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PLO/8 questions HELP by Gsr_01_integ, July 16

Ok so I was at a home game where there was a question on the low hand

Player1 has A,2,3,5,8 as a low hand
Player2 has 2,3,4,5,7 as a low hand

Who wins this pot?
Poll: Who wins
(Vote): Player 1
(Vote): Player 2

now the only thing that differs from a normal PLO/8 hand is that they see the nut low as A,2,3,4,6 (cause they say the A,2,3,4,5 is a straight not low hand) So who wins this and explain...i know we have some great PLO players here so i would like some input


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Anyone have extra Hero $? by Endo, July 16

No poker in the close vicinity of Beijing...and I want to dink around online again

$100, Can send amazonpayments or paypal, first to anyone reputable.

Dying to play right now lol

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Vancouver Poker House? by SemPeR, July 16

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hero pokers money by bigredhoss, July 16


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More brutality by UN4, July 16

More of my dreams being crushed for your enjoyment.

12+h of practice everyday [x]
1h session review after every session [x]
2h book/forums/strategy articles reading [x]
Submitting and discussing hands with sickos [x]

Glimmer of hope [ ]

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Movies(frustrating month, some few ones i saw) by whamm!, July 16

One of the driest months in terms of good movies to watch or download, was very frustrating to dl and see all the shit that's out there. It seems it only takes an HD cam and a couple of delusional idiots to make a movie and upload it to torrents nowadays - but some of those nigerian flicks are pretty lol. No hidden gems for the past month so I was pretty sad. Ironclad is the only one that has my superb approval

Ironclad (Paul Giamatti,some other good actors) Torrent
- story of a bunch of guys who hold fort to prevent the ousted king from retaking his throne after being overthrown by the nobles, king hires some viking or germanic tribe to do this in return he promises them that the Catholic church and the knights tempar leaves their lands alone. Pretty decent for non-theatrical release, think braveheart meets 300.

Harry Potter and the deathly hallows 2 Theaters
- pretty good movie, if you like the book, you'll appreciate how the movie was made inspite of some lazy mistakes in the end. How can you go wrong when two wizard armies and mythical creatures go at it in the end and the two wizard bosses have a final confrontation after almost 10 years of watching this shit. All I can say is that snape is the man. If you're not a huge fan of the book like me, you'll still find this one worth a watch.

Transformers Theaters
- Watch this movie just because you want to say goodbye to the whole series. Im so sick and tired of robots fighting and rightfully so this one sucked ass, still how much you pay for the ticket is worth the effects spent on this turkey. I miss megan fox too

Wrecked(guy from the pianist)
- memento wannabe when a guy wakes up in a wrecked car in the middle of nowhere, has memory loss and tries to retrace his steps to figure shit out, deals with adversity doing it (broken leg plus cougars and shit). Obviously this is worth watching by the acting alone.

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So which one of you was this... by PanoRaMa, July 15

I was using to check visitor analytics between LP and some other sites and it shows a "Top Search Terms" for how people access each site:

fess up.

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analyzing longples coaching by Stroggoz, July 15

Well, i was lucky enough to get two free lessons of longples coaching, and it was a really good experience to see what goes on in the mind of someone who crushes the higher stakes. It was also just a lot of fun talking about poker. He taught me a lot about bet sizing, and how to save a bundle of money. There is one thing he taught me though, that is really high level and it stuck out from everything else. Lets analyze this play that he taught me.

heres public link for easier reading cause i dunno how to get teh cool symbols.

Submitted by : longple

***** Hand History for Game 1580609390 ***** Boss
$5000.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Thursday, July 14, 09:55:48 ET 2011
Table Julia Turbo 6 Real Money
Seat 2 is the button
Seat 2: smekt $16360.63 USD
Seat 4: longple1 $20066.25 USD
longple1 posts big blind [$50.00 USD].
smekt posts small blind [$25.00 USD].

Dealt to longple1 [JsTs ]
smekt raises [$100.00 USD]
longple1 raises [$400.00 USD]
smekt calls [$325.00 USD]

Flop (Pot : $825.00)

longple1 bets [$425.00 USD]
smekt calls [$425.00 USD]

Turn (Pot : $1,675.00)

longple1 bets [$1525.00 USD]
smekt calls [$1525.00 USD]

River (Pot : $4,725.00)

longple1 bets [$1585.00 USD]
smekt raises [$5570.00 USD]
longple1 raises [$16081.25 USD]
smekt folds
longple1 wins $15925.00 USD from main pot
longple1 wins $12096.25 USD

This is just my analysis, so i may be wrong in some parts about the opponents range and stuff.

so here we see longple 3bets JTs deep, flops the nuts and goes for value on flop and turn. All pretty standard stuff.
The really important part of this hand is the river.

When we get to the river, villain can have alot of top pair type hands like T9s. He can also get to the river with a 6 a decent amount with hands like 76s, 66 maybe.

So what happens against a good regular when we make a pretty normal bet size of $4k~ on the river?
Well we can get top pair to fold here quite alot, hands with a 6 will just flat call so we get value from them. I'd imagine most regs would not have two pair or a set here too often, again this is something i'm not too sure on.

so what happens if we bet $1500~ on the river vs a good regular?
well, with their top pair hands they could be calling alot, or they could turning top pair into a bluff here as well, as a good regular would realize that top pair is hardly ever good here vs this bet sizing. But The best thing about this bet sizing, is you are inducing a value raise from a lower straight very often. So even with this small bet on the river, you actually get more value from a straight, than if you would bet a standard size of 4k. So vs a GOOD regular who will value raise lower straights here, this play becomes very good.
There's also the added bonus when we are this deep, that we are going to put them in a very strange spot once we jam over the top here. A spot where even if they are a good reg they can make mistakes here.

betting smaller can get you MORE value from almost their ENTIRE RANGE vs GOOD REGULARS. i like talking in caps when its important.

Anyways, their were a few other interesting hands we went over that i may post in upcoming blogs, and im feeling very comfortable at 1/2 after those coaching lessons. I hope to move up to 2/4 soon and my goal is to get to 3/6 by the end of the end of the year. (started at nl50 in feb)

Im also looking to start coaching nl25-nl100 regs for free once i get a pretty decent winrate at nl400. I'm an impressionable person so yeah, charity inspires charity.

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"The after effects of unprotected sex (pics inc.)" by whamm!, July 15

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New Ferrari by OrganicG, July 14

That's right I've got a new Ferrari sitting in my driveway right now. Be jealous, be real jealous. YEA RIGHT! Once again I've captured your attention using a youtube-esque headline to suck readers in. So now you're stuck reading this boring blog. I'll try to make it as interesting as I can... but I have to warn you guys that it's not "Ferrari" exciting.

Instead this blog is going to be "BMW" exciting. There's a new BMW sitting in my driveway. I picked it up about 2 or 3 months ago, but I haven't got a chance to write a blog about it. It's really not that exciting, your basic entry level BMW. However for me it's a pretty fun car to drive considering my last car was a soccer mom mobile. I went out the other day and took some pictures of it, so it was fresh out of the car wash at the time (hence why there is water all over it). Take a look at some of the pictures:

As you can see from the pictures, it’s nothing fancy at all. Car came with pretty nice stock rims which is a nice plus.

Final picture of the interior coming up:

As you can see the interior is really nothing special. It has a leather interior throughout with a small entertainment console in the middle. There is an iPod console in the flip up box between the two front seats which can be controlled through the entertainment console and the steering wheel. Other cool perks are auto-rain-sensing wipers and auto headlights (you can tell how low tech my last car was based on these comments).

I’m planning on writing an in depth review of the car at some point, but I’ve been relatively lazy as of late.

I’ve also been considering switching from a Blackberry to an iPhone lately. I don’t know whether I should give it a shot or not. Anyone have any feedback to contribute to help me make my decision? This is the phone I currently have (Blackberry 9700):

It’s served me well as of lately but I’m just debating whether an iPhone is more useful to me. I really like the personal hotspot capabilities of the iPhone, but I’m afraid I’ll lose track of my data usage (running an iPad off the wifi hotspot) and get absolutely screwed by my mobile company on data overages.

For those of you guys who haven’t heard the iPhone 5 is supposed to drop in September which is pretty exciting. These are still rumours however, so it’s all educated speculation (backed by reputable sources). The iPhone 4 already seems like such a complete phone, the only improvements I can see being made are improved screen resolution, higher megapixel camera, and faster processor. These all seem relatively unnecessary for the type of usage I would be subjecting the phone to though.

Anyways that’s all I have to write about for now guys! Thanks for reading my blog! I’ll try to make my next post more exciting!

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anyone got a spotify invite for me? by newbie.cjb, July 14

thxxx email is

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Free coaching thingy by longple, July 14

ok, first of all i wanna thank all of you who wrote all these PM's

most of them were really ambitious and long, and i appriciate the time alot of u guys put into this

sorry to the ones who really put the effort into their PM but didnt get a spot.

i picked 2 guys that i see alot of potential in, that i would like to do this with and try to help them climb the stakes to 2/4+

most of you 50nl 100nl guys probably can get alot of better help from hireing a decent smallstakescoach at a good price

as my goal as a coach is gonna be to (hopefully) add something extra to already good players games

Ive PM'd the 2 winners
Im not going to PM every1 else, ive gotten alot of PM's and i really appriciate the time u took for this. <3

gl to all of you in the future

i will present some type of coaching details for private lessons after ive done some more freecoaching and just get more used to talking/coaching poker in english

more info to come later

if u didnt check out the video i made for LP a couple of days ago u can find it in the blogpost previous to this one.

also i wanna thank the LP admins for apperantly deciding to give me a greenstar here on LP, i really appriciate it and i will do my best to live up to it and post interesting/my 2 cent thoughts here on lp

much love <3

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Streaming Street Fighter 4 by exalted, July 14

Finally worked out the quirks of streaming (followed Destiny's guide on Teamliquid) and am currently streaming Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition. Even if you don't play the game, drop by and say hello. I talk while playing as long as there are no spiders present. My main is Ken but I'll play other characters on request

The link:

I'll probably get back into playing Starcraft 2 as soon as I lose the irresistable urge of Street Fighter!

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TV Ad #1 - Conviction by WhoAmI, July 14

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I feel like.. by Night2o1, July 14

(drunken post removed)

(ps. alcohol is gay, it makes u say dumb shit. weed FTW)

btw witcher 2 is pretty good, and fuk i miss my online videogames addiction (I quit online videogames in May and life has been v. good)

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Question for high school students and/or smokers by sodarayg, July 13

Hi whoever reads this,

I'm part of a cancer outreach team at UCSD and we're thinking of expanding our outreach to include lung cancer in addition to our breast cancer outreach. We focus mainly on Asian/Pacific Islanders because of cultural divides they are not as well informed. In the past, we have set up a booth outside of Asian grocery stores and handed out fliers to all of the women coming out.

Our new plan is to make presentations at high schools to hopefully prevent high schoolers from smoking, and also to hand out fliers to Asian men in the hopes of educating them about about lung cancer as well as letting them know there is a free smoking help hot line.

For high school students:
Since everyone on the cancer outreach team has been out of high school for a while, I would appreciate it if any of you who are still in high school to tell me about how high school is right now. What do people like, dislike, do a lot of people smoke, is there a lot of peer pressure, and that kind of stuff.

Also, would having a group of college students come to your classroom to give a powerpoint presentation have any effect? If so, what type of information should we put on the power point slide to make it as effective as possible (e.g. pictures of damaged lungs, death statistics, other alternatives to smoking)?

For smokers:
Do you know smoking is bad for you, if so, why do you keep smoking?
Why did you start?
Would knowing more about smoking and lung disease make you stop?
Would knowing statistics of second hand smoke make you stop smoking around your family?
Would you want your kids to smoke?

I know this is kind of long but I would appreciate it if you took the time to read this and respond. We've saved lives just by advising women to get annual mammograms and we would like it if you guys/girls could help us lower smoking rates.


PS: If any of you are in UCSD, are Asian/Pacific Islander, and are interested in joining please send me a PM and I'll give you more information about the club.

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Respecting my raises by SoC, July 13

So finally moved out of Nl2, I ran bad there. 15 Buyin under EV But was more playing there for practising mass tabling + VPP grinding to get my $50 bonus and to just gather a bit more experience at online compared to live.

Moved upto Nl5 -

Players are a lot more aggro, seeing light 3bet/4bets a lot more, which I expected and have been able to pick apart pretty much.

Only thing that glares out from my stats is again my VPIP/PFR isn't close enough, and I just can't take advantage of smashing the raise button in CO and BTN. Stats are the same for VPIP/PFR as all other positions

Struggling to get the majority of my cbets through, both good and bad cos I'm getting paid a lot more on hands where I flop middle pair and they float me OOP, but a bit annoying missing a flop with AK 20times in a row and losing a lot more cos they don't fold to your Cbet on a Q high board with 33.

Need to widen my 3bet and 4bet range a lot, but I guess at Nl5 it's not stopping me getting paid at all when I get monsters, but again as I move up this will be exploited like crazy unless I fix this.

Anyway fairly satisfied with 18bb/100 over 8k. Feel free to through in any comments over stats or analysis that I've done wrong

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Casinos in NYC? by tutz_x, July 13

Are there any good casinos in New York City?
I'm gonna move to Manhattan in a couple months and I would like to know where are the best places to play up to 1kNL live...

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need Paypal for stars/mb by RyanKrait, July 11

i need to swap like 80$ to pay for the coaching. Can send first to any regulars. LMK please.

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need Paypal for stars/mb by RyanKrait, July 11

i need to swap like 80$ to pay for the coaching. Can send first to any regulars. LMK please.

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