one for $400, I played a lenghty (for a turbo) HU with some kind of a baller $300k+ SnG earner, what can I say, it feels good man.

Poker progress So far
It's been going great, I purged my database when I graduated, stopped watching high stakes and started learning how to play very tight. My goal is to have quite tight, solid intuitive game (except LP steals) against unknowns, and unleash my inner adjusting monkey only when people stop being unknowns and I have good rational reasons to get out of line through reads like here
or here

For graph happy people - insignificant sample size, it's NL25-50 and some NL10 spewing
+ Show Spoiler +

What I have been aiming for is when my play is intuitive it should always be on the tighter ABC side with lots of rules, and whenever I do something crazy and creative it must come from my rational thought process. I love FPSing and I do think I adjust better than vast majority of regs at my limits (Credit goes to Tom here, we talked just once but I keep reading the notes every pretty much week :O), but when FPS becomes part of your intuition it's the worst thing that can happen.

Going Forward
I am actually rolled to start taking shots at fish at NL100 with my 25BI, but of course NL50 will be my core limit, I got a day off today and will start slow after the break.
I will keep working on my fundamentals and solid intuitive game, I just can't wait until I finally get my intuitive solid game good enough to beat NL100+ and, and once that happens I will know I can start focusing on what I love - creative adjusting poker again.

As Longple Said when he rejected NL50-100 players for his coaching, guys like him add value only when they can make already good players better, and I have super strong motivation to get fundamentally 'good' beat micros and NL100 and get the confidence to start harassing you high stakes guys I love so much again

Peace LP

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Rise from NL2- Even worth it anymore? by Magnum LP, July 18

Hey all, a friend who lurks in LP introduced me. Anyways, we were having a discussion about grinding out a bankroll online from microstakes. I play a fair bit of NL200-NL500 live cash games and do pretty well, know my basic value betting and hand-reading and positional play. Is it worth starting with $50 online grinding NL2 up anymore? I hear the games have gotten significantly harder over the past few years and are getting harder still, so progress up from micros to high stakes are much slower than they used to be. (A skilled player 5 years ago may have made it in 6 months, a similarly skilled player now may take 2 years).

Any comments on that particular idea? I was toying with the notion of depositing online and taking it pretty seriously for a couple months as a hobby. I have a pretty addictive/obsessive nature for games, namely in the past-- starcraft, counterstrike, and most currently league of legends, so I feel like putting time and effort into it, learning the game in more detail isn't something I would tire of easily since there's a very obvious measure of how well you're doing. (Similar to the idea of rankings/stats)

Take care,

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Well, I might be back. by DustySwedeDude, July 17

”I'm putting tinfoil up on the windows
Lying down in the dark to dream
I don't want to see their faces
I don't want to hear them scream”

- Warren Zevon, Splendid Isolation

Yesterday I played some poker. I can't remember how I did, probably up a little bit. I'm up a little bit most days now. A week or two ago I was down most of the time. Around 6 in the morning I couldn't sleep, so I decided to go for a walk. I hadn't slept since I don't know how long but somehow the fresh air made me feel good and the early morning sunshine refreshed me. I started running. I haven't been out running for a year, and it wasn't very far, but it just felt so good. And I figured, maybe I'm back?

Last year I made a shitton of money, but I did not work enough on my game and to be honest I think I just got used to running like good and taking everybody's money in coin flips. I must have gotten senile or something, and I think I just got into bad habits of not thinking. I should have played more and studied the game more and overall done better, but I did not.

“If I could turn back time
If I could find a way
I'd take back those words that have hurt you
And you'd stay
If I could reach the stars
I'd give them all to you
Then you'd love me, love me
Like you used to do
If I could turn back”

- Cher, If I Could Turn Back Time

And did I tell you guys, I was always jealous when I saw how some of you grew up and bought houses, moved in with your girlfriends and got some kids. So I found myself a little girl last winter, whom I got fairly drunk on really nice red wine and when we woke up she still wanted to hang out with me. We're now engaged and just as soon as we're done with school we'll buy a house and live happily ever after.

“And I will always love you
You will always be mine
Forever and always
Till the end of time”

- June Cash Carter, Song to John

Anyway, thought you guys should know. Some of you might've found one with bigger boobs, and some might found someone with less of a temper, but I happen to love my girl and that what matters. Except for possibly the temper I would not have her any other way. White girl with an ass, BOOM!

Also, she's smart as hell so that's good.

Back to poker. I've always been a big supporter or the denial and error strategy proposed by Ricky in Trailer Park boys. Can't do it? Fuck that! Sure I can!

“If I should fall from grace with God
Where no doctor can relieve me
If I'm buried 'neath the sod
But the angels won't receive me

Let me go, boys
Let me go, boys
Let me go down in the mud
Where the rivers all run dry “

- The Pogues – If I should fall from Grace with God.

I don't fucking lose. It's that simple. It's my game. Remember when Avon gets out of jail? He could have taken the easy route and gone with what Stringer did and just laid back and be just fine. But nah, outnumbered, outgunned and out-ganstered (let's face it, Marlo and Omare are two of the coolest characters in any TV-show ever) he still decides to bring the noise. I'm not made for a desk job.

“Every cheap hood strikes a bargain with the
And ends up making payments on a sofa or a girl”

- The Clash, Death or Glory

So? What have I've done except hanging out with this girl for all this time? Well for once I'm almost done with my Law Degree. I'm writing my thesis on how Game Theory was used and could have been used to “solve” the negotiations during the Cuban Missile Crisis. I'm also doing a little bit of work for the Swedish Libertarian Party and I've become increasingly involved in the stock market and this time around I'm actually making a little bit of money. I'm invested heavily in precious metal junior miners and some oil companies.

“I'm gonna take a trip around the world
I'm gonna kiss all the pretty girls
I'll do everything silver and gold
And I got to hurry up before I grow too old“

Joe Strummer, Silver and Gold (Before I Grow to Old)

It's my opinion that the European Union, the Obama administration (which is only slightly worse then most before), Ben Bernanke and the FED and various other central banks is destroying the value of money and assuming that they'll continue to go unchecked for a couple of more years they'll destroy the middle class. If you think that you'll get rich by working hard at your desk I'm afraid that you're to late. That ship has sailed. So I'll try it my way instead. Hard work is all fine and dandy, but it will no longer be enough.

“Sida vid sida, tillsammans hjälps dom åt
staten och kapitalet, dom sitter i samma båt
fast det är inte dom som ror, ror så svetten lackar
och piskan som kittlar, kittlar inte heller
deras feta nackar”

Ebba Grön, Staten och Kapitalet

Well fuck it, we never did set out to be normal. We're geeks and freaks, in some cases a bit sexed up by money and self-esteem but at what other place can you find such a wide range of creativity? A bunch of people have started up businesses, a fair few are millionaires (I plan to join those ranks within a couple of years) and I'm sure most of us will do fine anyway. One or two of us might actually do something really great and make a difference.

“Hero--the voice of reason
Against the howling mob
Hero--the pride of purpose
In the unrewarding job

Hero--not the champion player
Who plays the perfect game
Not the glamor boy
Who loves to sell his name
Everybody's buying
Nobody's hero“

Rush, Nobody's Hero

Anyway. I don't know if I'll make it back to high stakes. I don't know if I'll be a poker player forever. I don't know shit really. Not really sure if I'll post here or not. Not much omaha discussion here anyway. So last parting words for this time:

Check out Huskystarcrafts youtube channal for some new games with Jinro aka LP's own FrozenArbiter. The guy is a serious SC2 beast.

Here's a link to the songs I quoted, they're all pretty good: Dusty's new adventures

Gold is really close to breaking 1600 right now and silver might break 40 fairly soon too. Hopefully this week. That might make me some money.

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just need to post it by longple, July 17

since its a big record for me lol

never ran this hot ever i think

nice turnaround for me, + almost 30k$ today wich is a huge record for me, have been breaking even for 2 months straight now, finnaly putting me in the green for the month after many brutal sessions


take care

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Hello Liquidpoker by kurtisturtle, July 17

My name is kurtisturtle. was kurtistheturtle before 14 character max but no stress

Migrant from TL, owner of bug-eyed fish.

I've played SC a long time, figured better to devote time to money. What I'm going to do is deposit a small amount (maybe more depending) and go all or nothing. I'd like to use this money to find out if poker is for me, if I'm good at it, and if I can handle it.

unrelated but also like to do more math in general. hated it in school but numbers fascinate me

Opening up a pokerstars account. I've lurked through this community a couple times, cracks me up. So if you have any suggestions for how I approach my goals, I'm all ears! look forward to growing with you

short term:
grow my $50 into $200 by end of 2nd week of august

mid-term: figure out how much time im willing to devote, if any

long-term: if still playing;

develop tight (is that right word?) playstyle which will allow me more financial freedom barring if i get caught up in the thrill of first place


what? god damnet. no real money? fuck the us and all this stupid morality. so, first, is there a place or method i can play from the US with real money (like if i used proxy or do they monitor bank accounts?)

second, does this site have a search function/where is it?

I wrote this in poker main but wrong place so I'm transplanting it here

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