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GG 10NL + YTD graph by superfashion, February 26

so i don't know if anyone actually reads my blog since i only play 10NL but in my last post i noted that i had started with $18 on stars and was at $365. after that, i got up to about $450, lost about $75 in a few crazy plo sessions, and started regrinding 10NL. i just got off a sick heater where i basically made 6.5bi+$50 rewards bonus so my roll is up to just under $500. this year's graph minus omaha since i don't have omaha tracker:

so i'm feeling pretty good, and i'm ready to slap 25NL in the face for crushing me last year. GL at the tables LP!

edit: not really YTD graph, i'm an idiot. just january 11-today

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Ridiculous heater by K40Cheddar, February 26

Graph says it all.

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Ridiculous heater by K40Cheddar, February 26

Graph says it all.

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Project Help by Jadyks, February 26

So I know I'm a low postcount lurker here, and I'm pretty awful at poker. But I wanted to share this with you guys, ask for your help, or at the very least your interest!

I'm in a bluegrass folk band in Dallas, TX, and we're starting the recording of our first CD. We need $2500 for studio time, pressing and distribution. So, I've set up a kickstarter account to get the fundraising started. I'm spreading this like wildfire to my family and friends.

If you guys could throw $20 our way, you have no idea how tremendously helpful that would be.

If not, please, check out my band! I hope our music brings you some happiness today, cause we love to play and we love to have people hear it.

Thanks, and please leave feedback about the band and this project, I'd love to hear your opinions.

I'm an idiot and provided no links;

First to the kickstart page;

Second, to our facebook;

Third, to our Youtube channel;


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Time to win by player999, February 25

So I'm down a lil over 100 buy ins this month. Haven't had a losing month since I started, in July 07.

Now I'm not gonna sleep, eat or anything like that. I'm gonna get even before Tuesday or die trying. Wish me luck.

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Macau Mini Update by SemPeR, February 25

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Don't fuck with Anon by palak, February 25


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PRIDE FC by PplusAD, February 25

Just that we never forget how absolutely awesome to the max it was !

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Welp by freezes, February 25

I have decided to finally create a blog here on LP.

This is my current situation as far as poker goes. I feel very confident in my game at the $0.05/0.10 NL fullring tables. However I have yet to be able to do well in $0.10/0.25 NL. I was amazed when looking at the stats before posting. I have played alot less hands than I had thought. Indeed the number of hands that I have played really don't indicate much due to how small the sample size is (by the way this is nowhere near all of my hand history just maybe the last couple months). I really feel like I should start upping the number of hands I play weekly by a large margin. Afterall my current condition is pretty ideal to be able to have free time to pursue this hobby. I currently live at home with my parents after having had recently graduated from college with a Math and Economics degree. Having completed my studies in 3.5 years and graduating cumma sum laude I should be in a good position to get a respectable job. However at the moment I feel like enjoying my life as long as my parents can stomach me. In the future I see myself gainfully employed with poker as a hobby.

At the same time I am very competitive and I want to do as well as possible in poker. I think that the natural variance in poker is incredibly brutal, but at the same time a blessing. Being able to lose despite making the right play adds doubt to ones mind. While this is taxing on the nerves it also will force you to constantly reevaluate your play. It stops you from getting complacent. Every downswing even if variance induced has made me take another look at my game of poker. As such every downswing thus far I believe has improved my play. I wish to keep this perspective up for as long as possible. Because variance can also have negative effects on how people play. I wish to avoid blaming everything on luck. I want to be able to more accurately perceive probability and risk.

rabble rabble rabble *click* post

PS I would like to be able to bounce ideas and hands off people in the future. Anyone interested in talking please drop me a PM.

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Daily Show: Wisconsin by k2o4, February 25

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Run bad at poker, Run good at life by Uptown, February 24

Quick blog.

Poker - lost like 100bi over various limits and various games (PLO400~PLO25, NL50~NL25) over the last 4 months. Roll from $7,000 -> $200 or so. Looks like it's time to throw in the towel. I was never ever a "poker pro" by any means, but going out in this fashion hurts my pride a bit for sure

Life - Moved back to the Silicon Valley and joined a startup. Responsibilities are pretty close to what I was looking for (between Marketing and Engineering), and the CEO has successfully executed 3 previous startups. I like my manager, and this should be a lot of fun~

Life II - I've spent the last few months learning our family's finances and investment philosophies. The bulk of my own assets are of the buy and hold nature, but I've reallocated a small portion of my funds to a discount brokerage in order to be more actively involved in the markets. Whatever happens to this money won't make or break me, but the experience I gain from this endeavor will be super valuable as I advance in age and attain more assets that I could potentially lose had I not had these "micro-mistakes" and learned from them. Already, I've caught myself making rash decisions based on short term market fluctuation, without sticking to what I believed in about the companies I had invested in. I really enjoy reading analyst reports and connecting "business news" into possible investment opportunities (i.e. devalued stock prices, such as HP's CEO scandal, or BP's oil mess), so it's been quite intellectually stimulating.

We'll see what 2011 has in store for me~~

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Running Good in February by julep, February 24

Went to the casino with Babs at the beginning of February to play the 1/2NL game. The goal was to see how long we could stay grinding for. I got too tired though and we left after around 23hrs. I was up a little over 15bi which was pretty lol and Babs was down a buy in or so in what we figured out to be around 700 hands. Im playing 100nl atm and want to start taking shots at 200nl after I've won another 20-30bis. Here is this weeks graph....All smooth sailing NB: Don't have YTD as i recently formatted my PC


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Back up~ Sort of by jiykong, February 24

Decided to take a break from real money, so a edzwoo advised me to use my fpp and play some satelite sngs, then unreg for t$, then convert them via Liquidpoker.

Spent about 2500 FPPs and made 55 T$ so Good day overall.

Going back up to NL5 and then shooting up again.

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Busto by OpWestAcct, February 24

After a 100k hand downswing and not being able to link more than two winning sessions together since Dec 1st I'm done with online. Roll is gone and I'm out. Not a big deal as last year this same exact thing happened to me and I came back in July and ran it back up. However, I don't know if a comeback is in order since I am completely discouraged to ever begin playing online again. FTP has once again left me dumbfounded after a session. The odds of what has happened to me day in and day out over the past 100k hands is too much for me to fathom and I can't subject myself to this nonsense anymore.

Why do I have to live in fucking Texas where casinos are banned. Ugh. I couldn't even survive till my $250 bonus in 1.1k FTP points.

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my 200 ftp your 200 stars by Zep, February 24

I didn't realize what a pain in the ass depositing on stars has become. Anyways, title says it all. My $200 on ftp for your $200 on ps. Will send first. PM me. Thanks!

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NL 10 by sc1pio, February 24

Moved up to NL10, doing pretty well so far:

One thing over this really small sample size I've noticed is that most players pick really bad bluff spots, a couple of lol hands result:

Submitted by : sc1pio

Full Tilt Poker Game #28491428504: Table Fabro (6 max) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:46:48 ET - 2011/02/24
Seat 1: Asjay ($12.07)
Seat 2: Wolfpact ($3.50)
Seat 4: Poolman18 ($14.64)
Seat 5: sc1pio ($10.05)
Seat 6: Mscimitar ($13.51)
sc1pio posts the small blind of $0.05
Mscimitar posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #4

Dealt to sc1pioTsKd
Asjay folds
Wolfpact folds
Poolman18 folds
sc1pio raises to $0.30
Mscimitar calls $0.20

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $0.60)

sc1pio bets $0.40
Mscimitar calls $0.40

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $1.40)

sc1pio bets $0.75
Mscimitar calls $0.75

River (Pot : $2.90)

sc1pio bets $1.25
Mscimitar raises to $4.50
sc1pio calls $3.25

Mscimitar shows2c4c two pair, Kings and Nines
sc1pio showsTsKd a full house, Kings full of Nines
sc1pio wins the pot ($11.11) with a full house, Kings full of Nines

Total pot $11.90 | Rake $0.79
Seat 1: Asjay didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: Wolfpact didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Poolman18 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: sc1pio (small blind) showedTsKd and won ($11.11) with a full house, Kings full of Nines
Seat 6: Mscimitar (big blind) showed2c4c and lost with two pair, Kings and Nines

Is one example and probably the most hilarious. I know I bet too small, but didn't want to commit too much with top pair lame kicker with a board pair.

Hopefully this stroke of rungood continues, so I can continue on my way up!

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Back by Popular Demand by Gadget, February 24

There were a few questions in the comments of my last blog, and since I didn't want people to have to scroll through the blog abyss to find my responses, I decided to address them in this new update.

"grats hows feb gone so far"

Glad you asked. February is going amazing. This is by far the most consistently I've made money in poker ever. It's kind of crazy that I've made 6k after starting the month with a 1k BR. I'm going to continue playing 90 mans, but may switch to an 85% 90 man / 15% mtt mix instead of the 95/5 im playing now. Heres my graph. A 10k month would be insane, I'm going to need another FT to make that happen though.

"nice profit this month, can i ask how you do your 90-man sessions?
how many tables do you play this, and how many sessions you play in 1 day, how many breaks between?
im currently grinding 2.25$ on demand en 3.30 90man turbos
around when did you start grinding 6.50 and 12+1?


I play 18 tables at a time. Usually its between 13 and 16 90 mans with the rest being MTT's. I stack them all in the top left corner of my screen at their default size. I use different backgrounds for MTT's, 90 mans, and Rebuys. I prefer to play a single 6-10 hour session. On weekends when I dont have school I may play 2 seperate 6 hour sessions. I started at 3.30's and didn't mix in $6.50's until I made 1k profit purely from the $3.30's. Then I made another 1k profit purely from $6.50's and felt confident enough to mix in $13's. Since I had a 3k BR boost yesterday I will now be doing something like 4 $26's, 6 $13's, and 4 $6.50's.

Thats pretty much it for now. I got a pet mouse about a week ago and it's awesome. I let it run around my desk when I'm playing sometimes. I would post pictures if I had the capabilities.

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Mastery by Mariuslol, February 24

Just read a really awesome book, thought i'd share some.
Might be a bit awkward to follow the red line, atleast at the start. But I think it gets better as you go along.

(Warning, it's a bit long)

George Leonard's Mastery

+ Show Spoiler +

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1k FTP for 1k Stars; by NeillyJQ, February 24

hey guys, need to move 1k from FTP to Stars;

Anyone that can help, comment or msg me please;

Feb sucked, lets have an epic March LP~


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Tilty Conscience by byrnesam, February 24

Hello all, im not sure how many words i have to write for this to be featured - so here goes. Its been a while since ive done anything creative, and ive had this stuff lying around for ages and finally decided to finish it.



save it to your favourites and subscribe, more great content in the works.

if you didnt know the original, its Guilty Conscience by Eminem and Dr Dre.

heres a copy of the original - id advise you listen to it first before you listen to mine, so you get an idea of what im parodying.

+ Show Spoiler +

I hope you all enjoy it, like all my work, its not supposed to be taken seriously.

Thanks for StealCity for encouraging me to finish my work.

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