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Start over? by edzwoo, February 18

As usual, I'm still mulling around these forums and talking to people on MSN about hands and what not. I'm kind of in the mood to play again, but at the same time I'm not.

In my spare time when I'm not hauling in 985 pounds of airsoft guns (not fun), I've just been browsing the internet for something to keep me entertained. I picked up playing a mod of Diablo 2 with my roommates which was fun a good month or so, but now I'm back to being bored. With LP as my home page and poker people on MSN, it seems like it won't be too long before I get back into it.

About a month ago, I made a blog post asking to buy 100k playchips. The reason is because my friends and I were all bored one weekend, and I brought up the idea that we play heads up on Stars playchips. Stars actually has 1/2 playchip HU, so why not just assign a monetary value and have a little gambling fun against each other? We all only had the default 1k chips, so we were having a bit of trouble setting up multiple tables and being able to reload.

I always wanted to work on my heads up game, but it's almost impossible to get a game running for an extended period of time. One of my buddies named Sam absolutely loved the idea of playing me heads up, so we 4 tabled some 1c/2c HU with no rake (at the end we'd pay each other in cash). I know to some it might seem stupid, but once you start playing you actually take it really seriously. Because there was no pressure to make money and only to make the best moves, I felt I made quick adjustments, picked up reads, and acted upon them much better than I ever have. I also felt like I improved as a poker player at a much faster rate than when I played FR or 6max. Sam is a recreational player, but I quickly realized it doesn't matter who you play against when it comes to learning. I might be able to beat him just by making better folds and bigger value bets, but in order to maximize my EV I still needed to pick apart his game. Most of all, I had a lot of fun

Side note, if any of you low stakes grinders out there are interested in playing me in some 1c/2c HU, let me know. I'm not trying to hustle you guys or anything; I'd imagine I have an edge. But I think it would be a good learning experience for both of us.

Anyway, back when I was playing NL100/NL200, I think I forgot on how to improve as a poker player. I think I got caught up in this trap of trying to outplay regs, doing things like betting smaller to make them call, spending way too much time thinking about hands that occur once every 10k hands and would have no effect on my winrate. Yet you just look at someone like TalentedTom who crushes people, and he's just super blunt and straightforward most of the time. He's obviously smart, but he also seems to approach the game with a really simple mindset. Also, he doesn't bet 2/3rd pot.

I think my mindset about poker has completely changed since I've been thinking about this and played that HU match with Sam.

Meanwhile, when I was playing that Diablo 2 mod, I ran a character up to level 60 with my roommates. When they weren't playing with me, I would run a random new character up to level 20, quit, then do it again. I did it like 5 times because I was actually having quite a lot of fun doing it; I guess it had something to do with the game being really easy in the beginning. Similarly, when I played SC2 I think I had the most fun playing my placement matches.

All that being said, I'm kinda in the mood to play some poker again. Another thing that's pushing me in that direction is LP's own rockman255 coming back into the scene. He's kind of on the same boat and we've been talking a lot about poker.

I think I just want to have some fun and bash fish, because winning itself is just fun. So MAYBE this week I'll take that $25 I have on Absolute and grind some NL2 6max and see how far I can get. Maybe I'll just run that up, but if I'm having fun and feeling good, I'll probably deposit and play some higher limits.

Anyway, just felt like posting something in my blog and write out random thoughts, so sorry if none of this really flows together .

GL at the tables!

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heads up challenge by sportsgenius, February 18

I will be starting with $100 on Pokerstars. I am setting a goal to play 10 hours a day starting with 20 buyins, and make $1,000 within 30 days I will be starting @ 5.25 non-turbos and moving up to the next turbo level whenever I have a minimum of 20 buyins. I will be posting any interesting or questionable hands. Let the games begin.

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Bisping vs. Rivera hype video by PuertoRican, February 18

Both Michael Bisping and Jorge Rivera have been feeling very confident when interviewed about their upcoming fight.

Rivera has taken it a step further and started making YouTube hype videos about Michael Bisping, most of which revolve around his English accent and how you can barely understand him, his inability to knock anyone out and the way he always speaks in third person.

Michael Bisping: 10-3 in UFC - Notable wins over Matt Hamill, Chris Leben, Yoshihiro Akiyama.
Jorge Rivera: 7-5 in UFC - Notable wins over Kendall Grove and Nate Quarry.

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4bet bluffing by tsasaobao, February 17

Why do they NEVER fold? Although I can't complain, I ran good

Submitted by : tsasaobao

Full Tilt Poker Game #28255800082: Table Figtree (6 max) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 13:56:24 ET - 2011/02/16
Seat 1: SaulGaramond ($10.46)
Seat 2: spacemonkey124 ($11.65), is sitting out
Seat 3: MarkyM1 ($10)
Seat 4: HachiRoku4u ($12.57)
Seat 5: m4rrs ($10)
Seat 6: ykz-lao ($13.06)
ykz-lao posts the small blind of $0.05
SaulGaramond posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #5

Dealt to HachiRoku4u3h3c
MarkyM1 folds
HachiRoku4u raises to $0.30
m4rrs raises to $1
ykz-lao has 15 seconds left to act
ykz-lao folds
spacemonkey124 stands up
SaulGaramond has 15 seconds left to act
SaulGaramond has requested TIME
SaulGaramond folds
HachiRoku4u has 15 seconds left to act
DorianGray77 sits down
DorianGray77 adds $10
HachiRoku4u raises to $2.40
m4rrs raises to $10, and is all in
HachiRoku4u calls $7.60
m4rrs showsAsKc
HachiRoku4u shows3h3c

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $20.15)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $20.15)


River (Pot : $20.15)

m4rrs shows a pair of Fives
HachiRoku4u shows two pair, Fives and Threes
HachiRoku4u wins the pot ($18.81) with two pair, Fives and Threes

Total pot $20.15 | Rake $1.34
Seat 1: SaulGaramond (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: spacemonkey124 is sitting out
Seat 3: MarkyM1 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: HachiRoku4u showed3h3c and won ($18.81) with two pair, Fives and Threes
Seat 5: m4rrs (button) showedAsKc and lost with a pair of Fives
Seat 6: ykz-lao (small blind) folded before the Flop

Submitted by : tsasaobao

Full Tilt Poker Game #24566479861: Table Lorinda (6 max) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:53:23 ET - 2010/10/09
Seat 1: Romynsky ($7.89)
Seat 2: HachiRoku4u ($10.71)
Seat 3: michas1989 ($14.43)
Seat 4: jeremie255 ($14.98)
Seat 5: jibanats ($17.22)
Seat 6: 69kk69 ($8.17)
jeremie255 posts the small blind of $0.05
jibanats posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #3

Dealt to HachiRoku4u5s5d
69kk69 folds
Romynsky folds
HachiRoku4u raises to $0.35
michas1989 folds
jeremie255 has 15 seconds left to act
jeremie255 raises to $1.30
jibanats folds
HachiRoku4u has 15 seconds left to act
HachiRoku4u raises to $2.80
jeremie255 has 15 seconds left to act
jeremie255 raises to $14.98, and is all in
HachiRoku4u calls $7.91, and is all in
jeremie255 showsKhAh
HachiRoku4u shows5s5d
Uncalled bet of $4.27 returned to jeremie255

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $21.52)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $21.52)


River (Pot : $21.52)

jeremie255 shows Ace King high
HachiRoku4u shows a pair of Fives
HachiRoku4u wins the pot ($20.09) with a pair of Fives

Total pot $21.52 | Rake $1.43
Seat 1: Romynsky didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: HachiRoku4u showed5s5d and won ($20.09) with a pair of Fives
Seat 3: michas1989 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: jeremie255 (small blind) showedKhAh and lost with Ace King high
Seat 5: jibanats (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: 69kk69 didn't bet (folded)

Submitted by : tsasaobao

Full Tilt Poker Game #28138755980: Table Vega (6 max) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 15:08:42 ET - 2011/02/12
Seat 1: JHStockton ($12.15)
Seat 3: jb12854 ($10.33)
Seat 4: erevan_plaza ($10.60)
Seat 5: HachiRoku4u ($14.20)
Seat 6: DocJosh7777 ($11.44)
DocJosh7777 posts the small blind of $0.05
JHStockton posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #5

Dealt to HachiRoku4uQh8d
jb12854 folds
erevan_plaza folds
HachiRoku4u raises to $0.30
DocJosh7777 calls $0.25
WhereverUGo adds $5
JHStockton raises to $1.20
HachiRoku4u has 15 seconds left to act
HachiRoku4u raises to $2.40
DocJosh7777 folds
JHStockton has 15 seconds left to act
JHStockton raises to $7.20
HachiRoku4u raises to $14.20, and is all in
JHStockton calls $4.95, and is all in
HachiRoku4u showsQh8d
JHStockton showsKcKs
Uncalled bet of $2.05 returned to HachiRoku4u

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $24.60)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $24.60)


River (Pot : $24.60)

HachiRoku4u shows three of a kind, Eights
JHStockton shows two pair, Kings and Eights
HachiRoku4u wins the pot ($22.96) with three of a kind, Eights

Total pot $24.60 | Rake $1.64
Seat 1: JHStockton (big blind) showedKcKs and lost with two pair, Kings and Eights
Seat 3: jb12854 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: erevan_plaza didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: HachiRoku4u (button) showedQh8d and won ($22.96) with three of a kind, Eights
Seat 6: DocJosh7777 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Submitted by : tsasaobao

Full Tilt Poker Game #24565953297: Table Common (6 max) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:31:54 ET - 2010/10/09
Seat 1: airon103 ($3.50)
Seat 2: Domingos1983 ($8.61)
Seat 3: jennifermoore11 ($12.35)
Seat 4: 1Legacy1 ($3.79)
Seat 5: HachiRoku4u ($10)
Seat 6: Littl3Albert ($14.19)
1Legacy1 posts the small blind of $0.05
HachiRoku4u posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #3

Dealt to HachiRoku4u3dAh
airon103 has 15 seconds left to act
airon103 folds
Domingos1983 calls $0.10
jennifermoore11 folds
1Legacy1 folds
HachiRoku4u raises to $0.40
Domingos1983 raises to $1
HachiRoku4u has 15 seconds left to act
HachiRoku4u raises to $4
Domingos1983 raises to $8.61, and is all in
HachiRoku4u calls $4.61
Domingos1983 showsTsTc
HachiRoku4u shows3dAh

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $17.27)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $17.27)


River (Pot : $17.27)

Domingos1983 shows two pair, Tens and Nines
HachiRoku4u shows two pair, Nines and Threes
Domingos1983 wins the pot ($16.12) with two pair, Tens and Nines

Total pot $17.27 | Rake $1.15
Seat 1: airon103 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: Domingos1983 showedTsTc and won ($16.12) with two pair, Tens and Nines
Seat 3: jennifermoore11 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: 1Legacy1 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: HachiRoku4u (big blind) showed3dAh and lost with two pair, Nines and Threes
Seat 6: Littl3Albert is sitting out

Submitted by : tsasaobao

Full Tilt Poker Game #28212172343: Table Preview (6 max) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:44:30 ET - 2011/02/14
Seat 1: prodigal777 ($18.47)
Seat 2: HachiRoku4u ($11.08)
Seat 3: Bartja ($10)
Seat 4: JoHnNyfKnGM ($12.14)
Seat 5: brokenlizard1 ($10)
Seat 6: shamelessdave ($13.44)
HachiRoku4u posts the small blind of $0.05
Bartja posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #1

Dealt to HachiRoku4u9c7h
JoHnNyfKnGM folds
brokenlizard1 folds
shamelessdave folds
prodigal777 folds
HachiRoku4u raises to $0.30
Bartja raises to $1.20
HachiRoku4u raises to $3.20
Bartja raises to $10, and is all in
HachiRoku4u calls $6.80
Bartja showsAsKc
HachiRoku4u shows9c7h

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $20.00)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $20.00)


River (Pot : $20.00)

Bartja shows Ace King high
HachiRoku4u shows Jack Nine high
Bartja wins the pot ($18.67) with Ace King high

Total pot $20 | Rake $1.33
Seat 1: prodigal777 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: HachiRoku4u (small blind) showed9c7h and lost with Jack Nine high
Seat 3: Bartja (big blind) showedAsKc and won ($18.67) with Ace King high
Seat 4: JoHnNyfKnGM didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: brokenlizard1 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: shamelessdave didn't bet (folded)

Submitted by : tsasaobao

Full Tilt Poker Game #28177668721: Table Glory (6 max) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 19:09:43 ET - 2011/02/13
Seat 1: krab1ce ($10)
Seat 2: RunawayDJ ($8.66)
Seat 3: -Diogo-Rego-BR ($18.59)
Seat 4: HachiRoku4u ($12.11)
Seat 5: JSDieu ($10)
Seat 6: vettloffah ($10)
HachiRoku4u posts the small blind of $0.05
JSDieu posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #3

Dealt to HachiRoku4uThTs
vettloffah has 15 seconds left to act
vettloffah folds
krab1ce raises to $0.35
RunawayDJ calls $0.35
-Diogo-Rego-BR folds
HachiRoku4u has 15 seconds left to act
HachiRoku4u raises to $1.60
JSDieu folds
krab1ce folds
krab1ce adds $0.35
RunawayDJ raises to $3.30
HachiRoku4u raises to $12.11, and is all in
RunawayDJ calls $5.36, and is all in
HachiRoku4u showsThTs
RunawayDJ showsTc7s
Uncalled bet of $3.45 returned to HachiRoku4u

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $17.77)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $17.77)


River (Pot : $17.77)

HachiRoku4u shows a pair of Tens
RunawayDJ shows King Queen high
HachiRoku4u wins the pot ($16.59) with a pair of Tens

Total pot $17.77 | Rake $1.18
Seat 1: krab1ce folded before the Flop
Seat 2: RunawayDJ showedTc7s and lost with King Queen high
Seat 3: -Diogo-Rego-BR (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: HachiRoku4u (small blind) showedThTs and won ($16.59) with a pair of Tens
Seat 5: JSDieu (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: vettloffah didn't bet (folded)

Submitted by : tsasaobao

Full Tilt Poker Game #28292682215: Table Papyrus (6 max) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 18:45:03 ET - 2011/02/17
Seat 1: Nizseman ($10)
Seat 2: PokerProTM23 ($10)
Seat 3: CurtVanVort ($10)
Seat 5: HachiRoku4u ($12.04)
Seat 6: what a nit ($6.53), is sitting out
CurtVanVort posts the small blind of $0.05
HachiRoku4u posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #2

Dealt to HachiRoku4uAs6d
Nizseman folds
PokerProTM23 raises to $0.30
CurtVanVort calls $0.25
HachiRoku4u raises to $1.30
PokerProTM23 has 15 seconds left to act
PokerProTM23 has requested TIME
PokerProTM23 raises to $2.80
CurtVanVort folds
CurtVanVort adds $0.30
HachiRoku4u raises to $12.04, and is all in
PokerProTM23 calls $7.20, and is all in
HachiRoku4u showsAs6d
PokerProTM23 showsKcKh
Uncalled bet of $2.04 returned to HachiRoku4u

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $20.30)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $20.30)


River (Pot : $20.30)

HachiRoku4u shows a pair of Aces
PokerProTM23 shows a pair of Kings
HachiRoku4u wins the pot ($19.30) with a pair of Aces

Total pot $20.30 | Rake $1
Seat 1: Nizseman didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: PokerProTM23 (button) showedKcKh and lost with a pair of Kings
Seat 3: CurtVanVort (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: HachiRoku4u (big blind) showedAs6d and won ($19.30) with a pair of Aces
Seat 6: what a nit is sitting out

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Looking for Sponsors by LRM)Game, February 17

So I came here as a suggestion from a respectable Starcraft gamer knowing 2 things. You guys have loose money, and you guys have association with the mecca of Starcraft, I'm not coming here as a troll, just of the owner of a current BroodWar league that I am looking to beef up the prize pool for. Any donation is accepted. Sponsoring this event is ideal for people whom own/run teams and organizations, and [BW lovers in general. You can PM me here, at @ Game, or at @ LRM)Game in order to exchange communications and how to sponsor the AoV ICCup Starleague.

What you get for sponsoring: Credit for sponsorship, eternal love and respect from the BroodWar community, and why it's great for teams/organizations/profiled people is that you get to advertise in the semifinal/final/showmatch streams. Of course details will be discussed upon contact.

Thread of the tournament with details, rules, etc:


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Need Paypal$, offering 20$ to whoever trades me by k4ir0s, February 17

My $680 stars, for your $660 paypal. I'll send first to reputable members

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SICK HEATER by jiykong, February 17

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Selling Live Action - Macau by SemPeR, February 17

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mid february by superfashion, February 17

I didn't do a January blog so I'm just going to throw this in here now since I feel like making a blog. I started off in the middle of the January with $18 in my Stars account, determined to stop playing like an idiot after getting crushed on AP and running like $330 below EV while playing like 90% 10NL and 10% 25NL. I started shortstacking the 2NL games and eventually made my way to 5NL. This is no new thing for me; I've always kind of had spurts where I take poker really seriously, then just start spite calling and generally just playing like a moron and giving all my money away. 12tabling 5NL went pretty quickly, and I threw a handful of 5PLO in there, but I've been playing 10NL recently and have my BR up to $365. I actually impressed myself a lot in terms of volume, as I'm currently at Gold star while playing no higher than 10NL, which is something I barely made while playing 25NL last year. I'm looking to try to make Platinum star and clear the $100 in bonuses I have coming up, and then getting the roll to $500-600 in order to start playing them 25NLs. I'm basically just really happy with how I've been playing, and how I've not had the urge to play super underrolled because that's idiotic and it's the main reason I'm always busto. Reading LP has always been inspiring to me because of people like Fayth, Dusty, Wobbly, etc who do very well in poker and I've always looked up to those guys (among many others). My goal is to get up to 50NL in order to be playing high enough where I can have some extra money in my account where I'll be able to withdraw occasionally when I need some pocket money. Obviously 50NL is not the highest I hope to ever play, but I feel it's the most reasonable goal while I'm still at 10NL.

Anyways, thanks for reading LP, and hopefully you won't see a blog in a few weeks about how I turned into a retard and started spewing after multiplying my initial investment by 20. As always, LeeAnn and I want to wish you all GL at the tables, and thank you for reading!

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need FTP/PS have AP/UB/Cake by Steal City, February 17

plz PM me for contact info if u wish to trade

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transfer needed stars -> ftp by egood, February 17

since no one was really willing to do this before i'll sweeten the deal a little. I'll trade $271 on stars for $250 on ftp. Please pm if interested.

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What to do with an idea - with Poll by whamm!, February 17

heres the situation:

- have a business idea, probably better than the last one i had (didnt make shit since i sold it to a VC before) -> also not the website idea which was lol and out of my area of expertise tbh
- funding is meh (can cover like 40%, and that's like i dont eat till 2012
- unlike before this business idea will require a lot of legwork and talking to people which I like
- obv risk of failure, but Im pretty sure it is at a minimum and +EV
- time is always a factor, but if i rush and expose or do the wrong thing i might fuck this up
- the idea is scalable , meaning if it does extremely well, i can make bank
- I am getting old, cannot take risks like this, since this alienates me even more from poker, which i am doing terribly at the moment tbh, but what can i do right?

so now my question is?
Poll: Funding for Project
(Vote): Family, Relatives (harder and slower)
(Vote): VCs, People I dont know(high variance but faster)
(Vote): Fund it myself(sell shit - risky as fuck) more monies for me

If you have some insight that you think can help me weigh my options that'd be great, I'm a person with an open mind and will absorb and process any inputs, I posted here since LP is full of smart young aggressive people

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swedish sheepol take a looksie! by longple, February 16

any1 gonna play the "nordic masters" event on casino cosmopol in stockholm in march?

think its march 4th, 26 000SEK buy in (~4k$)

think the pricepool usually goes up to 1M sek for first in this tourney

any1 gonna go? think im gonna play it, and alot of CGs around those days as it probably will be pretty active

the only1 i know thats going to swing over to say hi so far from LP is balzamon

would be nice to meet some, iop, dusty etc comes to mind, any1?

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Ftp To Stars Small Amount Transfer by MeaL, February 16

Looking to transfer 192$ to stars high posters or friendly's ( if unknown must send first)

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So I play this game called PLO by Spicy, February 16

Where you can has 10 bi swings in under 500 hands

Key motherfucking hands yo
+ Show Spoiler +

How to win 3BI without showdown
+ Show Spoiler +

Good night everyone

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Shortshtackers suck!! by whaackum, February 15

I created a blog just to share my hatred of shortstackers. bring back the 20-50bb tables and let them battle each other there. They are fucking everywhere now and they should all dieeeeeeeeeee.

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Ship it by player999, February 15

As we consider you a valued player at PokerStars, we have issued
a credit of $339.00 to your account for the tournaments that were
adversely affected.

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mid-February progress by K40Cheddar, February 15

Been doing decently well at NL 25 rush with a little bit of full ring tables mixed in. Everyone is so nit faggot tight I have to resort to getting most of my winnings from blind steals, 3bet steals, and bluffing. I'd honestly like to play tighter, but against these guys I have to play like 23/21 with 7% 3bet to get ANY action. w/e at least I'm up so far even with the NL 50 fiasco incident.


Gl with rest of month all.

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2010 / 2011 by Gawuss, February 15

I was going to write this blog post over a month ago but oh well...I'm a slacker and didn't really feel like it until now.

2010 was not a very good year pokerwise even though I played more hands that in 2009 (214k - soooo many, right ?...NOT) - mostly because of the bet with my cousin to play 125k hands in 3 months. He's got some doubts but I definitely won it. The quality of my play was not at the highest level when I was desperately trying to play for X hours a day just to play as many hands as possible and I was behind the pace in the end of August (the bet was to end on September 30th). I was going mental in September as I had to play almost 60k hands in a month and the most I had played before was I think around 30k. I was running like shit and was forcing myself to play because losing the bet would just suck...I must say that I haven't been more (life and poker) tilted than in the last September.

I ended the year slightly in the green but the final score is still pathetic and I'm not going to make it public heh because I'm just fucking embarassed. Alright let's finish talking about how poker went for me in 2010 and focus on the good stuff.

I closed a great chapter of my life - I graduated from high school and passed my matura exams. I know nothing lasts forever but I still miss those times cause I met really awesome people there and we spent a plenty of great time together. I am going to stay in touch with some of them for as long as possible - hopefully for the rest of my life, but everyone knows that eventually most of us will go on separate paths in life.

In October I moved to Warsaw and started my first year in university. I live here with 2 friends and we're getting along pretty well I think. I pay for everything with my own money, except for uni. My parents insisted to pay for my studies because they feel kinda bad about that my brother, who is 4 years older than me, still gets money from them for pretty much everything he does and they think I should get sth from them too. I'm not complaining that they decided so but I must say it feels nice to be financially independent I would love to be 'food-independent' too but I just can't get myself to cook anything and I'm eating out every day.

Here are a couple of my blog posts with stuff that happened in 2010 for those of you who would like to read sth more:

PCA trip + prom pics
The bet, Hip Hop Kemp and university
Last year as a teenager
Funny stuff

Alright, that's all for 2010 I think. Let's move on to 2011 !

January was pretty cool. I knew that after a pretty long christmas break I'd need to motivate myself once again to play as much as possible and I took part in a challenge one of the members of Polish LP organized and I set myself a goal to play 60 hours of poker. I know it's not that much for most of you but considering the fact that I'm a lazy slob and I love (no, I don't..) wasting time and that I spent 4 days in Vienna with my gf (I went there to play a poker donkament but busted during the first day, TT v QQ) and also had to study for the exams it felt great to be able to pull that off. But unfortunately, since I came back to my hometown for a 2-week-long winter break I haven't play a single hand of poker in February. I wanted to start grinding today but without going into much detail I changed my plans and decided to finally update this blog and clean up my hard drive. I'm still going to aim for that 60 hours of poker in February cause I need to warm myself up for the gap year.

Oh yes, the gap year. I'm taking one year off from school to focus on poker and travel around the world and just to experience something awesome. I and my friends are most likely going to Thailand for at least 3 months in the end of this year to play poker and chill. I'm pumped about all this and am really motivated to achieve as much as I can pokerwise during that 15 months of freedom. I will probably write much more about the plans for the next year some time soon so stay tuned hehe.

In before pics or it didn't happen
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Good luck to everyone,


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24 hour 16 tabling session by Zep, February 15

Woke up sunday at 3 pm recovering from being sick all weekend. I think i picked up a cold/flu from my roommate over the weekend and just rested for a few days. Needless to say I was pretty anxious to get back to the grind. I hate taking more than three days off at a time as i tend to feel rusty when coming back- I don't know if I play any worst or if it's more of a mental block. Anyways i spent most of sunday recovering and was going through LP and reading the blogs and realizing what a shit hole of a site this has become. I mean there are some really good reads and entertaining topics of discussion throughout the site but my god there are more morons on this site than ever before. Don't get me wrong, I've said my share of idiotic, hypocritical, and moronic statements, but when 80% of repeating blog posters say, "Today i played 4k hands of rush poker, the most I've ever played in my entire life, and i lost 8 buy ins, what does it mean?!" or "Update: I played 75 sngs this week and made $500!" what can you really say to people? I guess I'm just a little bit envious, because sometimes I wish I was as delusional as these idiots so I could feel all warm and fuzzy about doing jack shit. But I digress. My point is 80% of blogs updating about poker on LP are borderline retarded. This got me thinking, what is update worthy? what is something worth doing in poker that you can publicly point and say I did this, this is me. So this line of thinking lead me to thinking, well I've never put in a 24 hour session. So I did it. I ended up staying up from 3 pm sunday til 2 am Tuesday (35 hours) and 16 tabled 90 man's continuously from midnight to midnight on monday. I ran like shit for the most part. I was fairly upset with the results near the end as I found myself soaking in my own sorrows bitching about every cooler and bad beat. But getting rested up and reflecting on it now, I am proud of not only accomplishing this session, but proud of the results as well. You can't be too upset at making money. Here is the graph:

328 SNG's
23877 Hands
18.4% ROI
$4.14 AVG Buy in
$282 TOTAL profit

And here's EM at the grammy's. I don't know if he was actually singing live or if it was pre recorded but he killed it as usual. Dre made a live appearance for the first time in a decade as well. pretty sick. skip forward to the 2:55 minute mark to listen to "call me a doctor" an "unreleased" duet with Dr Dre.

And these are lyrics from big weenie by Slim Shady. I was going to end this blog with a <3 or an "i love you" to show you all how much i care about you, but then I realized I wasn't a short stacking attention whore who needs my e-dick sucked in order to boost my ego. So how about a nice warm cup of fuck you instead? sounds good. Fuck You.

"You're just jealous of me
Cuz you, you just can't do what i do
So instead of just admitting it
You walk around and say
All kinds of really mean things
About me cuz you're a meanie, you're a meanie"

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