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100 FT for 90 MB by DaEm0niCuS, May 28

Recently moved to Thailand and trying to setup moneybookers/make initial deposit. Is anyone willing to transfer me 90$ on moneybookers for 100 on full tilt? would be greatly appreciated.

Trusted LP members only, or you must transfer first. ( My account is 6 years old and I have done transfers before + this is a small amount of money)

Please PM me if willing, Thank you.

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Just one of those days by gawdawaful, May 27

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the rollercoaster i call poker by deestee, May 27

I started playing poker online in 2009, i was introduced to carbon poker by a coworker and that's where i began the ride. I started with Mtt's and sng's i had no real idea how to approach cash games. I was immediatley hooked on the excitement of the possibility of making the money, the adrenaline that comes with shoving all in. I did well with the sng's and some small cashes, a $20 cash was monumental to me at the time, something to build on. My first big downer came in a MTT i had been playing for hours surviving by marginal luck and patience, i was right outside the money looking at a minimum $150+ cash if i made it. I was down to about 6BB with pocket Aces in late position, had to ship it, got called with 910 off suit. flop comes 8J7 much too my dismay Turn 3 flop A. I busted out 2 positions out of the money. I got really down, i felt like i had been cheated. I searched the internet for odds on that type of hand, questioned the forums, i just couldn't believe it. It was my first feel of a downsing and the variance of the game. I went on a terrible downswing, at the time my cousin had introduced me to pokerstars and fulltilt and 6max cash tables. I jumped right in at .10/25 not really knowing what i was doing and not even close to an adequate roll to play at those stakes. I quickly went broke. I studied the limits the strategies, bankroll management and still the alure of 10/25 25/50 was too much i continually watched my roll dissapear. i hit a few heaters during this time but its a certainty that if you play outside your roll u will bust EVERY time. I met a regular on Pstars and shared my troubles with him. One night he just point blank asked me when i was gonna stop throwing away money. Of course i said now!!! First advice he gave me was to stop playing 5 or 6 different things and different stakes. And he had me give him a history of my career in poker. Since my income dosen't allow for a maximixed roll he encouraged me to save and start a new roll the right way. I started all over, decided ok its MTT SNG or bust!!! no cash, no testing the waters stick to what ur best at. I humbly started playing 1.10 2.20 3.30 turbo and rebuy tournaments with my focus on building my stack as much as possible before the addon period. Playing ABC poker, and in the right spots marginal hands such as open ended draws and suited connecters, AA KK all in make em pay to play. I slowly started getting deeper and deeper until June of last year i cashed for $700 T$ in a 1.10 sattelite on PS. I immediately converted it to cash and cashed it out, i left around $150 or so. I then focused on the knockout sng's on PS i an epic night back in feb, i played in 4 $13.50 buy in knockout sng's busted out and kept playing, got frustrated went to the ring games, lost my ass again, my $275 roll was reduced to about $65.00. I was so ashamed of my reckless play. i stopped for about two hours, had an energy drink and said to myself ok u have $65 left if you lose it all tonight ur done, period, if u wanna keep playing u gotta earn it back. I registered for two $13.50 buy in knockout sng's won both of them ended up back up to $170, registered in a 3.30 rebuy add on MTT with about 6k people, finished 8th, cashed for $475.00, played a 1.10 MTT and a 2.20 MTT ended up the night at $740 cashed out 700 right away. After that night i really took a break, a couple of weeks actually. I realized i was worrying too much about making money and forgetting to have fun and forgetting why i fell in love with the game. I know there are many stories out there like this, and i know a $700 win or roll isin't much when there are thousands won every minute out there. But to me it was a huge accomplishment coming from a guy who used to deposit 10 bucks here and 10 there and watch it dissapear in mere seconds. in the process i rediscovered the fun i was having, the adrenaline fix that i loved so much. Since then i still play in my spare time, sng's freerolls and MTT. the buy ins are small and my amount of stress is minimal, and i still have the simple goal of just making my play profitable. Ive read a few slansky books and watch videos regularly. I thank you guys for reading this and if anyone has any advice good or bad please feel free to comment

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the best wow gold Online Store by beata123, May 27

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the best wow gold Online Store by beata123, May 27

the best wow gold Online Store is such a website who specializes in trading wow gold for years.World of Warcraft gold is the standard form of currency in World of Warcraft. It can be accumulated in-game by dedicated players, or purchased outside the game system fake handbags through merchants. Wow player characters can acquire various items in the game, either by game events or by purchasing wow gold. Player characters can also equip different weapons and armor, either to customize their character or improve abilities such as better attacks or defense skills. We are promoting access to networks, and have a good ranking now. we can provide cheap wow gold to our customers in an instant way soccer jerseys of delivery. you'd better offer your usual online hours at the in game time period, which is very helpful for a quick transaction. Also, a phone number & MSN that can mens swiss watch reach you are necessary, so that we can contact you when the gold is ready. If you want to trade later or next time when you login on the game, for a smooth and convenient delivery. gold GATHERING SKILLS
You do not need to buy a flower girl dresses wow gold farming guide. It doesn't matter if you raise your gathering skills while leveling or as a high level, you will always want to keep these wedding dresses things in mind,Ingredients drop according to zone level. That means, the higher the level of theingredients you need, the higher level the zone gets in which you have to search. Maybe some players of world of warcraft want to know how to make wow gold faster.Find the good zones. you will have to find your very own favorite spots which are not too world of warcraft gold crowded, but there are wow gold already people who found out about the good zones for gathering.

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the best wow gold Online Store by beata123, May 27

the best wow gold Online Store is such a website who specializes in trading wow gold for years.World of Warcraft gold is the standard form of currency in World of Warcraft. It can be accumulated in-game by dedicated players, or purchased outside the game system fake handbags through merchants. Wow player characters can acquire various items in the game, either by game events or by purchasing wow gold. Player characters can also equip different weapons and armor, either to customize their character or improve abilities such as better attacks or defense skills. We are promoting access to networks, and have a good ranking now. we can provide cheap wow gold to our customers in an instant way soccer jerseys of delivery. you'd better offer your usual online hours at the in game time period, which is very helpful for a quick transaction. Also, a phone number & MSN that can mens swiss watch reach you are necessary, so that we can contact you when the gold is ready. If you want to trade later or next time when you login on the game, for a smooth and convenient delivery. gold GATHERING SKILLS
You do not need to buy a flower girl dresses wow gold farming guide. It doesn't matter if you raise your gathering skills while leveling or as a high level, you will always want to keep these wedding dresses things in mind,Ingredients drop according to zone level. That means, the higher the level of theingredients you need, the higher level the zone gets in which you have to search. Maybe some players of world of warcraft want to know how to make wow gold faster.Find the good zones. you will have to find your very own favorite spots which are not too world of warcraft gold crowded, but there are wow gold already people who found out about the good zones for gathering.

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transfer help by locoo, May 27

gimme a hand here, i want moneybookers $ and have on FTP, ill give 1020 on FTP and you give me 1000 on moneybookers.

thank you

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-_-+ by Arirang, May 26

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Forced gaming by Oly, May 26

This article may be of interest to some on this forum...

China used prisoners in lucrative internet gaming work

Also, please see my last blog post if you like lizards and things and are in the UK.

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habitable exoplanet by palak, May 26

French scientists have confirmed with computer models that Gliese 581d, a planet orbiting a red dwarf star about 20 light years from here, has a stable atmosphere, comfortable temperatures, and a surface covered in liquid water. It's the first planet orbiting another star that could definitely support life, and it's basically next door.

While Gliese 581d is too small and far away to observe directly, we can infer some things about it from the gravitational effects that it has on its parent star and fellow planets. We know that Gliese 581d is about twice the size of Earth (and six times the mass), we know that it's rocky (not a gas giant like Jupiter or Saturn). This means that it's large enough and dense enough to be able to hold on to a substantial atmosphere. We can also estimate about how much energy Gliese 581d receives from its red dwarf star, and based on all of this information, French scientists have been able to model a range of potential climates showing that "GJ581d will have a stable atmosphere and surface liquid water for a wide range of plausible cases."

"Will have" is a pretty strong language when you're talking about a planet some 117,569,996 million miles away, but based on the models, it sounds like it's a sure thing. That's not to say it would necessarily be a pleasant place to live, though. Gliese 581d probably depends on a significant greenhouse effect to keep itself warm since it gets relatively little energy from its star. The atmosphere is mostly CO2, and while you'd get clouds and warm rain and oceans and stuff, the surface itself would be "in a perpetual murky red twilight." The planet also may be tidally locked (meaning that one side perpetually faces its sun), and at double Earth's gravity, it's not exactly a vacation spot.

Despite all this, it would be an ideal place to find some extraterrestrial plant life, and where there are plants there might be animals, specifically animals which have adapted to high gravity, low light, low oxygen environment. So think small and low to the ground with big eyes. And of course, there's lots of potential for animal life in warm oceans, too.

While 20 light years is extremely close on the galactic scale, using current technology it would still take us humans about 300,000 years to reach the Gliese system. A better bet, at least for now, might be to just send an interstellar probe, which might be able to reach Gliese 581d in just a century or two.

So I had a typo in another thread and said gliese g was habitable planet, it was gliese d, whoops.

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Coaching by rS.Wisdom[9], May 26

Hey guys,

I've decided to offer myself as a coach to some small - mid stakes players that are looking for some help. I'm primarily looking for NL25 - NL200 students, people who have learned the basics, but are looking to keep moving up and challenge themselves. I've had some people interested already, and will read everybody's request. Send me a PM with some information about yourself, what your goals from getting coaching would be, and why you think you'd be a good choice for me. I've planned on doing individual lessons, but a group option may be possible if there are enough people at the same skill level.

A bit about me: I'm a professional player from Chicago, USA who moved to Europe in January (lucky me, I can still play online). I've been an online player since 2005, and played NL2 cash games until I moved up over time as my bankroll grew. Now I've been playing mostly NL400 - NL600 for the past ~5 years, so I've experienced the game's changes over time. I've also been a student of Jay Rosenkrantz (pr1nnyraid on FTP) until he stopped playing much poker. For some results from my hold em manager, I've included some screenshots. I bought a new computer a couple months ago so I've included the hands I've played here (~150k hands), but I think it's a decent indicator of my recent results.

Pricing may quickly change, but as of now I've set prices that vary based on the limit the student plays to try to make it more affordable to everybody.

NL200: $100/hr, $80/hr if buying 5 or more at once
NL100: $80/hr, $65/hr "
NL25-50: $60/hr, $50/hr "

If I decide I'd like to take you on as a student, I'll give you a free first lesson to get a feel for your thought process about poker, and figure out what would be most optimal to focus on. I'll also be available for you to send hand histories to me outside of lesson times and I'll give you advice at no additional charge.

Post here / PM me any questions, and I'll respond as quickly as I can.

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Passed uni, 2:1+! by LemOn[5thF], May 26

Fuck yeah baby!
This morning they published results, and I fucking did it!
I will most likely have a 2:1 (the 'good' degree that most employers want) with like a 10% chance for a 1st, my average is like 67.7%, 1st is 70%+ and sometimes they award it when you are just under - run good one time?.

The thing I am most proud of is 78% From my dissertation, as I never put so much effort into anything before in academia, and like half of the stuff was things I never studied before, especially the psychology and intuitive and rational thought process. It was also first time I did live experiments where I had to organize everything. Also, I used MS paint for all my diagrams :D
You can read my struggle here:

What can I say, it feels good man, finishing a degree with work experience in a foreign I can recklessly jump into the poker thingy knowing I have this to fall back on and that I am able to see something through to the end

EDIT:I also wrote a lil' update on my planning thing and progress in one of my hands, read below if you missed it:
+ Show Spoiler +

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$162.63 by tutz_x, May 26


Grinding NL5 until I hit $200
8 tables, 7 hours/day... its about 5k hands/day

edit: when I move up to NL10 I will think about installing Holdem Manager...

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And for my annual blog post... by Fraser, May 25

... there will be 0 excitement!

But I am in Atlanta, and wondering where I can get some good authentic Southern food tomorrow night. Anyone from the area?

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Life Update by GoTuNk, May 25

So I decided to take a month break from poker, mainly cause I didn't want to play with mediocre focus.


My Uni finally got a new gym, and been able to pick up my old passion: Power Lifting. I also found out there was finally be a national meeting, to which I'm attending with 1 month preparation to gain some experience so I can hopefully win by the end of the year.

Tbh my bench/squat suck. I had a month to practice so I only focused on deadlift/bench press, but my deadlift was just on a better starting position. On my last week I decided to learn to squat, so i've focusing on proper technique to get as much carryover from deadlift into it.

Realistic Goal (I'm sure I can make it): Deadlift 180kg, Bench press 100kg, Squat 100kg
Dream Goal: Deadlift 190kg, Bench press 105kg, Squat 130kg.

My weight class is 73kg.

In between, I want to hit 400kg this meeting and 500kg by the end of the year.

Here is my schedule for training so far, everything in pounds.


My business been going well; selling seem to be stabilized atm on around 1.2k/month.
We are also planing on organizing our first seminar dictated by 2 RKC's (certified dragon door instructors). It seems we can cover expenses easily and split profit with them on terms yet to negotiate.


I took a month break from poker cause I was getting run over by obligations (business, uni, etc) and I didn't want to grind without complete focus. Will read some theory on monday/tuesday and resume grinding on may, and depending on the following months I'll determine wether to keep playing or cash out my roll for good.

Regards LP

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Golf Clubs for Sale!!! by whaackum, May 25

besides playing poker I am also a golf professional (yes I would beat leatherass =O). I operate a golf shop located in Massachusetts and have extra inventory of 2011 golf clubs. The companies I have in stock are TaylorMade, Cleveland, some Callaway, and a small amount of Titleist. All of the clubs are brand new, never been hit and the most recent models. As far as prices go, I can offer clubs for less than any sporting goods store and any online store. For example a TaylorMade Burner Superfast 2.0 for $220 as opposed to $300. It just depends how much the clubs cost me. This might sound like a scam but hopefully some people on lp can vouch for me and the sincerity of this offer.

If there is any interest at all I'll post pictures and prices of clubs anyone is interested in. Just post here and ask for details, PM me if you want.

thanks & gl

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Royal Frush by Luciferrr, May 25

Had a pretty swingy day yesterday, not that it matters at the stakes I'm playing, but whatever. Also got my first Royal Flush at online real money. Woulda been more satisfying if there was more money or more players involved but I'll take it.

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Pimpest ZvZ ever by DustySwedeDude, May 25

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Pimpest ZvZ ever by DustySwedeDude, May 25

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Not a Troll by tutz_x, May 24

This is the e-mail I just got from the Chief of the Computer Science Departament of the University I used to attend.
He sent this e-mail to every student in the main mailing lists...

The art of trolling is everywhere.

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